Legendary FBI Detective

Chapter 655 Ponzi scheme breaks out, Lacey’s party

He drove back to the "Insomnia Building" calmly, 800 meters away and reached the end with a single step of the accelerator. Luo An took the elevator up and silently thought about how to write the report of 1.4 million US dollars.

"Everyone, I'm back."

Walking into the office area of ​​the special investigation team, Luo An said hello loudly.

All the responses that often appeared in the past disappeared. Luo An looked up and found that everyone had gathered around the small TV at the front of the office area.

Luo An frowned slightly and walked over quickly:

"What's wrong?"

"There's something going on on Wall Street."

Lacey swallowed, turned around to make way for Luo An, and said with a complicated expression:

"Have you ever heard of Bernard Madoff? The former chairman of Nasdaq, he was arrested.

This guy has been running a Ponzi scheme for the past few decades. "

On the TV, a live broadcast of Bernard Madoff being taken away was being played.

Many reporters nearby held up microphones and shouted questions to Bernard Madoff like crazy. They were all stopped by the surrounding NYPD. Bernard Madoff himself lowered his head and said nothing.

The white man escorting Bernard Madoff next to him was a familiar face to Luo An, Director Elmer.


Luo An raised his eyebrows and sighed. He had just met with Director Elmer a few days ago and discussed Bernard Madoff's sale of financial products at low prices. Unexpectedly, he would start taking action today.

"Nearly 50 billion US dollars, one of the largest funds in the world, is actually empty! The entire fund is even just a Ponzi scheme..."

On the TV, the blond female host looked shocked and kept shouting "God". Behind her, many people shouted "God" while many more people yelled and greeted Bernard with various words. Madoff and his family.

"This is really..."

In the office area of ​​the Special Investigation Team, Chenier and Winslow were speechless and couldn't think of a suitable adjective after thinking for a long time. Michelle next to them snorted coldly and said:

"So, there are no good people on Wall Street, it's all liars and lunatics."

Lacey was more concerned about another thing. She frowned and asked:

"How did this Ponzi scheme last for more than 20 years without being discovered?"

As the insider and behind-the-scenes guide of the whole matter, Luo An said quietly:

"No, it shouldn't be said that it was not discovered, but it should be said that it has only been exposed now."

It is naturally impossible for Elmer to be in charge alone to promote this case and arrest, so Luo An had previously introduced Mr. Clement and FBI Director Robert to him.

The two discussed the matter with the IRS director, and the three later brought in some top figures from other departments. The multiple departments worked together to finally expose the matter. Director Elmer was just a vanguard in the eyes of the public.

This is also the reason why Luo An did not choose to participate in this matter: the factions behind it are complex and there are many camps, and it is sometimes difficult to distinguish between enemies and teammates.

Luo An is still young, and unlike Director Elmer who lacks a strong thigh background or great achievements, he will have plenty of opportunities in the future and there is no need to get involved in this matter.

At the same time, Luo An also proposed to Director Elmer a plan that could protect the funds of middle-class families who were defrauded to the greatest extent.

Although it is impossible to get back all the defrauded funds, it is better than not getting almost a penny in the previous life.

The live broadcast on the TV continued, with reporters' exclamations and inquiries alternating with the shouts and curses of passers-by in the background. The office area of ​​the special investigation team was quiet, and everyone was silent and thinking silently.

In the next few days, almost all the front pages of major media outside were occupied by this Ponzi scheme case that shocked the world.

While the detectives of the special investigation team were surprised and checked the follow-up development of the incident, they still continued to deal with the follow-up of the bombing + Salers case. There was still work to be done.

On Friday, at 4:30 in the afternoon, all the agents finished their work and began to rest, preparing to wait for the clock at the front of the office area to reach the end of the day.

As the team leader, Luo An naturally had to lead by example, so he walked out of the team leader's office and started fishing and chatting with the agents.

"Everyone, everyone! Look at me, look at me!"

At this moment, Lacey suddenly coughed several times and stood up, clapped her hands to attract everyone's attention, and said loudly:

"I have an announcement!"

Luo An stuffed a nut into his mouth and asked with a smile:

"What's wrong? Are you getting married?"

"Almost, not far away."

Lacey chuckled, took out a few photos from behind her back, and shouted loudly:

"Everyone! The house I bought has been renovated!

Tomorrow, Saturday night, everyone comes to my villa! Let's have a party! "

"So fast?"


Winslow's face was full of surprise, Chenelle and Michelle were also shocked, Lacey smiled and put her hands on her hips very proudly.

Federal people do not have a very serious concept of new houses and old houses. The same house sometimes has many owners.

For example, the house purchased by Hollywood actress Nicole Kidman and her husband when they got married has experienced three generations of owners before them.

The house Lacey bought was also not a new house. There was a previous owner before her, so after Lacey bought the house, she directly removed all the previous owner's decorations, and then asked the decoration company to replace it with her favorite style and decoration.

While everyone was having fun in the office area, Lacey hugged Mona's arm and grinned at Luo An:

"I'll borrow Mona tomorrow. I'm the only one in that house. The party needs to be prepared, and I need people."

Luo An spread his hands, and Mona agreed that he wouldn't say anything. Then Luo An suddenly thought of something and asked:

"Besides the people from our investigation team, have you invited anyone else?"


Lacey nodded naturally, she also had her own social circle.

Luo An raised his eyebrows:

"Aren't they all women?"

"How can it be?"

Lacey looked unhappy:

"Although I'm lesbian, it doesn't mean I don't make friends with men, okay?"


Glancing at Winslow who was eating Lacey's snacks next to him, Luo An grinned and nodded.


In a villa community in the west of Washington, D.C., the villas here not only have independent lawns and trees, but the distance between each villa is also very far.

On Saturday, at 8:30 in the evening, in a villa at the southernmost end of the community, restless music was buzzing and roaring.

Lacey stood by the swimming pool in a neutral outfit, holding a microphone and shouting:

"Girls, get excited!"

"Oh oh oh——"

"Lacie! Lacey! Lacey!"

On both sides of the swimming pool, more than thirty beautiful girls in simple clothes clapped and cheered wildly.

Lacey laughed, dropped the microphone and rushed into the crowd, moving her left and right hands up and down. The place was suddenly filled with girls' screams and laughter.


At the other end of the pool, Luo An and Winslow were sitting on beach chairs with black lines on their heads.

In the huge villa, apart from the two male characters Luo An and Winslow, there was only one pet male dog brought by someone unknown.

And a white man wearing ordinary shirts and shorts, with gray hair and wrinkles on his face. He looked to be in his sixties and wore sunglasses at night.

Luo An picked up the beer and touched it with the strange man, and asked with a smile:

"Let me meet you, my name is Luo An."

The man took off his sunglasses and smiled:

"Just call me Piero. I am little Lacey's friend and I am a priest by profession."


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