"You said candidate is the producer. He is on the set of "Dajiang Dahe". That is a period drama, and there are more things than our modern drama, so he just followed and kept an eye on it." Kong Sheng explained.

There is another reason that he didn't mention. He is a mature director after all, and he will basically not make mistakes when it comes to shooting.

But for "Dajiang Dahe", the noon sunshine pushed out the people below to take over the director's position. It was inevitable that there was some lack of experience. Of course, Hou Hongliang had to take charge personally.

"That's it, wait until he is free and tell him to come to the company to sit down when he has time. We two brothers haven't talked for a while."

Xu Jia didn't take it seriously. He still trusted the strength of Noon Sunshine. He hesitated and then said: "Just tell him that I plan to create an awards ceremony unique to online dramas, and we will all participate. Certain bonuses and prizes will be set up. For example, actors who win the Best Actor Award can have priority in choosing their favorite projects in Jiaxing, and those who win the Best Director Award will also receive a certain amount of investment shares."

"I plan to make this ceremony more commercial and involve various media and sponsors, but the awards will be based on the principles of absolute fairness, justice and openness. You should understand what I mean."

To put it bluntly, he is finally planning to truly get involved in the upper echelons of the entertainment industry.

Activities such as award ceremonies and grand ceremonies are generally in the hands of capital and academic circles. The combination of power and fame has brought about huge entanglements of interests.

The most common entertainment companies have is an admission ticket. The better they do, they have the right to sit in line and share the fruits.

But what Xu Jia has to do is to kick all these aside and start anew.

If ordinary people had such thoughts and actions, no one would care. Just like the Golden Broom, they would treat it as a pheasant award, and few would take it seriously.

In the past two years, it has gained some authority due to online public opinion.

But Xu Jia is different. He not only represents himself, but also represents the huge staff of the Jiaxing Department, which includes partners such as Noonday Sunshine.

Kong Sheng could imagine how much shock this news would cause within the circle.

It’s not that no one has thought about organizing a fair award that belongs to insiders and does not give those with so-called seniority the opportunity to control it, but no one has succeeded, and even if they raise opinions, they may be silenced.

But that doesn't mean that the idea in their minds disappears, it just hides it.

Now that Xu Jia mentioned it, it immediately started a prairie fire in Kong Sheng's heart like wildfire, because he knew that it was really possible for Xu Jia to do what he said.

When I think of the awards given at the Jiaxing Awards Ceremony.

The actors and directors involved will be asked to focus on how to improve the quality of the content. As soon as the bad atmosphere in the circle was corrected, Kong Sheng's face turned red.

"Don't worry, I will definitely bring this to you, and I can guarantee that all of us at Noon Sunshine will be willing to participate in it." Kong Sheng said excitedly.

"Yes, if you have such intention, then it means that I did not start this matter in vain."

The corner of Xu Jia's mouth raised. He said that the entertainment industry is rotten to the core. He never denied the existence of a dark side, but he never lacked the love and positivity of pure filmmakers like Kong Sheng for the film and television industry.

This trip to visit the class is over.

By the time Xu Jia returned to the capital, it was already the end of September.

The entire company was invested in the promotion and distribution of Operation Red Sea.

After all, it is only a National Day gift film in name. Compared with those real theme films, they have to rely on their own efforts.

Even so, when Xu Jia returned to the company, Zeng Jia immediately pulled him into the conference room.

The conference room was filled with the company's upper management, as well as Yang Tianzhen and others from the Magic City branch, who were conducting the video conference.

"What's wrong? What happened when I wasn't at home?"

Monk Xu Jiaru Zhang Er was confused. It shouldn't be. If something really big happened, there was no way he wouldn't have heard of it at all.

But if there was nothing serious, how could Zeng Jia, with his steady character, pull him directly into the conference room and call all the senior management.

"My Mr. Xu, do you really not know or are you just pretending not to know? This big thing was caused by you yourself." Zeng Jia said helplessly.

She also didn't expect that her boss would cause a lot of trouble just by visiting a class.

And looking at Xu Jia's appearance, he didn't even realize that he was in trouble.

"I made it myself?"

Xu Jia was stunned for a moment, recalling everything that happened during his visit to the class, and frowned slightly: "You are probably referring to the fact that I plan to hold our own awards ceremony, right?"

Apart from this incident, he could not think of anything else that would bring the entire company's top management together to welcome his return.

"That's it. You should discuss it with us. This caught us off guard. When people outside asked, we didn't even know." Zeng Jia sighed and said.

Ever since this rumor appeared, people have been contacting her constantly, some close to her and some strangers. In short, the entire northwest of Shanxi has become a mess.

A brand-new awards ceremony, Jiaxing's strength can't guarantee how big the cake will be. Who doesn't want to come in and get a share of the cake?

What's more, according to rumors, the awards won at this awards ceremony are accompanied by corresponding rewards, and that is the most important thing.

"Isn't it just to hold an awards ceremony? For the time being, I only plan to limit myself to online dramas. So many platforms can do it. It's not a big deal for us to hold one in Jiaxing. I just thought of it while I was on the road. I plan to follow it when I get back. You can discuss it carefully, but this ceremony should not be difficult," Xu Jia said.

He was not surprised that word spread that he was going to hold an awards ceremony. After all, he had no intention of hiding it along the way, and instead called many acquaintances to invite them to participate.

In his opinion, the early stage of the awards ceremony was entirely an activity for Jiaxing's own people to entertain themselves.

But looking at Zeng Jia's expression, the impact of this incident was much greater than he imagined.

"What you think is a trivial matter may not be so in the eyes of others. Many people think that we in Jiaxing want to compete for the right to speak in the awards ceremony within the industry." Zeng Jia explained.

This kind of award ceremony actually has rules that are unique to the circle both at home and abroad. It is an event that distributes profits and gains to some senior academics.

These people may have good intentions at first, but they can't stand it and have changed over time.

They finally worked out the rules under their control, set the rules, and waited for others to pay them tuition and protection fees.

Xu Jia had just entered the market. He didn't care if he didn't pay, and he planned to start a new business. Naturally, those people panicked.

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