Legendary FBI Detective

Chapter 656 Liberation Theology, Mormonism


Upon hearing this word, Winslow next to him suddenly turned his head in surprise, and then his eyes were filled with disbelief.

Putting aside his identity as a priest, it is somewhat inconsistent with Lacey's yin and yang, restless villa party.

Judging from his appearance alone, this old white man named Piero cannot be said to be well-dressed, but can only be said to be slovenly.

The baggy shirt, baggy shorts, and somewhat unruly slippers really didn't match the image of a priest in Winslow's mind.

Luo An relied on his "emotional perception" to confirm that the other party was telling the truth, and asked with a smile:

"Is the priest allowed to attend such parties already?"

"You misunderstand, child."

Piero picked up the beer and took a big sip, wiped his mouth and said with a smile:

"I am indeed a pastor, but not the pastor you imagine. I am an evangelical pastor of liberation theology."

“Liberation theology?”

Winslow was a little confused. He didn't know much about religion. He only knew some of the most common basic differences between Catholicism and Christianity.

Roan was in awe when he heard this word, not because he admired Piero, but because he had heard of the theoretical concept of liberation theology.

Whether it is Christianity or Catholicism, the core doctrine is that human beings are born sinful and need rescue and redemption.

So, what is sin?

The founder of liberation theology successfully combined biblical theory with Marxist theory, saying that exploitation is sin, class inequality, capitalism's pursuit of profit maximization, and economic blood-sucking are sins.

These evils are contrary to the teachings advocated by God, so they need to be eliminated, that is, defeated, to liberate mankind.

Liberation theology has internal logic that is self-consistent and well-founded. It is indeed very easy to convince others at a glance.

But Luo An understood the limitations of these religions and theories, so he ignored Piero's subsequent suggestions and asked directly:

"When did you and Lacey meet?"

"Don't be nervous, Team Leader Luo An."

Piero smiled and said:

"I'm Lacey's distant uncle, and I was passing through Washington, D.C., so I came to see her.

When chatting with Lacey these days, I found that Lacey admires, trusts and even worships Team Leader Luo An.

You were worried that I would be bad for Lacey, and I was also worried that you would cheat on Lacey, so I came to Lacey's decoration party. "

"Emotional Perception" confirmed that the other party was telling the truth. Luo An raised his eyebrows and breathed a sigh of relief. He picked up the beer bottle, touched it with the other party, and started chatting about other things.

Except for some religious content, Piero's other ideas are quite open. For example, Lacey's sexual orientation is not a problem in his opinion. Instead, he thinks it is God's unique gift to Lacey.

As for other aspects, Piero's cognitive perspective is not complicated in summary:

Although I curse, drink, smoke, fight, and like women, I am a good believer in God.

After chatting for a while, Piero finished the second bottle of beer, picked up the third bottle of beer, opened the lid, raised it and touched it with Luo An, and expressed his gratitude to Luo An with a serious face.

Piero knew Lacey's financial situation very well. Before meeting Roan, although she was diligent and thrifty, her salary itself was so high that saving money would not make her rich quickly.

So Lacey has been keeping the matter of buying a house in her heart. Her main goal at that time was to pay off her college loan. Piero himself was not rich, so it would be nice if he didn't hold Lacey back. He couldn't provide her with anything at all. help.

After meeting Roan and following Roan and Mona to Los Angeles, Lacey's financial situation improved rapidly, and she even transferred the remaining funds to Piero to help him.

Piero's face turned red and he drank wine:

"Thank you very much, Team Leader Luo An."

"It should."

Luo An smiled and was about to say something when Piero suddenly leaned forward and asked in a low voice:

"Leader Luo An, I can see that you are not very interested in the liberation theology that I believe in.

But I have many friends. One of my friends is a Mormon priest. He is a Mormon who can be polygamous and marry as many wives as he wants.

If you are interested, I can contact him and help you enter Mormonism. "

Luo An: "..."


The next day, Sunday, I was still off from work.

Because the wound on the shoulder had healed a lot, Luo An and Mona struggled for a long time after opening their eyes in the morning before they got up and walked out of the bedroom.

While the two were making breakfast... and lunch, Luo An's cell phone suddenly rang.

"It's me, Elmer."

A familiar male voice came over the phone, it was Director Elmer of the IRS.

"good afternoon."

Luo An grabbed a cooked oyster and stuffed it into his mouth, and said with a smile:

"You've been in the news everywhere these days. The battle is really big."

If we were to make a list of the size and impact of news this year, the case of the Bernard Madoff Ponzi scheme would definitely be ranked in the top ten.

As the leading investigator on the case, Director Elmer naturally stole the show.

Many media have focused their attention on him. While praising Supervisor Elmer, almost all of his personal resume has been dug up.

Seeing this content in the newspaper, Luo An became more and more sure that he had made the right choice.

Director Elmer's resume over the years can only be described as average, and he has been praised by the media as "the sharpest supervisor in the IRS."

If Luo An was really involved in this matter, and his 100% crime detection rate was revealed later, who knows how much the media would label him.

"Thank you for these things, Luo An."

Elmer's voice on the other end of the phone had unconcealable fatigue, but his tone was very energetic when he spoke.

After Bernard Madoff was arrested, he had a very good attitude and was very cooperative. He answered whatever was asked and not much time was wasted in interrogating him.

The only problem lies in the funds in the foundation. Elmer is under great pressure to arrange the order of repaying the funds to the victims in English alphabetical order, instead of the order of consortium banks first and middle-class families last.

When Luo An saw the news, he was worried that Director Elmer would one day be shot in the back and commit suicide.

But in the end, Luo An was relieved because there were other people supporting Director Elmer. This was the result of a multi-party game.

"I can have a day off tonight."

After a few simple greetings, Director Elmer smiled and said:

"How about coming to my house for a meal? The lobster my wife makes will definitely make your mouth water!"

"Then I must try it."

Being invited by others to have dinner with family members has always been a sign of close relationship within the customs of the Federation. Luo An did not refuse and agreed with a smile.

"That `s a deal!"

Director Elmer laughed and continued to chat for a few words. Both parties hung up the phone. Luo An reached out and patted Mona beside him and said with a smile:

"There's no need to cook tonight, let's go to someone else's house to eat lobster."

Mona asked casually while arranging the tableware:

"Is it Director Elmer of the IRS?"

"That's right."

Luo An nodded. Director Elmer's invitation was obviously a gesture of gratitude, and he would certainly not refuse.


Mona wiped her hands and sat down at the dining table, started having lunch with Luo An, and said:

"Then what gifts will we get when we go there tonight?"

"How about red wine?"

Luo An replied casually. At this moment, his cell phone suddenly rang again. He pressed the answer button and Veranith's voice rang out:

"Roan, come to my office, now."

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