I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 217 Hai Yue Li

"The Fishman Calendar" describes the Haiyue Ceremony in great detail.

"When the fog is thick and rot is rampant, the moon will rise from the sea and disperse the fog..."

Only Yue can dispel the increasingly serious fog shrouding the Fish-Man Island.

Jeff explained that the fog on Fishman Island has a special function that can transform the environment into an environment suitable for fishmen to live.

This mist will make the air humid, adding moisture to the entire Fishman Island and maintaining humidity.

It can also block direct sunlight, keeping the entire Murloc Island in a dark state, and preventing the Murlocs from being harmed by the sun.

Not only that, the dense fog on Fish-Man Island also has the function of making objects "rotten" and "obsolete", leaving the entire Fish-Man Island in a fishy and rotten atmosphere.

Although humans would hate this kind of atmosphere, for fish people, this kind of atmosphere is the most suitable for their survival.

Those fishy smells are a kind of fragrance to them, and they feel that the air is "fresh" when they smell it. This is also a smell that is unique to Fish-Man Island. Smelling this smell is like returning home.

However, things must go to extremes, and as the dense fog continues to deepen, its effect on the transformation of Fish-Man Island becomes more and more powerful.

After the original moist and water-retaining effect is deepened, the entire Fishman Island will become a tidal flat, muddy everywhere, and even affect the movements of the Fishmen.

The shading effect will become more and more powerful, and even the entire Fish-Man Island will be plunged into darkness.

The most frightening thing is that after the fog's decay function is strengthened, it will even affect the creatures on the island, causing the death of some weak animals, and it will also accelerate the decay and damage of the buildings in the Murloc Village.

This kind of decay is completely unavoidable, and the "fragrance" scattered in the air will become stronger.

Although fishmen like this smell, any smell that is extremely strong will become a burden, just like when humans smell a bottle of extremely rich and sweet perfume, fishmen may even feel nauseous.

Therefore, there should not be too much fog. This is clearly stated in the "Fishman Calendar", and future generations of fishmen are warned to make preparations in advance to worship Haiyue.

After the moon rises, according to the content recorded in the "Mishman Calendar", after worshiping the moon, the moon will clean up the excess fog on the Fishman Island and enter the next cycle of accumulation of fog.

After listening to Jeff's words, Li Luo nodded thoughtfully.

"Is it necessary to sacrifice? What will happen if we don't sacrifice?" she asked curiously.

Jeff thought for a while and shook his head: "I don't know. The Fishman Calendar says that sacrifices must be made according to the regulations, and there is no record of not sacrificing."

Of course they will not violate the contents of the ancient fish-men books, after all, those are the experiences left by their ancestors.

Human beings also hold celebrations and perform sacrificial activities on many festivals. These are just customs that have been left behind.

Rather than talking about the consequences of not offering sacrifices, it is better to say that sacrificial activities or festival customs are actually a kind of comfort for humans.

More often than not, festivals are just a kind of psychological sustenance.

The laws of nature cannot be violated. Even if humans do nothing, the revolution and rotation of the earth will still exist, and the twenty-four solar terms will still exist.

"I wonder if the pattern of Haiyue is the same?" Mo Ling thought to himself.

But in the abyss, everything is just speculation.

The civilization level of the fish people does not seem to be very high. This kind of sacrificial activity may also inspire people and consolidate the consciousness of the species.

No matter how you think about it, it seems like some kind of ritual similar to "sacrifice to heaven".

The more Mo Ling thought about it, the more he understood it.

Li Luo probably figured it out and didn't continue to ask.

However, the fog was indeed too thick. The further we walked into the island, the more severe the effect of the fog became. Some fallen trees and the bodies of some dead small animals could be seen everywhere.

These trees withered because they could not see the sun, and their death was accelerated by decay. It became increasingly difficult for small animals to survive due to lack of food and environmental changes.

The fog has seriously affected the island's ecology.

The flashlight beam in the fishman's hand swept back and forth in the dim fog. Slowly, the fishmen around him could no longer be seen clearly, and he could only hear the soft footsteps on the muddy ground.

Fortunately, Mo Ling's vision was not affected by the fog.

While following, Mo Ling also looked at the shocking environment on the island.

"It seems that a grand festival must be held to stabilize people's hearts."

As we walked, a dazzling light swept through the fog in the distance.

A beam of light like a lighthouse spotlight hit the murloc team. After scanning it several times, it was aimed at the road in front of the team, seemingly guiding the direction.


The fishmen strengthened the current tentacles used to carry the goods and quickened their pace.

Following the light, we soon arrived at the foot of the lighthouse.

At this time, there were already many murlocs waiting under the lighthouse. After the transportation team arrived, these murlocs took over the goods and transported them elsewhere.

After getting closer, a corner of the fish-man village also appeared in Mo Ling's field of vision.

The fishman's house seems to be a mixture of many kinds of materials, including wood, stone, and even iron sheets taken from humans. These different types of building materials are actually combined ingeniously.

It looks like a garbage dump, but it has a sense of order amid chaos.

The architectural style is similar to that of a stilt house, with tall poles used to raise the house above, and the poles are driven deep into the mud to serve as the foundation.

These buildings are high and low, and the poles are intertwined and chaotic. However, this chaotic structure actually maintains a strange stability. The buildings above are firmly stuck together and connected together.

Mo Ling even saw some fishmen jumping on the buildings. They used these interconnected buildings to shuttle back and forth, and their footholds did not shake and were very solid.

"What a wonderful architectural form." Mo Ling couldn't help but sigh.

Those tiny poles didn't look like they could support such a heavy building, but the fishmen did it.

Just as Mo Lin was sighing, the fish people had already transferred the goods to some low houses.

Li Luo also took this opportunity to ask Jeff about the ship information leading to the other direction.

But Jeff didn't seem to know anything about it. He looked at Li Luo with his wise fish eyes for a long time, but didn't say anything.

"I happen to be going to report to the chief of the clan. Let me take you to ask him." Jeff said blankly while holding the captain's wine.

Li Luo looked at Jeff's round fish eyes and had no choice but to agree.

The two continued walking towards the village.

Soon, a distinctive building appeared in Mo Ling's field of vision.

This building is entirely made of wood. It does not adopt the architectural form of other fish-man houses. Instead, it is built on the ground like an overturned boat, which is incompatible with the surrounding buildings.

After getting closer, Mo Ling could clearly see that there was a huge space underground in this boathouse-like building.

The materials in the underground space are also all wood, and these wooden walls have no trace of decay and are extremely new.

When Mo Ling took a closer look, he discovered that the surface of these woods seemed to have a sheen of oil, like dried transparent glue, or a layer of plastic film that cleverly isolated the wood from the outside world.

Li Luo walked up to it and was very curious about the houseboat and stopped for a long time.

"This is made of immortal wood. It's the only one in the whole village. It's a place used to preserve ancient fish-people books, similar to a human library." Jeff explained.

"The patriarch should be inside."

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