.Wang Ze said: ” It’s not a crime . ”

.” But he was involved in a case . ”

.” Master , can you tell me more ?”

.Wang Ze’s attitude made the uncle quite fond of him . He smiled and said , ” I know , I will definitely tell you . ”

.” Didn’t you almost ask last time ?”

.Wang Ze said : ” There is one more question to ask . ”

.Uncle : ” Oh ? What’s the problem ?”

.Wang Ze : ” Fifteen years ago , did the employees of your Xingyue shoe factory have a good relationship with Yuan Shengqiang ?”

.The uncle thought for a while and said , ” After all , ” Zero Four Three ” is the starting point of the bus , and there are still many people who know Lao Yuan . ”

.” If you have a good relationship …”

.” How good can it be ?”

.Wang Zedao : ” For example , have you ever seen Yuan Shengqiang with whom they often chat alone ? ”

.”The mysterious kind . ”

.Grandpa fell into memory .

.Wang Ze was not in a hurry and waited quietly .

.After a while , the uncle said, ” I’ve seen it once or twice, okay ?”

.Wang Ze nodded with a smile : ” Alright , who is it ?”

.The uncle said: ” Old Fan . ”

.Wang Ze was helpless : ” Master , your full name . ”

.Uncle : ” That Fan … Fan Youcai . ”

.Wang Ze raised his brows : ” Fan Youcai ? It’s a good name . ”

.” Is he still working in the shoe factory ?”

.The uncle shook his head : ” retired . ”

.” Is he almost sixty now ?”

.Wang Ze : ” Where exactly do you live ?”

.The uncle said: ” I don’t know , you have to go to the factory to check his information . ”

.Hearing this , Wang Ze turned to look at Zhang Chao .

.Zhang Chao nodded his understanding , turned around and entered the factory .

.After Zhang Chao left , Wang Ze said, ” Master , when did Fan Youcai retire ?”

.The uncle said: ” It’s been a few years . ”

.Wang Ze : ” How many years ? Has it been more than two years ?”

.The uncle said : ” It must be more than two years . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Have you seen him after he retired ?”

.The uncle said: “I haven’t seen you again . ”

.” Who wants to come back to this broken place . ”

.Although he has contributed to the Xingyue shoe factory all his life , the uncle’s evaluation of the factory does not seem to be very good .

.I can understand .

.The decades-old factory can get better .

.It is estimated that the factory manager has no intention to study profit-making .

.Hanging half-dead .

.It’s probably going to close down in a few years anyway .

.Wang Ze smiled and said , ” Master , do you remember what was going on when Yuan Shengqiang and Fan Youcai were chatting ? ”

.Uncle : ” I don’t understand your words . ”

.Wang Ze changed his words : ” It’s the expressions and body movements when chatting . ”

.” Are you chatting , or discussing something ?”

.The uncle looked at Wang Ze and said , ” You detectives , why are you asking such a complicated question ?”

.” How can I remember that. ”

.” It’s none of my business when they talk about them . ”

.” I won’t stare at them . ”

.” It ‘s fine if it’s a pretty big girl, and it wo n’t hurt to take a few more glances . ”

.” Two gentlemen , what can I see ? ”

.Wang Ze : ” Uh …”

.Pang Qun shook his head and laughed .

.This old man speaks in the style of his youth .

.” Okay …”

.Wang Ze also smiled and shook his head .

.Not long after , Zhang Chao came back .

.” Team Wang , I got the address . ”

.Wang Ze nodded and said , ” Go and check if he is missing and whether his identity information and mobile phone information are active . ”

.Zhang Chao : ” Okay . ”

.After speaking , he turned and walked towards the vehicle .

.The computer is in the car .

.” Missing ?”

.Uncle was surprised .

.” What’s missing ? Are you investigating a case of disappearance ?”

.” Is Lao Pang also missing ?”

.Wang Ze said with a smile : ” Master , don’t guess . ”

.” Apart from Fan Youcai , is there anyone else ?”

.The uncle shook his head and said, ” Others can’t remember . ”

.” It’s nothing more than a matter of taking Lao Yuan’s bus and saying hello . ”

.”The relationship is relatively familiar , I really don’t have an impression . ”

.” It’s also Fan Youcai . ”

.” I’ve seen them chatting a few times while waiting for a break . ”

.Seeing this , Wang Ze put the whole pack of cigarettes on the guard’s table and said , ” Thank you , sir . ”

.” Next time something happens , I’ll come again . ”

.The uncle glanced at the cigarette case and said with a smile : ” Okay , the boy is not bad . ”

.The two leave .

.Before getting into the car , Wang Ze said, ” My pack of cigarettes is not cheap , I will reimburse it, Captain Pang . ”

.Pang Qun was stunned … .

.Obviously did not expect the other party to suddenly say such a sentence .

.With a joking tone .

.” No problem , it ‘s a trivial matter , haha . ”

.After getting in the car , the two waited quietly .

.Ten minutes later , Zhang Chao said, “I ‘m not missing . ”

.” This Fan Youcai has a wife and son . If he goes missing, his family will definitely report to the police . ”

.” And his mobile phone number and ID card are always in use . ”

.Hearing this , Pang Qun said : ” It seems that it is not the third deceased . ”

.That’s how investigations are .

.A lot of times , clues are useless .

.Screening is required .

.Wang Ze pondered slightly and said , ” Since it’s not the third deceased , let’s ask . ”

.” After all, he knows Yuan Shengqiang . ”

.” Maybe you can ask for any useful information . ”

.Pang Qun nodded : ” Okay , let’s have a meal first . ”

.” Zhang Chao , drive . ”

.Zhang Chao : ” Okay . ”


.Time , it ‘s two o’clock in the afternoon .

.The three of Wang Ze came to an old-fashioned residential area .

.On the street , you can see people playing mahjong .

.” That’s it . ”

.” The person sitting on the east side is Fan Youcai, right ?”

.” Yes , it’s him . ”

.After Zhang Chao identified it , he pointed to the place where he was playing mahjong .

.The three walked over and stood by and watched silently .

.” Bullshit !”

.” Haha , give me money !”

.Fan Youcai pushed down the mahjong tiles excitedly and laughed .

.” Huh ? Gambling in broad daylight ?”

.Wang Ze suddenly spoke at 5.4 .

.What a guts .

.Shouldn’t you find a place to pussy and play ?

.It seems that the security around here is not very good .

.The crowd turned their heads .

.After seeing the style of Wang Ze and others , his face changed slightly .

.” Misunderstanding Misunderstanding …”

.Fan Youcai hurriedly said, ” What I’m talking about is … for the lead , the lead for the shot put . ”

.” we bet . ”

.The explanation given is far-fetched .

.The other three also quickly sat upright .

.Man , I almost paid for it .

.Wang Ze smiled and didn’t break it .

.If he really wanted to pursue it, he wouldn’t speak in advance .

.Wouldn’t it be better for people to steal and get them .

.That’s a matter of waiting a few seconds .

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