I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 219 Pseudo Fishman

"Grand Patriarch, how many days until Hai Yue Li arrives?" Jeff asked curiously.

"Five days, our time is very tight, the moon altar must be decorated as soon as possible." The patriarch said worriedly: "You come back just in time, and we can call on some people to help."

Then, he looked at Li Luo: "Friend, if you don't mind, you can stay here first, just don't damage these ancient books."

Seeing this, Li Luo had no choice but to nod.

These murlocs have done their best to be benevolent and even allow humans to live in the place where they store ancient books.

After hearing the words of the patriarch, Jeff did not move. He stood there, hesitating to speak.

"What's wrong?" The big clan member asked, seeming to realize that Jeff had something to say.

Jeff was silent for a moment and then said: "Big Patriarch, I'm going to ask those pseudo-fish people for help."


The patriarch seemed to have heard something terrible and refused sharply.

He seemed to be very wary of what Jeff called the "pseudo-murloc".

But Jeff did not give up and continued to persuade: "Big Patriarch, there is not enough time. The village is short of manpower. Most of the people have to maintain the operation of the village. Only those pseudo-fishmen are free."

"If the arrangement of the Moon Altar is not completed, the entire Haiyue Ceremony will be affected."

Jeff didn't seem to care about the identity of the patriarch at all, and confronted him blankly.

The patriarch was originally ready to continue to refuse, but when he spoke, he was pushed back by Jeff's reasons.

He lowered his head and pondered for a long time, but could not find any other point of view to refute Jeff, so he could only nod helplessly. The wrinkled fish-man's face became more and more tired, and his whole body exuded a sense of powerlessness.

Even his words were a little weak: "Okay, but you have to stay away from them and avoid unnecessary contact."

Hearing that the big clan members finally relented, Jeff nodded quickly.

"Then I'll go."

The patriarch waved his hand and returned to his chair, continuing to read the ancient fish-man books attentively just like at the beginning.

Their conversation made Mo Ling confused.

What is a pseudo-murloc?

Jeff and the patriarch seem to have two different views on the pseudo-murlocs.

Is this another species of murloc?

Li Luo, who had been listening on the side, was also confused.

"Do you need help?" she asked Jeff with confusion and curiosity.

Jeff was not polite: "Okay, it's always good to have one more person. You and I can go find the pseudo-fishman first."

After saying that, he hurriedly took Li Luo out of the "library".

As soon as he arrived outside, Li Luo couldn't wait to ask: "Are the pseudo-murlocs another species of murlocs?"

Hearing this question, Jeff nodded and shook his head, as if he was not sure.

"They're not fish people."

"What is that?" Li Luo asked.

Jeff fell into deep thought again and answered after a moment: "Everything."


This answer made Li Luo even more confused.

"It doesn't matter what they are. I think they are pretty good and have taught me a lot. My human language was taught by them, but no one in the tribe accepts them." Jeff said with some frustration.

There was a hint of helplessness in Jeff's words.

"You'll know when you see them..."

After walking through the rows of murloc stilt houses, Jeff led Li Luo across the mud and came to a low hill.

"They're right up there."

There is a mountain road leading straight up at the entrance of the hill, which is paved with layers of stone stairs.

The stone stairs seemed to have been processed very carefully and were square and square. They were not as messy as the buildings in the Fishman Village.

There are actually rows of street lights on both sides of the mountain road, illuminating the road up the mountain clearly.

There is also a road sign at the foot of the mountain, written in standard fishman language, indicating the names of places in all directions.

This road sign is also very delicate, like a road sign specially made for a scenic spot. It is painted all over with brown-red paint and has a spotlight on the top, which is particularly conspicuous in the fog.

Looking at this scene, Mo Ling felt as if he had returned to human society.

"Is this made by a fishman?" He couldn't believe it.

This is clearly a human handiwork.

Sure enough, on the mountain road, Mo Ling saw a figure.

It was not a fishman, nor a human, but a shrimp-headed man with a human body, complete clothes, and tentacles growing out of his head.

The strangest thing is that a very heavy metal collar is tied around the shrimp-headed man's neck. The material of the collar is very similar to the parts in the previous fish-man cargo.

It was a very old metal, stained with rust, and some hidden places were engraved with runes, glowing slightly.

The shrimp-headed man was sitting on the stone stairs shaking his head, with a plastic tool box beside him. He kept taking out various tools from the box, but most of these tools were already rusty.

After discovering that the tool was rusty, the shrimp-headed man shook his head and put it back, feeling very distressed.

Soon, he noticed the light of Jeff's flashlight and looked curiously towards the foot of the mountain.

After seeing that the person who came was Jeff, the shrimp-headed man suddenly stood up and rushed down the mountain road.

But the stone stairs were slippery, and the shrimp-headed man couldn't stand firm. He rolled down the mountain road and fell into the mud.

After rolling in front of Jeff and Li Luo, the shrimp-headed man climbed up again without caring and said excitedly: "Jeff! Are you coming to play with us again?"

It seemed like Jeff's arrival made him very happy.

"Aren't you going to arrange the Haiyue ceremony?" The shrimp-headed man seemed to know a lot about the Haiyue ceremony. As soon as he said hello, he asked Jeff curiously.

"I'm going to go, I'm short of manpower, I'm going to ask you to help." Jeff said a little embarrassed.

"Easy to say!" The shrimp-headed man was very enthusiastic and patted Jeff on the shoulder.

But while patting, the shrimp-headed man asked worriedly: "The patriarch won't say anything, right? We can't get too close to the village."

"I talked to him," Jeff replied.

Hearing such an answer, the shrimp-headed man was obviously very surprised: "The patriarch would actually agree? And it is such an important matter as the Haiyue ceremony. Is it true?"

An unbelievable sound came from the shaking shrimp head.

"Really, there is not enough manpower, and there is nothing he can do." Jeff affirmed.

The shrimp-headed man nodded: "It seems that it is really imminent. The patriarch has even thought of us guys."

The two strange humanoid creatures started chatting like this...

It can be known from their words that the patriarch has a very bad attitude towards their group of pseudo-fishmen and will not even let them approach the village.

Even most of the fishmen began to exclude them.

Only Jeff didn't care at all and even came here often as a guest.

Li Luo was stunned for a moment as he listened, and couldn't help but interject: "Is your race called pseudo-fishmen?"

Only then did the shrimp-headed man notice Li Luo behind Jeff and looked at her.

Two small black shrimp eyes glowed with pure light.


"I'm a fish-man."

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