I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 243 Immortality Experiment

"Did you make it?"


The discussion of the fishmen researchers echoed among the fish.

Mo Ling felt dizzy listening to their exchange.

"What exactly does that mean?"

Not only the researchers who were discussing, but other fishmen also nodded from time to time when they heard those weird terms and "operation" methods.

Just like the classmates in the classroom, after the teacher announced that they were free to speak, they all joined in the heated discussion. Only Mo Ling stood there with a blank look on his face.

"What is the way to eternal life?"

Mo Ling felt that he had understood, but he didn't seem to understand.

Soon, those "classmates" who had a heated discussion came up with the answer.

"General, we request testing."

"Agreed, stay safe."


The murlocs consciously made way for the researcher who applied for the test.

He and his assistant stood far away from the crowd in an open space, surrounded by many flying parts.

These parts kept touching various parts of the researcher's armor like a dragonfly touching water. Every time they touched a place, there would be ripples of runes spread out on the surface of the armor like ripples.

This process lasted for a long time. The researcher raised his hand to signal, and the assistant beside him stepped back.


Following the researcher's instructions, his body began to expand and stretch like those of the Chali tribe, and soon turned into a tree.

The shape of the tree is roughly the same as the immortal tree transformed by the Chali tribe, except that it is not as tall and looks a little malnourished.

Mo Ling looked at the rapidly forming immortal wood and was a little surprised.

"Is this how to start testing?"

He didn't expect that not long after the fishmen had just mastered immortality, they would start experimenting directly.

The most surprising thing is that they actually tested it themselves instead of using other organisms first.

"Aren't they afraid of losing their bodies and becoming what the Chali tribe is now?"

At this time, the transparent eels in the sky have not completely dispersed. These creatures have completely lost their appearance of intelligent creatures. It seems like what the Nachali tribe said: only instincts remain.

"Creatures without bodies can only act according to instinct. Aren't the fishmen afraid of them?"

Soon, Mo Ling, who had been paying attention to the immortal tree of the fish-men tribe, discovered something was wrong.

"Where's the soul?"

After waiting for a long time, until the immortal tree stopped growing and completely entered a state of death, no "soul" like the Chali clan appeared on the tree.

It seems that's the end of it.

"The experiment failed?"

Mo Ling always felt that it was impossible for the fishmen to master the technology of immortality so quickly, nor to completely replicate the methods of the Chali tribe.

Logically speaking, the "treasure" that the Chali clan must protect at all costs and with all their lives should not be so simple.

This is a mystery that touches upon the nature of life and death.

Although the principles described by the Nacha Li Clan are easy to understand, the technical details and key points cannot be grasped so easily. It will definitely require constant attempts to determine the conditions for triggering immortality.

"Sure enough, it won't be that simple."

At this time, Mo Ling was just like the poor student who didn't believe that other students could solve difficult problems. He was quickly slapped in the face.

The armor on the fishman who turned into immortal wood gradually separated from his body after the fishman's body expanded. Like the surrounding parts, it flew into the sky and circled around the tree.

After the tree stopped growing, the parts that made up the armor slowly gathered into a human shape next to the tree, but there was nothing inside the armor.

The runes glowed slightly, and under Mo Ling's shocked gaze, the unmanned armor raised his hand and placed it on the bark of the tree.

Immediately afterwards, the runes on the armor suddenly began to swim, spiraling up the arm like a tornado.

The runes climbed high, and the back of the hand should have become empty, but some weird and mysterious luminous runes appeared out of thin air at the junction of the palm and the bark, and quickly climbed up the armor along the edge of the palm.

From a distance, it looked like the armor had extracted a rune from the tree.

When the rune came to the armor, the armor put down its hand, and the parts on the body quickly began to change and switch positions. The parts began to alternate and cover each other, and the armor also changed.

The process of change did not last long. After it was over, the armor stood in place for a while, the joints on its body trembled slightly from time to time, and some noises also appeared in the communication channel of the fish school.

The noise was like some kind of machine simulating the pronunciation of various fish-man languages. One or two familiar words would pop up from time to time, but most of the time it was meaningless radio waves.

The fish school instantly became quiet, listening carefully to the vague sound.

The voice was like that of the Chali tribe when they recited Xiaoyaoyou before. It seemed that their consciousness was very confused, and they always wanted to convey something, but the words always failed to convey the meaning, the word order was confused, and the voice was extremely weak.

"Tree...eternal life...eternal death..."

"One or more multiple-defined symbols found..."

"Failed to import module...object..."

"The key or index used on the map or sequence is invalid..."

What are these?

Mo Ling could understand some of it at first, but the later words made him more and more dizzy.

Not only Mo Ling, but also the fish people began to whisper when they heard these strange words.

After a while, these sounds not only did not become normal, but also began to repeat, echoing continuously in the fish school. The armor standing in the open space also trembled, as if something had gone wrong.

The fish people were talking a lot, but they didn't seem to understand what was wrong:

"Isn't it okay the first time you ran?"

"Yeah, I didn't report an error before."

"So what's going on now? There are still so many problems. Is it because he's operating illegally?"

"No, I checked the log and it's normal operation."

"Did the Chali Clan do something? Are they hiding something we don't know about?"

"This is even more impossible. If something was really hidden, there would have been warnings about the risk already. It's impossible for something to go wrong just now."

The murlocs were busy discussing various possibilities, and the sound of argument even overwhelmed the noise of the armor.

However, all possibilities were denied one by one.

"What should we do now?"

The murlocs looked at each other, looking at the armor in a strange state, helpless. When they turned their heads, they all looked at Jeff again.

Faced with everyone's gaze, Jeff still looked calm and calm. He never joined the discussion, but just watched all of this happening silently.

At this moment, the pressure came to him again.

Jeff's eyes kept turning on the armor.

After a long time, he finally said:

"Just restart it."

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