Yamanaka Ino subconsciously asked.

The medicine man replied.

However, when answering, the medicine master involuntarily glanced at Sasuke’s side a few more times.

This time to participate in the Chu Ninja Exam, Yakushi’s task is to understand Sasuke’s situation.

This is the order of the Great Snake Pill.

After being defeated by Uchiha Itachi, Orochimaru’s heart was very unhappy.

One of the three ninja who became famous in his own hall, and as a result, the fledgling Uchiha Itachi was turned over.

The face of the big snake pill can’t get by.

And for Uchiha’s bloodline, he also gave birth to an obsession.

Orochimaru wanted to occupy Sasuke’s body.

Many candidates’ eyes fell on Sasuke.

Not much attention was paid to Naruto.

Several figures walked into the examination room.

Suddenly, the entire examination room fell silent.

These people all exuded an icy aura, which made everyone can’t help but have a feeling that they were not in the examination room, but in prison.

“Introduce yourself, I’m Mori Hibiki.”

“A ninja who is good at torture.”

“I’m responsible for proctoring you today.”

“The rules in the examination room, I believe you have already understood in advance, I won’t say more.”

“Start the exam now!”

The examination papers were handed out.

Naruto glanced around.

After that, he withdrew his gaze and looked at the exam paper.

The corner of his eye twitched.

In the past few days, at Kakashi’s urging, Naruto made up for the culture lesson, but there was not enough time after all.

Few of the above questions are Naruto’s will.

Naruto noticed a little, though.

That is, at this time, there are indeed people in the examination room who are seriously answering, but there are still some people who are cheating by various means.

But those examiners acted as if they hadn’t seen it.

Naruto raised his eyebrows slightly.

I couldn’t help but glance in the direction of Mori Hibiki.

“It’s nice to say, cheating is not allowed, but in fact, this is not the case at all.”

A sneer appeared at the corner of Naruto’s mouth.

“These people in the village are really hypocritical.”

“In that case, then I don’t need to answer honestly.”

Naruto thought for a moment.


Using ice to make mirrors, Naruto saw Sakura’s answer sheet through the constant reflection of the mirror.

After that, I copied Sakura’s answer sheet directly.

“Sakura’s grades in culture class are really good.”

But now, Naruto has no attachment to Sakura.

Wave Feng Shui Gate asked Naruto not to force it, and Naruto listened.

Just when Naruto was about to copy it, Hinata Hinata next to him took the initiative to put some answer sheets on Naruto’s side.

Naruto saw it and was stunned for a moment.

Immediately Asahi Hinata showed a smile.

“No thanks.”

Hinata Hinata’s face turned slightly red and she put the answer sheet back.

A subtle feeling arose in Naruto’s heart.


One candidate was named.

An examiner came up to the candidate and expelled the candidate and disqualified him.

Naruto’s eyes flickered.

“The cheating was too obvious to be caught?”

“So, this exam, there are two ways to pass?”

“One is to get enough correct answers, and the other is to cheat.”

“Then what’s the point of studying seriously in cultural class?”

It’s true that Naruto doesn’t like cultural classes, but now this exam is also something Naruto doesn’t like.

“It’s time.”

Mori Hibiki’s voice sounded.

“Candidates who have completed their answers can hand in their papers and leave the examination room.”

Sakura and Sasuke looked over to Naruto’s side.

Naruto nodded.

So all three stood up and walked out of the examination room.

Sakura couldn’t wait to ask, “Naruto, you can do all those topics?” ”


“Then you can’t get by?”

Sakura’s face changed slightly.

“I won’t, but I copied Sakura’s answer.”

Naruto said, “I saw that many people were cheating, and those examiners saw it, but they didn’t make a sound, so I also used Ice Hide to make a mirror and saw Sakura’s answer.” ”

“That’s good.”

Sakura breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately, he couldn’t help but complain.

“That guy in Ino is so hateful that he actually used the Heart Turning Technique on me to peek at my answer.”

At this moment, the three of Yamanaka Ino walked out.

“Sakura, thanks for the answer.”

This made Sakura suddenly more angry.

It is very easy to cheat in this exam.

It is not only possible to cheat yourself.

It can also help teammates cheat.

“Don’t be angry, in return, I can share the information we got from Senior Pocket with you, how about it?”

Naruto and the others sat down early, and almost nothing did he hear what the medicine master said.


“Of course.”

Yamanaka Ino said: “After all, we are taking the Chu Ninja Exam for the first time, and there are many ninjas who have participated many times, and we are not competitors. ”

Akimichi Dingji took out a packet of potato chips and ate it with a crunch.

“Then you talk about it.”

Yamanaka Ino said slowly.

“In this ninja exam, there are two squads that are more powerful, one is a squad from Sand Hidden Village, the leader is I-Aira, and the team members are Temari and Kankuro.”

“These three are all the heirs of the wind shadow of Shayin Village.”

“The other squad is our Konoha’s squad.”

“The leader is Hinata Ninji, and the team members are Rock Lee and Tenten.”

“Hinata Ninji, like Sasuke, is a genius.”

“Already rolled my eyes.”

“I also comprehended Jiuquan myself.”

“It’s the strongest existence in their session.”

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