In the eyes of the soldiers of the Golden Empire, the six hundred and seventy-eighth Huoxing of the Golden Empire is an existence that has yet to be conquered. Since Solan I, there have been no less than a thousand battles around this planet. Although there have been very few large-scale battles, and it is impossible to say that they have lost every game, they have not achieved a laudable victory to dominate the planet. Which race are they on, and why they are comparable to the strength of imperial warships, so far there has not been a solid answer. The warships on this planet are not inferior to the imperial warships. A very small number of warships are better than the empire in terms of performance and weaponry. The soldiers on the warships, regardless of their quality and combat ability, are on a par with the imperial soldiers, even in their tactical flexibility. Sex, there are no small advantages. Put a veil of mystery on this planet that is within the boundaries of the empire, but outside the power of the empire.

Of course, no warships from this planet have been captured so far, which has also become a pity for the empire's military divisions of all dynasties.

Shang Ping didn't know all of this.

The cruise ship entered the orbit of the planet and stopped according to the signal sent by the satellite. Immediately, three small silver cruise ships came. Rather than escorting, it was better to wrap the cruise ship in it, pass through the atmosphere, and land on the planet. A large parking lot at the pole.

The crew of the cruise ship landed in sequence according to the order, without making any noise or questioning. Shang Ping followed behind Lieutenant Colonel Elfy and walked out of the hatch. There was an ice and snow field. Soldiers in cold suits stood on both sides, and the muzzles of laser guns Slightly downward, several other men with unique armbands held a machine similar to a small transmitter, swept over the body of each landing personnel, and, unsurprisingly, issued a sharp beep.

The two men exchanged opinions with each other, and when he heard their words, Shang Ping's eyes instantly widened, how could it be possible? ! If he heard correctly, what they said was the ancient earth language that has long been buried in the dust of history! Although there are differences in pronunciation and words, Shang Ping will never hear it wrong!

"Clones, these are clones."

"Don't those nasty guys still give up?"

"Unlikely, if they attack again, it's impossible to just send this cruiser, and the heavy weapons are all damaged."

"Yes, I have checked that their energy can only maintain the normal flight of the cruise ship, and the hull has been damaged by about 40%. Even if they have their own repair machinery, there is no way to repair them all."

"However, I still don't agree to bring them into the living quarters, it's too dangerous."

"But His Excellency the Governor has agreed to take them in, and they are calling for help as refugees."

"Refugees? A group of clone refugees? They're just consumables for war."


The whispered argument continued. Obviously, these people did not quite agree to accept the people on this cruise ship, but their governor had issued an order, and it was estimated that they could only vent their dissatisfaction.

Sure enough, a few minutes later, the inspection continued. Unexpectedly, Lieutenant Colonel Erfei and Shang Ping were scanned mechanically, and there was no harsh sound.


"No, I'm a clone."

Lieutenant Colonel Elfy turned his head and brushed the hair from his ear, and a slender scar was faintly visible on the skin.

"Just take the controller off."

Can clones still move freely after removing the controller? The inspectors looked at each other.

"What about him?"

"I am human."

The inspectors asked them whether they were using the common language of the Golden Empire, but Shang Ping answered them in the language of the ancient earth era, which made the inspectors standing in front of him wide-eyed.

"You are?"

"I'm not from this planet, no doubt about it. I'm from Mars of the Muse System."

There was no questioning or differentiated treatment as Shang Ping expected. Shang Ping and Lieutenant Colonel Erfei were brought into the aircraft, and the other clone soldiers were arranged on another large aircraft.

No one asked where they would be taken or the fate of the cruise ship. Lieutenant Colonel Elfei maintained a cold expression from beginning to end, while Shang Ping wrapped the blanket he had just received tightly. He's not a clone, and he doesn't have a cold suit, and he'd appreciate a cup of hot coffee or hot cocoa at this time.

The flight time was not too long, but Shang Ping was a little drowsy. The landing of the aircraft shook slightly, and Shang Ping was woken up.

Lieutenant Colonel Elfei had disappeared. Standing beside Shang Ping was a young man with brown hair. He smiled. There was a big dimple on his left cheek, which was very cute.

"Hello, my name is Felix, and I'm in charge of reception. Please come with me."

"Hello, my name is Shang Ping."

Fei Li smiled and nodded, indicating that Shang Ping could let go of the blanket. It wasn't as cold outside as he thought.

"This is a living area, and the climate is different from where you landed."

Fei Li said with a smile that since his parents had worked in the reception center, Fei Li knew how to relieve the tension of new arrivals.

"Come on, the accommodation has been arranged for you. You need to take a hot bath and eat a full meal."

Half an hour later, Shang Ping completed the relevant procedures. As an asylum applicant, he received a green identification card with his registered information.

"This way, you can go out freely. If you want to live here, you can apply for a formal job after three months, and if you want to return to your planet, you will have to wait longer."

Feili drove to the car and sent Shangping to the living area in the western part of the city. This is the short-term residence of the refugees. Most of them will choose to continue living on this planet or leave after three months. Those who apply to stay will change the green identification card to blue, get a job, and then move out. Those who choose to leave need to go to the service center to re-register. Every other month, a space merchant ship will arrive to take these The personnel were sent back to the original galaxy. Of course, there is a fee for this.

This planet is like an island in the vast territory of the Golden Empire. It accommodates those who have been abandoned or hunted down by the Empire, whether it is the nobles of the Empire, civilians, prisoners of the Empire's hostile forces, or lost warriors. Here, they are all treated equally. .

"Don't you worry that there will be spies or jeopardizing the security of the planet?"

Fei Li stopped the land car, waited for the signal lights to change, and said with a smile: "Those people in the Golden Empire, although overbearing and unreasonable, will not resort to such means. If they want to conquer any planet, they will rely on absolute strength. As for the others, who do you think would have the guts to take a planet within the borders of the Golden Empire?"

The land car continued to drive. Shang Ping knew that Fei Li didn't tell the truth, but he didn't want to explore too much. Sooner or later, he would have to leave here. Knowing too much doesn't do him any good. I asked Lieutenant Colonel Feilierfei and others about the situation. Knowing that clones and human settlements are different, and there are other regulations, Shang Ping didn't ask any more.

Twenty minutes later, the land vehicle finally arrived at its destination, a thirty-story single apartment. Next to the apartment is a green lawn, two rows of lush trees along the road, there are benches and small fountains on the street, and various shops are lined up. It's not like a shelter, it's more like an ordinary residential complex.


Feili parked the land car in the parking lot, took Shang Ping into the apartment, and told Shang Ping to put the green identification card on the intelligent identification device in the hall, and Shang Ping's personal message immediately scrolled on the small screen.

Shang Ping's room was arranged on the twenty-sixth floor, and Fei Li kept sending Shang Ping to the door, telling Shang Ping to use the number plate to swipe the door number, and hand over the key of the land car to Shang Ping. For three months, the land vehicle was returned to Shangping for use.

"These are free, but you need to pay for food and clothing at your own expense. If you have Gold Empire currency or other currencies, you can exchange them at the bank, as well as jewelry or energy stones. If not, you can apply for a loan. , in the future, it will be repaid with work wages, or after contacting your home star, repayment will be made by remittance."

Shang Ping nodded, in short, don't want to leave until the debt is paid off!

Fei Li kindly told Shang Ping the living area of ​​the clones and left.

Shang Ping closed the door before he had time to look at his temporary residence.

The room is not big, with one bedroom and one bathroom, a combined desk and single bed, similar to the student dormitory of the Madoff Military Academy. There is a brain in the room, as well as a wall-mounted TV. The floor-to-ceiling windows occupy the entire wall, allowing The interior looks very bright.

The bathroom is also fresh and clean, and toiletries are ready.

When Shang Ping saw the sign of hot water, he couldn't help cheering, he closed the curtains, and took a hot bath first. The water slid across his skin, and the steaming heat made his vision blur. Shang Ping took out the communicator in the exit, thoughtfully.

The Golden Empire's frontier planet, Saisha, is the Empire's largest prison planet, housing political prisoners, rebels, and many criminals. Some rebels who were unwilling to surrender were imprisoned here after being captured. Aside from being chosen as clone troopers, all that awaits them is the death penalty.

Zhou Ting and the remaining dozen or so Mars warriors were temporarily detained here. Since Shang Ping was taken away, these Mars people who were to be executed seem to have been forgotten. Apart from the soldiers patrolling outside the prison gates, they are isolated from the world.

They have no way of passing on the message, and they don't know if anyone will come to their rescue. This fear of facing despair begins to destroy the spirit and body of these Mars warriors.

Two more people committed suicide.

Zhou Ting leaned against the wall, closed his eyes, and did not see the bodies of the two people being carried out of the cell. A few days ago, he tried to use the communicator to contact Shang Ping, but the signal was so weak that he couldn't even utter a meaningful word. Zhou Ting began to suspect that there were devices that interfered with the signal, but he didn't dare to say it now, including the fact that he had a communicator that could communicate with the outside world, which needed to be kept secret. He can't even believe everyone here now, Zhou Ting clenched his fists, waiting for night to fall, intending to try again after everyone else is asleep.

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