Ye Ran was staring at his phone at the moment, and seeing that all the twenty-four small targets had been drawn to his account, Lin Shan immediately came over and said,

"Congratulations to Boss Ye."

Ye Ran glanced up and smiled and said, "Well, I'll trouble you to help auction the rest of the things later." Lin Shan nodded when he heard this, after all, he had received Ye Ran's gold bars just now, and now he naturally had to help with the work.

Guan Shan was on the phone at the moment, and when he heard that all the funds had been transferred, he said, "Send someone to bring things back." A press conference will be held tomorrow. With that, he hung up the phone.

Seeing this, Ye Ran smiled and said, "Director Guan, this is good." Let Mr. Lin call the escort car of the auction company to help send the things over. I discussed with Mr. Lin just now, and the car is already on the road, and it will be there soon.

Guan Shan nodded when he heard this, thinking that Ye Ran's service was quite thoughtful, so he notified the staff of the museum so that he didn't have to look for a security company.

After all, the museum's capital turnover is difficult now, and all the funds on the museum's books are used to photograph these twelve statues.

A few minutes later, several security company cars were parked in the alley. Guan Shan was stunned for a moment when he saw this, and he secretly said in his heart: "Aren't they just twelve statues? As for so many cars?"

After thinking about it, there are still many golden watermelons and silver winter melons in the basement at this moment, and it is obvious that the remaining vehicles are for escorting these things.

A car continued to drive forward and stopped at the entrance of the courtyard. Several escorts armed with shotguns got out of the car, and the group moved very quickly, and quickly loaded the things into boxes and loaded them into the car.

Seeing that the car was leaving, Guan Shan said goodbye to everyone and left the scene.

When the van left, everyone gathered to wait for the next auction.

Ye Ran naturally didn't want to waste time, so he smiled and said

, "There are still fifty boxes of Heavenly Treasure Copper Coins in the basement at the moment, and there are about 10,000 in each box.

There are a lot of these heavenly treasures in circulation, so if you have the desire to buy, the starting price is 1,000 pieces.

As soon as these words came out, everyone was in an uproar. The market price of this Heavenly Treasure is more than 1,000, and at this moment, Ye Ran is selling for 1,000 pieces. If you can buy it at the original price, you will earn it. A riot broke out in the crowd.

Seeing this, Ye Ran pondered for a moment, then waved his hand and said,

"Everyone. There is another one, in order not to waste everyone's time, I don't plan to sell these heavenly treasures in bulk, but auction them in boxes, and buy a minimum of one box.

Everyone immediately calmed down when they heard this, and the price of a box was at least about 10 million. Although there were a large number of people at the scene, a small number of them came to see the excitement.

Seeing that Ye Ran said that he would not sell it in bulk, these people suddenly beat their chests and were extremely disappointed.

There are also people who immediately go to collect funds and prepare to buy a box, and everyone will naturally seize such a good opportunity to make a fortune.

Huang Jinshan leaned over and unfolded a shaking fan, smiled and said,

"Aren't there more than fifty boxes? As soon as these words came out, everyone was in an uproar.

Seeing this, Ye Ran smiled and did not answer, but turned his head and said to everyone:

"Director Huang of the Demon Capital Museum is going to auction ten boxes, does anyone want to participate in the auction?

As soon as everyone heard this, they immediately understood that this Ye Ran was preparing for a live auction, but in the form of pairing. Huang Jinshan's face suddenly became a little ugly when he heard this, but the thing belonged to Ye Ran, and he had the final say on how to sell it, and Huang Jinshan didn't have much to say.

As soon as these words came out, someone immediately stood up: "The starting price of ten boxes should be 100 million, then I will pay 110 million." As soon as these words came out, everyone turned their heads to look, and the bidder was actually Uncle Ma.

Four people soon stood out in front of them, and Uncle Ma was impressively in the ranks. Without waiting for Ye Ran to say more, Lin Shan walked to the auction table and began to preside over the auction.

Several people took turns bidding, and finally ten boxes of Heavenly Treasures were auctioned off by Huang Jinshan at a price of 120 million.

This price obviously has no profit margin, it is the market price.

But Huang Jinshan was naturally purchased in the name of the museum, and it will also be placed in the museum to participate in exhibitions in the future. This price is not a loss.

Ye Ran saw that the deal was closed, so he leaned over and took over an electronic scale and woven bag from a security guard on the side. Seeing this, everyone was full of doubts

, "What is this Boss Ye doing with the electronic scale?" "

There are also dozens of woven bags, this is too strange, why are you using

it?" "Is it used to hold gold?"

"That's it? What is the scale for? Is it going to weigh gold?

"It's being auctioned right now. Boss Ye is a little rude to do this at this time. "


The security guard was also a little puzzled, just now Ye Ran gave him a thousand yuan to help him buy an electronic scale and some woven bags back, and the rest was used as errand fees.

Fortunately, there was a grocery market around, and he spent more than 100 to buy an electronic scale from it, and then bought dozens of woven bags and hurriedly ran back.

The security guard didn't understand what Ye Ran was buying the electronic scale, but he didn't ask much, he just bought it and handed it over to Ye Ran.

Seeing this, Uncle Ma smiled and said, "Is Boss Ye's brain quite active?

Ye Ran smiled when he heard this, and said, "Uncle Ma, you have won the prize." When everyone around heard Uncle Ma's words, they immediately understood what was going on.

"Oh, I understand, Boss Ye only needs to weigh a Heavenly Heavy Treasure and weigh ten Heavenly Heavy Treasures, and then he only needs to weigh it to take out 100,000 copper coins.

"This method is really fast, but isn't the copper coin in the box?Why do you have to do it more?"

"Didn't you watch Boss Ye's live broadcast? They opened all the boxes in order to count the goods, and the copper coin is now spilled all over the ground."

"I saw it too, it was a shocking scene. "


Ye Ran took the things and called Lao Feng said to everyone, "Everyone, wait a moment. After speaking, he took Lao Feng to the basement.

Although Lao Feng had seen the scene in the basement before, he still felt shocked the moment the electric light was turned on.

Ye Ran put the electronic scale aside and grabbed a handful of copper coins on the ground at random. Then one was placed on top, and then ten more. He was afraid that the result would not be accurate enough, so he counted a hundred copper coins and put them on the electronic scale.

Lao Feng is responsible for recording the data on the side, and finally takes the average. After seeing the average, the two of them got busy. Ten minutes later, ten woven bags were filled.

Ye Ran put dozens of more copper coins in each woven bag, firstly, because he was afraid that the number would not be enough, after all, there must be a deviation in the weighing, even if there is no deviation, it will be regarded as a gift.

The crowd waited outside the door for more than ten minutes, and a few moments later, several security personnel gathered at the basement door. Ten woven bags filled with copper coins were carried out of the basement by several security personnel.

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