Fortunately, Fu Han was strong enough. He jumped over the round table and supported Aunt Xiao who fell backwards. If she had been a second slower, the back of Aunt Xiao's head would have hit Wu Fei's tool table.

Fortunately, Wu Fei was faster than Fu Han. In the blink of an eye, he had already led everyone to the medical center of Ming Mansion.

The priest of grace, who is employed here to provide medical services to the craftsmen, cannot even show his clerical status. But Wu Fei knew that his medical skills were much higher than those of those dawdling magicians in Enci City.

The key point is that when the officiant saw that the person being sent was Aunt Xiao, he stopped checking. She immediately took out the potion and gave it to Aunt Xiao. After taking the medicine, Aunt Xiao's tense body and brows relaxed, and she looked like she was asleep.

After that, Priest Enhui asked everyone to talk outside so that Aunt Xiao could rest in bed.

It is obvious that Aunt Xiao is ill, and it is a serious disease...

There are three mainstream medical schools in Qixing.

Doctors from Qixing Alliance will use medical equipment to conduct scientific diagnosis. He specializes in treating diseases with extracted medicines and surgeries.

The God of Grace sect advocates nature, and the botanical medicines they cultivate have miraculous effects.

There is also the use of inscription tools, star beast skills, and other methods related to starlight for treatment. This treatment is suitable for first aid and trauma, and is more effective for star beasts.

Liu Yibai, the priest of grace in Ming Mansion, is a master of all three schools and a true miracle doctor. The diagnosis she gave showed that Aunt Xiao's disease was incurable and her intracranial tumor had entered an advanced stage.

Brain surgery is so difficult that it's almost impossible to complete. The favor medicine will only be effective if it is intervened at the beginning. If you start taking it now, I am afraid that Aunt Xiao will not be able to survive the day of recovery. As for Starlight Therapy, it is very likely to cause cancer to worsen rapidly.

So there is only one way left for Aunt Xiao. Believe in disease and rot... But normal people know that disease and rot cannot save people. Belief in disease and rot is just an uglier way to die.

Now Aunt Xiao, if she didn't receive any obvious stimulation, she might still be able to live for two or three years. But if you are unlucky and fall down and hit your head like just now, it is possible to die.

After hearing this, it goes without saying that Wu Fei and Master Cheng felt sad in their hearts.

When Fu Han heard this, he was completely relieved. Problems that can be solved by belief in disease are not problems for Han.

What really frightened Fu Han was that this was not the first time that Aunt Xiao suddenly fainted!

The last time happened just a few days ago. At that time, Aunt Xiao should be engraving the final inscription on Fu Han's space-time beacon orb. She suddenly felt a severe headache, then lost consciousness and fell down!

The engineer was not around at that time, and the craftsmen in the surrounding workshops did not notice that Aunt Xiao, who was usually very quiet, had fainted.

At that time, Aunt Xiao was worried that the jewelry she was making might be damaged. Not long after, he woke up again in a daze. After waking up, she quickly repaired the orb that was about to be damaged due to the overload of starlight. After that, she went to Liu Yibai alone for consultation in a daze.

When she learned about her condition, she refused to let Liu Yibai tell anyone.

At this moment, Liu Yibai knew that if she did not reveal the truth to Aunt Xiao's relatives and friends, her life would really be endangered, so she told the truth.

Fu Han still remembered that Aunt Xiao said that she almost broke the orb, but luckily it was repaired in time. At that time, he thought that Aunt Xiao just made a mistake and later found a way to make up for it. Who would have thought it was such a critical situation?

It’s really worrying! Everyone has fainted...As soon as you can wake up, call for help and seek medical attention! Why are you still thinking about a few rocks! ?

However, what Fu Han didn't know was that this was a common phenomenon in Ming Mansion, where many craftsmen lost their lives to protect their works.

After learning that her condition was hopeless, Aunt Xiao felt conflicted for a while.

She didn't know that she should be stable in Ming Mansion and prolong her final years. You should still do something you have never done before.

Later, when Fu Han came to her to get the orb, he said that he had found a good relic. Only then did Aunt Xiao firm up her mind and figure out the next thing.

It was inevitable that Master Cheng, the person close to Aunt Xiao, would be scolded by Wu Fei. The stubborn Master Cheng lowered his head and said nothing this time.

Fu Han estimated that he could no longer hear what Wu Fei was saying. He was scolding himself...

But when Fu Han recalled the process carefully, he realized how dangerous it was!

Suppose that the worst ending happened when Aunt Xiao fainted for the first time.

Then the time and space beacon orb will be destroyed, and no one can be found to process it in the future. When the time comes, the heartbroken Engineer will definitely not be able to explore any Titan ruins with Fu Han. Wu Fei, the legendary master, will probably only meet once at the funeral.

These may be just small things. The most heartbreaking thing is that Fu Han will lose his lovely Aunt Xiao, his friend who has been with him for many years.

Everything will be worst case scenario.

And we don’t know how bad it will get in the future.

However, Aunt Xiao persisted in the end... This is Fu Han's great luck!

Although I don’t know if it’s right to think so. But Fu Han felt that Aunt Xiao's life was actually saved by the kitten this time. What a blessing indeed!

Now, Aunt Xiao's situation has been stabilized by Liu Yibai. If you're more careful after that, there won't be any problems.

Later, Fu Han only had to think about what reason he could use to get rid of Aunt Xiao's illness, and all the problems would be solved.

In fact, for the chief priest of the secret-keeping sect like Fu Han, it was too simple to make up a reason. There are so many miraculous things in Qixing that no one dares to say that he knows everything. Nothing seemed strange coming from Fu Han's mouth.

Fu Han still thought about it. If something cannot be explained clearly, it should be blamed on the gods. However, everyone is well aware of the power of the director of the Secret God, so we still have to look to a less popular god.

Luna is a good choice. It has existed, but its existence is not so clear. There must be information available for verification, but it must be extremely difficult to verify clearly.

The most important thing is that Fu Han contracted the holy moonlight elf. This kind of star beast has never been seen by people in this era. It's hard to define rarity. After all, legendary star beasts must have legends. As for the information about the Holy Moonlight Elf, Eternal Tree will not reveal it to others at will.

Therefore, Fu Han's miraculous blessing "the last moonlight" that can eliminate serious diseases gained some hazy sense of existence.

When the two mountaineers heard Fu Han say that he had a way to save Aunt Xiao, they didn't have the slightest doubt. They were just concerned about whether they could afford the price.

Fu Han smiled: "The price? Aunt Xiao and Master Engineer have already paid it! When you promised to help me make things, you refused to accept any wages. Now Aunt Xiao has a serious disease, and I happen to have a cure. Isn’t it too shameless to talk about the price? Does Master Cheng think that I am that kind of person?”

Of course Master Engineer was happy. After being silent all afternoon, some color returned to his face. After hugging Fu Han, he started to burst into tears.

"I knew it, I knew you could be a friend!"

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