“I’m not.”

Gamora was so emotional that she almost roared.

“I am by no means Ronan or Thanos’ family, Thanos invaded my home planet and killed my parents in front of me.”

“He tortured me and transformed me into a killing machine.”

“When he said he was going to help destroy the entire planet, I couldn’t stand idly by.”


Saitama heard the name again, and he was still very interested in the big man, it was a guy who listened to the fight, and it was worth looking forward to.

“You know Thanos?”

Kamora said.

“Well, that guy is strong.”

Star-Lord and Gamora, they know better than anyone how terrible Thanos is, his body does not forget, and his spirit is close to invincible.

“It’s a pity that only one of his arms was broken.”

There is a little regret in the tone.

“You are humorous, sir.” Star-Lord only felt that this bald head was telling a joke that was not funny, or that he had imagined it.

“No way, Thanos is the overlord of the galaxy, he is cruel by nature, and he is indeed invincible.”

Gamora gritted her teeth and said word by word.

“You know, if it hadn’t been for that bomb exploding, that guy wouldn’t have escaped.”

Saitama clenched his fists

Xingjue couldn’t help but tremble

“If I’m serious.”

Of course, Gamora’s not convinced.

“Oh no, it doesn’t matter, the key is that the sphere in your hand is called the Cosmic Spirit Orb, we can sell it to make a lot of money.” He pointed to the Gamora, “He can find a buyer.” ”

Speaking of which,

Star-Lord said excitedly, “Four billion.” ”

That’s greed for money.

“And if you don’t sell it, you will also be dangerous, and a person called Courage will chase after you, even if you escape to the edge of the universe.”


To this,

Saitama didn’t care,

There is no one who cannot solve it with one punch, and if there is, two punches.

“But I’m a little busy, I’m going to… Save the galaxy. ”

Saitama thinks that saving the galaxy is more like something a hero does than selling some cosmic orb like a merchant.

Although he is no longer a C-class and will not be removed from the Heroes Guild.


A hero motivated by interest, of course, must obey his heart.

“And that doesn’t prevent you from saving the galaxy, and the most dangerous people who threaten the galaxy aren’t here.” Star-Lord has always been a big fool

He said with a fawning smile

“And in the vastness of the universe.”

He looked at Saitama, who had a paralyzed face, and his heart was bottomless.

This bald head, is there no longer human emotion.

“We can find Ronan…”

Saitama didn’t react at all.

“And Thanos.”

Star-Lord continued, “He is the biggest threat to the galaxy, and if you want to save the galaxy, you should come with us. ”


“Yes, Thanos, the man who can wipe out half of the living beings in the universe in an instant.”

He seemed to see a glimmer of hope.

Saitama asked, “Genos, what do you think?” ”

For some complicated things, Saitama has always been too lazy to think, so he had to give the task of considering things to Genos.

“I’m a disciple of the teacher, I will go wherever you go, but I think this man has a point.”

Genos thought for a moment



Star-Lord breathed a sigh of relief.

Four billion is an unimaginably huge fortune, and if you complete this deal, you can get a billion dollars, and for a money fan, it is like the attraction of flowers to bees, which is irresistible.

(ps: Some tired authors of today’s last change, hope to wake up with a few small flowers, evaluation votes, a few more comments.) Chapter Forty-seven is being revised… )

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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