I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 784 God is trying to make me rich?

"The fat and lean lamb chops are sandwiched between each other without tendons. The texture is soft, tender and juicy. Make it into French style lamb chops for me."

"I made stuffed pilaf on both sides of the chest cartilage, and used carrots and raisins from our Wucheng to make mutton pilaf. It's fat but not greasy."

"The lamb belly is stewed in clear soup. The meat is slightly tough and the taste is plump and mellow."

"Tail dragon grilled and pan-fried."

"The braised buttocks are fatter and thinner, and made into kebabs."

...Su Mary rambled on and talked about more than a dozen ways to eat it, each of which made people salivate.

Jing Shu was drooling as she listened. In the past, when she ate lamb, she mostly roasted the whole lamb, or stewed it in braised sauce, or stir-fried it. The eating methods were roughly divided into categories, but it had never been so detailed like this.

Jingshu immediately raised her hand, "Um... count me in!" Then she contributed another sheep and asked Sumary's Michelin chef to make another one of the same, so that she could take it with her on the road and eat it slowly.

"no problem!"

Jingshu has a sheep and Sumari has a cook, and the two hit it off.

The old butler showed a doting smile: "Okay, okay, I will make a small stove for you according to the lady's instructions. The remaining big bones will be boiled into soup and added with radishes for the guests to drink. At the banquet, we will add minced meat pilaf and fried rice." How about fried haggis, girl Jingshu, taking it home?"

"Well! I hope that the banquet will go well later and that I can complete the task as scheduled... No, I will exceed the target!" Sumary made her wish.

"You'll definitely get your wish."

The Yunnan-Guizhou Food and Flower Festival has begun, and the format is exactly the same as a buffet before the end of the world: the dining tables are lined up with special delicacies from all over the country, and there are stacks of dinner plates under the dining table. Whoever wants to eat can put their meal away When you pass the plate over, a dedicated waiter will serve you...well, about the amount of one chopstick.

Of course, most of them are arranged one by one, such as bowls of yogurt, small plates and small plates of fruit platters,

Platefuls of Peking duck the size of fingernails.

Platefuls of Lanzhou beef noodles without beef, mutton steamed buns without mutton,

Miniature Yungui flower cakes, thinly sliced ​​baked salt chicken, Ningbo glutinous rice balls, XJ cut cakes weighed by grams...

The only extravagant thing is the large round table placed in the middle area, with a pile of crayfish standing out.

Not many people came to participate, less than 60 people in total. Everyone was very qualified, there was no fighting, they were chatting and laughing, and they were slowly savoring the taste...Emm, if it weren't for the crayfish's voice being a bit loud, Jingshu would have almost believed it. .

However, normal people were all full after finishing the tasting. Even Yun and Siniang burped, and finally drank two more bowls of mutton soup and ate more than 30 crayfish. She repeatedly said that this year’s event had the largest portion. She was satisfied, but Jingshu just padded her stomach. That’s all, she could have a whole-sheep feast later...

The resource exchange meeting was almost over. Jingshu listened for a long time but there was no good resource to exchange. Other companies were willing to exchange cigarettes, but either the price offered was too low, or the cigarette factory couldn't use them at all. H.

After all, the cigarette factory is not cost-effective. The unscrupulous boss would rather buy more low-priced food and exchange for necessary survival supplies than exchange cigarettes.

Sumary's oil resources also encountered a small problem.

Petroleum is a high-end essential resource and is in very short supply. Petroleum ancillary products used to have many uses and were cheap, but now... we can’t even eat, productivity can’t keep up, few people are buying them, and the prices are not cheap.

"So now to buy oil, you have to buy accessories that are not cheap?"

“When you buy fuel, you also need to buy 10% of petroleum ancillary products.”

Everyone was whispering, and some were angry but dared not speak out. Some people suggested that fuel prices could be increased, but could they buy less ancillary products?

After Su Mary lazily explained the rules, she discussed with Jing Shu about buying some sheep, pigs, cows. She didn’t care whether everyone would do it or not. Anyway, the conditions were this. If you don’t buy them, I won’t sell them. Not bad at all.

"Hey, there are so many ancillary products accumulated in the past few years that the warehouse can no longer fit them. My old man just thought of packaging and selling some to get some resources back. Isn't this task left to me? The first step in the test of taking over the company.”

"As long as I can sell one-tenth of the inventory, I will be considered as the task accomplished. If I sell one-fifth, I will be the deputy general manager. Alas, I traveled to two cities before I sold one percent. "

Sumary is so pitiful.

Damn it, Sumary is so rich, how can she be so pitiful?

Jing Shu couldn't help but ask: "What can the accessory products be used for? Are they really useless in this apocalyptic world?"

Jingshu wanted to see if she could pick up something missing.

Sumary shrugged helplessly:

"It used to be very useful, but unfortunately it can no longer be used anymore. For example, lubricants and paraffin oil can be used as raw materials for soap. They are also useful at least, but for example, asphalt paving, olefins and aromatic hydrocarbons are used to make plastics, synthetic fibers and There are very few synthetic rubber ones that are affordable.”

Oh...it seems like nothing happened to Jingshu.

Finally, the first person came to trade. Not only did he buy a lot of fuel, but he also matched it with polypropylene.

"This boss looks rich at first glance." Jingshu said. Others were gritting their teeth and trying to bargain, but this one didn't say anything.

Su Mary said: "This person has a metal mine at home, which consumes a lot of fuel, and the dust in the processing factory workshop is very high. I bought it to make a batch of filter masks and protective masks for the workers, otherwise the workers will burp after working for a long time."

"Oh...wait, filter mask?" Jingshu was shocked.

"Yes, yes, what's wrong?" Su Mary asked, why such a big reaction?

"Is polypropylene used for masks? Or does it have anything to do with masks? So is polypropylene a petroleum subsidiary product?"

Jingshu was excited! Several questions in a row.

Mary Su didn't know why Jingshu was so excited, so she had to explain:

"Polypropylene is extracted from olefins, an accessory product of petroleum, which is PP plastic. It is the main material of melt-blown cloth. Melt-blown cloth is also the main raw material of filter masks. This is the relationship."

Rounding things off, polypropylene is the main raw material for masks.

There is no more room for polypropylene in Sumari’s warehouse.

Oh my god, is this the way God wants Jingshu to get rich?

To say that a scumbag is the result of a lack of education, she didn't even know that the raw material for a mask like Su Marie was right in front of her!

You must know that once this year is over, the whole country will be filled with the invincible smell of rotten eggs that have been left for a hundred days and farts that have been constipated for a hundred days. Not only will it kill people, but it will also be a little poisonous, but there is only a smell in her space. I prepared my own gas mask.

Although I said smell it, ah, I got used to it, but! !

In the past, people were small and capable, but now, since they know it in advance, why not prepare early for next year's disaster?

Jing Shu swallowed her saliva and said, "This time you may become the deputy general manager directly when you go back."

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