I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 242 Death and Life

Endless flying parts surrounded it, trying to hinder the nimble little eel, but nothing could be done about it.

No matter what kind of attack these flying parts use, these attacks will go straight through the soft and transparent body of the little eel, and then dissipate out of thin air.

After some parts glowed, they hit the little eel, but came to a standstill after passing through the little eel.

The rune scratches on the parts first slowly became shallower, and then gradually disappeared, as if someone had filled the scratches out of thin air.

Without the runes, the parts were useless, falling out of thin air and hitting the ground, like a piece of useless scrap metal.

The little eel ignored these crazy parts, twisting its body, swimming freely in the sky, and plunged into the clouds and mist. A group of parts gathered into a dense black cloud, and followed it away without a trace.

The fishmen were obviously frightened by this scene.

They must not have expected that the Chali clan, which had no resistance before, could make such a move.

Bai Zhou was still circling around the big tree, but in a blink of an eye, the authority of the armor was locked, and he was trapped in place, unable to move.


Another group of armors and parts gathered around the big tree, but at this time the big tree was motionless, as if it had truly fallen into eternal death.

The spiky parts shimmered through the trees.

A large hole appeared in the tree trunk.

Looking in from the hole, the interior is tight, without any growth rings and joints, just like wooden boards that have been crushed and then pressed back together.

Just wood, no wood grain.

Some parts with reconnaissance functions slowly flew forward and scanned the big tree, but found nothing.

Not only that, it seems that physical effects such as burning and acid etching have no effect on the wood.

"Really dead, completely dead."

Without any interaction with the outside world, this is true death.

Mo Ling was extremely shocked when he listened to the helpless voices on the fish school communication channel.

He originally thought that the immortal wood was just "incorruptible".

Unexpectedly, complete death would be like this. These pieces of wood seemed to have lost all connection with everything in the world. No matter how they were dealt with, they would not change in any way.

They will not resist. While isolating all "life", these woods also isolate all effects of changing their own state.

This is true immortality.

Mo Ling was still sighing, and there were waves of surprised sounds coming from the fish school.

Following the sound, it turned out that it was the Chali tribesmen who were being held on the ground, and they all began to change into the shape of the big tree.

The body becomes taller, the limbs are lengthened, and the mist is opened...

It seems that they are also determined to achieve eternal life.

The fishmen tried to stop it, but those parts could only hit the big tree and make sawdust fly. Soon after, another ignorant transparent eel would fly out from the wood debris.

The fish people had nothing to do with these eels. They could only watch them fly into the sky and merge into the mist like the little eels before.

After discovering that the attack was in vain, they all stopped what they were doing and looked helplessly at the tall trees that were still stretching.

Countless transparent eels intertwined and flew out of the big tree. Their transparent bodies reflected light, and the surface of their jelly-like bodies shone with light.

Beneath the darkness of the parts, these swarms of eels resemble fragile glass.

But they are not as fragile as they appear.

Those parts that were unable to dodge and were penetrated by the eels froze in the air, and soon they hit the ground and plunged into the mud.

Not long after, the eels were overwhelming. They surrounded and intertwined with each other, slowly rising into the sky and diving into the endless mist.

On the ground, only large, lifeless trees were left.

"General, what should I do?"

The fish people helplessly asked Jeff for instructions.

"Let everyone stay away and let them go." Jeff said calmly, looking at the eels that could no longer be stopped in the sky.


Jeff interrupted his questioning, turned to look at the other fishman beside him, and asked, "Have the results come out?"

"It's out. Immortality is indeed a skill. We have learned it." The fishman next to him replied.

"Replaced what?"

"Origami, use paper to fold into the shape of a dragon. No one in the fish-men tribe knows how to fold a dragon now."

"Yeah." Jeff nodded: "The price is acceptable."

Then, he ordered the fishman: "Find someone to conduct the experiment immediately. It doesn't need to be too precise, as long as it reaches eternal death."

"Okay General, someone is already trying."

Mo Ling was a little surprised when he listened to their conversation.

"Learned it?"

Have they learned to live forever?

Although he had just seen what the Chali tribe did and listened to his explanation, Mo Ling didn't understand it at all.

"I know the truth. Half of eternal death can be exchanged for the other half of eternal life, but how?"

Mo Ling didn't understand the way the Nachali tribe turned into a big tree, nor did he know how to turn their souls into eels and get out of the big tree.

Looking at these serious fishmen, Mo Ling suddenly realized that he was the only poor student in the class.

The teacher gave a math class about addition and subtraction within ten.

"Students, five plus five equals ten, do you understand?"

"Half is five, and the other half is five too!"

The students below all agreed: "I understand! It's too easy, teacher."

But Mo Ling was scratching his head below:

"What is five?"

After the students learned it, they started to do the questions one after another. Only Mo Ling was still sitting in his seat stupidly. The teacher ignored him and ended the get out of class directly.

The teacher probably didn't expect that there are people who haven't even learned numbers, let alone addition and subtraction.

"But no one really taught me how to turn into a tree!"

Mo Ling was a little helpless. Could these fishmen understand everything?

At this moment, he was like the poor student sitting in his seat looking around, at a loss. He saw everyone around him writing furiously, and his heart was full of doubts and confusion.

Soon, various discussions began to sound in the fish school:

"Use the transformation rune, connect it to the wood and look at it. Position it at the junction of the life and non-life areas. Don't use the entire body for the basic transformation. Try it with other things first."

"No, an error was reported."

"There should be something wrong with the positioning of life and non-life. It's too vague. I need to find a way to be more precise."

"This place can't be precise. It's either life or non-life, nothing in between."

"It can be precise. You open the settings, there is an accurate search, check the box, and then turn off the automatic grabbing of approximate values ​​in the personalized settings."

"Okay, let me try..."

"Did you report an error?"

"No, everything is normal, loading..."

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