Latent Syndrome

Chapter 235 234 The beast in the shadows

Chapter 235 234. The beast in the shadows

in the last century.

In order to prepare for nuclear war, the Freedom Alliance has planned nuclear counterattack facilities in many places, but now all of them have been scrapped.

But in order to deal with viruses that are countless times more violent than the Black Death and smallpox in human history, it had to be reactivated.

This is not just a virus.

What we have to deal with is all the violent things and the unknown truth.

In the plain area on the outskirts of Liberty City, there is an ordinary farm that is inconspicuous, raising cows and industrially cultivating the land.

But these are all illusions.

Seven kilometers underground, there is an underground base that can only be reached by elevator.

Inside Section 4 headquarters.

Harris' personal office.

Just like the underground base of Section 11, there is no decoration style at all. It is full of the rough atmosphere of the last century. Even the computers are transistor computers that are almost the same size as a room. There are no so-called keyboards and plastic cases. It is made of durable and heavy metal, as well as retro levers and countless buttons.

Even Harris's own office is the same, with cold white paint and the only decoration is a green plant in the corner.

The inspector from the High Command of the Countermeasures Bureau is asking Harris to report his work, because the big shots in the command are quite dissatisfied with Harris.

It has been a long time since he was appointed as the head of Section 4, but he still can't produce any results. Now that the Freedom Alliance has suffered a devastating blow, he still has no achievements and is just doing some. The most basic thing is to clean up the ordinary infected people who have gotten out of control. Apart from that, I don't even know the name of the top cadre sent by SCT.

"Lieutenant General Harris."

"I do not understand."

"It's been months."

"It's time for even a fool to find some useful information."

"Now that SCT has gone straight to Huanglong, if this continues, those capitulationists who were bewitched by SCT with eternal life will be more ready to move, and the funds tilted towards us will become less and less."

"Humans will..."

"Direct defeat."

If the inspector had the power to dismiss Harris, he would do so without hesitation. He even had a suspicion that Harris had been bribed by... SCT.


Harris was indifferent when he heard what he said. He just made a decision directly. If the Countermeasures Bureau could represent mankind, it would be too hasty. It is difficult to say whether people are more inclined to the Countermeasures Bureau or SCT. Only humans themselves can represent mankind.

On the purest basis, most people are useless and have lost their wildness.

But of course Harris cannot say this, as that would be directly judged as collaboration with the enemy.

"you know……"

"Why do the human eye see shadows in green more easily than in other colors?"

Harris asked an unrelated question.

"Feel sorry?"

The inspector had no idea what was driving Harris crazy.

"Is such that."

"Primitive people, our ancestors, needed to be better at hunting and detecting...the beasts in the shadows."

"Those who don't have a high level of recognition of green are killed and devoured by the ferocious things in the darkness."

"Only people with this genetic gene are good enough to survive."

"It has been passed down to this day."

Harris looked at the potted green plants in the corner. Even from such a distance, he could recognize the changes in light and shadow and the texture on them.

"What exactly do you want to say?"

The inspector had an ominous premonition.

"May I know which adult assigned you here?"

"As we all know, there are some in the high command..."

"A small contradiction."

"Because the witness of the South Pacific incident fled with an agent from Section 1."

"Special times, special treatment."

"I think it's important to know."

"This is for the victory of humanity."

Harris said righteously.

The inspector thought for a while, and indeed, as Harris said, in order for Section 4 to seriously deal with the next crisis, the inspector thought it was necessary to use that person to suppress him.

So he said the person's name.

After hearing this, Harris sneered at the corner of his mouth, and faintly saw some extremely slender nematodes squirming under the skin of his mouth in a very small arc.

Obviously, this is a wrong answer,

"That's right, Mr. Inspector."

"Humanity will never be defeated."

"It's just...there is such a special situation now."

"The beast in the shadows is sweeping in again."

"He is the darkness in people's hearts and the decay of society."

"And the tyranny of truth."

"Genes that are not able to tolerate these genes are almost being eliminated."

"That's all."

After saying that, Harris slowly took out the pistol from the holster at his waist, clicked the safety, and pointed the pistol at the inspector's forehead.

"What do you mean?"

"This is mutiny!"

The inspector stood up nervously. No matter how he thought, he could never imagine such a situation.

"Mr. Inspector."

"During your report to me, you seriously interfered with my decision-making and affected the action plan of the entire Fourth Division, posing a huge threat to humanity."

"Your suspicion of collaboration with the enemy has been proven."

Harris spoke methodically.

"What are you talking about!"

"I'm not a collaborator at all!"

The inspector tried to open the door and asked other agents from Section 4 for support. Harris must have gone crazy, or was possessed by something evil.

"It's also one of the beasts of the shadows."

"Absolute power... leads to absolute evil."

"From the first moment I declare you a collaborator, no matter what the facts are."

"You have become the common enemy in this huge, all-knowing system."

Harris did not fire.

The office door was blocked from the outside. I don't know if there was something wrong with the door lock, or... someone was blocking it behind.

No one can remain calm when faced with death.

"Do not kill me!"

"You know the consequences of this!"


There was a gunshot.

A blood hole opened on the inspector's forehead, and red and white things splashed onto the door leaf. He slowly fell to the ground against the door, leaving a striking red trail on the door.

After the end.

An S-class infected person from the Fourth Division pushed in the door. He was once the ace agent of the First Division and was appointed to assist the Fourth Division in eradicating the threat in Liberty City.

"What you said..."

"Can I believe it?"

The ace agent originally thought that he could be so ruthless, but when it actually happened, he still felt a little shaken. He didn't know whether this was against his own beliefs. Perhaps this was the closest thing to justice.

"It's not about whether you can believe it."

"This is an objective fact."

"If the Countermeasures Bureau wins this war, that's fine."

"But if we fail."

"People...are unable to resist the beasts of the shadows."

"At least……"

"Let them see the most evil aspect."


"Real protection."

Because the smell of blood was a bit strong, Harris turned on the ventilation system.



The ace agent looked at the body on the ground and fell into silence.

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