I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 147 The Twisted End

"Almost over."

The world of sound moved towards death very quickly, and the surrounding area became silent. Only Martin's faint voice of narration came from his arm.

The surrounding light has disappeared, and you can't see your fingers. This is absolute darkness.

Mo Ling's non-existent ears could only hear the "sizzling" tinnitus in the silence, which was very obvious in the dark environment.

There is no difference whether he opens his eyes or closes them, all he sees is endless darkness.

"Close your eyes, and remember to be careful when you open them for a while, it may be too bright." Martin instructed.

Mo Ling closed her eyes obediently.

And Martin began to chant silently.








Mo Ling felt the slightest flicker of light, and when he opened his eyes, he was already standing in the metal wall, as if nothing had happened.

Martin beside him has disappeared. He is standing far away outside the square, his mouth open as if he wants to say something.

The purple crystal disappeared. Bai Zhou and Li Luo were standing aside in confusion. They both looked at Martin.

"What just happened?"

The two of them were also pulled into the world of sound, but they did not know the location of the purple tower. They both walked alone for a while, and saw that the world was collapsing, and then returned to reality in confusion.

Martin explained the reason to them and took the experience of eliminating the core onto himself, seemingly helping Mo Ling cover up.

After listening to Martin's explanation, Bai Zhou breathed a sigh of relief: "So that's it. I thought I was swallowed by my own Leviathan. I felt like everything around me was disappearing."

"Have you been swallowed by Leviathan?" Martin was surprised.


At this point, Bai Zhou recounted his unknowingly true or false experience, and did not forget to praise Martin for a job well done.

Later, Martin also told Bai Zhou that the core was a sea monster, and he was very happy after hearing it.

"The Kraken is not a kind creature. If it weren't for the fact that the murlocs are immune to their temptation, the murlocs might also be in their diet. It would be better to eliminate this kind of creature as soon as possible."

The two of them were chatting, no longer wary of each other at the beginning.

Li Luo came to the cube, checked it carefully, and whispered concerned: "Are you okay?"

"Of course it's okay."

But this journey was too shocking.

After everyone recovered from this strange journey, Martin proposed to see those twisted robed people.

Going up the stairs, this church made of sound has not disappeared, just as it came.

Several people slowly walked out of the church, only to find people in robes lying scattered on the ground outside.

Bai Zhou rushed forward to check.

"It's cardiac arrest."

He turned the robed man over, checked every part of his body, and quickly came to a conclusion.

Then he took out his camera and explained.

"Hello everyone, I am Bai Zhou, the intern at Black Tower."

"Now the source of the distortion in the Black Tower has been solved, but the distortion objects are all dead. It is initially determined to be cardiac arrest."

He took out a scalpel, ignored the people around him, and began to dissect on the spot.

"The abnormal organs in the brain and heart have disappeared. It is speculated that the cause of death is the cessation of cardiac activity caused by the loss of abnormal organs in the heart."

Bai Zhou asked Li Luo to help hold the camera and dissected several corpses of men in robes, but they all got the same results.

There was no sadness or joy on either of their faces, so the result was not very good.

The best result, of course, is for everyone in the Black Tower to return to normal, but this seems unlikely. It is very difficult to cure this kind of organic distortion reversal.

When the distortion disappears, what follows is the unknown consequences caused by the loss of organs, and the only outcome for these people in robes is death.

Bai Zhou took off his gloves and covered the dissected corpses with his robe, his face full of regret.

"All the twisted humans in the Black Tower should have died from the same cause."

He looked at Li Luo, who also turned off the camera silently.

Bai Zhou was very frustrated and lamented: "As a doctor, I didn't even save a single patient."

Looking at the corpses scattered in the castle corridor, Bai Zhou's hands couldn't stop shaking.

"Human beings are still too fragile." He sighed: "It would be great if you were immune to all kinds of distortions like fish-men."

Seeing this, Martin stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder: "You have tried your best. There is nothing anyone can do. These people were already dead when they were twisted. Just think of them as monsters."

He was very calm and very open-minded about this. From the beginning, Martin did not regard these robed people as human beings, otherwise he would not directly help the core accelerate the corrective plan.

"In the abyss, you have to face death and distortion all the time. Human beings are the purest life. This is both our advantage and our disadvantage."

"Maybe a long time ago, human beings were facing various distortions and were affected by those powerful relics and creatures."

"It doesn't matter. Human beings are good at turning these influences into tools that they can use. It is precisely because of the use of these tools that civilization flourishes."

"But one thing can never be changed. Being an enemy of the entire human species means losing the qualifications to be a human being."

Martin spoke slowly, seeming to have a deep understanding of this.

"Are you going to complete an animation?" He suddenly asked Bai Zhou.

Bai Zhou looked at him in surprise and nodded.

"Let me help you."

Martin took Bai Zhou to an open space in front of the castle, and then asked Bai Zhou to take out the camera and point it at the sky.

"Where to start?" Martin asked.

Bai Zhou took out his electronic screen and showed Martin the latest part.

Martin nodded: "The next step should be the situation in the robed village."

"First the scene."

Martin hummed to the sky, and a cartoon-style model black tower appeared in the sky.

He stretched out his hand and pointed, and the black tower slowly enlarged, and his vision focused on the village of the robed man.

Along with the song, cartoon robed people appeared in the village, and they began to move while being painted in bright colors.

Next came the weird blood-exchange ritual, which looked very cult in the cartoon model's interpretation, and Martin also placed the pages of the ritual book next to it as a supplement.

A man in robes succeeded in his ritual, his body changed, and he entered the Black Tower City.

When we arrived at Cartoon Black Tower City, our vision changed again and we came to the core in the cave.

Next comes the core story. The reason why he distorted the entire Black Tower is clearly shown under Martin's model.

In the end, the picture comes to the world of sound, the core dies, and the world dies.

In total darkness, this animation also ended.

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