I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 785 Preparing supplies for next year’s disaster


"Because I want all the petroleum accessories like polypropylene. How much of the inventory will this clear for you?"

When she heard that Jing Shu was so generous in wrapping up the remaining accessories in the warehouse, Su Mary's eyes lit up:

"Is it to make masks? Do you know how much stock I have at home? Do you want all of it? That's stock for the last few years..."

Of course, the more, the better... Even if the people in my own factory can’t use them all, won’t the entire Wucheng still be able to use them all?

Moreover, due to the natural disasters that year, masks and gas masks will be a scarce resource for all parts of the country, but everyone needs them, so there is no need to worry about not being able to sell them!

Jing Shu smiled in her heart, with a calm expression on her face, and waved her hand:

"Hey, I want it no matter how much it is. You know that new cigarette factory we opened, right? Because when extracting raw materials, a lot of harmful smoke will be released. Wear masks to prevent workers from getting sick. Otherwise, you will have to be responsible for treating them. It will be troublesome, and the whole country There are dozens of factories and raw material sites, and tens of thousands of masks are needed every day. How many masks will be produced in a year? How many will be needed in ten years?

This time I went to Nanhai, I directly opened a mask factory and produced it myself, so I wrapped the mask in one go, and it didn’t cost much. "

By the way, before the end of the world, the first meltblown cloth made was only 20,000 ton. Later, due to the increase in global demand for viral masks, it only rose to more than 300,000 ton. Now the price in this apocalypse is just that. It's a little more expensive than 100 million...ahem, but compared to the large amount of resources that can be exchanged for later, it's a very good deal.

With today's excuse, others are at best jealous and jealous that Jingshu got lucky because the cigarette factory needed masks to produce the masks, rather than as if they knew that such a disaster would happen and took precautions early...

Jingshu had no choice but to make her the prophet? Now that we know that masks are a scarce resource, and there are ready-made materials in front of us, can we not make use of them?

If we have to wait until a disaster strikes to do it on-site, how will we have time? After all, it would take less than three months to stockpile so many supplies for the coming year.

Although Su Mary felt that her inventory was enough for Jingshu's factory to be used for a hundred years, Jingshu was right. Compared with her current net worth, it was not much expensive.

The key is that she, Su Marie, relied on her own ability (luck) to sell the inventory, and now she has finally completed the test! You can go back to being a salty fish... Wait, the deputy general manager shouldn't be very busy, right? I always feel like I just jumped out of a pit and entered a bigger pit...

"Okay! If you buy so much, I can tell you the cheapest price. Which one of us is who? But it has to be exchanged for resources, cigarettes, your insect cakes are all fine!" Sumari said that the price must be the lowest price. Come.

Speaking of this, Jingshu felt embarrassed. I don't know how much the value of this thing will increase in value later. She coughed twice: "Who is who among us? I won't say anything anymore. I have to give you the insect cakes and synthetic meat cakes in exchange." Add half more, and your father’s men will have to feed so many people!”

Hey! Jing Shu is too polite!

Sumary waved her hand: "Then I will add some extra fuel to your home and factory. There is no natural gas over there in the South China Sea."

Jing Shu didn't even know what to say, this idiot! It’s really embarrassing to take so many things from Sumary.

Of course, you still have to buy stock normally. After all, even if Sumary’s family has so many raw materials, they won’t be able to produce so many masks at once!

Then just provide them with masks and respirators for free or at a reduced price!

"By the way, do you know any other suppliers of raw materials needed to make masks? Can you help me get in touch?"

"You don't need to know that. They have a lot of inventory. They can't sell it at all. They are just waiting to get moldy."

"Okay, please."

Yes, things are going well! The two parties not only reached an agreement, but also called the old housekeeper to draw up a contract on the spot and set the exchange resources.

Today, Su Marie really made her wish come true and exceeded the test task.

Afterwards, Jingshu not only had a whole-lamb feast cooked by the chef of Sumary's family, but also took away a lot of hot food so that she could eat it at any time in her room. (\u003e\u003c) She was in a very good mood.

Mary Su then asked Jing Shu about her next plan: "Should we go directly to the South China Sea or?..."

"Hey, I still have to go to several places to open a cigarette factory. But after signing the contract, I will find someone to prepare other things. When I get to Nanhai, I can open it. What about you?"

Su Mary quietly looked at the coughing old housekeeper, and said helplessly: "There are still a few places left to cover, but we have already settled in Nanhai. We have left a place for you nearby, and we are waiting for you."

"Okay, I will arrange for them to place the mobile villas transferred by Greentown Company to Nanhai once they arrive."

Regarding the arrangement and settlement of Lao Jing's family in Nanhai, Jing Shu already had a plan in mind.

Although she could only stay in Nanhai for a few years, it was already the end of the world. Jingshu had worked so hard to earn such a big business, and there was no way she could ever wrong herself again.

A few years ago, if you didn't even dare to make the slightest effort to be an ordinary citizen, then everyone would not have enough to eat, and you were deeply afraid that your property would be confiscated.

But now, ahem, because everyone in Wucheng has enough food to eat, no one will die from hunger, and Jingshu also has the strength and backing. The key is that you are the major shareholder of dozens of factories, Wucheng The wealthy people in the city are just like ordinary people... I'm afraid it's really unsafe.

Yes, this cigarette factory that popped up on the migration road directly pushed Jingshu onto the Wucheng rich list. It was difficult to hide her clumsiness.

But when you should be low-key, you still have to be low-key, and the strength you should show must match your current identity.

Some specifications can't be too low, so a bigger, more luxurious place to live, a better location, and more security isn't too much, right?

Of course, in addition to hardware facilities, other facilities must also keep up, especially taking advantage of this separation, Jingshu has another reason to arrange a wave of rice, flour and other supplies for the new villa.

After the space was upgraded some time ago, she has been planting various grains and grains in the extra space. Her family consumes them quickly, and except for a few expensive ones brought back from the United States, they are not as delicious as the ones grown in the space.

So this time, hey, when Jing Nai and the others arrive at their new place, not only will they be shocked by their new home and their jaws will drop out, but they will also see the kitchen warehouse full of white rice. Will they faint from happiness? In the past?

Ah, thinking about it like this, I just want to arrive in Nanhai early to prepare all these matters.

So, after making an appointment with Su Mary to meet again in Nanhai, Jing Shu started running around non-stop.

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