I kidnapped the timeline

Chapter 495 Elf Species-Devil’s Deal (8200 words)

The sun is like fire.

Under the high temperature of summer, many green plants along the way have turned yellow, and the sound of cicadas is endless.

Looking up at the bright sun, Feng Qi roughly estimated the direction.

After leaving Star City, he kept heading west. Even if he encountered powerful tribes on the way, he was currently at the junction of the central and western regions of the human world.

They came here from sunset to dusk and walked all night, but they still didn't encounter any human forces.

This made Feng Qi feel a little strange.

To compare with the situation in the eastern region, areas close to densely populated fields should have frontline supply areas.

If there is no frontline battlefield, the expansion of the field is inevitable.

But along the way, he didn't see any human buildings, which meant that the front line was completely unattended.

In this regard, he could only guess that he was still some distance away from the front line and had not yet reached the real core area of ​​the front line. Now he was just walking in the buffer zone closest to the field.

At noon, Feng Qi rested for half an hour and continued his journey with his team.

The further west he went, the greener the vegetation along the way.

The time comes at night.

The sun disappeared into the sky, and night enveloped the earth.

The moon is extremely bright at night.

When Feng Qi stepped onto a hillside covered with green grass, the cool night wind blew on his face and lifted his long black hair. Looking down at the plain below the hillside, he saw a human city covered in green plants.

The city is slightly rundown and has become completely integrated with all kinds of strange green plants.

These green plants grow on the surface of the building, and their spreading branches stretch into the sky, emitting crystal green light spots in the night, embellishing the city into a sea of ​​stars.

The scene was beautiful, but Feng Qi's expression became solemn.

These green plants are obviously not native plants in the human world, but a kind of realm spiritual plant.

The fact that green plants in the field can survive in the human world proves that these green plants have the characteristics of transcendent creatures in the field and can be integrated with the rules of the human world.

From this perspective alone, the situation of mankind is not optimistic.

There are many special plants that feed on flesh and blood among the green plants in the field. He clearly remembers that one day in the future dream line, Star City 1500 years later was also covered by all kinds of bloodthirsty green plants.

Therefore, this city is most likely already occupied by domain green plants.

The situation of mankind is not optimistic

Without hesitation, he immediately jumped down the hillside and walked towards the city covered by green plants on the plain.

When Xiaoyou and others saw this, they immediately followed Feng Qi's footsteps.

Feng Qi didn't know the origin or history of the city at the end of his sight.

There are no records related to this city in history books.

As he gradually approached the city covered with green plants, Feng Qi's mood gradually became heavy due to the things he discovered along the way.

There were all kinds of bright green plants growing along the way. In addition, he also saw a lot of dead human remains blending in with the green plants. Almost all their bodies were swallowed up, and only the old faces were still imprinted on the surface of the green plants. .

These special existences where humans and green plants blend together have formed a forest.

This scene is extremely scary at night.

But for Feng Qi, he had seen strong winds and waves before, and a scene of this magnitude could not even stir up the slightest disturbance in his heart.

Thinking that the humans in this city had been swallowed up by the green plants in the realm, the anger in his heart was rising.

Finally, he arrived at the east gate entrance of the city.

The dilapidated city walls were covered with purple moss, and the ground going in was covered with purple flowers, like a carpet of flowers.

Stepping into the city on purple flowers, Feng Qi was surprised by the sight in front of him.

The city was not as dilapidated as he imagined. There were no ruins everywhere, and there were no scattered gravels on the streets. The roads were very clean.

Looking around, the green plants wrapped around the nearby buildings swayed their branches as if they were breathing.

The crystal powder floating in the air is visible to the naked eye.

Taking a deep breath, the crystal green color entered the body along the nostrils.

It's like taking a sip of an icy cold drink, and a ray of coolness travels through the body and then dissipates.

After testing, he found that the crystal green powder floating in the air was not toxic, but was beneficial to flesh and blood. It was like aura particles visible to the naked eye and could dissolve in flesh and blood.

Continuing to walk inside, he once again saw many humans blending in with the greenery in the field along the way.

They are like vegetative people in the true sense. Many of them seem to have been swallowed up by green plants recently. The smaller half of the body is still human, and the body has not decayed, but the expression is dull and the body is stiff. Most of the body has been covered by field plants. Devoured quickly.

Through the things along the way, Feng Qi had hopes that there would still be humans in this city, but the situation of humans here was obviously not optimistic.

The deeper you go into the city, the scenes where humans and green plants blend together can be seen everywhere.

He even saw a whole wall of human remains that blended in with the green plants hanging densely on the wall of a tall building.

Their expressions were generally dull, as if they had lost consciousness.

Among some of the humans, he sensed that there were still life fluctuations in their bodies, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't wake them up.

During this period, a strange thing happened that made Feng Qi very puzzled.

When Xiaoyou flies to a distance of ten meters, those strange and seemingly docile plants will suddenly become violent and attack Xiaoyou.

But as long as Xiaoyou is by his side, these strange plants will converge again and fall into a dormant state.

The situation of Po Jia and others is also similar.

Cross a bridge covered with green plants.

When Feng Qi came to the central area in the north of the city, there were many tall buildings, but it was also the area with the most lush green plants.

At the end of the line of sight, a towering tree is as tall as the sky, hundreds of meters high. Its spread branches and leaves form an umbrella shape, covering the lower part.

The branches and leaves of the big trees swayed in the wind, scattering countless crystal green colors.

After a brief gaze, Feng Qi felt the rich vitality in the tree and decided to cut it down.

But just as he was about to do this and approached the big tree, he suddenly felt a weak life wave coming from the front left.

With doubts, he immediately turned around and walked to the left.

Walking around the moss-covered buildings, he saw a scrawny old man standing against the wall on the edge of the street. Green hairs grew on the surface of his body, and he looked very strange.

The old man also noticed Feng Qi at this time.

He stiffly turned his head to look at Feng Qi, his eyes full of doubts.


The old man asked proactively in a hoarse voice.

"I'm a human, from the Eastern District. What's going on with you now?"

As he spoke, Feng Qi took a step forward, black energy appeared in the palm of his hand, trying to help the old man wash away the green on his body.

"Don't move. The power of the elf has long been integrated with me and cannot be removed."

After discovering the purpose of sealing chess, the old man decisively stopped it.


The old man did not continue the topic. A glimmer of light appeared in his cloudy eyes, and then he asked in a hoarse voice:

"Are you...are you really a human from the Eastern District? Hasn't it fallen? I heard that the Eastern District has long become a hopeless place covered by a domain field."

"It has not fallen. I am an expeditionary soldier in the Eastern District. I want to find and establish contact with the humans here."

When the old man heard this, he seemed to want to smile, but his stiff face showed a twisted expression:

"Okay... okay, our human fire is not extinct yet."

"Old man, where is this?"

Facing Feng Qi's inquiry, the old man took a few breaths, and then spoke with difficulty:

"This is the most remote city to the south of the Central District, and it is also the frontline area to the south of the Central District."

"Frontline area? Why didn't I see a single frontline soldier along the way?"

The old man's answer made Feng Qi incomprehensible. As the most important defensive barrier, the front line must be heavily guarded.

For example, in the Eastern District where the five major cities are located, every frontline is well-equipped, and the best soldiers will be stationed on the frontline.

But along the way, he didn't see a single warrior, only endless green plants in the field.

The old man seemed to notice his doubts and replied with a twisted expression:

"I am a frontline soldier, and the humans you see blending in with the green plants along the way...are also frontline soldiers."

"Did it happen that there was a disaster here recently and it was swallowed up by domain plants?"

"No, they are still alive and still working hard to protect the front line."


"I don't know what kind of path you in the Eastern Region have taken, but this is the growth path chosen by us humans in the Central Region..."

Listening to the old man's story, Feng Qi gradually came to understand the situation here.

According to the old man's story.

In the early days of the disaster, the Central District, like the Eastern District where he was born, also ushered in the stage of intensive arrival of domain fields.

The situation in the Central District is more difficult than in the Eastern District.

Domain fields are expanding from all directions, and a large number of domain fields are coming from within.

During that period, the population of the central region plummeted by more than 90%, and it was in dire straits.

If the growth of the five major cities in the Eastern Region is accompanied by the gradual improvement of the cultivation system, human combat power has begun to significantly increase, and some fields can be dispersed to expand human territory.

But the central region has never even had the opportunity for research and development.

At that time, the central region was in chaos. Humanity did not have a stable city at all. There were battlefields everywhere, and death could come at any time.

During the turbulent years, human beings migrated collectively, trying to find areas outside that were not shrouded in domain fields.

But no matter what I tried, I failed.

Those who leave never return.

The only remaining human beings have built a brand new small city in the open space of divided domains. They are struggling to survive, and civilization is about to collapse.

The situation described by the old man is similar to the speculation once given by scholars from the Eastern District.

The terrain environment of the central region will put the central region into a desperate situation of being surrounded, and the challenges it faces are several levels stronger than those of the eastern region.

Feng Qi continued to listen to the old man's story.

After the old man finished talking about the desperate situation of mankind in the central region in the early days of the disaster, he began to talk about the turning point in the fate of mankind in the central region.

The turning point came from the "elf" the old man called.

This is a magical field plant with parasitic ability. The field field they brought with them when they descended was swallowed up in the racial war with other descendants in the central region.

Fortunately, these plants called elves can adapt to human rules, but like the humans in the central area, they have become wandering forces.

The encounter between the elves and the remaining human forces in the central region was like a coincidence of fate.

After the Elf King talked with the leaders of humans at the time, the Elf King gave humans a promise. They were willing to advance and retreat with humans, but they needed to allow their people to be parasitic on humans.

The good thing is that humanity also gains strength from its people.

This was an irresistible condition for the humble and struggling human beings in desperate circumstances at that time.

At this point, the humans in the central region became fertile ground for the flesh and blood of the elves.

In exchange, the elves gave humans the powerful power.

This wonderful parasitism has given humans extraordinary powers that were unimaginable before the disaster, and also given them the ability to fight against creatures in the domain.

Facts have proved that the Elf King chose humans precisely because of their wisdom.

Perhaps human beings are inherently weak, but human intelligence is no weaker than that of domain creatures.

In the words of an old fan, human beings are more creative than most other people in the field. The only drawback is that the time they have been exposed to aura is too short.

During the years of alliance with the elves, while humans mastered the power of the elves, they also developed many new abilities of the elves.

Relying on the power provided by the elves, humans even defeated the domain group that defeated the elves in the first place.

Even the Elf King is amazed by the potential of human beings. He feels that human beings' innovation and research and development capabilities have completely made up for the shortcomings of the elves, and regards human beings as allies to advance and retreat together in the years to come.

In the following years, humans relied on the elves to grow rapidly, the population gradually increased, and they also regained many lost homes.

The growth system of humans in the central region is also called the elf species.

Plant an elf in your body, gain the power of the parasitic elf, and contribute your own flesh and blood energy to grow with the elf.

But this growth system also has shortcomings.

The relationship between the elves planted in the human body and humans is not symbiotic, but parasitic.

One day the seed will emerge from the cocoon.

In this growth system, human talent is judged based on the time of assimilation.

The more talented humans are, the later they will be assimilated by the elves.

This judgment is similar to the potential strength of bloodline in the eyes of humans in the Eastern Region.

But compared to the cultivation and growth system, the final outcome of the elf system is to turn into an elf, and the consciousness will be swallowed by the elf.

According to the old man's story, when a human being is about ten years old, he or she will go to the center of the main city to undergo the ceremony of implanting elves into the body.

The Elf King will sow Elf seeds on that day.

Each of these spirits has different powers.

After introducing elf seeds into the body, some people will get fire elf species, some will get thunder and lightning elf species, and even spiritual elf species.

Through these elven species, humans have grown rapidly.

In terms of the use of abilities, it surpasses the natural growth of elves.

The food of the elves is the parasites and the domain creatures killed by the parasites, and the flesh and blood energy is extracted from their bodies.

Relying on this growth system, humans in the central region have been supported until now.

But it's like making a pact with the devil.

In exchange for strength, they will gradually sink until they completely degenerate into elves.

Hearing this, Feng Qi felt uncomfortable.

But he also understands that this is the only option for humanity in the central region in a desperate situation.

In the old man's subsequent narration, Feng Qi also understood the origin of the city beneath his feet and the dense forest outside the city.

Humans will eventually be assimilated by elves.

Therefore, before death comes, human soldiers will get on the train bound for the front line in advance and go to different front lines.

Become part of the defense line in the human border area of ​​the Central District.

Death is not the end for human warriors.

Before they completely become elves, they will leave their will behind and become a border defense line against the "sandstorm". They will stand there forever and continue to protect their loved ones behind them in this way.

The city under his feet was actually a burial ground for human warriors, and it was also the frontline as the old man said.

Along the way, the strange plants he encountered were all once human warriors.

Feng Qi suddenly understood why the green plants along the way did not attack him, but instead attacked Xiaoyou and others ten meters away from him.

Although the human warriors who turned into plants have died, the will left behind can identify ourselves and the enemy.

So they won't attack their own kind.

This is the final destination of the human warriors in the Central Region. There is no exception except death in battle.

As the old man spoke, his tone became weak.

The green on his body is spreading, and there is no smile on his stiff face, but his eyes are shining with crystal green, and there is warmth flowing:

"Tell me... the situation of humans in the Eastern District."

Facing the inquiry, Feng Qi talked about the situation in the Eastern District.

When he heard that humans in the Eastern District had taken their own path of growth, the old man couldn't hide his envy in his eyes.

Perhaps thinking of his own situation, his eyes dimmed in the end.

Feng Qi could understand the old man's mood.

Signing a contract with the devil is a path that humans in the central region have to take. The old man said that they also thought about changing to other growth systems, but they have never been able to do so.

Humans today are said to be in alliance with the elves.

But it has become more of a nutrient for the elves on their growth path.

Humans are fighting for the continuation of their race, but they are also fighting for the elves.

The elves gained more territory through humans, defeated many domain forces, and allowed the Elf King's root territory to continue to spread. However, humans did not gain a real future except for living.

If one day, the elves grow to a certain level.

When he feels that they no longer need human wisdom, and humans with low flesh and blood potential no longer meet the growth needs of the elves, the Elf King will obviously abandon humans without hesitation.

This is not a pure transaction, but a different kind of slavery.

However, humans have no choice after all.

Knowing the situation of humans in the central area, Feng Qi's fists gradually tightened.

Looking at the ancient tree in the distance, the murderous intention in his heart gradually subsided.

This ancient tree is the transformation of the strongest war god in human history in the central region. In essence, it was also a human being.

Accompanying the old man, listening to him talk about the situation in the central area, after experiencing a sunrise and sunset, the old man's body was finally covered in green, and his stiff face completely solidified.

Next, Feng Qi decided to go to the center of the city, take the train to the main city, and go to the human gathering place in the central area to see the Elf King mentioned by the old man again.

Walking towards the center of the city, Feng Qi was always thinking about a question.

How to liberate the humans in the central region.

Planting elves into the body has become the only choice for human growth in the central region, and it is difficult to change.

The practice system is more suitable for the future of mankind.

But the development of the elves has already penetrated into every corner of human society in the central region.

Even if we know that this path ultimately has no future, it is still impossible for humans in the Chubu District to stop.

At this moment, Lei Lei came to him, raised his head and said:

"Do you want to liberate the humans here, but have you ever thought that they may not necessarily accept your ideas? Maybe they don't need what you think is right?"

Hearing these words, Feng Qi was stunned.

In fact, he also thought about this problem.

The so-called liberation is just his wishful thinking. Perhaps the humans in the Central Region have already developed many ideas of identification with elves. He thinks it is right, but the humans in the Central Region may not necessarily think so.

Giving a system of cultivation techniques and changing the human adult system in the central region seems to be a good choice, but there are too many factors involved.

Just like the view on whether humans should hold guns before the disaster.

From the standpoint of Zeng Xia, the people felt that guns were the seeds of unrest and should not be owned.

But across the ocean, there are plenty of true believers in guns.

From their respective standpoints, each has their own views that they think are right, but if they look at the other party from their own point of view, they will feel that there is something wrong with the other party.

Although this example does not completely match the human condition in the central region, it does have some similarities.

The elven growth system has developed for five hundred years from the early days of the disaster to the present.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it has become a part of the human cultural heritage of Chubu District.

He cannot judge or criticize your wrong choices from the perspective of a savior. He must do what I say.

Instead, they should think about how to subtly change the status quo and let them understand the dangers of the elven path.

In his communication with the old man, he could hear that some people in the human race understood that this path was wrong.

They tried to change the status quo.

It’s just that their efforts never paid off and they couldn’t find any other options.

If initially his emotion is anger, but after careful consideration he becomes calm.

He is no longer the passionate young man he was before, and his way of thinking about problems has also changed from the original "I think" to thinking from an overall perspective.

The perspective of looking at things changes, and there will be many new discoveries.

He now has a big doubt in his mind.

Has Mu Zhen ever been to the Central District, and has he sown seeds here?

If you have been here, why haven't there been any great historical figures like Ye Huang and Scarlet's first dean who have led the rise of mankind?

Hadn't she been here before?

If you have been here, why not try to bring a new direction to humanity in the central region in the early stages of the disaster.

He felt that the answer to this question might be found in the main human city.

As for how to change the future direction of mankind in the central area, he gradually came up with new ideas on the way to the city center.

Rough changes are obviously unrealistic.

This method seems simple, but in fact it involves too much.

Even if it succeeds, it will drag humanity into the abyss in the central region.

The development of the cultivation system does not happen overnight, and cultivation is not a growth model that can achieve strong combat power in a short time like energy. It requires day and night efforts to absorb spiritual energy.

Forcibly correcting the path, the combat power of humans in the central region will be greatly reduced. Faced with the expansion of fields in all directions, the pressure will increase dramatically, and it may even lead to the destruction of humans in the central region.

He felt that maybe a space channel could be opened.

Let Star City be connected to the main city in the central region.

Once urban connections are established, people in the central region will have new choices.

The exchanges between the two cities will also bring about ideological changes.

Which of the two cultivation systems is stronger or weaker, and which one is more suitable for humans? After comparison, humans in the central region can find the answer intuitively.

This change is like a cultural invasion.

It seems plain, but in fact there is a turbulent undercurrent. Humans in the central area will gradually abandon the elves and accept the growth path of practicing martial arts.

Compared with the elven growth system, the skill cultivation system has many advantages.

A perfect system of exercises and cultivation can make humans live longer and become stronger, but the elven system will eventually lead humans to the abyss of death where they are assimilated.

Growth potential is the greatest advantage of the Kung Fu training system.

The most precious value of the Kung Fu training system is that each generation becomes stronger than the previous generation.

In contrast, although the elven species can allow the parasite to gain great strength in the early stage, this growth is abnormal and cannot be passed on to the next generation.

Human bloodline strength has not changed much at all.

According to the old man's description, the elven species planted by humans have become stronger and stronger over the past five hundred years.

But this kind of strength is essentially the growth of the Elven King's strength, so the seeds of the offspring he gave birth to become stronger and have nothing to do with human physique.

If this balance is broken, when human beings are worthless in the eyes of the Elf King, human beings will reach the moment of destruction.

The thoughts in his mind gradually became clearer, and the haze in Feng Qi's heart dissipated.

He has no hatred for the Elf King. After all, humans in the central region can retain fire, and the Elf King plays a key role in a sense.

But if the Elf King is unwilling to compromise and wants to continue enslaving humans to fight for it.

Then he would kill the Elf King without hesitation.

Human freedom should not be determined by the Elf King, nor should it be a tool for the Elf King's growth.

In fact, he had a better choice in mind.

It's just that this choice that is more suitable for humans requires the cooperation of the Elf King.

If the Elf King can be controlled by the humans in the central region and ensure that he will always be loyal to humans, then the existence of the Elf King will be very meaningful to the central region.

By then, the humans in the central region will not be completely in a dead end after Mu Zi's defeat, and at least they will still have channels to gain abilities.

Before solving the problem between Mu Zi and Mo.

The collapse of the human world leading to the collapse of the human growth system is an inevitable disaster.

He prepared two paths for the descendants of Star City.

Article 1. Belief growth system.

Through faith, he borrows the innate ability in his main body's spiritual consciousness to gain strength.

The second is the rune transformation route.

By perfecting the rune transformation plan, humans after the collapse of the cultivation system can inlay rune crystals to gain strength.

He doesn't mind opening up a third path, the elf species growth path.

Especially for humans in the Central Zone.

Compared to the two paths he chose, it was obvious that the elf breeding system would allow them to adapt faster.

But the hidden dangers of the elven system are more serious than rune transformation.

The Elf King cannot be controlled, his body is corroded and assimilated, etc.

If these potential problems can be solved, elves can also be a help to humans.

Thoughts swirled, and countless ideas surfaced in my mind.

He did not think about how to solve this problem. Next, he decided to go to the main city of mankind in the central region to learn more about the current situation of mankind in the central region.

When you come to the area covered by ancient trees, you can see countless crystal green colors flying in the air when you look up, lighting up the center of the city.

According to the old man's description, this city is a small border town in the Central District.

But it was abandoned for a long time after the disaster and eventually became a no man's land.

In the years that followed, humans, who emerged through the elven growth system, gradually regained their territory. This small city also returned to human hands and became an important line of defense on the border.

To this day, countless human warriors are buried here, and it has also resisted the invasion of a large number of realm fields.

Continue walking towards the central area. The closer you get to the ancient trees, the more elegant the fragrance becomes.

Following the old man's guidance before assimilation, Feng Qi came to the bottom of the ancient tree.

Looking up at the crown of the tree, this big tree stands like a sea-fixing needle in the center of Chengdu.

Next, he started walking around the tree.

Finally, a green staircase woven upward by branches and leaves appeared in his sight.

They led Xiaoyou and others along the upward stairs. After a long time, they came to the platform in the center area on the back of the big tree.

This platform is also made of vines and can accommodate more than a hundred people standing on it.

Connected to the platform is a track woven with countless vines, which winds to the northwest, which is the main city of the Central District.

According to the old man's description, a train would arrive every day to bring dying soldiers here from the main city.

The vine track and the trains on the track are driven by the energy released by the ancient trees.

You can see green energy flowing within the vine tracks.

When they feel that they are about to die, the soldiers in the main city will get on this train, come here to wait for death, and become one of the city's border guardians.

Standing on the edge of the platform, he looked down at the city covered in green and thought about his thoughts.

At this time, Xiaoyou fell asleep floating in the air, Po Jia was silent, and Taihang stood at his feet, following him overlooking the city, and the sounds of thunder and negative consciousness bodies playing together could be heard from time to time.

Time flies.

When a red sun rose from the end of the sky, he saw a green "long dragon" falling from the clouds in the distance and speeding along the track.

Soon, the train stopped at the ancient tree platform.

Only when we got closer did we realize that the train was not made of steel, but of green plants.

The bottom of the train is a ring-shaped structure that firmly locks the vine track and extracts the energy required for operation.

The car was empty. There were no dying warriors sent from the main city on this train.

When the door of the woven branches and leaves opened, Feng Qi led Xiaoyou and others onto the train.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, the ancient trees behind trembled slightly.

The long green dragon started immediately and flew backward along the track towards the clouds.

Coming to the window and sitting on the vine-woven seat, Feng Qi stuck his head out and looked back. The city covered in green shrank rapidly in his eyes.

The strong wind blew against his cheek, and Feng Qi sighed in his heart.

At the fork in the road of civilization, humans in the central region took a different path from humans in the eastern region, and also developed a brand new civilization.

Using the energy provided by green plants as a power source really opened his eyes.

This also further proved his guess that the elven growth route has become a part of human civilization in the central region, and it is extremely difficult to give up.

His eyes turned to the front.

When the long green dragon passed through the thick clouds, he saw a rising red sun, releasing thousands of rays of light.

My mood couldn't help but feel much better.

Although the situation in the central region is not what he imagined, at least the fire of human civilization in the central region has been continued.

Next, he will try to change the future of humanity in the Central District.

Uniting all human forces is the first step for him to fight against the invasion of the realm, and it is also the first step for him to fight against the coming of the general trend.

Update today.

Will continue to update tomorrow.

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