Sarutobi recalled Uzumaki Jiu Xinnai and Wave Feng Shuimen, and a little self-blame appeared in his heart.

Back then, Wave Feng Shuimon asked Sarutobi to take good care of Naruto.

But Ape Flying Sun Chopper did not do that.


Sarutobi hesitated again and again, but still rejected Tuanzo’s proposal.


Tuanzo frowned.

“Now Naruto, more threatening to Konoha than before, Naruto’s demon fox name, everyone knows, there are many people who hold a grudge against Naruto.”

“Once they appear at Naruto’s side and have the intention of making a move on Naruto, they will be killed by the invisible person.”

“Did you just watch those people get hurt by Naruto?”

Sarutobi shook his head.

“Nothing like this has ever happened.”

“Just because it didn’t happen before doesn’t mean it won’t happen in the future.”

Tuan Zang looked at the ape flying sun, his face gloomy.

If it weren’t for the fact that he was not sure, Tuan Zang would not have told Ape Fei Ri Chop his inference.

Instead, they will be alone and conduct research in secret.

This is something that was previously unknown, and once researched and given this power, Danzo believes that he will definitely be able to control the position of Hokage that he has always dreamed of.

Because he was not sure, Tuan Zang wanted to let the ape fly together.

Borrow the power and resources of the ape flying sun.

But Tuan Zang did not expect that the ape flying sun slash would refuse.

Ape Flying Sun Chopper still shook his head.

“It’s time for the Chu Shinobi exam soon.”

“Naruto’s situation, observe it for a while, Danzo you are just guessing.”

“After the Zhongnin exam, let’s discuss this matter again.”

Tuanzo still wanted to say something, but Sarutobi didn’t want to say more.

“Okay, that’s it.”

“Tuan Zang, you go back first.”

“I’m in charge, after all, I’m Hokage.”

When these words fell, Tuan Zang suddenly had nothing to say.

After walking out of the Hokage Building for a long distance, Tuan Zang glanced back at the Hokage Building and snorted coldly.

“You’re Hokage, I know, you don’t need to emphasize it every time.”

“If I hadn’t slowed down a bit, you thought you would have been Hokage?”

“I’m the more suitable candidate for Hokage.”

“In this position, you won’t be able to sit for long.”

“Soon back into my rightful hands.”

Ape Flying Sun looked out the window.

“Is what Naruto saw real? On Naruto’s side, there is a person that only Naruto can see, is it the existence of the soul turned into after Watergate’s death, protecting Naruto? ”

“It really needs to be understood.”

“But not to Tuanzo.”

“Can’t be that hard.”

“After all, Naruto’s true identity is known by me alone alone.”

“Kakashi, Jiraiya, knows.”

It’s time for the Chūnin exam.

“Father, I’m going.”


Wave Feng Shuimon stood in the doorway, watching Naruto leave.

In the shadows, there are still dark ninjas and root ninjas observing.

But now that they saw Naruto’s strange behavior, their mood was completely different from before.

Before they all thought Naruto was sick.

And now there is only jealousy and fear left.

Naruto came to the ninja school and saw Sakura and Sasuke.

Today is the day off for the ninja school.

A building inside the ninja school was transferred as an examination room for the Chūnin exam.

“Sakura, Sasuke.”


“Good morning.”

Sakura’s attitude towards Naruto was much better than before.

At first, it was because Naruto didn’t treat himself as badly as before, but more importantly, it was because Naruto became stronger.

This made Sakura feel a little loss in her heart.

But soon Sakura denied it herself.

An examiner guides below.

All the examinees went upstairs one after another.


Inuzuka and Naruto said hello.

Naruto nodded.

Inuzuka thought it was a little weird.

“Naruto seems to have become a little different.”

Naruto has indeed changed.

The appearance of the Wave Feng Shui Gate made Naruto change a lot.

But more importantly, Naruto had something on his mind.

Wave Feng Shui Men was chatting with himself, suddenly disappeared, and reappeared, even if Wave Feng Shui Men did not say anything, but Naruto vaguely felt something.

Some blood wafted in outside the courtyard.

Naruto had a guess in mind.

And it’s a very bad conjecture.

So now Naruto doesn’t have the energy to focus on other things.

I just found a seat and sat down.

Sakura and Sasuke sat next to Naruto.

Unconsciously, Naruto already occupied a certain dominant position among the three.

When Nara Shikamaru saw this, there was a look of incredulity in his eyes.

Sasuke’s pride, Nara Shikamaru is understood.

“Did something happen between them?”

A figure walked towards the freshman.


“Introduce yourself, I am a medicine master, I am your senior, it is not a good thing to be noisy like this, you have attracted the attention of many people.”

“And these people will be your competitors.”

The voices of Ino and the others were quickly lowered.

Naruto looked at Yakushi.

A familiar feeling rushed up.

It’s like when I saw Inari and Shiro before.

A faint black aura appeared from Yakushi’s body, was attracted by Naruto, and entered Naruto’s body.

Naruto felt the anxiety in his heart decrease a little.

“Actually, I don’t have to think about it that much.”

“Originally, most of the people in the village treated me badly, and my father must be good for me.”

“What I’m going to do is get stronger.”

“Keep getting stronger.”

“Fighting for the future can help my father!”

When Naruto figured this out, he immediately calmed down.

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