Everyone was a little dumbfounded when they saw this shape, and they realized that the woven bag was actually used to hold copper coins.

Huang Jinshan also felt a little helpless when he saw it, and Ye Ran and Lao Feng finally walked out of the basement. He leaned over to Huang Jinshan's side, clapped his hands and said

, "Huang Lao, these are ten boxes." You can count them, and if they don't have enough, I'll make them up to you when the time comes.

Huang Jinshan nodded when he heard this, didn't say much, he waved his hand, and the assistant on the side arranged for someone to tie the ten generations of copper coins, put them in a van, and left the scene.

Immediately, Uncle Ma also used 120 million to auction away ten boxes, and seeing that only 30 boxes of 50 boxes of heavy treasures remained, everyone was immediately not calm.

The next auction scene was quite lively, but at most five boxes were auctioned at a time, and the transaction price was only about 110 million.

If the price is high, there will be no profit, and the rest are all collectors, and they will naturally have a profit to buy this heavy treasure.

Ye Ran was not greedy, after all, the twelve statues had already made him a lot of money. Ye Ran and Lao Feng were very busy in the basement, and it took three hours, seeing that there was only half a box of heavy treasures left, Ye Ran simply moved out and sold them on the spot at a price of one thousand.

The rest of the people who didn't get photographed immediately lined up, and eventually the remaining thousands of copper coins were also sold short. Looking at the information prompts that kept coming to the account, Ye Ran was simply happy.

It wasn't until the last person bought the remaining dozens of heavy treasures that Ye Ran let out a long sigh. The people around him hadn't dispersed yet, Ye Ran glanced at the time, it was already nine o'clock in the evening, and after pondering for a moment, he shook his head and said

, "Everyone, it's not too early today, I'm going to hand over the rest of the things to Mr. Liu to take to the auction house." If you are interested, you can go to the auction house. When

they heard this, they lingered no more, and all that was left was silver and gold. Even if the golden watermelon and the silver winter melon have some shapes, they are not antiques, they can only be regarded as precious metals.

After all, the shape is not too complicated, although it is something from the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom period, it is still a bit far-fetched to say that it is an antique.

Seeing this, Chairman Feng leaned over and asked, "Boss Ye, what are you going to do with the rest of your things?"

Ye Ran smiled when he heard

this and said, "Aren't there a few security cars? I have already opened a safe deposit box in the bank, and I am going to put my things in first."

If someone wants to buy it, they trade it directly at the bank. Of course, I plan to take the twelve golden watermelons and silver winter melons to the auction house for auction.

President Feng nodded when he heard this, and Ye Ran immediately beckoned several security cars to stop. After everything was loaded, Ye Ran took out a few gold bars from it and gave one to Lao Feng Linshan and Liu Zhenwei respectively.

After all, the three of them made a lot of efforts, and the three of them accepted it politely when they saw this.

And Su Xiaoxiao liked those gestures very much, and Ye Ran sold them all to Su Xiaoxiao at a price of 100,000 when he saw this.

Seeing that there was only a pile of rags left in the basement, Ye Ran contacted a cleaning company and asked him to clean it, and the rest of the things were donated to a folk museum for free.

After the cleaning company had cleaned everything in the basement, he drove away.

Ye Ran saw that the surroundings were calm again, smiled and said, "Thank you for your hard work, I have a treat on the first floor of Tianyi today." When

they heard this, they did not say much. At about twelve o'clock in the evening, a group of people walked out of the first floor of the sky.

Ye Ran drank wine, couldn't drive the car, and called a substitute driver to return to the community.

As soon as I sat on the sofa, I felt sleepy, and I was tired enough for Ye Ran today, and after saying a word to the audience in the live broadcast room, Ye Ran turned off the live broadcast and went to bed.

What Ye Ran didn't know was that the entire Jinling had become a city that never sleeps at the moment, and the streets and alleys were full of vehicles from other places.

These people were running around the streets, and when they saw abandoned houses, they immediately got in, picked up shovels and began to dig. The mountains on the outskirts are even more full of flashlights.

When a hiker who likes to climb the mountain at night came to the foot of the mountain, he looked up and was startled by the flashlights all over the mountain. I found someone and asked about it before I understood what was going on.

The traveler took a photo casually and posted it on the Internet: "Don't go to the vicinity of Jinling to climb the mountain in the past two days, it has been occupied." Netizens

were also stunned when they saw the glow of the dense flashlights on the mountain.

"Damn, what's going on?"

"All of them were troubled by Boss Ye's Taiping Heavenly Kingdom treasures.

"Damn, I'm so annoying. A public toilet next to our neighborhood that has been abandoned for many years is now crowded with people. These people are simply insane. "

Damn, laugh at me, it's really fake.

"Of course it's true, don't believe it. After speaking, a photo was sent, and many netizens immediately laughed when they saw it.

I saw the photo sent by the netizen, and a small road was crowded with people. And these people were all crowded in the direction of the public toilet, and the public toilet was even more crowded.

"Damn, these people are crazy about money. "

I'm laughing to death. What can be dug out of a public toilet?

" "What else can ......

" "Damn, my family lives in the old town and there is an abandoned factory next to it. Now the factory is full of people, and the twittering Bitmo Night Market is even more lively. "

What's this, someone in my fish pond bought it for 100,000 yuan and directly called an excavator to dig it.

There is no fish in this Nima, and someone is willing to spend 100,000 yuan to buy it, and this time I made a lot of money.

"I'm about the same as you, my family has an old house, and someone bought it for a lot of money.

Now a ten-meter-deep pit has been dug out, and there is no fart. There is also a treasure of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, if there really is, the locals of Jinling would have discovered it a long time ago.

"So Boss Ye's speculation is wrong, there is only one treasure of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom?"

"There should be others." However, it must be very deep, even if these people dig through all the underground of Jinling City, they may not be able to find it. "


The Internet is full of news of treasure hunters, and many netizens immediately feel ridiculous when they see it.

This madness will obviously last for a long time, and the treasures of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom may not be found.

Ye Ran didn't see this, he slept until eight o'clock in the morning and didn't get up. picked up the mobile phone and glanced at the private messages sent by the audience in the live broadcast room, as well as a message from Lin Shan, saying:

"Everything is done, you can trade today."

Seeing this, Ye Ran sent a private message to the house manager, saying, "I won't broadcast live today, I have something to deal with." After saying that, he picked up his phone and went out.

As soon as he walked out of the community, Ye Ran was suddenly startled. I saw that the front road of the community was full of cars, and the community where Ye Ran lived was relatively remote, and it was usually difficult to see so many cars.

But at the moment, the whole road is full of cars, blocking the whole side road. What's even more exaggerated is that both sides of the road are full of paved people, which is very shocking at a glance.

Seeing this, Ye Ran was immediately confused: "Why did so many people pop up overnight." Did you come to me? He pondered for a moment, then took the mask out of his pocket and put it on. Fortunately, in the second round of the recent peak, even if Ye Ran wears a mask, it will not attract everyone's attention.

He arrived at the breakfast shop, which was now full of people. As soon as the shopkeeper saw Ye Ran coming, he found a place for Ye Ran in the back kitchen, and when he came to the back kitchen, he saw that it was full of old customers nearby, and Ye Ran didn't care about it.

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