Master Tongtian

Chapter 213 An unexpected reaction at the meeting of highland lords (44)

The next morning.

Coachman Joey drove the carriage on time to take Rosen home.

Vivian was full of energy, her cheeks were slightly red like peach blossoms in spring, and her eyes were as clear as a blue lake in autumn.

She walked Rosen all the way to the gate of the manor, and gently hung a cross-body leather bag on Rosen's shoulder. The leather bag contained a bank stub of 10,000 kroner for prostitution. Ahem, reward.

She smiled softly.

"Master Rosen, your performance last night once again deeply shocked me. I feel very sorry now. It would have been great if I had been the first person you met when you first arrived at Silver Moon Castle."

Rosen's heart trembled, and he said in a solemn voice: "There are no ifs in fate, Vivian, if you miss it, you miss it, and there is no chance to make up for it!"

Vivian covered her mouth and smiled: "Don't worry, I won't disturb your family."

She pointed to the cross-body leather bag again: "The bottle of potion inside is my most proud work. I call it Vivian's Storm."

"After taking it, it can greatly increase your mana flow rate, allowing you to cast spells as violently and quickly as a storm in the next half hour."

Rosen's heart moved: "Awesome. Are there any side effects?"

"Of course. After the drug takes effect, there will be a boiling effect of thoughts for about an hour, which is similar to excessive meditation. If you don't want to cause problems, you'd better sleep immediately."


Rosen immediately gave up the idea of ​​buying more potions from the other party.

Vivian reassured softly.

"I estimate that my brother will come to Silver Moon Castle soon. At that time, I will convince him to change his mind."

"Don't worry, my brother has listened to me since he was a child, and he will do the same this time. I will definitely be able to convince him."

Rosen believed this very much, because this woman was a bit scary, and big trouble would easily happen if she didn't listen to her.

He nodded: "Then I'll trouble you, Ms. Vivian."

Vivian smiled more gently, took a step forward, and reached Rosen's ear.

"Master Rosen, even if my wish comes true, you can still come to me at any time. The door of Lily Manor is always open for you."

Rosen recalled the beautiful time last night and thought to himself: "Sure enough, women of all ages have their own unique charm."

But this feeling of being taken care of was really not good, so he tried to regain some face.

"If a child is born and you plan to train him to be a mage, then I will write a spell book for him."

Vivian smiled slightly and whispered into his ear again: "No problem, if you want, you can also give him the last name Philander. Of course, my personal preference is for him to have my last name."

"Or, we can have two children, one with your last name and one with my last name."

Rosen immediately felt that he had better avoid provoking this woman who had big ideas, so as not to get into trouble that he couldn't even get out of.

"No, no, no, one is enough."

After saying that, Rosen climbed into the carriage as if he was running away.

Sitting on the carriage and looking back through the window, he saw Vivian still standing at the door of the manor looking at him. She seemed to feel his gaze and raised her hand to shake him.

She didn't walk back to the manor until she was out of sight.

Thinking back to last night, it felt like a dream.

Just when Rosen returned to Sunshine Villa, various lords in Huangshui Highlands had also received the news and began to rush to Silver Moon Castle to attend the emergency meeting convened by the earl.

At about three o'clock in the afternoon, various lords appeared at Silver Moon Castle.

But the meeting didn't actually start until 7 p.m.

At 7 o'clock, the five lords and the secretary came to the large conference hall of Wangyue Garden and sat down at the long table in the conference hall.

After waiting for a while, the count in full attire also arrived and sat at the top, followed by the loyal housekeeper Malkyri.

After the earl appeared, the five major lords stood up one after another and called them 'Your Majesty the earl'.

"Sit down, everyone, sit down."

The count himself went to the head seat at the head of the long table and sat down.

After everyone sat down, she coughed lightly and got straight to the point.

"The messenger has told you the specific situation, and everyone is gathered here today to discuss a plan to deal with the chaos in Crescent Town."

"I have two options at the moment."

"First, continue to let Fubos come forward to suppress the Crescent Town rebels, pacify the rebels, and then re-dispatch the town mayor and various secretaries to continue the construction of Crescent Town."

"Second, let Chabolai replace Fubos to solve the chaos in Crescent Town."

As she spoke, she looked at the five major lords and said solemnly: "Crescent Town is the northern barrier of the highlands. It is closely related to the safety of the entire highlands, Silver Moon Castle, and your interests."

"At the same time, because time is urgent and the situation is changing at any time, we must provide a reliable solution as soon as possible to calm people's hearts."

"Now, please let all the lords express your thoughts."

The first one is Feilun, the lord of Linhu Town, the largest town in the Yellow River, and the current president of the Mage Guild.

His aura was obviously not as good as before. Even though only two days had passed, he looked much older, as if he had aged ten years.

"Xia Bolai is a libertine with a notorious reputation. If you let such a person quell the chaos in Crescent Town, the northern barrier of the highlands will be as good as nothing."

"Fubos may have made mistakes, but he always firmly controlled the army and the situation. If he made a mistake this time, he will try to correct it next time."

"So, I support Vobos."

The second person to speak was Bilegu, the lord of Maple Leaf Town, the second largest town.

He was full of energy and contentment because he already knew that Electrolux had died suddenly.

He smiled coldly and faced off with Faylan.

"Fubos may be a qualified military commander, but he is definitely not a qualified lord!

"If Xia Bolai hadn't come forward in time to clean up the mess the day before yesterday, Silver Moon Castle would have become a sea of ​​blood!"

"And his so-called reputation as a libertine is just that he likes girls. Let me ask you here, who didn't like girls when they were young?!"

Bilegu's eyes swept over the faces of the major lords one by one.

Scan to Faerun first.

Fearon opened his mouth, but could not speak, because he really liked it, otherwise he would not have so many children as a mage.

As for the other lords, they shrugged, grinned, and had no words to retort.

"So, this is not a big problem. Chabolai has the kindness and kindness of a lord. He will never be as cruel and ruthless as Fubos, let alone as incompetent as him!"

"So, I support Chabollet!"

As soon as he said this, Baron Hemid Lavonge, the lord of Hearth Town, nodded.

"Bilgu is right about that."

"I would like to add that Xia Bolai is by no means lacking in courage. On the Moonlight battlefield, he rushed to the front and brought back the most comprehensive and specific battle report, and was seriously injured for it."

"Everyone who has fought in a war knows the importance of intelligence. Therefore, at least one-third of the credit for Fubosi's victory must be given to Chabolais!"

But he changed his tune again.

"However, Fubos has performed well in the past, and his ability cannot be completely denied just because of one mistake."

"So, no matter who the count chooses, I will support him."

He still maintained a neutral stance, but his words clearly favored Xia Bolay.

Finally, Baron Moreau of Valley Town and Baron Dumont of Riverside Town remained.

Baron Dumont glanced at his son-in-law, Baron Moreau, who kept looking down at the table, which made Dumont feel a little confused.

He coughed lightly: "Fubos is my son-in-law. I know this son-in-law's temper best. He may have various shortcomings, but he will correct them if he knows they are wrong."

"So, I support Vobos."

No one had anything to say about this. Anyway, no matter what Fubos did, Du Meng, as his father-in-law, would definitely support him.

In the end, only Baron Moreau from Fanggu Town was left to express his position.

Everyone's eyes also turned to Baron Morrow of Fanggu Town.

Moreau lowered his head, looked at his hands, and remained silent.

Fearon frowned slightly: "Morrow, haven't you thought about it yet?"

It stands to reason that Moreau must support Vobos, because he is the son-in-law of Baron Dumont and the brother-in-law of Vobos.

But his hesitant look now makes people feel very bad.

Baron Dumont showed the majesty of his father-in-law. He raised his hand and patted the table, urging in a loud voice.

"Bernard~ Speak quickly!"

Bilgu was overjoyed and said with a slight smile: "What are you urging me for?"

"Let Baron Moreau think about it carefully, we don't lack such a little time."

Baron Moreau thought for a full two minutes before finally speaking.

"I support Chapollet."

Baron Dumont was shocked: "Bernard, is your choice worthy of your wife and children?"

Baron Moreau kept looking down at the table and said dullly: "Mr. Dumont, you are my father-in-law, but I am the lord of Fanggu Town. Naturally, I have to consider the interests of Fanggu Town first."

Du Meng became more and more puzzled: "Why, has supporting Fubos harmed your interests?"



Baron Moreau took a deep breath: "Mr. Dumont, this is my family matter, so don't ask."

Du Meng was shocked and suddenly understood: "Did your sister force you?"

Baron Moreau remained silent, acquiescing.

Du Meng couldn't figure it out: "Why is she meddling in this business?"

Morrow looked up at his father-in-law and said softly: "She has fallen in love with Rosen."

Du Meng was stunned for a moment, then cursed in a low voice: "Oh, that's really a crazy woman!"

Then he said nothing more.

Because he was fully aware of Vivian's power. The woman might not know magic, but she could make medicines, and she could make some weird but amazingly effective medicines.

He didn't dare to offend the other party to death, because he might one day have to rely on the medicine made by the other party to save his life.

Seeing that everyone had expressed their opinions, the count coughed lightly and made the final conclusion.

"In that case, let me say a few words."

"I personally bear a lot of responsibility for what happened in Crescent Town, because I had discovered the clues of the chaos a long time ago and urged Fubos to respond many times."

"But my attitude was not firm enough, my intervention was not straightforward enough, and I indulged and trusted Fubos too much, which led to such a disaster."

"So, Fubos didn't correct his mistakes after he knew them, but he didn't correct them after he knew his mistakes! He didn't even take my words to heart."

"In the end, he screwed it up!"

"Now, every citizen of Crescent Town hates him very much. If he tries to solve the problem, it will only become more chaotic."

"But Xia Bolay is on the contrary. He has a very high reputation among the Crescent Refugees. When he gets things done, he will get twice the result with half the effort."

"So, I personally plan to leave the matter to Xia Bolai, and in the lords' vote just now, at least half of the lords supported my decision."

As soon as these words came out, Baron Dumont of Riverside Town snorted coldly.

"Earl, you are the master of the Highlands, and you also follow the traditions of the Highlands, so I support your decision."

"However, we in Riverside Town will not give Chabolai any support. The most we can do is not block the road."

It is true that Vobos did not do a good job in Crescent Town, and Chapollet did a very good job this time, so there is no problem with the count's words.

Du Meng did not expect Fubos to clean up the mess. He supported Fubos and told the count not to let her easily deprive Fubos of his inheritance rights.

The count nodded to him: "Thank you for your understanding, Baron Dumont."

Dumont nodded and returned the greeting to the count.

When he said this, Faerun also began to express his position.

He looked reluctant: "My attitude is the same as that of Baron Dumont."

The earl looked at him, with a sneer on his face.

"Master Feilun, please pay attention to one thing. That is, you are not the lord of Linhu Town yet!"

"According to legal principles, the first heir to the Baron of Linhu Town is Electrolux's eldest son, Letli Sano."

"So, it is actually illegal for you to come to this meeting on behalf of Linhu Town today!"

Fearon was well prepared and immediately took out a document.

"Earl, Ratley has issued a statement, taking the initiative to change the inheritance rights of the next baron to the inheritance of the next baron."

"So, I am indeed the new lord of Linhu Town."

The Earl shook his head: "This statement is invalid because I don't admit it!"

Fearon's face turned green: "Lord, are you determined to change the traditions of the highlands and interfere with the succession of titles within our Sano family?"

"I respect the Highland tradition very much. The reason why I want to interfere is because you have no sense of self-consciousness as a Highland lord."

"In the past six months, I discovered that you have been secretly instigating the rebellion in Crescent Town, which has directly damaged the interests of the entire Highlands!"

"You must bear at least half of the responsibility for the current situation in Crescent Town!"

"So, unless you admit your mistake and make adequate compensation, I will never agree to you becoming the new baron!"

Fearon's face turned from green to pale: "Earl, you are slandering me."

"You know whether you are being slandered or not, and all the major lords also know what they are doing."

"If you still have this attitude, I will fully support Electrolux's eldest son to become the baron of Linhu Town!"

As soon as these words came out, Fei Lun's face turned pale.

He can indeed use his powerful magic power to overwhelm other members of the family and forcefully become a baron.

But if the count supports his nephew to become a baron, he can split the united Sano family into two halves!

A family that is scattered and fighting among itself has no future.

What's even more frightening is that after losing his eldest brother, Faerun has no way to counter the count.

Bilgu chuckled: "Faerun, if you make a mistake, you must accept the punishment. This is the rule of us highlanders. There is no shame."

Baron Lavonge, Lord of the Ashes, also laughed mockingly.

"Faerun, the Highlands are only such a big place. We all know in our hearts whether you have done it or not. I didn't say it before, just for the sake of Master Electrolux. But please be more conscious."

Baron Moreau also came to life and said with a faint smile: "Faerun, you are so hypocritical. You support Fubos while ruining his affairs!"

Baron Dumont remained silent.

He was actually very unhappy, but considering that Faerun also supported Fubos, he didn't say bad words.

Fearon's face was so pale that it was almost transparent.

After a long while, he let out a long breath: "Okay, I admit my mistake, and I will give full compensation for the subsequent construction costs of Crescent Town."

But he immediately said: "But it is Fubos I am sorry for."

The count raised his hand to interrupt him.

"No, it is the Omicia family you are sorry for. You only need to pay compensation. As for how to distribute the compensation, it has nothing to do with you!"

As she spoke, she stared at Faylan closely, with a cold light in her eyes.

This is a silent threat, and the meaning is very clear. If the bargaining continues, the Baron of Linhu Town will really be gone.

Fearon received this silent message and sighed softly: "Earl, you are right, I will pay the compensation to your family."

"very good."

The earl nodded: "Since you have admitted your mistake, I also admit that you are the new baron of Linhu Town. As for the specific compensation, we will discuss it in detail later."

After that, Chabolai's matter was settled.

The Earl clapped his hands and said: "Well, let's get here today and let everyone go to rest. We will discuss the support for Crescent Town in detail tomorrow."

After saying this, she looked at Feilun again: "President Feilun, please stay for a moment. I have something to say to you in private."

Fearon's heart suddenly dawned on him, knowing that the count was going to settle the accounts with him.

But there was no way to avoid this. Every move would be a sharp blow, so I could only bite the bullet and wait.

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