LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 183 Camille's Theoretical Basis (for subscription

The Philos family, the living room.

Camille and Amistan sat opposite each other, enjoying their tea time leisurely.

"Ma'am." The steward reported cautiously: "Member Heimerdinger has arrived at the manor, and he asked to meet you."

"Heimerdinger? He really came." Camille said unhurriedly, as if she had expected it long ago, "Tell Mr. Heimerdinger that I have some important matters to attend to now, and it is not convenient for me to talk to him." meet."

"Understood." The housekeeper nodded respectfully, turned and left with her order.

Amistan watched the butler go away, and said playfully, "Camille, that's Professor Heimerdinger, the soul character of Piltover. You didn't even see him?"

Camille sighed, but remained firm: "Professor Heimerdinger is a yordle. He can be naive, but we can't."

Political struggles have always been life and death, so there is no room for maneuver.

What's more, she is not fighting against people now, but against a kind of thought.

The leader can be blocked by the canal on the opposite bank.

But their thoughts can still penetrate Piltover silently.

"The leader's thinking is too seductive."

"If this kind of thinking is allowed to spread in Piltover, and the people of Piltover are also infected and become believers of Goddess Janna, then how can we fight against the leaders in the future?"

Camille knew she was facing an ideological struggle.

If she doesn't take decisive measures to curb the spread of the "virus", even if Piltover is protected by Noxus, it may be peacefully evolved by the leader in the future, so that it will be undefeated.

"But don't you think it's too much?"

The murderer Amistan felt that Camille was a little too aggressive this time.

It's not that Amistan sees anything wrong with arresting people. After all, the "horrific" behavior of Piltover, compared with the atrocities of Noxus who slaughtered cities and countries at every turn, is as gentle and harmless as playing house.

But the problem is... Noxus slaughtered its enemies, but Piltover captured its own citizens this time.

Moreover, too many people were arrested, and the scope of attack was too wide.

Except for the top rich people who have the gold medal for avoiding death, the rest of the students, workers, ordinary citizens, or middle-level professors, scholars, and engineers, as long as they have a little relationship with the leaders, Camille will be happy. Dare to arrest and interrogate.

"Because only in this way can the infection of Janna's thoughts on Piltover be eliminated as quickly as possible."

"The people of Picheng need to know how to be afraid, and know what to touch and what not to touch. Only in this way can Picheng be peaceful for a long time."

Camille replied calmly.

"Aren't you afraid of self-destructing the Great Wall?" Amistan asked with a smile, "Don't forget, Piltover is today thanks to the scientists, engineers, and skilled workers who serve Piltover."

"You brought 'terror' to them, aren't you afraid that they will turn to Zaun after being frightened?"

This problem seems to be serious.

Camille laughed.

She asked: "General Amistan, have you read "A Brief Introduction to Janna's Thought" and "Selected Works of Levi?"

"Huh?" Amistan was slightly taken aback. She thought it was a joke.

"I've read it." Camille said seriously.

Not only has she read it, but she is also familiar with it by heart. She can even use many of the theories flexibly——

Of course, it is used in reverse:

"In the article "Where did Zaun come from", Li Wei once wrote about the history of the colonial history of Piltover:"

"One wonders, what did the workers of Piltover think of colonial policy? It was the same as they thought of policy in general: the same way the bourgeois thought of it. There was no workers' party here, only conservatives and liberal radicals, and The workers share with them Piltover's colonial monopoly and Piltover's monopoly on the world market in perfect safety..."

Camille paused slightly, then said:

"Naturally, for a nation that exploits the whole world, it makes sense to some extent."


After hearing this, Amistan also thought about it.

"Do you understand?" Camille said: "Levi has long realized clearly that the workers in Piltover, in fact, naturally stand with our bourgeoisie in Piltover."

"As long as we can continue to spend part of the excess profits to buy off Piltover workers, they will stand firmly with us—or even become more staunch conservatives than us."

This is true of workers, not to mention well-paid scientists and engineers.

They already had high-paying jobs in Piltover and had a rather superior life.

"These people will sympathize with the leaders, but only sympathy."

Those who have permanent property have no perseverance.

If a person owns a house and a car in Piltover and earns hundreds of dollars a year, so what if he sympathizes with the struggle and gets close to Janna?

How many people can make up their minds to abandon the stable life and really stand up for the struggle?

Even ordinary workers in Piltover don't even need to have such a rich net worth...they still have food, drink and an apartment. Who would risk being arrested if they have nothing to do, and continue to study and promote what Janna theory?

"So we can safely censor these pro-Janna elements."

"Not only will this not arouse their will to resist, but it will make them fully recognize the reality, and in order to keep their comfortable and stable life, they will consciously draw a clear line with the leaders."

"The louder the noise, the more obedient they will be in the future."

While talking, Camille couldn't help laughing:

"Don't even talk about the citizens of Piltover."

"Even those Zaun immigrants, even Zaun apprentices... General Amistan, do you think they will come to hate Piltover after being subjected to a forced investigation?"

No, quite the opposite is true.

According to Camille's work experience in the past few days, she found that...

These Zaun immigrants became more fond of Piltover after being taught a lesson by the Piltover law enforcement officer.

In order to completely cut off from their own origins, they would even take the initiative to report other "pro-Gana elements" after they were arrested.

The enforcers didn't even bother to find them; the Zaun settlers themselves scrambled to lead the way.

"The recent anti-Zuan and anti-Gana headlines published in the Piltover Daily were written by Zaun immigrants and published at their own expense."

"To be honest...even if we were asked to make up those fierce words of infinite hatred for Zaun, I'm afraid we wouldn't be able to make them up."

"When it comes to anti-Zu'an, we still have to look at the people of Za'an."

Zaun immigrants like Viktor and Erwin are just special cases.

Few of the naturalized Zaun immigrants actually supported the leaders.

Because they finally got the life they dreamed of, they are even more resistant to the leader's class struggle propaganda than the locals in Piltover, and they are also more resistant to Zaun.

"These people will think that it is the leader's activities in Zaun that caused them to be suspected and targeted by the people of Piltover. They think that it is the leader who affected their good life in Piltover."

"So they not only don't hate Picheng, but they will hate Zaun and the leaders."

So before the anti-Gana and anti-Zuan iron fist fell, these Zaun immigrants jumped to the front by themselves, began to show their loyalty to Camille, and began to wave the flag for Piltover.

The harder Camille hammered them, the more loyal they became.

Only the lowest-level Zaun apprentices, who don't even have legal status, will truly support the leaders.

But even so, in the face of the strict scrutiny of the pro-Gana elements by the law enforcement officers in Piltover, they all expressed their obedience, saying that they would completely draw a line with the Leaders Association.

after all...

"Zuan's living standard is far worse than Piltover."

"The apprentices scold Piltover every day, praise the leaders, and recite the Janna theory loudly, but when the law enforcement officers want to deport them back to Zaun, few of them really want to go back."

This is the truth.

When Li Wei evacuated the factory collectively from Picheng, there were many apprentices working for leaders who were unwilling to transfer.

They dreaded going back to Zaun, back to the poor and poor days of the past.

Despite assurances from the Leaders Guild that their treatment in Zaun would remain the same, many of them were reluctant to leave Piltover.

And this is an apprentice who has worked for the Leaders Association, someone who has been exposed to complaint propaganda and theoretical education.

The other Zaun apprentices who had less contact with the leaders were naturally more determined to stay in Piltover.

"So, so what if we catch them?" Camille sneered, "For these pigs who cannot live without feed, proper punishment... will only make them more docile."

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