Six hundred and seventy-eighth The Governor's Mansion is a very simple building. It is located in the southern suburbs and echoes with the Planet Fleet Command. However, compared to the majestic atmosphere of the fleet command, the Governor's Mansion is like a dwarf. Eye-catching. The gray outer wall is covered with vines similar to creeping tigers. Even the guards in front of the gate are owed. There is only one intelligent detection post, which can prove that this is the power center of the planet and not an ordinary residential residence.

Naira? Hattera is a successful businessman. Compared with other merchant shipping organizations that have roamed the universe for hundreds or even thousands of years, it took him only ten years, and at the age of 30, he was recognized by these greedy predators. with admiration. The huge wealth and strength accumulated in a short period of time gave this young man with sand-colored hair and eyes enough capital to look down on those who used to despise him, and he did so.

In the entire universe, as long as you have enough strength, you can get everything you want.

Naira? Hattera has the top ten cosmic merchant ships, the firepower not inferior to the army, and the absolute honesty and credibility. The rise of this young man is so fast and mysterious, when everyone finally thinks of exploring his family or the forces behind him, finally All eyes were focused on the six hundred and seventy-eighth star of the Golden Empire, a planet that was located within the territory of the Golden Empire, but always had a transcendent status.

All investigations have come to an end, no one will foolishly go further. These greedy businessmen fully understand the importance of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages.

This planet is an existence that cannot be conquered by the huge fleet of the Golden Empire, and there are tens of billions of businesses waiting for them every year. Even if they want to cultivate a caravan or cronies, their own interests will not be damaged. Why offend this big client for one person?

Naira? After all, Hattera is too young, and it is unknown whether he has the ability to continue this miracle, or it is just a puppet placed on the table.

The land car parked in front of the Governor's Mansion, and the sand-colored-haired youth in shirt and trousers walked down, with his coat draped over his arms, and after being checked by the sentry box, walked into the gate of the Governor's Mansion.

The six hundred and seventy-eighth Puppet Star is the title given by the Golden Empire. They have never been able to conquer this planet, so naturally they cannot name this planet in the way of administrative divisions. People who live on this planet, or organizations that have business dealings with this planet, are accustomed to calling this planet Shangdu, which is just a planet with unlimited business opportunities. Star's personnel costs are enough to make these merchant ships break through.

Compared with this planet, the trade volume of the Free City Federation of the Muse Galaxy is not even a fraction, which shows its strength.

The interior of the Governor's Palace is not as inconspicuous as it looks from the outside. Walking into the hall on the first floor, the high dome, the wide hall room built on the ground floor, and the bright and refreshing interior layout, in addition to giving a relaxed and lively impression, there are many Serious and solemn.

Naira? Hattera politely greeted the civil servants registered in the hall, and after receiving the reply meeting that the governor could see him, he stood in front of the door of the governor's office on the second floor in a solemn and very respectful manner. Patterns and spotless handrails, all make Naira? Hatra felt in a trance, as if he had returned to the day when he first met the Governor, the tall man standing with his back to the sun, let Naira? Hattera almost forgot to breathe.

"Please come in."

After the knock on the door, a gentle voice sounded. The current governor of Shangdu always treats everyone politely and gently, often making people forget the man's shrewdness and skill.

"Hello, Governor-General! I take the liberty to disturb me, I hope you don't mind."

"It's okay, I'm glad you can come, please take a seat."

The Governor raised his head, with black hair hanging down his forehead, eyes of the same color, and a soft outline. Aside from his age and temperament, this handsome face was seven or eight similar to Shang Ping.

"That's right, the caravan received a business from Mars, and the other party asked us to provide the detailed positioning of the territory of the Golden Empire and the space jumping particles at the border of the territory, and the other party asked the caravan to transport five teams to the border of the Golden Empire. It has been confirmed It's not an army organization, but Happ and I are both suspicious of the other party's purpose, so I take the liberty to ask you if you want to take this business."

When he heard Mars, the governor's black eyes slid a little, and then he clasped his fingers to support his chin, thought quietly for a few seconds, nodded, and said, "You can take it, but you can only provide them with the territory map and Jumping the position of the particle, nothing else can agree."

"As ordered."

Naira? Hattera bowed respectfully and left.

Quiet returned to the office. The Governor intends to continue his official business, but his mind is always unable to calm down.

Mars, Mars...

He kept reciting this word, his black eyes finally lit up with anger, he stood up, swept away the documents on the table with his arms, put his hands on the edge of the table, and his angry face was reflected on the table that could be seen. Leaving a clear shadow.

At this moment, Shang Ping was standing at the bank exchange office in the residential area. His military uniform and wallet were lost. The clothes he was wearing were also found from the supply point on the way to escape. The only thing that can be exchanged is to escape from the capital of the empire. At that time, the three gems inlaid on the belt of the robe, after knowing the amount of the three gems that could be exchanged, Shang Ping began to regret, why did he not bring out the jewelry used to threaten Solan Edrich, or Knock off a few gems from that golden cage. Shang Ping is not a greedy person, but when he heard that the price of a gemstone can cover half a year's salary of Colonel Edgar, he beat his head in annoyance.

Although the Mars people have always disliked these shiny stones, they only liked the energy stones that can activate warships, but it does not mean that such stones are not valuable in other galaxies!

Shang Ping specifically asked Fei Li before that there are merchant ships going to the Muse galaxy, which can ensure safety, but the price of the tickets is quite considerable. He will still live here for three to four months, and he has to find a way to contact last week. Very, very need to ensure that you can buy a ticket, all these add up, it is not enough to describe the situation.

Where is this planet a transit point for refugees, it is clearly a concentration of profiteers!

Shang Ping once again thought of the ancient Chinese saying that a penny cannot kill a hero.

"The ancients did not deceive me..."

Helpless sighs can't change the fact, Shang Ping can only make careful calculations after understanding the prices here. His small communicator can try to contact Zhou Ting, but there is absolutely no way to contact Mars. If he wants to contact Mars, he can only apply for the communication service of the reception center. Of course, it is another fee.

Looking at the consumption card just exchanged in his hand, it seems to be a large amount, but it is not banned at all. Shang Ping gritted his teeth and drove to the reception center.

Muse Galaxy Mars

The command center of the flagship of the Sixth Fleet suddenly received an unknown cosmic signal, and the other party just sent a sentence, and this sentence made Colonel Edgar almost fly to the command center.

"Uncle Edgar, I'm all right."

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