Seeing that Uncle Chen was surrounded by the gatekeepers, Ye Ran leaned over with a bowl and smiled and asked, "Uncle Chen, why are there so many people around here?"

Seeing this, Uncle Chen shook his head and said

, "It's not that Boss Ye on the Internet has made trouble, but now they are all coming to Jinling City to hunt for treasures."

This Boss Ye is really powerful, he actually found the treasure of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom.

When I was a child, I heard the older generation talk about it, but I didn't expect it to be there.

The people of Jinling searched for I don't know how many years but they didn't find it, but they were actually found by this Boss Ye.

I heard that Boss Ye lives in our area, I really want to meet this strange person, he will definitely use feng shui.

My family's ancestral tomb has recently been relocated in response to the policy, and I want to find this Boss Ye to help me see feng shui, but people are big business, how can they help me see feng shui.

Ye Ran smiled awkwardly when he heard this.

Fortunately, he only said his last name in the online live broadcast before, and never said his first name. Except for acquaintances, the audience in the live broadcast room doesn't know their names at all.

In addition, he rarely shows his face, but only takes pictures of the front with his mobile phone, so except for some old viewers who watched his live broadcast at the beginning, the rest of the audience has not seen his appearance.

Therefore, this Uncle Chen obviously didn't know that he was Boss Ye in the mouth of the audience in the live broadcast room, after pondering for a moment, Ye Ran took out his mobile phone and dialed the phone, and after talking for a while, he turned his head and said to Uncle Chen:

"Uncle Chen." My friend happened to know a feng shui master. When the time comes, you can call this number, rest assured, I have all arranged. This master has real things, no worse than Boss Ye. "

This Uncle Chen has helped Ye Ran before, and he is also more enthusiastic. Therefore, Ye Ran thought of Liu Sandao, and when he asked, he really knew a master. This master Ye Ran has also heard of it, and he is more famous and has real skills.

Seeing this, Uncle Chen was stunned for a moment, then put down his chopsticks and said, "Oh, Xiaoye." Thank you, but how much does it cost for this master to see feng shui once?"

Ye Ran smiled when he heard this and said, "No money, this friend of mine owes me a favor." You can just call this phone when the time comes. After speaking, he asked the owner of the breakfast shop to ask for a banknote, wrote down a phone number, and handed it to Uncle Chen.

In fact, Ye Ran had already transferred the cost of watching feng shui to Liu Sandao, but it was not expensive, and it could be regarded as returning the favor of Uncle Chen.

Uncle Chen took the note and was happy, while Ye Ran left in a hurry after breakfast.

Getting in the car, Ye Ran transferred 10 million to his parents. As soon as the account arrived, Ye Ran's mobile phone rang. He picked it up and looked at it, it was his mother calling.

After pondering for a moment, Ye Ran picked up the phone, and before he could speak, the mother on the other side said anxiously:

"Son, have you transferred money to us again? This is too much, I can't spend it to save it for you first."

Ye Ran was a little helpless when he heard this, pondered for a moment and said

, "Mom, no, haven't you watched the news?

This money should be used as pocket money for both of you.

I remember that our house is quite old, by the way, there is not a newly opened real estate in the city, what is called Shangshanfang.

I heard that it is next to the wetland park, and the environment is good.

You can use the money to buy a house and exchange it.

Ye Ran only heard the mother on the other side was silent for a long time, he had been paying attention to the situation at home before, and the money transferred just now was just enough for his parents to buy a house in a newly opened real estate.

After a long silence, the mother said

, "Okay, I see. My son can earn money now, and I won't rush you for anything else. You just have to look at it. After speaking, he nagged for a long time, Ye Ran was not impatient, listened patiently, and hung up the phone after half an hour.

After the mother hung up the phone, she picked up her bag and prepared to go out, when the father on the side

frowned and asked, "Why did you go? Why didn't you say what I asked you to say?"

When the mother heard this, she was immediately displeased, put down her bag and said

, "Harm, you old man."

Didn't you watch the hot search? Our son is out of business, and now he can make money, and the people he comes into contact with are all upper-class people.

If he can bring me a rich lady, it won't be much better than what we introduced.

Come on, don't worry about it.

Our old house is indeed a lot old, and it's time to replace it.

Let's go, let's go to the Shangshan Fang and have a look. Taught

a lesson by his mother, his father thought about it and reluctantly got up and went out together.

Ye Ran hung up the phone and didn't waste time, he first came to the bank and took out all the two notebooks, took the notebooks and went straight to the place agreed with Lin Shan.

The two agreed to meet in a teahouse, and Ye Ran came directly to a teahouse.

Lin Shan had been waiting here for a long time, and there were still a few people in suits and leather shoes sitting on the table next to him.

Lin Shan stood up when he saw Ye Ran coming, and introduced: "Boss Ye, let's introduce this is a senior lawyer from an international law firm, and ......"

Seeing this, Ye Ran shook hands with those people, and then found a seat and sat down.

He directly picked up a cup of tea, looked around, and asked,

"How will you trade later?"

Lin Shan turned his head to look at the few people on the side when he heard this. Immediately, a lawyer took out a large pile of documents from his bag and said

, "Boss Ye, I'm ready." According to your instructions, I have already helped you register a company abroad, which is called Wanwu Company.

All you need to do is sign these documents and the company will be officially valid, and then you just need to transfer the two notebooks to the company's name.

In the name of the company, take the two notebooks to the auction house and send them for auction, and the rest of the tax process only needs to be handed over to us.

Ye Ran nodded when he heard this, took the document and looked at it.

The law firm was quite attentive and specially prepared Chinese documents. After reading it carefully for a long time, it was not until the afternoon that Ye Ran finished reading the last document.

After confirming that there were no problems, he signed each document. It wasn't until all the signatures were sour that the document was signed.

When the lawyer saw that Ye Ran had finished signing the document, he put the document away with a smile and said:

"We have negotiated with the auction house for the lawyer's fee this time and the various payments that the follow-up company needs to pay, and it will be deducted from the auction money, a total of 300,000 dollars, of which the lawyer's fee is 150,000 dollars, and the rest is the various fees that the company needs to pay in the next ten years." This is a form of intent that you can sign.

After speaking, he took out a contract from his bag, and Ye Ran frowned when he heard it.

This price is really not cheap, but when I think about it, if the tax saved by this transaction method is as much as 10 million, then I think that the lawyer's fee is not very expensive, and I have also ended up with a company.

Although it is a shell company with nothing, it may be possible to develop abroad in the future, and it will save you the trouble of registering it later.

He took a closer look at the contract, confirmed that there were no problems, and then signed.

Seeing this, Lin Shan smiled and said, "Okay, I'll take these two notebooks back first." Boss Ye, let's have a treat on the first floor today. All of you. "

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