Internet 2010

Chapter 103: Channel situation (sunny day)

"Let his uncle's bullshit!" Wang Jun could no longer control his emotions.

Just now, several engineers and designers of Peadou made "small reports" to Li Guanfu.

Li Guanfu is still calm, "Don't worry, it takes a process for the team to run in. They say that you are too picky as a leader, which makes sense. You also have your reasons. This is what you should do, but the way can be softer. It’s not easy to this day. You can learn from Gu Ge’s set of practices, but you can’t blindly follow. After all, it’s a business now, and as a leader, you have to consider all aspects.”

Wang Jun calmed down a lot after listening to Li Guanfu's words, "Okay. I will reflect on this."

"In addition, the update frequency of the banana market has been accelerated recently, which has been shortened from a small version every two weeks to ten days."

"Impossible! Too fast! This is impossible." Wang Jun shouted.

And this is his own personal experience. The original plan of the company's peas was to deepen the technical depth in a few months, and then hit the market with a hit.

As a result, the bananas are now smashed, and the key is continuing to crush the opponent with a bi-weekly update.

There is no doubt that Dream Valley advertising has become the vane of the current distribution channel field. As long as the new function of the banana market is launched, Wang Jun has to experience it and quickly promote the related functions of pea imitation.

He opened the banana market to check, really updated! How does this play?

At the frequency of two weeks, Peadou may still be barely able to keep up with the iterations, but now he sees the bananas being updated impressively, and his heart is helpless. In terms of technology, it can't beat it, in terms of products, it can't be fast, and in terms of the market, it can't be burned.

"Millions of cash to give away? Wallet? Sharing? Did Menggu make a third-party payment?" Wang Jun threw a series of questions. No matter how you look at it, this banana update is an epic feature change. ten days? How did you do it!

Suddenly, Wang Jun was a little afraid of the technical depth of Menggu advertising.

"You can see for yourself." Li Guanfu said with a sigh.


After sending Ding Zhongcheng away, Lu Zhou rode his bicycle back to Yat Sen University.

It was the end of July, and the school seemed a little deserted, especially in the experimental building of the Institute of Planning. But when he walked to the location of the b212 Dream Valley advertisement, Lu Zhou listened to the excitement.

"It seems that the effect is not bad." Lu Zhou thought with some relief.

This is a variant of a banana push.

Each registered user of Dream Valley has an independent sharing link. For each new addition downloaded through the user's sharing link, the shared user can get a commission.

Compared with the real-world promotion of Dream Valley, the cost of this event has been greatly reduced. And it can also increase user activity in the banana market in disguise.

As for third-party payments? Lu Zhou wanted to do it himself. After all, from the developers and advertisers of Dream Valley Advertising today, payment has caused trouble to a certain extent. But again, this is not an area that he can do if he wants to. At present, he does not have the funds to do it.

Therefore, the wallet in this update also adopts the method of saving the country through a curve.

First, the balance displayed in the banana market is just a piece of data associated with the user. Dream Valley provides Ali wallet and bank card transfer methods. When users must withdraw cash, a 10% handling fee will be deducted accordingly.

Second, a small mall system is integrated into the wallet page, providing dozens of products such as deductions, digital mobile phones and computers.

That is, bananas encourage "consumption," not withdrawal. After all, there is no third-party payment, so cash withdrawals can only be reconciled manually every day, while consumption can automatically generate orders and then process them in batches.

And Lu Zhou is naturally not worried about the failure of this event, let's try. Banana is now a test field for nearly five or six million users. As long as there is an idea, Lu Zhou will mention it, and he also encourages Fang Qiang to do so.

These large and small functions may have failures and successes, but in the end they can all be stacked into the future technical depth of Dream Valley Advertising.

Precisely, this idea came from Fang Qiang. He is thinking of building a points and mall system. Users can get daily membership points by signing in and downloading apps, and if they accumulate a certain amount for a long time, they can go to the mall to recharge one or two coins.

Lu Zhou was also very supportive when he heard it, and he waved his hand to increase the budget of 1 million, and simply pushed forward vigorously. How many months to collect a deduction? A bit too shabby.

"Brother Lu!" Fang Qiang was overjoyed and approached Lu Zhou.

Lu Zhou walked over and said, "Looking at you like a bear, the effect should be good. Let me see the data."

Fang Qiang called up the data panel made by Zhou Wen from the computer, "Okay! Great! The user activity has almost exploded, and the effect of adding new users is also very obvious. Hahaha, there are still people who dream of being hit by ddos ​​when riding a horse in the morning. I don’t know how they feel now.”

Lu Zhou smiled. This can be regarded as a rainbow after the rain. The team was still anxious about the DDOS attack two days ago. Today's update has boosted morale.

"It's just some happy troubles The sudden peak just happened in a short period of time. It almost had an avalanche, but it didn't frighten me to death."

"For this kind of problem, we should try our best to make a plan in the future. If the suddenness is too high, we can consider limiting the current. If there is no absolute certainty, we can design it according to the maximum number of users. If you have any problems, please contact Vancouver."

Of course, having said that, Lu Zhou also knew that the plan would never keep up with the changes.

Fang Qiang touched his head after listening, "This is not an attack two days ago. It's a bit unkind to abuse Brother Wen again."

When Lu Zhou heard this, he shook his head, "It doesn't have to be like this. It's official business. In addition, let Xiaotong organize today's results into a document, and if there are results, create more momentum. Today, on the Internet, products are inseparable from topicality. It can attract the attention of the masses. , make more arrangements.

In the future, let's let go of this, including the things that were attacked some time ago, and let's be frank on the Internet, so don't worry about being criticized. Criticisms are accepted openly, no big deal. "

"Okay. Today's schedule has been arranged. Don't worry."

Lu Zhou nodded, "Also, a professional manager will join the company next month. You should be prepared for this. But don't be confident, he is your assistant, and you are the CEO. Don't mess with the development. pace."


"Mom pull a slap!"

"If you can't do it, get out!"

Inside and outside Qihoo Company, employees outside heard a roar from Zhou Hongyi's office.

"The boss is a little angry recently. What did you eat to stimulate?"

"Pity the big brother of the assistant, who gets criticized every day."

An employee opened a banana, "Hey, three minutes of silence for the boss. Hey brother, use my link for the next one. I'll collect ten deducted coins to charge a yellow diamond."

"Tu Tu Tu, use mine, Lao Tzu to get some fertilizer money."

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