Cancer is actually an error that occurs when a cell replicates itself. It grows on its own, so it is difficult for Liu Yibai's medicine to remove these excess things.

But the original sequence can accurately find these errors and eliminate them. Even the original cells required are very few. But... Fu Han didn't dare to act too hastily, after all, it was inside the skull.

After thinking about it, Fu Han decided to use primitive cells to enhance Aunt Xiao's ability to deal with cancer on her own.

There are two advantages to doing this. The first is safety and stability. The second is that Aunt Xiao will never get cancer in any part of her life again.

Of course, there are disadvantages. Even Fu Han didn't know how powerful the effect was and how long it would take for Aunt Xiao to recover. But Fu Han can be sure that it will be effective and it won't take long.

His plan was to use conservative methods to help Aunt Xiao first. Then, let Liu Yibai continue to pay attention to Aunt Xiao's situation. Wait ten days and half a month to see if the improvement is too slow, then give stronger medicine.

So, soon after Aunt Xiao woke up, Fu Han held a magical "Last Moonlight" summoning ceremony for Aunt Xiao.

Fu Han first took Aunt Xiao to the temporary sand tent set up outside Ming Mansion, and then asked the others to wait far away. When night comes, Yueshuang Yuexue and Qiqilu hiding in the dark create a lot of fancy lights and shadows...

When performing rituals related to gods, it is quite normal not to get too close. Moreover, this is the Southern Continent, and everyone has a basic respect for the gods. They were satisfied with being able to see light and shadow from a distance, and of course they would not dare to explore further.

Including Aunt Xiao. Fu Han asked her to relax and pray devoutly. She did as she was told. She closed her eyes and didn't see anything. She prayed for half an hour with all her heart.

As a result, everyone's final feeling can be described as "unclear and severe".

Aunt Xiao trusted Fu Han, and she immediately claimed that she felt much better after the ceremony. I no longer feel drowsy or palpitated at all.

Wu Fei and Master Cheng were naturally overjoyed.

However, Liu Yibai, the priest of grace, is quite clear about what comfort therapy is. Especially after checking Aunt Xiao, she found that her condition had not improved at all. Liu Yibai had serious doubts about Han.

She even secretly asked the Department of Defense whether Fu Han might be a liar.

The warden personally gave Liu Yibai a reply: "That is the most active successor of the secret sect in the past hundred years. At the moment, I only wonder if he is a secret favored one. Besides, didn't you say that he doesn't want any reward? What can be deceived by this?”

Indeed, even after careful consideration, Liu Yibai could not think of Fu Han's "motive for committing the crime." But Aunt Xiao was her patient after all, and she still maintained a high degree of vigilance and concern.

Sure enough, within three days, Aunt Xiao started to have a headache. Liu Yibai hurriedly checked Aunt Xiao again and looked at the report given by the inscription instrument. She was surprised to find that Aunt Xiao's cancer cells were shrinking in a rout. This caused some side effects. Aunt Xiao had a lot of fluid in her skull, so she felt a headache.

This is also very dangerous, but it is a hundred times easier to treat than cancer. As long as it is discovered, it can be cured by medicine.

Regarding Aunt Xiao's illness, Fu Han used the safest and most reliable method. It was inevitable that Aunt Xiao would fall into another kind of danger.

Fortunately Aunt Xiao is fine...

Life is so delicately intertwined that it moves the whole body. Fu Han had a reference for all his body modifications. It is equivalent to moving some practical ones from Bo Ya's colorful characteristics, which is a work of copying nature. And there is also the risk of losing control and collapsing and becoming a monster.

After all, Fu Han is not the detached God of Fertile Soil, but has only obtained a bit of his "ordinary nature", the most basic power.

It seems powerful... but under the difficult problem of the mystery of life. Fu Han was like getting a fixed-size Phillips screwdriver, which could only do so much. As long as the "screw" is flat, it cannot be opened.

This is also the reason why Fu Han doesn't easily use the original sequence on others. Fu Han thought so, it was his own fault to become a monster, as long as he didn't harm others...

Later, in order to eliminate Aunt Xiao’s intracranial fluid accumulation. Wu Fei made a special trip to Enhui City, and Liu Yibai exhausted his mental energy by preparing potions for Aunt Xiao.

In short, everyone was busy in order to rub Fu Han's anus.

Of course, no one would blame Fu Han. Wu Fei and Master Cheng were about to offer him up and burn incense.

Although Liu Yibai still had doubts in her heart, she also knew that Fu Han was not a liar. Whenever I see him, I never forget to chat a few more words. In my words, I am very interested in the moonlight that Fu Han is talking about.

Fu Han always responded with an inscrutable smile. Knowing that he was a keeper of secrets, Liu Yibai had nothing to say.

Soon, Aunt Xiao's condition quickly stabilized. Not only did she no longer have a headache, she also felt that her concentration was much higher.

However, this was not the most miraculous change in her body. Only a few days had passed, and Aunt Xiao's appearance had actually become much younger. Wu Fei and Master Cheng both said that she was looking more and more like her younger self.

At this point, Liu Yibai really believed in Fu Han's "last ray of moonlight". She did some research and found that the priests of the Moon God were all very beautiful, and their looks lasted forever.

In the past few days, Fu Han also ran in both directions, paying attention to Aunt Xiao's condition. On the other side, a lot of things happened at the Ship Grave.

When Jin Shizhou turned back again, he brought many deep-sea craftsmen and civilians with him. As soon as they arrived, they started cleaning the three halls of the ruins, which lasted for several days. It was so clean that Fu Han thought that Luo Shen's portal was opened in the wrong position.

And those murloc craftsmen with green scales have slender fingers and extremely strong endurance. They are all very good craftsmen. After arriving, they began to decorate the hall with coral and sea wood, and climbed to the ceiling to install pyroxene lamps. Although it won't light up yet, we are prepared first.

After all this trouble, Fu Han thought that Luo Shen had opened the wrong portal.

Unfortunately, Jin Shizhou's inscription key was broken, and there was no response at all after injecting Starlight into it.

Fu Han had to take it back to Ming Mansion, which had been handed over to craftsmen for repair. For Wu Fei's sake, they put down all the work at hand. Start working hard to repair the inscription key, but this will also take time.

That's not all the bad news.

The fish-men scouts under Jin Shizhou's command have discovered the spies who rebelled against the fish-men. The depths of the trench seemed to have noticed the anomaly in the ship tomb, so they sent fishmen to investigate. Fortunately, they were all taken care of by Xuan Lin Elite.

But paper cannot contain fire, the seabed will always respond.

Jin Shizhou, a cunning guy, repeatedly emphasized that the number of elite Xuanlin warriors under his command was very small, and they could be invincible in small-scale battles. But large-scale battles cannot afford losses. He asked Fu Han to make arrangements early.

It's hard to tell whether Jin Shizhou wanted Fu Han to retreat in spite of the difficulties, or whether he was really making suggestions. But there was a truth that Fu Han knew well. There had to be a sufficient reason for someone to fight with a knife.

With Fu Han's current relationship with Jin Shizhou, it would be naive to expect him to resist the attack.

However, in Fu Han's calculation, it was enough for Jin Shizhou to detect the situation clearly and inform him of the enemy's movements. For other things, you have to rely on yourself.

Now Fu Han is very confident, Wu Fei already knows about the ship tomb. After Aunt Xiao's condition stabilized, he had already followed Fu Han to visit the Ship Grave. To be honest, if Aunt Xiao was not still in the hospital, this enthusiastic adventurous craftsman would probably not go back.

Wu Fei is also very concerned about the affairs of the Yongye clan. This experienced adventurous craftsman had previously annihilated the Eternal Night Clan and the humans enslaved by it in the cave at the corner of the horn.

Speaking of which, it was really his most unbearable adventure. Those who were enslaved by the Yongye clan could no longer be called human beings, and Wu Fei had to kill them all.

Originally, Wu Fei supported the fight against the Yongye clan unconditionally. What's more, it's Fu Han who is doing this, and he will fully support it.

Wu Fei left two powerful inscriptions for Fu Han, asking Fu Han to notify him at any time if there was any situation, and he would arrive as soon as possible.

"I've never been afraid of fighting! Before we figure out what happened to the Yongye Clan, those fishmen can't even think about getting involved in the ruins! No, they won't even think about it after that!"

...Many things have to be left to time.

It will take time to repair the keys to the ruins, it will take time for Aunt Xiao to recover, and it will take time to even wait for the murloc rebels at the bottom of the sea to attack.

And during the waiting process, the blood curse on the lotus flower spirit finally dissipated.

Fu Han touched it again, and this time the touch was finally not blocked by the blood curse. Fuhualing accepted Fu Han's touch without hesitation.

As soon as the touch connection was established, Fu Han immediately felt the strong joy and love of the flower spirit.

Fu Han murmured in his heart: " seems like it's relying on it."

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