Kree Empire.

“You’re betrayed, Ronan.”

Ronan is the leader of the Kree Empire’s Accusation Corps and possesses superhuman strength, stamina, speed, and reflexes.

And the one who spoke to him was General Deadblade

Thanos’ right-hand man, one of the Five Generals of Obsidian, his power should not be underestimated.

“We only know that she was almost caught, why is it said that Gamora will not retrieve the cosmic spirit ball.”

“Wrong, our informant in Kling, said that Gamora, colluded with a powerful stranger, and your cooperation with Thanos is already in jeopardy.”

The Dead Blade General’s tone was full of anger.

He, with a brutal personality, is arrogant.

The weapon in his hand can pierce any object, and as long as the blade is not broken or broken, the general of the blade will not die and will be immortal.

“Powerful stranger?”

“Yes, a bald man, wearing a yellow tights, red gloves, and a white cape.”

“I don’t remember anyone like that.”

“Thanos wants to see you, see you now.”

That concludes the conversation.



Thanos Territory.

“With all due respect, Thanos, it was your daughter who caused trouble, but you summoned me over.” Ronan looked up at Thanos high in the mountains.

Thanos sits on a floating throne equipped with offensive weapons and able to travel across the galaxy.

Looking down,

Despise everything,

“You’d better be quiet, controller.”

“She first lost at the hands of a group of primitive people.”

The Dead Blade General immediately retorted, “Thanos left Gamora’s disposal at your disposal, and if something went wrong, of course he wanted to find you, isn’t it?” ”

“It’s clear that you have nothing to say.”

“Be respectful.” The Dead Blade General was furious, “Although I am yours…”

Ronan unleashed a force that was like slapped the Dead Blade General, and his body fell to the ground abruptly, “I just want you to take this seriously.” ”

Thanos’ floating throne turned.

His voice was low and cold, “Boy, I don’t care about it, it’s only you.” ”

“Your political power tricks are boring.”

“You act like a little child with a tantrum.”

“And it’s clear that you forced my beloved daughter, Gamora, and I will keep our promise, Kree.” But you brought me the Cosmic Orb immensely. ”

“If next time you are empty-handed, I will stain the entire galaxy red with your blood.”

Every sentence of Thanos was so overbearing, but Ronan did not refute a word.

He will personally retrieve the Cosmic Orb.

There is a deal between Ronan and Thanos to help find the Cosmic Orb, which Ronan did not know was the Infinity Stone.

Thanos helps him destroy Shandar.

“Go to Nova immediately, they should still be there.”

This time, Ronan decided to go in person.

At the same time,

There is also a person who is trying to find Star-Lord.

That’s courage.

He was even one step ahead of Ronan.


And Peter Quill was always worried, as if a sharp blade was pointed at him behind him, which was a bad feeling, “We have to go, Saitama.” ”

“Saitama-san.” Genos corrected.

“Yes, Saitama-san.”

Xing Jue has a good face with a hippie smile, he has to make a windfall, and he can’t beat it.


Saitama is still playing with the cosmic spirit ball as a bouncy ball.

“We have to get out of here before Yongdu and Ronan find it.”

Star-Lord’s tone was a little anxious, he had a hunch that it was no longer safe here, “Let’s get out of here quickly and leave on my spaceship.” ”

As soon as his words fell, an unidentified flying machine appeared in the sky, shining a ray of light, just shrouded in several people, and they were instantly taken to the inside of the aircraft.

“You dare to betray me?”

“Steal my money.”

Someone has tied Star-Lord and Yongdu is beating him.


There are also people who set up Saitama, Genos and Kamora.

“Is this a spaceship?”

Saitama looked relaxed, but temporarily became interested in the spaceship, “How did this thing suck us in?” ”

“Boy, shut up.”

A shining arrow flew out of Yongdu’s waist, which was also his ability.

“What is it?”

Saitama asked, staring.


Someone is against Saitama, and Genos is ready to fight at any time.

“It’s okay, it’s okay.” Saitama said and reached out and touched the arrow, “This thing is so interesting, it’s like being alive.” ”

“Tell me, what is this cosmic orb, and why everyone is crazy about it.”

Yongdu asked holding the cosmic spirit ball.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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