Zheng Ran spoke first and showed his ID. Jin Yuanqing remained silent, but then showed his ID.

After Miss K looked at it carefully, she breathed a sigh of relief, continued to shrink back to the sofa, and asked with some worry:

"Why is it so messy here? Will Daddy and Mommy be in danger if they come back?"

"I'm sorry, miss, it was our mistake that scared you, but we promise that this won't happen again."

Miss K did not answer the call. She already had a psychological shadow due to the previous attack.

Zheng Ran and Jin Yuanqing looked at each other, feeling a little headache. They didn't know how to comfort each other. If it was a boy, maybe they could show up and explain. Facing the delicate girl, they had no idea what to do.

At this moment, Ripple came to the rescue.

"Hello, miss! Here is your lunch."

Lianyi came in pushing a small dining cart. She was wearing the uniform of an airport staff. Her hair was tied up high and she had a little makeup on her face. She looked very mature.

"I have no appetite."

Miss K sat on the sofa and did not move. It was obvious that she was much less wary of women.

"Miss K, you will be leaving here soon. If you don't eat something, you won't have enough energy!"

Lianyi said with a smile, placing four simple dishes and one soup on the coffee table.

Then she took out a small box from under the dining car, opened it, and placed the contents out one by one. She looked carefully at Miss K, who was staring at her, and began to apply makeup on herself.

Lianyi's actions also attracted the attention of Zheng Ran and Jin Yuanqing. After all, they had ordered people to prepare those cosmetics.

Under the gaze of everyone, Lianyi's face an hour later was almost the same as Miss K. As long as you didn't look close to each other, you wouldn't notice the difference between the two. At this time, Miss K rubbed her face vigorously Eyes, confirm again that you are not wrong.

She also knows how to put on makeup, but this is the first time she has seen someone who can completely transform one person into another.

"Ms. K, have you finished eating? If so, I'm going to start putting makeup on you."

Ripple turned around and said.

"I'm full, ready to start."

Miss K also wanted to witness the miracle again, so she cooperated very well and sat obediently next to Lianyi.

Zheng Ran and Jin Yuanqing had already guessed what Lianyi was doing, and they had to say that this was a good idea. They built the plank road openly and secretly to infiltrate Chen Cang, and also reduced the risk to Miss K.

This time the speed of the ripples was much faster. Forty minutes later, Miss K turned into a ripple. Ripple looked at the other party's face with satisfaction, handed the mirror to the other party, and then said with a smile:

"Miss K, now we need to exchange clothes, and then you can leave openly."

"Oh! Okay, let's change now."

Miss K gently touched her cheek and felt a little weird. It was her own face, but the person in the mirror was a complete stranger.

Zheng Ran and Jin Yuanqing withdrew from the inner room with a wink, and stood guard at the door, communicating in a low voice:

"I didn't expect Xing Lianyi to have this ability."

"It's really not easy. I don't know who she learned it from."

Zheng Ran was also a little confused. After all, this skill was not mentioned in the background check.

"Ask her after the mission is over. I always think she knows more than that."

Jin Yuanqing touched his chin and said.

Ever since he was beaten on the first night of military training, he felt that this girl was quite mysterious, so he paid so much attention to her, and even wanted to get Ripple under his nose, but now it seems that what he found is a treasure.

When the door opened again and the two went in, they found that Ripple and Miss K were already ready.

"Instructor Zheng and Instructor Jin, please inform Huzi to pick up Miss K. You must stay to protect me and create an illusion. Miss K needs to go out alone."

Ripple said with a smile.

"Is that okay?"

Jin Yuanqing asked worriedly.

"No problem, after she comes out of this door, she will be the staff responsible for Miss K's diet. She is one of you and will not receive too much attention, as long as she can maintain her own stability.

After Miss K goes out for a while, you can pretend to give her a task and ask her to leave early without attracting other people's attention. "

After Ripple finished explaining, he added another sentence.

"I see."

Zheng Ran nodded, then turned to Miss K and asked in a soft voice:

"Miss K, do you have a problem here?"

"I don't have a problem, it's exciting."

Miss K pursed her lips and said.

"Please put your own safety first in everything."

Zheng Ran explained.

"I know."

After Miss K finished speaking, she looked at Ripples and encouraged her face:

"Miss, I'm sorry to trouble you!"

"No trouble, it's my duty."

Lianyi smiled politely and imitated Miss K's tone.

Miss K immediately gave her a thumbs up, then took a deep breath, pushed the packed dining cart, and left the protected room.

Jin Yuanqing waited for a while and then went out to perform the rest of the scene. Lianyi, accompanied by Zheng Ran, went to the bathroom outside and showed her face to prove that Miss K was still in the room.

After a while, Jin Yuanqing returned to the room and nodded to the two of them. All three of them breathed a sigh of relief. Apparently, Miss K had already got into the car driven by Huzi, and the rest was to wait for them to pass on the news to them when they arrived at their destination.

Two hours later, the phone was dialed, and Miss K's relaxed voice came from the phone:

"Miss K, I have brought the things you asked me to bring."

"That's good, thank you for your hard work."

"You're welcome, this is my duty."

Miss K became playful and replied in a serious tone, imitating Lianyi's tone.

After hanging up the phone, the three of them completely relaxed.

"I thought there was going to be a fierce fight, but I didn't expect it to be resolved like this."

Jin Yuanqing sighed.

"You should also learn something in the future. Not all problems can be solved by force."

Zheng Ran retorted with a smile.

"I understand, what should I do next?"

This is the key.

"Classmate Xing, you have to work harder. We want to lure out the mole, so you have to continue to play Miss K."

Now that Miss K is really safe, he doesn't want to give up his plan to find out the traitor.

"Instructor Zheng, if the traitor is not among the people protecting Miss K, then it must be at the top. Now that Miss K has successfully arrived at her destination, the other party must know that I am fake, and he will probably not take any action.

Or they may take action just to confuse your judgment, so I suggest that everyone evacuate separately and avoid unnecessary fights. "

Lianyi spread his hands and said.

"Classmate Xing, you suspect that the mole is at the top."

"Don't you doubt it too?"

Ripple asked rhetorically.

"Why are you so judgmental?"

"If you didn't have any doubts, would you temporarily use me as a non-staff member? The purpose of doing this is to avoid the people above, and you don't want the backup plan to be destroyed again."

Lianyi said firmly.

Zheng Ran put away the smile on his face and said after being silent for a while:

"You are right, there is no need to make unnecessary sacrifices."

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