I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 146 Sleeping all the time

The leader paid no further attention. He was frightened by the dump truck just now.

"Keep waking up."

He began to open his eyes repeatedly, but he still did not reach reality. The mobile phone beside him was still glowing.

"It's still the same call. Why hasn't it arrived yet? How deep have I gone this time?"

He doesn't remember much either. If too much time passes in the dream, he will forget which layer he is on.

"It seems that it took a long time to wake up this time." The leader also realized that something was wrong, but it didn't take much effort to keep opening his eyes. He was wondering, as he had already opened his eyes many times.

Open your eyes, open your eyes, open your eyes...

Finally, when he opened his eyes again, there was no light from the mobile phone around him.


He wiped his blurred eyes and realized that the ceiling in front of him didn't seem to be the one he was familiar with.

Where is this?

He found himself sleeping on a bed, and the sky was densely packed with words.

"He found himself sleeping on a bed, and the sky was densely packed with words." He read out this text.

"He read the passage out loud."

The more he looked at it, the more creepy he felt. The words above actually recorded things he had experienced, and the words in the distance could not be seen clearly.

The leader discovered that his next actions had actually been recorded in those words.

"He panicked, his hand slipped and he fell off the bed."

Is this my next move?

The leader slowly sat up, and then realized that there were countless beds under the dome of the words.

In every small bed, there is a different person sleeping. These people are dreaming peacefully and seem to never wake up.

The words and the bed were all arranged so densely that it was impossible to see beyond them.

The leader's eyes widened. The terrifying text curtain seemed to be falling continuously, and it might fall down at some point.

Is this still a dream?

Looking at the strange scene in front of him, the leader felt that he had mistakenly entered an unknown area in the dream, so he quickly closed his eyes and tried to escape.

But when he opened his eyes again, he found that the canopy of words that had been hanging far in the sky had pressed against his face, and the terrifying huge words were pressed tightly against his nose.

Because he was too close, he couldn't see clearly the content of the text, but he could see the gorgeous colorful pixels on the text.

These pixels flash and emit dazzling colors.

He could even feel that his breathing was blocked by the canopy of words, and the warm air flowed back to his face.

He panicked, his hand slipped and he fell off the bed.

The leader did not fall to the ground, but fell into the endless void.

The canopy of words and the ocean of the bed spread high, getting farther and farther away from him as he fell, until the words and the bed became invisible pixel dots.

The leader's mind was blurry at this time, and he only felt that he had passed through countless beds in the process of falling.

He could feel himself lying on the bed, yet he could feel himself sinking into the bed's interior.

I don’t know how long the cycle lasted.

The surrounding mobile phones continued to light up, and the continuous flashes formed a white line that extended to the sky.

He seemed to be riding an elevator descending at high speed. When the light stopped flickering, he found himself lying on a bed in a high-end hospital, with his body covered in plaster.

The housekeeper who had led him into the manor before was standing beside him, holding an identical confidentiality agreement in his hand.

"This can help you survive." The butler said calmly while packing things, "I will never kill a person twice. You are really lucky."

The housekeeper picked up his immobile hand, pressed it on the ink pad, and then fingerprinted the agreement.

And for some reason, his signature was already on the agreement.

Seeing his shocked look, the housekeeper explained: "It's easy to get your signature."

"Okay, your injury is not serious. You will be discharged from the hospital in a while. From now on, you can just collect money every month."

"It would be great to do this sooner."

The butler carefully put the agreement in his briefcase and walked out...

After a while, the leader returned home, but everything at home shocked him even more.

Those hoarded pickles disappeared.

Only the empty glass jar remains...

There is also a can, which is placed in a conspicuous place, as if to remind him.

There was neither more nor less in the can, and the seal on the filling spout was intact.


The leader tremblingly picked up the pickle jar, put it under the pillow, and then lay down.

The wound has not healed yet, and there is a dull pain.

The black hole of visualization was etched in his memory.

He didn't know what he was thinking about. Maybe it was his dead father, maybe his numb mother, maybe his novel, maybe it was the speeding dump truck.

"That's ridiculous."

His thoughts sank into a black hole.


Turns out this is reality.

"This is what happened to the leader of the Dream Sect. After this incident, he founded the Dream Sect and wanted to take everyone away from this world."

"Due to that experience, his spirit has become somewhat abnormal. When he meets people, he says that the world is being played by the Creator, and that his life is controlled by the Creator. Whether it is terminal illness, amnesia, or a car accident, it is all arranged by the Creator for him. of."

Martin said slowly.

Mo Ling was a little confused: "How do you know about him?"

"I had already joined the official team at the time, and I was present when the matter was investigated. We obtained this information using a relic that can obtain memories from the corpse, but this information cannot be published and can only be hidden."

"In fact, many things have been known to the official for a long time, but this information may cause panic or cause some kind of contamination, so it will not be released."

"Some of our colleagues also speculate that if they know about this matter, they may be watched by the Creator. This is the possible price I told you."

Martin explained seriously, as if everything he said could support each other.

"Why does knowing the nature of the world attract attention?" Mo Ling asked.

"Other worlds do not, but the essence of our world is a novel. The Creator likes people who can see through the essence of the world, because these 'characters' have the potential to become brave."

"Just like when you read novels, you also like stories with twists and turns and characters that can penetrate the world. The Creator is the same. Not only that, he will also make your experience more twists and turns, with ups and downs."

Martin thought for a while and gave an example: "For example, when you go to a place, you will definitely encounter a crisis. In a crisis, there will definitely be a big boss. This is the brave man and the devil. He may also arrange princesses and partners for you, regardless of Is it useful?"

"In short, you will feel that your adventure is particularly exciting."

As Martin spoke, he asked Mo Ling: "Do you feel you are being watched?"

"No, I think it's quite normal."

"That's good." Martin relaxed his hand slightly: "From the moment you guys found me, I felt something was wrong. It seemed like everything was going twists and turns..."

Moling felt that Martin was thinking too much, and he didn't quite believe what Martin said about the nature of the world, although it was very interesting.

As for being watched, that's even less likely.

"There won't be any novel where the hero is a cube, right?"

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