I'm not a cyberpsycho

Chapter 283 O’Neill Cylinder

"K... open the door, I know you are at home... uh, are you really not here?"

Li Pan turned on the compound eye detector and scanned the partition wall, and found that there was really no one in the room. However, there is still quite a lot of genetic information left behind. K, Wei, Cai Zi, Little She Wolf...what kind of group party are you guys having? And where have all the people gone?

Li Pan spread out his cockroach wings and flew around the industrial area, but couldn't find their shadow.

Serena is not in the garage, or even in the sub-network of the Night City area. Perhaps she has activated the radar to become invisible.

There was nothing we could do. We originally planned to take them to BRW to exchange for prosthetic bodies and update their combat power to eight digits, but it seems we can only wait until next time.

After the Busan incident, Li Pan asked Liu Siyuan of GE’s anti-hacking team for some small help.

The man surnamed Liu had already offended Li Pan once before by refusing to use the super-gravity ray cannon to attack zombies. He didn't dare to commit suicide again, so he did things carelessly.

While smuggling Li Pan's cockroach prosthesis back to the Night City, he arranged for Zhang Martin to go to Wudang.

By the way, Li Pan casually subcontracted the task of the Black Lotus Sect to Martin. Didn't he say that the Black Lotus Sect was snatching the ring? When Zhang Martin, the bait, was kidnapped, he could just follow the clues and go rescue him.

Li Pan also took advantage of the help of GE's internal hacker team leader to improve the fake identity of 'Li Qingyun' that he had purchased through RM. I further updated my residence information and updated the resume of ‘Immigration Night Capital Mae’.

In fact, it's simple. A lot of people have died in Busan recently. Liu Siyuan directly found someone with the right identity and age from the Busan municipal management system, stole the social security records, and created a virtual life experience of more than ten years for "Li Qingyun".

With the same immigration background from the Ming Dynasty, Li Pan's distant relative immigrated to Busan with his parents to work. He attended an ordinary community technical school and later worked at Galaxy Cyborg Trading. Under the guarantee of President Park Chongzhi, he obtained a temporary residence permit in Busan and passed Outsourcing work agreement, serving as GE's specially hired technical foreign aid, and being stationed overseas as GE's outsourcing dog.

As a result, although 'Li Qingyun' cannot be found in the official citizen system, he is an indigenous resident with a perfect resume in Busan and the City of Night.

Even if someone finds out that the residence permit in Night City is fake, careful inspection will lead to the GE Group. Mistaking him for some kind of spy from GE Company stationed in the Night City.

Well, using a tiger skin as a banner, a company business card can save a lot of trouble.

So after BRW's cockroach prosthetic body was consigned to the Night City, Li Pan used the identity of 'Li Qingyun' to move around as soon as he got off work in the past two days. Sometimes he was Panlong's general manager driver, sometimes he was GE's company spy, sometimes he was... The immigrants who roam the streets are sometimes indescribable giant cockroaches.

In short, we are operating in secret, taking over the assets of the 4S store and the warehouse of the two classes, inventorying materials, purchasing arms and ammunition drones, and preparing mobile weapons for the Panlong security team to ensure that the veterans can link over at any time to provide fire support, and provide fire support to the two Prepare for a new round of calamity in the Night City after the moon.

Originally, Li Pan had been counting the inventory of the 4S store in the past two days. He wanted to take his women and pets to improve their combat effectiveness. Since the timing was not right, forget it.

So he flapped his wings and glide through the night sky, broke into the Night City at low altitude, dived and panned into the city's sewers skillfully, put away his bio-armor, revealed a GE mass-produced pretty face, and entered the Samsara Bar through the secret passage for a date.

"This is Nobuo Oyamada, the introducer of the reincarnation center."

Li Pan confirmed the information of the smart person who walked into the box with a bottle of wine. The other person was a middleman found through GE channels. He motioned for the other person to come in, gave the other person the business card of GE's specially appointed expert, and unceremoniously borrowed the consortium's local business card. resource channels.

When Oyamada saw that the person opposite him was from Busan, he also bowed, "I wonder what you need?"

"I need to find a secret warehouse in the Night City to hide in. Well, it's best to be able to prevent nuclear explosions."

Since "Li Qingyun" is not a citizen and cannot register and hold assets on his own, Li Pan has no choice but to use intermediaries in the gray area of ​​reincarnation to hold real estate on his behalf, and has raised obvious localized market demands.

Oyamada was not surprised either;

"I understand. There have been more inquiries in this area recently, but is it just a warehouse?

With all due respect, warehouses are generally located in logistics hubs, so there is a high probability of being attacked. The cost of renting them alone is too high, and there are many people sharing the same space.

If you plan to find a safe house and use it as a long-term base and nuclear defense facility, how about considering a regular high-end apartment or villa?

Not only is it more comfortable to use and equipped with security and emergency evacuation systems, but the housing prices in the Night City have plummeted recently, making it a good time to buy at the bottom! "

Damn it, how many times has the Night City been detonated by nuclear bombs and you are still advising people to buy real estate at low prices? You have a very bad conscience!

Oyamada also saw the look in Li Pan's eyes and explained with a smile,

"Of course I won't deceive you. To be honest, I have obtained some information from local people. Based on rational judgment, I believe that the real estate market in Night City will pick up. If you are interested, this news only costs one million."

Oh, does it refer to the news that Gao Tianyuan plans to give in?

Yes, in fact, Li Pan also saw this through Koga Ogyue's hidden eyes, and the information that Kotaro recently obtained is similar.

Basically, it means that the Hashiba family is giving in. For the benefit of the collective, they will sacrifice their nephew Nobuyoshi, bow their heads and apologize, pay a fine and pay taxes, and ask the tax bureau chiefs to treat it as a fart and let his family go. never mind.

Well, after all, Yu Chai is not crazy. He is so happy being the chairman of Gao Tianyuan. Does he want to start a war with the safety committee if he is mentally retarded?

There is even a theory that the head of the Hashiba family actually wanted to pass on the inheritance to his newborn son, so he secretly sent his confidant, CFO Ishida Mitsuya, to secretly coordinate with the envoys of the tax bureau, and finally even dismantled the defense system of the Takamagahara headquarters. He sold his nephew! So a bunch of executives were arrested! But there is nothing wrong with this Ishida!

Although there is actually no evidence for this accusation, the rumors are indeed widely spread. At least that guy Saburo Takenaka kept talking about it. He shared the information and said that many samurai saw that guy Ishida selling his country for glory, and the guy who licked the buttocks of space people was very I don't like it, I want to do something to him.

In short, the internal divisions in Gao Tianyuan were quite serious. The nephew faction and the legitimate son faction were at loggerheads. Now, not only that the core nephew of the nephew faction has been arrested, framed and executed, the shareholders' meeting was also forced by the Yushiba family head to pass a resolution to pay compensation and apologize, which is equivalent to being dismissed. It can be said to be quite shameful to bow to the Safety Committee with your neck tied.

However, since the actual person in charge of the Yushiba family is still there, and the key to Gao Tianyuan is also in his hand, he can still control the situation.

"I didn't come to Night City to speculate on houses,"

Li Pan was also undecided.

"But you seem to have good real estate recommendations."

Li Pan couldn't explain clearly that he only wanted a closet or a coffin-sized space, so he just said it casually.

Oyamada was very enthusiastic and turned on the AR projection to explain,

"What do you think of this one? It's a single-family villa in a high-end wealthy area. The owner moved to another world and sold it at a low price. It also has its own garage and basement. I can arrange to rebuild it into a three-proof shelter for you.

There is also this one, a skyscraper in Genting, an 800-square-meter duplex apartment in the city center. It also comes with an independent drone hangar and shuttle landing pad. Of course, the house must be fine, and the owner has moved to SIDE..."

Li Pan just flipped through it casually. He saw that Xiao Yamada had quite a lot of properties, with assets ranging from tens of millions to hundreds of millions. Of course, it was two to three percent lower than the peak valuation. , it seems that many sky people have fled the earth in a hurry recently.

Well, but to put it this way, it’s not necessary to hide the Black Pharaoh on the earth. Wouldn’t it be just a matter of throwing it directly into the SIDE colonial satellite?

"Why do we also have properties in SIDE Colony?"

"Of course, the business of reincarnation covers the entire 0791.

However, house prices in SIDE have risen sharply recently. As you know, not everyone can be reincarnated into another world. Most senior executives and civil servants have fled to the universe, and they may fall in the future. In fact, the price/performance ratio is low.

But if you are interested, I also have a villa built by one family in SIDE 4, which also comes with a small garden and a dog. Three buyers have already viewed it and are interested. It's first come, first served. "

The AR screen in the box turned around, holographically projecting a rural landscape and a curved metal canopy. A small house with a garden, as if in an oil painting, appeared in front of Li Pan.

Li Pan looked around and could see the distant horizon slowly warping, and the blue sky and white clouds projected above his head, as if he was in a huge picture scroll. Surrounded by electric cars, leisurely residents, and laughing children. A small town like a paradise.

Yes, this is a real-time live projection in the SIDE4 satellite city.

SIDE generally refers to the colonial satellite group anchored at the Lagrange point in the Sun-Earth universe. Satellites in this area can stay for a long time as long as they consume very little fuel. They are the basis for positioning and observing the solar system for detectors and astronomical telescopes. An ideal location, it has important practical applications and scientific exploration value in engineering and science, and is a hot spot for deep space exploration.

Satellite space stations of various sizes, such as military space stations, OP orbital factories, and colonial space stations, will be concentrated in this area, just like a group of space RVs gathered together to form a space tribal city.

Among them, the most numerous and classic SIDE space station is this cylindrical space colony residence, the O'Neill Cylinder.

This is a giant glass tube, usually built at Lagrange point L4L5. The single cabin is six kilometers in diameter, thirty kilometers long, and has a mass of over 600 million tons. It rotates around the axis of the body to simulate artificial gravity, and the axis points to the sun. To ensure that the solar cells receive sunlight and reflect the sunlight through the mirror solar cells, simulate sunrise and sunset, seasonal changes, and adjust the temperature to maintain a suitable environment for the human body.

Since the gravity of the Earth and the Moon can easily cause a single space capsule to lose its stable state, in order to avoid consuming additional fuel, such a space cylinder is usually two capsules connected together, with an enclosure engineering station in the middle, and rotate in opposite directions. Like a pair of hourglasses, one in summer and one in winter, to form a balanced and stable cabin state.

This kind of O'Neill cylinder is an early classic design of Terra Group. The practicability and applicability of the basic design have been verified for many years. It has become stable and very safe, and has achieved complete mass production and civilian patent opening. Design blueprints and maintenance plans can be searched on the public Internet. Mass-produced cabins are equipped with living, agricultural, and work areas as standard. The cost has been reduced to one trillion. Basically, the price of one Dreadnought can support millions of people. Long-term residence in space.

0791 The SIDE community in the Earth-Moon universe was naturally built by the Gao Tianyuan Group. SIDE colonies and orbital factories are all part of the Earth-Moon integrated development project, a high-precision industrial park.

After the war, these assets were naturally taken away by the space people, and were acquired at low prices by second- and third-tier companies. They broke away from Takamagahara's rule and became independent satellite cities. In terms of administrative planning, it no longer belongs to the Earth, but is a vassal of the Star City Council headed by Europa.

In other words, the vast majority of people who live and work here are cosmic and sky people who support the Security Committee, symbolizing the power of those second- and third-tier celestial companies outside the committee.

Of course, 0791 is a remote place, the population of residential areas in SIDE is not large, and there are not many companies attracting investment. Basically they are small towns with a population of 100,000. But even so, it is not easy to immigrate to this kind of space station permanently.

If you are not a 'born' cosmonaut or skyman, you must at least graduate from a prestigious school, be hired with a high salary, and be a valuable corporate employee. At least you must have a stable job and company in the nearby OP factory and scientific research space station. Welfare, only astronauts, scientific research and engineering technology elites with an annual salary of at least one million are eligible to obtain visa green cards for space residents.

After all, the space station is still a compromise solution for limited resource allocation. It is basically a community prepared by the company for mid-level technical employees. If you have your own small yard, you can also circumvent the Earth's epidemic prevention laws and raise some genetically modified cats, dogs, and other pets. The living environment is much better than the pigeon cages in the slums or the container dormitories in the mining areas.

Of course, it is still far from the real wealthy areas. Rich people mostly live in Europa Star City, lunar cities or the top wealthy areas on the earth. They also have their own starships and space stations for travel. There are several Who of the company's shareholders will live in the SIDE cylinder?

However, the situation has changed from time to time. Now the rich area of ​​0791 has been beaten to pieces by someone, and the universe is dangerous. Rich people who have properties in 0791 have also moved to the SIDE satellite city.

As for the small villa with a garden in SIDE4, which is located in the commuter area and suburbs of Night City, it costs about 5 million. In a space city in peacetime, with company subsidies, it should be able to buy it for more than 20 million, right? .

But now Oyamada's price has risen to 500 million, basically catching up with the luxury houses in the city center.

After all, the middleman is giving you a flat price. If you want to go to space, you not only need to find someone to buy the real estate on your behalf, but you also need to move your residence to SIDE to get the resident access permit of the space station, and the ration of supplies, and even first aid. Each cabin must be equipped with a separate set. You are not a citizen and do not have a job, so the middleman shouldn’t charge you a large sum of ‘intermediary introduction fees and operating fees’.

Going too far again, Li Pan stayed in the yard for a while with the real estate agent Xiao Yamada.

Of course he doesn't like this kind of expensive house with no landing pad. In order to avoid putting pressure on the space station's air purification system, every household here has an electric car like Lao Toole. Can you believe it.

Of course, money is not a problem. Li Pan’s current asset valuation is over one trillion. People are rushing to give him money. In his hands alone, he has seven or eight pictures of CAMARILLA, VK, RM, Cool Baboon, Paradise, BYB, Milestone, and GE. Enterprise group credit cards, which can be used to buy and buy at will, have already evolved from the stage of 'I want everything but can't afford anything' to the stage of 'I can afford it, but what do I want to buy'.

Li Pan just took a second look at the dog. Well, he didn't expect to get a dog as a gift when he bought a house.

Genetic identification showed that this was a Bernese Mountain Dog, and the certificate showed that it was the fourteenth generation clone of the original body after death. There was no intelligent assistance or combat assistance plug-in installed, so it was just a stupid dog. It was probably a family treasure passed down from the ancestors of the house owner, no, a mythical beast.

The dog was just a dog playing with a ball or baseball in the yard. He took the baseball in his mouth and rolled it down the slide. Then he ran to pick it up, picked it up, and then threw it on the slide.

From time to time, a car would pass by, and it would drop the ball and rush to the door to squat in a silly mood, wagging its tail and watching the car disappear at the end of the street. Then it would come back, twitching its ears, and continue playing like a dog. That ball.

Li Pan kept looking at the dog, and Xiao Yamada was not blind. He introduced,

"The head of the household got promoted and moved to the earth. Because of the bio-epidemic prevention policy, you know, the money was not available, and the dog license application could not be applied for. It also had to be renewed every year. The expenses were relatively large, so he was left here.

You don’t have to worry, as long as a small operation is needed, it will be as loyal to you as a family member. These household pets have the most basic intelligence upgrade and can understand simple commands. As private property, the brain is equipped with basic control and positioning chips as standard. If you leave the yard, you will receive an electric shock and will not get lost. "

"Yes, after all, it's just a dog..."

Suddenly the dog chasing the ball raised his head and looked at the axis of the cylinder. Then the virtual sky projection flickered a few times and was interrupted, revealing a large area of ​​aluminum plate and glass sky dome. Then the AR live broadcast flashed a few times, the communication was interrupted, and the two people returned to the bar booth.

"Is this... communication failure? Sorry, I'll find a technician to debug it."

Oyamada's eyes flashed with contact, and Li Pan didn't mind, so he took a few sips of tequila.

Tsk, it’s tasteless and expensive. I’ll order milk from now on, at least to supplement the protein...

"Well, it doesn't seem like there's a signal problem on our side, it's that SIDE4's communication has been lost."

Oyamada quickly confirmed and came back to his senses, and said with some confusion,

"There has been no solar wind warning in the past few days. Maybe it's because of the aging antenna or space debris..."

Li Pan quickly said, "Forget it, the house is too small and the signal is too poor, but... can the dog be sold alone?"

Oyamada nodded naturally,

"Yes, there is a cloning certificate and a pure-blood gene report. The lifespan of this kind of dog is about ten years. After death, you can find a genetic clinic to resurrect it for a fee. After annual quarantine testing and biological testing, each dog costs 160. Ten thousand up and down.

If you want to bring it back to the earth and raise it, it will be a bit troublesome to get the dog certificate and biological quarantine agency. However, if you are really interested, the one-time price is 6 million, and I will arrange for someone to deliver it to your home and get the certificate. "

Li Pan touched his chin, "It's a bit expensive..."

"It's not expensive. Even though it looks like a dog, it's essentially a genetically modulated synthetic beast. It's the product of optimized intelligence. It can provide psychological comfort and emotional value. It plays the role of a pet and companion, and is equivalent to a family. Member. It can also be implanted with smart chips, which can communicate with you, and can even command household appliances, start fires for cooking, and act as a family nanny.

It can even be edited into a fighting chimera if you're willing to give it a custom makeover. You can choose to install missile and electromagnetic gun modules, genetic enhancement or mechanical enhancement!

Of course, if you don’t return to Earth often, you can keep it in a space city or on a ship. By the way, speaking of spaceships, are you interested in interstellar cruise ships?

I have a few second-hand luxury cruise ships on hand. I am looking for Chenxi’s custom-made yacht. The owner is a senior official in the bureau. He has recently been reincarnated in another world. The cruise-class one only costs 10 billion..."

After a while of sales promotion by Oyamada, Li Pan was exhausted. In the end, Li Pan still thought the yacht was too expensive, so he only bought two warehouses... and the dog.

One is a small hangar at the airport in the Night City metropolitan area. It can park shuttles and floating vehicles. If you have goods, you can pull them there for temporary storage. You can also build a floor.

There is also a vacuum container anchor near the Jupiter star door. It is an industrial-grade giant container storage area, a logistics area used for cross-star gate material transportation.

This is a bay for industrial ships to store space containers. The interior of the container has been modified. In addition to the storage containers, a part of the cabin is also divided into living areas. It can be towed away as long as the tugboat connects it.

These two secret warehouses were registered in the names of other citizens. After payment, the coordinates and permission codes were directly delivered. They were also purchased from reincarnation middlemen through GE channels. Naturally, they would not go around like Panlong. It has a little bit to do with it.

It was a bit shabby, but in total it was worth tens of thousands of assets.

As for the dogs... I'll keep them for fun. Anyway, K has had a few before. It's so lonely to be away from home alone, so it's just a good idea to give them to her as a small gift.

However, I don’t know whether Oyamada felt that he was making less money or something else. When he traded the dog, his computer suddenly stopped midway, as if he had gone offline to do something else. As a result, he waited for more than ten minutes before linking back up again. He was in a hurry. Get the Tao,

"Sorry! The deal for the Bernese Mountain Dog cannot be completed."

Li Pan frowned, "Why, the dog owner wants to increase the price? You got at least half of the six million, right? The agreed-upon price will be deducted from your share!"

Oyamada bowed and said,

"You misunderstood, but that's not the reason. Although it's hard to say it, it involves an emergency! Sir, do you want to buy a priceless piece of information? It concerns Gao Tianyuan! First-hand information only costs 100,000!"

Li Pan sneered, do you still need you to give me Gao Tianyuan's information? Isn't it just that the agency fee of tens of thousands of yuan is too low, and you still want to negotiate the price?

"You keep increasing the price for me for a dog. Okay, if you add 100,000, it will be 100,000. I can afford it. Do you want to add more?"

"Oh, you misunderstood,"

Oyamada said helplessly,

"Actually, the owner of the household just now discovered that the dog's life signal had disappeared! And the news just now reported that SIDE4 was said to have lost contact. It is speculated that there was an accident in the reactor! There was a nuclear explosion!"

Li Pan looked at him askance.

"Are you fooling me? Do you think I haven't seen a nuclear explosion with my own eyes? Is that what a nuclear explosion looks like?"

"...This really doesn't make sense, so I just went to the technical department to confirm the communication interference just now, and found that there seemed to be a hacker cutting off the communication in the background!

But it's definitely not an accident! It's man-made! Something big may really happen in SIDE4 now! It's a real shame, but that dog's business isn't going to work.

The permission code of the warehouse is here. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. "

Oyamada did not continue to persuade, and hurriedly opened the door and went out to sell information.

Then Li Pan noticed that something had happened in the Samsara Hotel. Everyone was running around and making a noise, as if the bar had been attacked.

Well, anyway, the Night City is so noisy every day.

Although he was a little helpless not to buy a dog, Li Pan didn't care much. After all, it would be the same if he went back to the pet store.

So he continued to prepare, first checking the warehouse at the airport, and if it was safe, he would transfer the Black Pharaoh.

Unexpectedly, when we arrived at the airport, the place would be in chaos. A large number of shuttles were taking off in an emergency and desperately trying to escape, just like the scene when the starships were overwhelming and solemnly approaching.

What's going on? eighteen?

Eighteen, "Boss! It's a big deal!!"

Li Pan, "Don't you have any other lines recently...Okay, who died this time. The head of the Yushiba family?"

Eighteen, "It's not his turn yet, but it will probably be soon. Gao Tianyuan just declared war!"

"Declaration of war? On whom?"

"Then who else! The entire Safety Committee!"

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