I'm not a cyberpsycho

Chapter 284 Grand Theft Auto

Printed with the Panlong Construction LOGO, a snake-like thing drawn by Li Pan himself, the shuttle flew over the moat of liquid solar cells.

Leticia put on the heavy SBS and hung the shotgun and grenades on her body.

"So let me summarize, we are going to Kansai Port, sneak into the mansion of a Takamagahara executive, and steal a motorcycle?"

Caiko put on a close-fitting optical camouflage tights, raised her samurai sword, and said, "Yep."

Leticia, "Why?"

Wei also nodded, "Yes, why?"

Caiko looked at Wei with pity,

"Because you were caught stealing a car last time by the car owner, beat you half to death and were infected with the golem virus. Remember, I asked you to steal the car to pay off your debt. Why did you forget it yourself? The concussion is not healed yet?"

Leticia, "No, I'm asking why it's a motorcycle..."

Wei went crazy, "I'm asking you what are you doing here?"

Caiko, "Wow, you almost killed yourself when you stole a car last time. Are you here again? You are the boss's savior after all. How can we just watch you die? And didn't you say that 50 million will be divided equally after the incident is completed?" "

Wei, "I mean the reward is 50 million! When did I say I would share it equally with you!?"

Wearing a helmet and gloves, K controlled the Flea drone and turned somersaults.

"Have you ever been to Jiegang? Do you know the road? Are you capable of taking the car out of the garage in Takamagahara by yourself, escaping the pursuit of the ninjas, and transporting it all the way to the Night Capital? Even if you can do it yourself, are you not afraid of it again? Have you been cheated on?"

Wei, "Tsk..."

Leticia howled, "So why is it a motorcycle? The reward is 50 million! If you have the spare money, you can just buy one!"

Serena flashed her eyes,

"I guess the target this time is the limited edition Kusanagi sword! Maybe when I was escaping before, I admired my heroic appearance and admired her! Alas! There is really no way! It seems that 10 million has been paid, and I can't I need to get a new look to avoid being too ostentatious!”

Wei, "Wait, why does she also get a share?"

K flicked his finger and opened the holographic map.

"This place is the residential area of ​​Takamagahara executives. There are surveillance and security guards everywhere. We can't get in without Serena's technical support."

Wei, "No, I mean, oh, okay..."

Caiko said optimistically,

"It's okay, it's okay. I asked on the school forum. The head of the household and the executive himself were arrested by IRAF. Gao Tianyuan is also holding a shareholders' meeting. The security forces are all in Himeji. There must be no one in the villa. Let's go forward quickly. Go out, steal the car and run away, it’s very simple.”

Wei, "Why are you so relaxed! This is stealing Gao Tianyuan's things! You are an enemy of the company!"

Former reserve ninja of Takamagahara, "Nothing is wrong, stealing, ahem, infiltration class, I got full marks."

Former Red Tengu kamikaze, "Huh, company."

The former Night Rider Knight Commander said, "Oh, Takamagahara."

Tian Congyun, the former control center of Takamagahara, asked, "Rush in directly or wait until dark?"

K skillfully established an encrypted communication channel and grouped four people into one car in the sub-network.

"Quick decision, go early and come back early. There will be a GE online drama tonight. I want to see what excuse the scumbag has to break up with Shuxian."

Leticia, "Then what's the excuse? I probably have blood cancer..."

K, "Nani! Blood cancer! What should Shuxian do!"

Caiko, "Jionni...what age are you from? You really haven't watched the Peninsula drama at all. They have abused this kind of plot twist to the point that they can apply for a patent..."

Wei, "Hey, be serious! Don't talk about online dramas during the action!"

However, Wei's ability to speak was limited. After all, the aerial vehicle, SBS, guns and ammunition for this operation were all obtained by Caiko and the others from Panlongshun. Well, anyway, the boss is 1,400 light-years away. Even if he is discovered, it can be said that Panlong Company took over the business.

The float vehicle quickly arrived at the boundary port and activated its optical camouflage to lurk in the park on the edge of the villa area.

K, "Getting any closer may trigger the alarm. The aerial vehicle is parked here. I will stay behind and serve as part-time commander of the drone. Leticia will be at the outer boundary to ensure that the escape route is clear and provide fire cover if necessary. The three of you will sneak in and steal car.

If the alarm is triggered, Wei, just ride on the target vehicle and just run. We will give priority to protecting you and then gather our thoughts. If there is no problem, prepare to take action. "

So Leticia, who was fully armed and loaded with ammunition, first jumped out of the floating vehicle carrying large and small bags, and set up a warning position at the intersection of the Gaotianyuan employee villa area.

Wei and Ayako rode on Serena, put on four Flea-types, and sneaked into the residential area through optical invisibility.

Needless to say, the villa area for Gao Tianyuan executives is simply an inner city within a city, filled with villas and mansions, gardens and lawns, artificial lakes, racecourses and golf courses.

In fact, those directors and senior executives don't really live here. After all, they don't have real estate anywhere in Zhutian, so they only occasionally hold shareholders' meetings or stay for a few days when they come to Jie Port for business trips. Usually, most of them are idle for smart people. Servants take care of it. In other words, there is too much money and no place to spend it, so it is just a fixed asset used for investment.

Of course, the property security in places like this is also top-notch, with many smart drones. But as Ayako said, Takamagahara was holding a shareholders' meeting recently. A group of big guys were in Himeji City of the Hashiba Clan, discussing the major event that Takamagahara's apparent second-in-command, Hashiba Nobuyoshi, the executive chairman of the Standing Council, was arrested and committed suicide. , all the elite troops of Gao Tianyuan were transferred away.

So with Serena's technical support, the two of them and one car were invisible all the way without triggering any alarms, and arrived at the target's large villa.

First, he sneaked in like a flea and solved the security and monitoring problems easily and skillfully. Then Serena connected to the subnet to unlock it. Wei and Caiko sneaked into the garage to take a look.

"Good guy, who is this rich..."

The two of them looked at the rows and rows of luxury cars lying in the warehouse with greed. They were all customized and limited editions. They had various models from various companies. They could not see the end at a glance. There were at least hundreds of them sitting together to gather dust. Uh, okay, there is no dust. This underground garage is a professional clean room, and there is a cleaning robot that waxes and oils it regularly for maintenance.

"Ukita Hachiro, a young local samurai from the countryside, but his mother has some friendship with the head of the Hashiba family, so he became the godson of the Hashiba family. He is an embroidered pillow with nothing but loyalty, and he is the richest and most powerful idiot in Kansai. .

As soon as his godfather came into power, Hachiro also followed the chicken and dog to the sky. He was recently awarded the title of Vice Admiral of the 0791 Citizen Fleet, Admiral of the Takamagahara Company Fleet, and Commander of the Kansai Governorate.

Of course, it’s just a title. Look at how cowardly IRAF was when they arrested him. He didn’t even dare to fart..."

"Why are all the generals of the Citizen Fleet like this..."

While K was also controlling the drone to investigate, he was also educating his group of little girls who had never seen the world on the channel,

“The Citizen Fleet has long ceased to be used for fighting, and the sky is the same these days.

If you want to be promoted to lieutenant, you have to spend money to buy it, which costs five million for each leading star. If you want to be promoted to a school official, it's not enough to spend money. You also have to look at family background and family status. Only by marrying the daughter of a military family can you be eligible to get a letter of introduction. And if you want to be a general, just having blood is not enough. It also depends on how many ships and supplies you have donated, and whether you can command the fleet you donated yourself.

Only when selecting a master chief will we see how many contributions you have made, how much blood you have shed, how many enemies you have killed, and how many starships you have shot down. "

Everyone was chatting and watching the luxury cars enter the underground garage.

Led by the original Amanashi Unken himself, he quickly found the limited edition Kusanagi Ken in the garage.

Good guy, this car really deserves to be treated as a collector's edition. Ukita Hachiro almost gave it to him directly. It was placed on the exhibition stand and locked in a glass dust-proof cabinet. It was shiny and new.

But just as Serena started to access the system and unlock it, Leticia, who was watching outside, suddenly sounded an alarm.

An unexpected guest has arrived.

"The security convoy in Gao Tianyuan may have senior executives returning home by chance..."

However, their luck was not very good. They had just pushed the Kusanagi sword out of the display cabinet, and the motorcade was heading straight towards the luxury car villa of the Uki family.

K controlled the Flea to conduct reconnaissance in the villa while reporting to the team.

"There are three cars and twelve people in total. They are the ninja troops from Takamagahara. They are disabling the security system. They are not interested in the antiques and safes in the main room and are staring at the garage... I am afraid that their purpose is the same as ours. Who stole this car."

Wei was speechless, "Did you make a mistake, come again? Can these guys not send out tasks in groups?"

K thought for a moment, "Selena, how long do you have left?"

Serena remotely connected to the replica host,

"I'm afraid this Kusanagi Sword has never been turned on after it left the production line. I have to use the MYKOSI boot system to rewrite the OS, which will take at least fifteen minutes."

K monitors the target and makes quick calculations,

"A fight will definitely alert the garrison, and we only have ten minutes at most to safely evacuate. Try to delay it as long as possible to prepare for battle.

I'll deal with the eight guards outside. Among the four people who got out of the garage, there were two ninjas, a hacker, and a company dog.

The company dog ​​should come with authority. You should deal with the guards first, and capture the remaining leaders and hackers alive if you can.

At this time, two groups of people come to grab a car, and things may not be simple..."


"Hey! It's not two groups! There's a third wave of people coming in the night vision goggles! It's a stealth military plane! Damn! Paratroopers wearing SBS jumped down!"

Caiko, "Do it! Only 50 million for this kind of job is a bit low!"

Wei, "..."

K, "Our ammunition and equipment cannot confront the army head-on! Hide first! I will find a way to attract their attention, and you can escape when you see the opportunity!"

Caiko, "Hide? Where to hide?"

"Here!" Serena opened the cleaning drone hangar and drove the drones out to wash the car. Wei and Ayako quickly pushed the Kusanagi sword motorcycle inside.

Wei, "Only one can fit in!"

Serena simply floated to the booth and squatted down. Well, she was also a 'Kusanagi Sword' anyway...

By the time they were hidden, the four of them had entered the hangar. One ninja was guarding the company dog, and the other started accelerating and quickly scanned the garage and the motorcycle to confirm safety.

Seeing that the other party was about to explore the drone hangar where Wei was hiding, the company dog ​​said impatiently,

"Don't be so slow! We don't have time. Is there any problem with the key?"

The ninja hesitated for a moment, interrupted the scan and turned his head.

"The key is normal, but Mr. Ishida, if you do this..."

The company dog ​​had strode over, took out the data card from his formal suit and threw it to the hacker.

"Sakon, Sakon! You guys guard the door! No matter what, stop those idiots!

Tamura goes to unlock the key! Gao Tianyuan cannot be destroyed in the hands of those idiots in the military department! "

Then he walked aside, his pupils flashed with electronic rainbow light, and he directly started remote encrypted communication.

The master ordered, and the ninjas had no choice but to draw their swords and go upstairs to guard.

The hacker was naturally not idle. He came to Serena with his laptop. Although he found that the Kusanagi sword seemed a little dirty, he was also a little confused, but there was a faint explosion from outside. The attackers are not far away either.

The hacker also knew that there was no time to hesitate. He inserted the card authorization and unlocked the encrypted database. Then he pulled out the personal link and linked it directly to Serena's host to start the system upgrade and data update.

Caizi and Wei looked at each other and made lip-syncing gestures.

‘What to do now? ’

Wei is also scratching her head, why is she so bad at doing some tasks?

At this time, the sound of gunfire could be heard on the roof, and two groups of people had already arrived at the villa!

Wei gritted her teeth and pulled out her gun.

"No matter what! Fight out! I will open the way..."


The ceiling suddenly exploded, and alloy plates and masonry smashed into a group of supercars, causing them to scream in surprise.

The company dog ​​didn't have time to make a phone call. He spread out his AVNDS protective stance around his body. While driving the super acceleration to dodge, he opened the prosthetic ray cannon on both arms and fired at the ceiling. Biubiu fired a series of dense lasers, blasting the ceiling into pieces. Dense honeycomb.

"Damn it! Tamura! Are you done!"

There was no reply from the hacker over there, and he was still installing reading messages on the battlefield.

Amidst the beeping alarm, there was a moment of silence from the gunfire, and then several black rubber balls as big as basketballs bounced into the garage.

“What is this…” “Buzz——!”

Suddenly, a powerful gravitational field suppressed the company dog ​​from the sky, nearly knocking it to the ground.

The company dog ​​roared, activated overload acceleration, broke free from the constraints of gravity, and tried to rush across the battlefield to the key not far away.

However, at the same time, those few balls seemed to be attracted by magnets, and they all flew up towards the company dog's body, and they all hit the nano-shield of the AVNDS protection system.

And it is completely different from the situation where bullets and gravel are bounced or decelerated. These balls, like slimes, actually turn into the same non-flowing fluid under the influence of the position! It also adheres to the light wall stand! A large number of nanomachines are absorbed into the defense system! It is obviously weakening the effectiveness of the AVNDS protection system!

"Nani! This, this is..."

"Traitor——! God punishes——!"

Don’t wait for the company dog ​​to be shocked that the defense system bought for a big price has been broken! Suddenly, a three-meter-tall military cybernetic cyberman whose whole body was highly cybernetic and almost made of iron blocks broke through the wall! Come over with a big jump! Carrying countless gun barrels and bomb bays all over the body! Like a battleship turret, firing a volley at the head of a company dog!

"Boom boom boom!!"

The violent explosion and shock wave almost instantly leveled the garage to the ground! Destroy everything! Those luxury cars that didn't even have the chance to go on the track for two laps after leaving the factory were instantly blown into pieces of scrap metal!

However, this corporate dog Ishida was unscathed even so! Although AVNDS was greatly weakened, most of the impacts and explosions were still withstood! After all, the money earned is used at times like this!

"Toranosuke! Bastard Kusuo! Malanoro! You idiot is back from the border! Are you going to betray Hashiba too!"

The company dog ​​yelled at the person who was looking for love.

"Shut up! Ishida! You are Yu Shiba's traitor! Traitor! National traitor! The villain who betrayed Wakazu! Die!!"

And the cyber soldier Toranosuke was also furious! Seeing that the protection system was full of alarms after a meal of damage, he still couldn't defeat this enemy, so he directly showed off the high-frequency arm blade of his elbow! The knife struck out Ishida's heart! Vow to cut open his heart and lungs!

"Idiot! Idiot! Stupid thing! You brainless idiots! I will never let you destroy Takamagahara, which I finally rebuilt!"

Seeing the blade emitting a red light and piercing the defense system, Ishida also roared loudly. At the moment when the defense system collapsed due to overload, a needle of strengthening agent was inserted into his neck! He raised his hand and punched the Iron Man who was stepping on him to the ceiling!

"Gao Tianyuan! You have the nerve to raise Tianyuan! You traitorous and despicable traitor!!"

However, the cyber soldiers were almost unscathed! Turn over and charge forward! A punch smashed into Ishida's face! Punch him away! !

"This punch is for Beizhengsuo!"

"Idiot! Launching a mutiny! Are you repaying the Hoi Masato by forcibly starting a war with the heavens? Are you saving Takamagahara! You are asking for your own destruction!

Toranosuke! Stop now and let bygones be bygones! I apologize to His Highness for you! Don't make a big mistake! "


Toranosuke roared like a tiger, pressed Ishida's face to the ground and rubbed it like a mop, shoveling up all the floor tiles.

"You plead guilty for me!? The seller is a coward seeking glory! We drove the mecha to ram their ship on the battlefield! What are you doing!

You're just licking the cosmonaut's shoes from behind! Tie up your own brothers and give them to your enemies! Did the Beijing Political Office teach you to treat brothers like this? Sakichi——! "

"Ah! Everything I do! It's for Takamagahara! For the Hashiba family! For everyone to survive!"

Ishida resisted the strange force and gritted his teeth to lift his neck.

"Toranosuke!! Wake up, Toranosuke! The war is over!"

"Hahaha! It's over!? Hahahaha!"

Toranosuke let out an electric laugh,

"The war has just begun! It's a pity that you can't see it, Sakichi! His Highness can't see it either! I really want you to see it! The real underworld!!"

"You, what did you do!" Ishida was stunned for a moment, then roared in shock, "What on earth did you crazy people do!"

The two men relied on their prosthetic equipment and violently fought and spat at each other. But basically it's just Wang Ba Quan, you punch me and I kick you, there's no technical content. Even Ishida was able to take advantage for a while because the prosthetic body he was equipped with was obviously imported from Tianwai.

But this guy is obviously a civil servant, and the front-line cyber soldier opposite Toranosuke, who obviously has a military background, was built up by Takamagahara with unknown black technology, and he actually catches up with the strength of the BYB combat prosthetic in terms of numerical values! Coupled with the fact that the first mover used missiles, shotguns and wave knives to break the defense, the two of them were evenly matched for a while!

And soon the balance tipped, because reinforcements joined Toranosuke, a total of seven humanoid cyber mechas transformed by Takamagahara technology, military combat prosthetics! A group of soldiers surrounded the company dog ​​Ishida, chasing and beating him fiercely! He was so skilled at Gao Tianyuan's bullying and beating style that he punched and kicked me like a baseball, kicking the figure into pieces and flying around without any power to fight back!

"Your Majesty!" "Your Highness, leave quickly!"

At this time, all the ninjas had been killed by the special forces, and only two were left. It seemed impossible to win, but the master was in danger, so he bravely rushed out to save the savior, slashing with light blades and throwing smoke bombs, forcing the besieged Ishida was rescued.

And how could the Cyber ​​Soldiers allow them to escape? For a moment, everyone chased them out of the parking lot.

Seeing how happy they were playing, Wei and Caizi knew they couldn't miss this opportunity to escape. With one foot on the accelerator, two people and a car rushed out of the drone hangar.

Caiko jumped up, flashed her sword, cut off the hacker's head, and started the motorcycle.


Serena, "MYKOSI system is being upgraded and optimized, and the current progress is 41%..."

Caiko, "Upgrade at this time and you fuck me!"

Wei, "No more time! Get on her and run away!"

The cyber soldiers were also surprised to see someone break out of the siege at this time.

"That's it! Kusanagi sword!"

"There are actually two?!"

"MYKOSI! We can't let them take away MYKOSI!"

"Nani! Kamikyu! Sakichi, you bastard! You even want to give the key to the people from the universe! The miscellaneous cultivator will die a miserable death!"

Toranosuke roared angrily, and then struck with one punch. Each punch plus a charged wave cannon was like exploding a rotten persimmon! Blast those nearby ninjas into pieces!


"Kill them!"

After giving the order, two cyber soldiers immediately turned around and chased the motorcycle, while the others continued to beat Ishida.

Who knew they had just blocked the way! Then dense iron rain came on the ground!

It is the flea-type MMSS miniature metal storm weapon system!

Aren’t you awesome! Isn't it possible to speed up and jump left and right?

Four fleas, sixteen launch modules! With the ultimate damage efficiency of 480,000 accelerated projectiles!

Hide and look!

Suddenly, they only met each other, and the violent iron rain instantly killed the two cyber soldiers! Tear to pieces! Blast to the ground! Kill a bloody path in an instant!

"Bastard! A bunch of trash!"

Toranosuke was furious! With one punch, Ishida was knocked to the ground. He didn't even have time to care about this hated enemy. He started to accelerate! Watching the two fleeing motorcycles in person and chasing after them!

"Fuck me, chase after you!"

Wei returned to Bang Bang Bang, but he didn't expect that the war weapon was overloaded and accelerated, and his body was like electricity. He couldn't even hit a single shot. He also took a breath of air.

"Fuck! Dodge the bullet! What to do!"

Leticia roared on the channel, "DPW!!"

Wei, "What!?"

Caiko screamed, "Get out of the way!!!"

Wei subconsciously imitated Caizi's movements, and the two motorcycles slid sideways, one to the left and one to the right.

At the same time, a bright starlight shone from the park jungle opposite the golf course, across the lake and lawn.

However, Toranosuke, who had been on the battlefield for a long time, also recognized it instantly, "Fortress gun ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

The bright light rushed towards us, crossing the manor and the villa, like a silver spear thrust from nowhere. The spear pierced the earth and the sky, turning everything in its path into dust and powder, and disappeared in the blazing heat. . For a moment, everything was silent, the gunshots and explosions stopped, and there were only the remains of cyber mechas, Takamagahara ninjas and expensive sports cars scattered on the ground.

After a while, K slowly said in the channel,

"Where did you get the neutron ray cannon?"

Caizi said in a hoarse voice, "It's all right in the warehouse..."

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