I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 218 The leader of the fish people

In an ancient wooden house, a rickety and skinny old fish man was sitting at the table, looking at the wooden book in his hand seriously.

The surface of this wooden book also had a strange oily sheen. It looked like it had been waxed and was very new.

The books are densely engraved with fish characters, crooked and crooked, like small fish fry with different curling degrees. Some small fry are also decorated with horizontal and vertical strokes.

Mo Ling looked at this strange text and felt a little dizzy.

After closing my eyes, those small fry seemed to remain in front of my eyes, swimming around on my eyelids.

A small fry was wrapped into a ball, emerged from under a "horizontal" and came into the empty books. A "skimming" light fell along the books and sprinkled into the dark scored grooves.

"This is……"


For some reason, a flash of light suddenly appeared in Mo Ling's mind, and he immediately understood the meaning of this strange text.

"It means 'moon'."

What about the front?

Mo Ling continued to look at the book.

They were two small fry biting head to tail. They bit each other's tails and refused to separate, forming a shape similar to an olive.

"This is...the sea!"

Looking at this rune, Mo Ling suddenly had an idea again and understood what it meant.

Looking back, there is a group of small fry, gathered together, with a "horizontal" in the center, and above the "horizontal" is a "vertical" that stretches to the sky.

In the meaning of Yurenwen, this means "sacrifice" and "ritual".


Three intertwined fish-men characters are intertwined together. Their images are not separate, but have a strange relationship with each other.

There is a little fry wandering between the words. It seems that this little fry has been experiencing the pictures in these words. Just like a comic, this little fry is the protagonist and has always existed in the pictures.

How wonderful.

Mo Ling looked at other words and saw this little fry.

This comic-like text form does not affect the original expression of meaning, but makes the picture more vivid.

As long as you look at these words, the meaning of the words will be transformed into pictures and automatically played in your mind. It is simple and clever.

Unknowingly, Mo Ling was immersed in the pictures of this wooden book. With the little fry wandering between the words, he watched the scenes in the book appear around him.

"This is a record about the Haiyue Ceremony."

Looking at the contents in the book, Mo Ling soon understood why the fishmen valued Hai Yueli so much.

The immersion of this ancient fish-man book is so strong that every fish-man who can understand it will definitely take on the role of the little fry in it and experience a death adventure for himself.

"The fog spreads and everything decays."

The little fry is like a witness, watching everything on Fish-Man Island go to destruction:

Living things turned into dry bones.

Rocks turn to sludge.

Civilization becomes dregs.

Life dissolves in the sea of ​​fog.

This is the consequence after the fog spreads. The ancient fish-man books did not describe it in an exaggerated way, they just described it all lightly, and then explained the holding of the Sea Moon Ceremony calmly and patiently.

Regarding the way of holding the Haiyue Ceremony, ancient books also explain it in an "experience" way, as if this thing has happened before, it is extremely real.

Just like the little fry, just a high witness.

Although I have experienced it personally, I am completely isolated from the world.

"Who wrote this?" After reading the records about Hai Yue Li, Mo Ling only had this question in his mind.

It seems that the author of the ancient book has personally seen the scene of destruction.

I have also personally seen the sight of the moon rising over the sea and dispersing the fog.

Could it be that Fish-Man Island was really destroyed by the fog?

But isn’t this Fish-Man Island still alive and well?

Mo Ling originally thought that the civilization of the fish people was not developed. This "Fish People Calendar" might be a fascinating folklore book, adding some subjective personal opinions on the basis of the laws of nature, and then mixed with various fabrications. The strange power confuses the gods and is stewed randomly.

But now it seems like it's a diary?

A diary without time is simply to record the author's personal experience.

It's no wonder that when I read this book later, I had such a strong sense of being a fish-man.

What could be more authentic than a diary?

Just reading this book, Mo Ling, as an outsider, has already started to have random thoughts and doubts about Hai Yueli, let alone the native fish people.

At this time, the old fishman was still looking at the "Fishman Calendar" in his hand seriously and did not notice the two visiting people.

It wasn't until Jeff reminded him that the old fisherman came back to his senses.

"Grand Chief, I'm back. The captain asked me to bring you a box of wine."

The old fish man's eyes were a little cloudy. When he saw the wine in Jeff's hand, he put down the ancient book in his hand tremblingly.

He slowly stood up from the chair and walked to Jeff, his movements a little slow.

"Good job, Jeff." The strange and twisted fishman language floated out of his mouth, but compared to Jeff's breathy voice, the patriarch's voice was very hoarse and weak.

At this moment, Mo Ling realized a strange question: "Why can I understand fish-man language?"

When he first came ashore, he clearly couldn't understand the language of the fishmen.

But now it is completely understandable and there is nothing obscure about it.

When did it start?

Mo Ling's vision slid towards the ancient fish-man book on the table, and Mo Ling was a little surprised: "Is it because of this book?"

Could it be that this book also has the function of helping people learn fish-human language?

After thinking for a moment, Mo Ling felt that it was not that simple.

"Maybe it's the cube."

When he was in Oasis City before, he could still understand the language of the shell people.

However, regardless of the reason, it is always a good thing that there is no language barrier.

Li Luo on the side saw Jeff chatting with the patriarch, and took out a translation device from his bag and put it on his ear.

"Have all the goods been put away?" the patriarch asked.

"Put it away and transport it to the Moon Altar tomorrow."

"Okay." The patriarch obviously trusted Jeff and did not ask any more questions. Instead, he looked at Li Luo who was standing aside: "This human friend, do you have anything to do with your visit to the Fishman Village?"

His tone was very gentle.

After hearing what the patriarch said, Li Luo said again that he wanted to take the boat.

However, upon learning of Li Luo's intentions, the patriarch shook his head apologetically.

"I'm really sorry, friend. There are many rocks on the other side of Fish-Man Island. Due to the spreading fog and the long distance, all human ferries have been closed and no one dares to come."

The patriarch sighed: "That's why our recent transactions are all looking for Glass Island, but there are very few ships willing to come."

He carefully took the wine from Jeff's hand and put it on the table.

Li Luo was very surprised when he heard such news and froze on the spot.

But what the patriarch said next was good news:

"Hai Yue Li is coming soon. When Hai Yue Li is over, the fog will dissipate and navigation will resume. If you don't mind, just stay in the village for a while."

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