There were three people in the jeep. Except for the driver, whom Lianyi didn't recognize, the other two were Jin Yuanqing and Zheng Ran whom he had met during military training. Lianyi did not expect to see them again so soon.

And the moment she saw the two of them, she knew that the fact that her mother was robbed was probably an excuse for the two of them to take her out of the school.

"Classmate Xing, both of your parents are in the pharmaceutical factory's hospital. There was no accident. It was just because the incident happened suddenly that we used such a lame excuse to take you out."

Zheng Ran was the first to explain.

"Is there anything you need my help with?"

Lianyi knew that Xing's mother was fine, so she relaxed and leaned on the back of the car seat and asked.

"There is indeed a temporary emergency mission. There is no suitable candidate for the mission, so I thought of you, so I came to pick you up."

It was Jin Yuanqing who spoke this time.

Ripple frowned a little after hearing this, feeling that these two people were a little too reckless, or thought too highly of her, so she said helplessly:

"Two instructors, I haven't received a day's training, and you are not afraid that I will fail the mission? I don't believe you don't have female soldiers."

Since the two of them came to her in a hurry, this mission must require women, otherwise they would have done it themselves, and there was no need to take the risk of mission failure and come to her, a part-time non-staff member.

Zheng Ran glanced at the ripples around him and became more and more satisfied with the girl who was about to become his companion. After all, she didn't enthusiastically agree to the task when she knew there was a mission. She also knew how to analyze her own pros and cons and raise any doubts.

As the person in charge of this mission, he will naturally not hide anything from the other party. The mission is risky, and he must make it clear that he cannot force others to agree just because they have the ability.

"The question raised by Classmate Xing is very reasonable. I will answer it for you now."

Zheng Ran replied seriously.

It turns out that this time their team took on an escort mission and wanted to return home with their scientific research results. Before making the decision, the overseas Chinese knew that what they did would definitely touch the interests of some people, so they made the decision early. In order to deal with it, I want to send my daughter and wife back to the country smoothly first.

"Mr. K's wife is also an overseas Chinese. She is very supportive of her husband's career. She knows that if she returns to China with her daughter, it will be even more detrimental to Mr. K. So after contacting our people in private, she decided to send her daughter back to China first. , she stayed with Mr. K, and then continued to deal with the people of the Lighthouse Country."

Lianyi just listened silently and did not interrupt. She guessed that the gentleman codenamed K was a scientific researcher who wanted to return to China with scientific research results, but was blocked because the scientific research results were too valuable.

"Now we successfully brought Mr. K's daughter back to China, but we received an attack. Miss K is currently stranded at the airport. In order to ensure her safety, we decided to find a person of similar stature to appear in front of people instead of her to attract the secret person. attention, and then secretly picked up Miss K.

The other party is a girl, about the same age as you, and about the same body shape, so we immediately thought of you. There are no female soldiers in the team with similar body shapes, and their military temperament is too obvious, so they can be easily seen through.

Precisely because you have not received professional training and your temperament is more similar to Miss K, we took the risk to come to you for a mission. "

Zheng Ran finished explaining the cause and effect in one breath, and then looked at Lianyi, who had never spoken, waiting for her decision.

"The risk is indeed a bit high. What will I gain after the task is completed?"

Ripple asked the most practical question.

"We can waive your tuition for four years in school, and you will also get a bonus, one thousand yuan in cash and some bills."

Zheng Ran said immediately.

After hearing this, Lianyi was secretly happy, but she didn't show it on her face, but continued to ask:

"Your previous missions went very smoothly, so why did something go wrong when you returned to China? I think this is the other party's show of force and a threat to Mr. K."

"Yes, if Miss K still has problems under our protection, then how can we have the face to take Mr. K back to China? If we fail to protect his family, how can we say anything to ensure their personal safety."

Jin Yuanqing gritted his teeth and said.

Lianyi nodded to express his understanding. It seemed that the enemy was really guarding this time and did not even let them out of the airport, which showed their determination to kill Miss K.

"Instructor Zheng, has the person who took action been caught?"

"Three people were shot dead on the spot and two escaped. Because we were at the airport, we were afraid of accidentally injuring passengers, so we let them run away."

Zheng Ran told the truth.

"They were able to escape not only because you were hesitant about taking action, but also because they were familiar with the surrounding environment and even understood your escort mission, so they were able to strike accurately. Have you considered the possibility of a mole?"

Lianyi asked sharply.

These words caused a silence in the car. The young driver glanced at Lianyi several times in the rearview mirror, feeling that this young girl with a tender face really dared to speak.

"I thought about it, so I activated the backup escort plan, and then came directly to find you."

Although Zheng Ran didn't want to admit it, Lianyi could see it, let alone professionals like them. But now is not the time to pursue the mole. The most important thing now is to ensure the safety of Miss K.

"Okay, I'll take this mission, but I need some things. After you get them for me, take them to where Miss K is staying now."

Ripple said.


Zheng Ran and Jin Yuanqing responded in unison.

"Huzi, speed up!"

Jin Yuanqing turned to the driver in the driver's seat and said.


The little Jeep immediately began to accelerate. Ripple took out the small notebook in the cloth bag and began to list the things he needed.

Two hours later, the three of them arrived at the airport, and Ripple was temporarily separated from them.

Zheng Ran and Jin Yuanqing went to the VIP lounge, said a few words to the guard at the door, and then entered the inner room of the lounge one after another.

Miss K was curled up on the sofa in a daze, her face a little pale, and her wrists were wrapped with white gauze. When she saw someone coming in, she looked over with great vigilance, like a frightened rabbit.

"Who are you?"

"Miss K, please don't panic. We are here to protect you. Please do as we say in a moment, and we will ensure that you leave smoothly."

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