.” Is it … a police comrade ?”

.Fan Youcai hesitated .

.Wang Ze said: ” Yes . ”

.” There are some things I would like to know with Mr. Fan . ”

Chapter 207 _ Wu Gui was also killed [ 1 ]

.This is not the address in the employee file of Xingyue Shoe Factory .

.Fan Youcai moved home .

.Hearing that they were looking for Fan Youcai , while the other three were relieved , they hurriedly made an excuse to leave .

.” Then what … Lao Fan , the family has left beforehand . ”


.” Me too , I suddenly remembered that the gas at home hasn’t been turned off . I’ll go back and have a look . ”


.” I suddenly have a stomachache , don’t ask me to play mahjong again , quit . ”


.The three got up and quietly glanced at Wang Ze and the others .

.After realizing that the other party did not intend to stop, he turned around and left .

.But did not dare to run .

.I was afraid that if I ran away , I would say : Stop ! !

.The surrounding crowd gradually dispersed .

.Only Fan Youcai was left .

.” Uh …”

.Fan Youcai secretly scolded a bad friend in his heart , and then said with a smile , ” Three police officers , sit down !”

.He pointed to the vacant seat .

.Wang Ze took a step and sat next to Fan Youcai .

.Pang Qun and Zhang Chao followed closely behind .

.From a distance , it looks like playing mahjong .

.Just didn’t draw cards .

.” Officer , smoke and smoke . ”

.Fan Youcai is very knowledgeable about 27 years , he picked up the cigarette case and started handing out cigarettes .

.Wang Ze raised his hand : ” You’re welcome, Mr. Fan . ”

.” Let’s just ask a few questions and go . ”

.Seeing that the other party didn’t answer , Fan Youcai didn’t care , put away the cigarette , and said , ” What are you talking about ? ”

.Wang Ze looked at him and said, ” Yuan Shengqiang , do you know me ?”

.Fan Youcai was stunned by the name , and then replied, ” I don’t know . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Are you sure ?”

.” Mr. Fan , think about it clearly and then talk about it . ”

.Fan Youcai lowered his head and pondered , ” It’s a little … familiar . ”

.Wang Ze reminded : ” Xingyue shoe factory , bus driver . ”

.Fan Youcai was immediately taken aback : ” Oh ! I remembered , you said Lao Yuan . ”

.” Knowledge . ”

.” When I used to work in the factory , I often took his car . ”

.Wang Ze : ” How is the relationship ?”

.Fan Youcai said, ” Alright … let’s do it . ”

.” I see each other every day. The more times I meet , the more familiar I am . ”

.Wang Ze said: ” It seems that you have the best relationship with him in the entire Xingyue shoe factory ?”

.Fan Youcai : ” Who said that ?”

.Wang Ze said : ” The people from your factory said it . ”

.Fan Youcai said angrily, ” Nonsense ! This is slander !”

.Wang Ze blinked and said , ” It’s just a matter of distance. Is it worth using the word slander ?”

.” What . ”

.” Have a good relationship with Yuan Shengqiang , does this matter make you feel very serious ?”

.Fan Youcai sneered : ” No, no , I just wanted to express what they were talking about . ”

.Wang Ze glanced at him and said , ” What do you mean , your relationship with Yuan Shengqiang is normal ?”

.Fan Youcai nodded . _ _ _

.” Many people in our factory know him . ”

.” Why did you come to ask me ? ”

.Wang Ze said: ” Because it’s only you who once chatted with Yuan Shengqiang alone . ”

.” Is there such a thing ?”

.Fan Youcai was slightly silent , nodded and said, ” Yes . ”

.Wang Ze : ” What are you talking about ?”

.Fan Youcai smiled and said , ” It ‘s just casual chatting . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Then do you know who he has a better relationship with in the factory ? ”

.” Or , more frequent contact . ”

.Fan Youcai shook his head : ” How can I know about this ? ”

.” Officer , what’s wrong with Yuan Shengqiang ?”

.Wang Ze stared at Fan Youcai and said , ” He is dead . ”

.” Die …”

.Fan Youcai’s expression changed .

.” Dead ?!”

.” How did you die ?”

.Pang Qun glanced at Wang Ze .

.The other party suddenly revealed the details of the case , presumably because he had doubts about Fan Youcai .

.Wang Ze said: ” Don’t you have a normal relationship with him ?”

.” Why do you care so much , yet react so much . ”

.Fan Youcai said, ” We know each other after all . ”

.” Death is a big deal . ”

.” How did he die ?”

.Wang Ze said, ” Have you and Fan Youcai ever met in private apart from chatting near the bus stop ?”

.Fan Youcai shook his head : ” No, no . ”

.” How did he die ?”

.Pang Qun raised his eyebrows and stared at Fan Youcai .

.The policeman’s experience told him .

.This person has a problem .

.Wang Ze’s eyes flickered , and he said , ” From just now to now , you have asked three times how he died . ”

.” How did Yuan Shengqiang die , do you care so much ?”

.Fan Youcai’s tone suffocated and said , ” Didn’t I say it , I know it after all . ”

.” Of course I want to know . ”

.” I’m just curious , whether it was due to illness or an accident or something . ”

.Wang Ze looked at him , raised his hand to touch his chin , and said , ” If ;” Water ! .Resources ‘ group ‘ ” 6!?’5.6,;;6″1.;8″?!8;’;9 ‘ ;6?.Backup :: Use”in , ! turn.group , ? ,7, . “6?6!0.,1’;;8?3:,2.0 ” If I told you , he was people killed ?”

.Hearing this , Fan Youcai’s eyes narrowed .

.three seconds .

.He didn’t come back to his senses .

.” Killed … by someone ?!”

.” Really ?!”

.Wang Ze : ” What do you think ?”

.Fan Youcai fell silent .

.Judging from his expression , he was surprised .

.Of course .

.It’s normal to be surprised when someone you know has been killed .

.But from the time of questioning to the present , Fan Youcai’s response shows that he and Yuan Shengqiang are not just as simple as knowing each other .

.Wang Ze said , ” Who do you think killed him ?”

.Fan Youcai raised his head and said in amazement , ” I … how could I possibly know ?”

.Wang Ze asked , ” You really don’t know ?”

.Fan Youcai : ” I really don’t know . ”

043.” I’ve said it several times , and I have a normal relationship with him . ”

.Wang Ze fiddled with the mahjong tiles in front of him, lost in thought .

.After a long time , he suddenly said, ” Wu Gui was also killed . ”

.” What did you say ?!”

.Fan Youcai’s expression changed suddenly , and he spoke subconsciously .

.Seeing Wang Ze staring at him coldly , he realized that something was wrong , and quickly changed his words : ” I mean , what did you just say ? I didn’t hear it clearly ?”

.” Who was killed ?”

.Wang Ze repeated : ” Wu Gui . ”

.Fan Youcai was surprised : ” Who is Wu Gui ?”

.Bang !

.Wang Ze slammed the table : ” Fan Youcai !”

.” Be honest with me !!”

.” Do you really think I’m here to chat with you?!”

.On the other side , Zhang Chao and Pang Qun also looked bad .

.Forget about the cops .

.Anyone with a brain can see it .

.He must know Wu Gui !

.For this case .

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