LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 182 Historical truth? (Please subscribe

"No, I'm sorry..." The law enforcement officers subconsciously threw Heimerdinger down. After feeling the big furry head, they instantly realized that the situation was not good.

This is indeed a big pro-Jana element. But his background is too big, even if he is a real bandit, he cannot be arrested.

"Congressman Heimerdinger, we really didn't realize it was you..."

"This is really too much!" Heimerdinger got up from the ground in embarrassment, his head seemed to be swollen with anger.

"Let me ask you, why are you arresting Skye? Because she and Victor are assistants?"

"Then I'm still Victor's teacher! Why don't you arrest me?"

The law enforcement officers were embarrassed and silent, not daring to look at him.

"Get out, get out! Hextech Institute is a place for scientific research, not a playground for your political struggles!" Heimerdinger cursed in rare anger.

"Okay, okay." The law enforcement officers looked at each other, and finally withdrew after hesitation: "Hex Institute of Technology will not investigate for now, let's go somewhere else first."

As they said this, they fled in embarrassment.

Skye and the male researcher finally regained their freedom, and couldn't help but gasp for air and calm down after the aftermath.

"Principal, thank you." Skye picked up the broken glasses and said gratefully.

"Alas..." Heimerdinger sighed helplessly. He had a lot to say, but it seemed meaningless.

Although he is a congressman, the only thing he can really discuss is the matter of Picheng University.

In the end, he could only say to Skye: "Don't go home these days, just stay in the school. I'm watching over the school, so at least nothing will happen... After a few days, the storm will pass, and the situation will Maybe it will be better.”

"Hey, wait..."

Heimerdinger had just made up his mind to at least hold on to Piltover University, when he immediately realized something was wrong:

"Those law enforcement officers just said...not to check Hex Institute of Technology, but to go to 'somewhere else' first?"

What is somewhere else?

Where do they want to investigate, who do they want to investigate, and how many people do they want to investigate?

"Oops!" Heimerdinger felt bad.

He has not forgotten that he is not only the leader of Hextech Academy, but also the president of the entire Piltover University.

Now that even Hextech Academy, the most important academy in Piltover, has been broken into, can other academies still be fine?

Heimerdinger immediately turned around and hurried out of the experimental building.

After walking a few steps, he saw a lively scene on campus:

I saw countless law enforcement officers in blue suits shuttled between the campuses of Piltover University, arresting and escorting professors and students from various colleges wantonly.

The students resisted fiercely and the professors argued hard, but none of them could prevent them from being invited to drink tea together.

Suddenly, it seemed like this was no longer a campus, but a battlefield.

"You, what are you doing?!" Heimerdinger angrily grabbed a law enforcement officer:

"Why are so many people arrested?"

"Congressman Heimerdinger..." The law enforcement officer was startled for a moment before replying: "These are all orders from the Parliament."

"Congressman Camille said that these students are most susceptible to the dangerous theories of leaders and must undergo intensive screening before they can continue to receive education at the university."

There is some truth to this.

After all, the Wind Leader Association was born here, and the core members of the Wind Leader are basically all students from Piltover University.

These young students who still have a beautiful vision for the world, especially the international students in Zaun, are almost natural sympathizers and supporters of the leader.

The University of Piltover is the heart and brain of this civilized and progressive city, and has the absolute right to influence the public opinion and thought trends in the city.

Therefore, Camille wants to focus on Piltover University and clean out all the students in the school who may support or sympathize with the leader, thereby changing the public opinion environment of the entire Piltover from top to bottom.

"You, you..." Heimerdinger was so angry that he couldn't speak.

"Then you don't need to arrest so many people!"

He pointed angrily at the large group of professors and students escorted out by law enforcement officers at the other end of the square:

Heimerdinger knew him, they were both from the Alchemy Institute of Technology.

These law enforcement officers said they were only looking for pro-Janna elements, but in the end they arrested almost everyone in the Alchemy Institute of Technology and the entire institute.

"They are all Zaun." That's all the law enforcement officer explained.

Alchemy technology is not taken seriously in Piltover.

Therefore, the teachers and students of the Alchemy Science and Technology Institute are basically not natives of Piltover, but are problem solvers from Lower City who immigrated from Zaun.

Now that the law enforcement officers saw the Zaun people, they suspected that they were pro-Janna elements, so naturally none of them could run away.

This so-called "Anti-Jana Law" has actually been implemented into the "Pazuan Law".

Heimerdinger was speechless and had to ask again: "What about the School of Literature and Art?"

"Why did you arrest so many students from the School of Literature and Art?"

Those who study literature and art are basically Piltover locals. And most of them are rich people.

Could it be that they can also join bandits?

"They read the poems of the bandit leader Li Wei." In order to win the favor of Piltover's citizens and intellectuals towards the leader, Li Wei had copied many famous Western poems, translated them into the language of Runeterra, and published them in newspapers.

"They also played the music of the bandit leader Seraphine in public in class."

Heimerdinger: "..."

"Damn...these kids are all studying music! Miss Seraphine is now the most famous musician in the Twin Cities and an honorary lifetime member of the Piltover Musicians Association. Is there a problem with the students playing her music?"

"Whether there is a problem or not, we have to investigate to find out." the law enforcement officer said.

"Also, the bandit leader Seraphine has now been expelled from the Piltover Musicians Association - Professor Heimerdinger, you should no longer call her a musician."

Heimerdinger: "..."

Shouldn't the Musicians Association be a purely folk art organization? Why is it involved in this?

Hey, science, literature, come that when I wake up, all of them suddenly have national borders?

Heimerdinger is brooding here.

A well-dressed middle-aged professor happened to be escorted by law enforcement officers as he passed by.

When the professor saw him, he was overjoyed and asked for help: "Principal! Principal Heimerdinger! It's great that you are here..."

"Professor Mill?" Heimerdinger knew him.

Lymere is a professor at the School of History and Archeology and director of the Piltover Museum.

He once approached Heimerdinger, a "living fossil", to discuss historical issues, so Heimerdinger was quite impressed with him.

Of course, Heimerdinger was more impressed by Professor Laimier's nephew, the young explorer named "Yinzeriel" who was already well-known in Piltover.

He also helped research the arcane gauntlet that Yin Zairiel brought back from Shurima Archeology last time.

"Professor Mir, why were you arrested..." Heimerdinger was stunned.

Professor Laimier is an authentic local man from Piltover. His ancestors have been famous scholars, rich men, and explorers for ten generations.

The main direction of his research is also the history of Shurima, and there is nothing sensitive about it.

Could it be that even he could pass through the Wind Leader?

"Hey." Laimiel said helplessly: "Principal, you don't know, it's because I studied the history of Shurima that I got into trouble..."

He not only studied the Shurima Empire 3,000 years ago, but also the Shurima colonies 300 years ago.

In his academic paper, he described in detail how Piltover merchants established a colonial stronghold on the northern shore of the Shurima continent, and how they expanded inland step by step, constantly eroding the Shurima people's land.

All kinds of plunder, massacre, enslavement, and even cruel genocide that occurred during the colonial period were all recorded by him out of the conscience of a historical scholar.

And these true historical records without any embellishment coincide exactly with the colonial history written by the pioneers.

As a result, Laimier inexplicably became the "undercover propagandist" leading the way into Piltover's historical circles.

"But I'm really not! I really have nothing to do with the Leader Association! I'm just recording history..."

"Principal Heimerdinger, please help me and let them let me go."

Professor Lymeier reluctantly asked Heimerdinger for help.

Heimerdinger turned to look at the law enforcement officer who was escorting Laimiel, but the law enforcement officer said:

"Mr. Laimiel's problem is very serious. He is the most famous historian in Piltover, and he must speak responsibly."

"Unless he is willing to sign and publish an article to clarify the 'historical truth' and draw a clear line with the Leader Association, we cannot let him go home easily."

"Historical truth?" Heimerdinger was still puzzled.

Professor Laimier was so angry that he lost his composure: "The truth is bullshit! They just want me to talk nonsense without conscience!"

"Principal, do you know what they want me to write?"

The Windleader says that Piltover's colonists committed many massacres in Shurima.

The law enforcement officer asked Laimir to write that before the colonists arrived in Shurima, the natives were fighting each other.

The colonists tried hard to coexist peacefully with the indigenous people and bring advanced civilization to the backward Shurima continent. However, they were viciously attacked by these barbarians and had to take up arms to resist.

In short, the colonists were acting in legitimate defense.

The so-called massacre was either committed by the Shuriman themselves, or the figures were exaggerated, and were additional damage accidentally caused by the colonists in the process of self-defense.

The leader also produced more detailed data, proving that the indigenous population on the northern shore of the Shurima continent at that time experienced an alarming decline after the colonists arrived.

The law enforcement officer asked Laimier to find out the research results, saying that the decline in the indigenous population was entirely due to the spread of epidemic diseases at that time.

The colonists did not want to kill them all. Most of the indigenous people died of illness themselves.

"Nonsense! This is all nonsense!"

"If I publish this kind of made-up 'paper', then am I still a historian?"

Lymere was extremely angry.

"Those are all true." The law enforcement officer said expressionlessly.

"Part of it is true!" Laimier said angrily.

Did the indigenous people actively attack the colonists? Did they kill each other? Are there a large number of deaths from disease?


Taken individually, these historical facts are all the truth.

But put them all together and write them in the Chunqiu style, and the final conclusion is that they are nonsense.

"No, this is the truth!" The law enforcement officer was a little angry: "Other professors in the history school have publicly published articles to refute the leader's false historical theory that shamelessly smeared Piltover."

"You are the only one who is still going against the trend in Pi City!"

"Professor Laimier, you still said that you have nothing to do with the leader?"

"I..." Laimir was choked and speechless.

Heimerdinger couldn't stand listening anymore. He couldn't help but said: "I can prove that what Professor Laimier said is the historical truth!"

"Professor Heimerdinger, please stop following this nonsense. You are not a historian, how do you know these things?"

"I was a member of Parliament 300 years ago, of course I know!" Heimerdinger shouted in front of everyone.

The law enforcement officer became anxious: "This is Mrs. Camille's order. If you say anything else, you are no longer a member of parliament!"

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