Latent Syndrome

Chapter 236 235 Visualization

Chapter 236 235. Visualization

Abandoned apartment buildings in Brooklyn, all the windows have been broken, and the cold wind is pouring in from the outside.

In this filthy drug den, there are drug addicts covered in abscesses and delirious. They are homeless. In order to take drugs, they even let his 80-year-old grandmother come out as a prostitute.

After using every conceivable method to get money, the homeless people will find a safe place to hide and take drugs or injections.

The bedding is full of dirty spots, and there are pools of poisonous insects that are whimpering and wailing like mud. They are gathered here like a group. This is so extremely dirty and ugly that even the police will not come near here. They can't catch some small poisonous insects. Drug dealers are meaningless.

In addition, this kind of place is too disgusting and full of all kinds of infectious diseases.

They have reached the final stage and are just like the walking dead. After all, this is a game for rich kids. They have a detoxification institution the size of a luxury resort, and drug money is just a drop in the bucket for them.

Only ordinary people, some cruel men will become drug dealers to obtain drug money by selling drugs to support themselves, while women usually sell drugs to support drugs in the true sense.

As for more people, living in poverty will also lead to crime. No matter which way they are, they will fall into the abyss step by step.

Along the way, White has seen a lot of chaos on the streets. Even in the afternoon, after realizing the seriousness of the problem, all restaurants and bars have closed, and the traffic is somewhat jammed. The most common vehicles on the road are pickup trucks, which are some businesses. Although convenience store and supermarket owners do not know the specific situation, they have begun to doubt the government's ability to effectively control the current economic crisis.

But that is obviously unlikely, and all signs point to a complete collapse.

Because the video of the Los Angeles incident was widely circulated, the story of the heroic DB spread throughout the streets and alleys. Now it has been completely blocked. The completely isolated Los Angeles is a lesson learned from the past. The same horrific things as there will definitely happen next.

As a result, White didn't even have a place to sit down. After walking around, he thought it was an empty building and was going to find a secret place to take a good look at the mysterious gem.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a drug den for drug addicts. Due to financial difficulties, some people did not even have bedding in this harsh winter. They just covered themselves with scrap newspapers, as well as various paper advertisements, hair restorers, and Viagra. , digital equipment, game information.

White also saw the news on his mobile phone, and he knew that McConaughey was responsible for all this.

Since the stock market plunge triggered the circuit breaker mechanism, which automatically suspended trading and restricted trading, everything seems to be normal so far. Many people still believe that the people above will solve all this.

Only after this calming agent loses its effect do they realize that their dream is over.

If the incident had occurred in other eras, the consequences would not have been too serious. At most, it would have spawned a group of violent criminals.

But now that Latent Disease is spreading, SCT is eyeing it, and in Liberty City, which is known as the center of the global economy, there are people like McConaughey controlling everything.

White couldn't care less, he had more important things to do.

There were densely packed syringes on the ground, and there were some faint blood stains. Although White was the type of person who didn't care about interior decoration, this sight was really unbearable.

He was going to find another secluded place to observe the extremely evil blood ruby.

White's dress and complexion are incompatible with this place. He is full of energy. Although he is not well-dressed, he still wears a floral shirt as a base and a casual overcoat. However, they are still high-end goods and are of great value. It is just a matter of personal clothing. That’s all.

When a few mentally disturbed poisonous insects saw such a big fat sheep, it was impossible not to be tempted, so they immediately took out their folding knives and prepared to blackmail him.

White was too lazy to look for other places. It happened that these poisonous insects were weak in nature, so he just used the hint to stimulate them slightly.

Their bodies immediately stiffened, their movements froze, their eyes burst with blood, and they covered their chests. There was strong congestion and pain inside. Although it was not violent, they had a premonition of death.

In less than a moment, they all fell to the ground and died of cardiac paralysis.

Because these poisonous insects are too noisy, and from time to time emit a hissing that wanders between pain and pleasure, White lets them go on their way. It is meaningless to live like this in the world, just a piece of rotten meat wrapped in the trap of desire, although the world That's probably true, but these guys are in far deeper.

Just a hint of nudge.

This dangerous building collapsed in an incredible way and began to shake violently. The scattered falling gravel and steel bars did not have too much impact on the overall stability.

The falling stone, the size of a head, crushed a person's head with just the right force, causing red and white objects to splash. The heads of those lying paralyzed on dirty bedding or product catalogs were smashed into a puddle. In the meat.

Even those who were still conscious had their bodies pierced by the tricky steel bars, their organs shattered, and they were nailed to the ground and bleeding like pillars. They died completely within a short time.

The surroundings finally became clear, and every drop of splashing blood bypassed him, and the building no longer shook. What was wonderful was that some collapsed stones just fell to the ground to form an ergonomically height seating platform, seventy-five centimeters tall. The height is not bad by even one centimeter. This height is the average height of adults. As long as you are not too tall or too short, it is the most appropriate height.

Although White didn't look behind him at all, he sat straight down and sat on the platform, as if he had foreseen this.

In fact, White has no idea what will happen, but is extremely certain that when the hint is on, the entire universe is his servant.

He dug out the blood ruby ​​gemstone from the wallet left by Hoshino Manatsu. Its texture was between transparent and opaque. Even without strong light, it exuded this mysterious aura, and a world-famous brilliance circulated on the surface and inside.

This gem can project some magical pictures. White doesn't know that only he can see it, or that everyone sees different things.

When I turn off the star suggestion, this gem is just like a mortal thing, nothing, ordinary, but when I turn on the suggestion, it can reflect bizarre scenes.

From the first moment he got the gem, he saw the woman in it. The woman carrying the gem might be the reason why he was in contact with her and thinking about her at the time.

White came to a somewhat absurd conclusion. As long as he turned on suggestion, he could reflect the image of someone who appeared in his mind.

So he no longer hesitated and stared at the gem as if he was possessed, trying to catch a glimpse of the mystery of the universe in the brilliance of the gem.

There are things wrapped inside, which seem to be burning White's soul. There are fine beads of sweat on his forehead, and his expression is a little painful.

In the real world, the gem remains unchanged and is just an ordinary stone.

However, White's eyes reflected a bright red light, and he witnessed a corner of the universe.

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