Master Tongtian

Chapter 214 Who awakened the evil god? (1/4)

Chapter 214 Who awakened the evil god? (14)

Most people in the large conference hall had left, and the door was locked tightly.

The large conference hall, which was filled with magic lamps, was as bright as day. The long conference table made of solemn ebony wood was dark and heavy, just like Faerun's mood at the moment.

The aftermath of his eldest brother's death was so violent that he, who had been publicizing it for many years, couldn't bear it.


Sophia performed a home protection spell, completely isolating the conference hall into an independent space.

Faerun also took a deep breath, waiting for the judgment from the 19-star Archmage.

Personally speaking, his spells are far inferior to his opponent.

In terms of status, the other party is his lord. Although he has to take care of the highland tradition, if he is really anxious, he can easily turn his family into a mess.

In other words, he is at an absolute disadvantage at the moment.

In the depressing atmosphere, Sophia finally spoke.

: "Faylan, in fact, I know roughly everything you have done over the years."

"Forget everything else. Your Sano family has indeed prospered in recent years, but my family has been a bit withered. I can understand your thoughts."

"But there's one thing I really can't tolerate."

Speaking of this, the mana in Sophia's body surged faster, and condensed silver moonlight appeared in her eyes, staring at Faerun.

"I didn't expect that in order to fight for power, you would completely lose your bottom line and choose to awaken the ancient evil god in Yuehui Town!"

"This has violated the third golden rule. If I sue the temple, even if your eldest brother is still here, I may not be able to protect you!"

Upon hearing this, Faerun's body shook violently and his eyes widened.


He stood up suddenly and protested loudly: "Madam, I have never done this!"

"You still don't admit it?!"

Sofia stared at Faerun, and the latter's eyes also showed the bright light of a high-level mage, looking at her without a flicker.

"You killed Veronica, the daughter of Baron Philling, in the name of asylum."

"I asked you to go to Yuehui Town to convince Baron Felin, but you failed many times and finally went there once. Not only did it not work, the situation in the mine became more serious."

"How do you explain these?"

Fearon defended loudly.

"Yes, I did some bad things with the help of the evil god, but I just took advantage of it, not to awaken him!"

"I have never done anything to awaken the evil god! I don't know how to awaken the evil god!"

"I clearly know that this matter seriously violates the third golden rule. Please think about it carefully. My eldest brother serves the Duke of Winter City. The Duke is the son of God. If we want to use the Duke's power to become the Lord of the Highlands, how can I possibly Risking completely offending the Son of God?!”

When he spoke, there was no twinkle in his eyes, no hesitation in his voice, and nothing he said was unreasonable.

Sophia was immediately confused: "You really didn't wake me up?"

Fearon immediately shook his head and denied decisively: "Absolutely not!"

He was just playing a side game at most. How could he really do such a stupid thing that could lead to the complete destruction of the family?

Afraid that Sophia wouldn't believe it, he raised his hand to the sky and began to swear.

"I swear in the name of the Golden God, if I lie about this matter, I will suffer divine punishment and die! Let my family's bloodline be cut off, completely submerged by time, and let no one in the world know the glory of Sano. !”

It was a very strong oath, and Faeron did it without hesitation.

Sophia immediately believed it, and she frowned: "If it's not you, then who could it be?"

Feilun sat down again and smiled coldly: "Whoever benefits the most, that's who."

Sophia knew the meaning of the words as soon as she heard it, and sneered: "Old man, I know you hate Rosen, but there is no need to pour such dirty water on him."

"And the dirty water you splashed will not stain him at all, it will only make you look more despicable and shameless!"

"Because if he did such a thing, it would be impossible for him to receive God's favor!"

Whenever he talked about Rosen, Fearon inevitably became angry.

He sarcastically said: "Madam is so protective of a robber's son, it makes people feel that he is your illegitimate son."

As soon as she finished speaking, Sophia's eyes shone brightly, and her voice dropped to its lowest point.

"Say what you just said again."

As he spoke, the master's magic hand, which had been condensed with mana, had already grasped Faerun's body.

Fearon's mana subconsciously resisted, but with only a slight touch of mana from both sides, Fearon felt a strong sense of suffocation.

The high-level peak magic power that he has always been proud of has no room to resist in front of the opponent's master's peak magic power.

Because he was attending the meeting of lords, he did not bring a powerful magic weapon, and his spell-casting ability was far inferior to that of the other party.

Therefore, the opponent can directly crush him to death with just the hands of the mage.

Feilun's heart jumped violently, he smelled the strong breath of death, and felt deeply how terrible the master was.

The eldest brother is gone, and he is nothing in front of Sophia.

He fully understood the situation, raised his hand and slapped himself hard.

"Madam, it's me, Meng Lang, and I apologize to you."

Seeing that the corner of her mouth was cut open by his slap, Sophia withdrew her magic hand and stopped pursuing it.

She frowned in thought.

"If it's not you, it means there is a very powerful and evil mage hiding in the Highlands. This mage wants to plunge the Highlands into tragic chaos."

Feilun was very single: "Madam, you are serious."

"God is not weak, he just retreats, and even if he retreats, he still leaves countless sons of God to manage the mortal world."

"A small ancient evil god can't make any big waves."

This is not wrong, but with such a powerful mage hiding in the dark and peeking, Sophia always feels uneasy.

However, this mage was very secretive and left no trace at all. It would be very difficult to find him out.

After careful consideration, Sophia decided to put the matter aside for now. If the other party didn't give up, he would naturally take action in the future, and then we would investigate in detail.

With this in mind, she raised her hand and patted the table gently: "Then let's discuss compensation."

Upon hearing this, Feilun was slightly relieved, knowing that he had passed the most difficult level, and then it would just be a matter of money.

But he also knew that the other party would definitely kill him severely, so he felt a little uneasy in his heart.

Sophia didn't show any signs of being vain and started calculating directly.

"In order to rebuild Crescent Town, I invested a total of 220,000 crowns worth of materials into the town. Now, because of your instigation, the half-built town has been completely destroyed."

"I said that you bear half of the responsibility, so for this matter, you have to pay compensation of 110,000 crowns."

Feilun was mentally prepared and nodded slowly: "I agree with this compensation."

One hundred and ten thousand is a lot, roughly equivalent to the annual income of Linhu Town. However, not only does he earn from Linhu Town, but his status as guild president also brings him huge benefits.

So I can bear it.

But it's not over.

"Secondly, many people died because of the rebellion, and the reputation of the Omicia family was also greatly damaged. Although Chabolai later made up for it, this compensation is not due to you."

"Reputation is priceless and difficult to calculate, but you can find reference points."

"The food to appease the refugees, the delayed farming season, the civilians who died due to the rebellion, etc. are worth at least 200,000 crowns. You still pay half of it."

This was a bit unclear. Feren accepted the compensation, but thought it shouldn't have been so much.

"I think it's worth 150,000 kronor at most."

"No, at least 190,000."


"Okay, 180,000, then you can pay 90,000."

Fearon sighed and nodded in acceptance of the punishment.

The total amount is 200,000. The past year has been in vain. The family cannot come up with so much money at once, so they have to sell off their assets to pay off the debt.

Sofia said the third thing: "In the end, it is your punishment for challenging the authority of the Omicia family."

"As your master, I don't ask for your absolute loyalty, nor do I ask you to solve all my troubles for me, but you shouldn't go out of your way to cause trouble for me when trouble occurs!"

"In recent years, because of your elder brother's help, Linhu Town has paid a large amount of taxes. You have also made huge profits from the Mage Guild."

"I did a rough calculation and found that Linhu Town has underpaid approximately 160,000 kronor in taxes over the years. With fines included, that's 250,000 kronor!"

"You have to make up for this money in full one by one!"

Feilun felt a little crazy when he heard this: "Madam, is this too much?"

Sophia smiled coldly: "No, I am already very merciful. If it were a cruel lord, you might have stayed on the guillotine."

"I pity your magic achievements, and I don't want Gao Gao to lose a high-level peak mage in vain because of a power struggle, so I gave you a way to exchange money for your life."

"If you don't want to pay, that's fine. Your nephew will be happy to inherit his father's title and become the new lord of Linhu Town."

What else could Faerun say?

He nodded in agreement: "Although Linhu Town's income is substantial, its expenses are also high. This money is too much, and the family cannot afford it at once."

It has exceeded the total net income of the past two years, and the expenses of a large family are also large. If you want to take out this money in one go, life will be very difficult and your dignity will be lost.

Noble lords must not lose their dignity. Even if they are vain, they must maintain their dignity.

Therefore, it can only be repaid in installments.

Sophia naturally knows the rules of nobility.

She did some calculations and said with a smile: "It adds up to 450,000 kronor. I'm not in a hurry to use the money. You can pay it in installments. Of course, interest will be added."

Interest is definitely required, but the amount of interest must be carefully discussed.

Fearon immediately asked: "How much interest?"

"According to the rules of Yuanyue Bank, you owe me 450,000, which is equivalent to a bank loan of 450,000."

"I promise you a repayment period of 20 years, eight cents simple interest, and one payment per month."

Feilun's heart ached when he heard this, and he begged softly: "Madam, please lower the interest rate. It's really too much."

If we want to repay this, everyone in the Sano family will have to tighten their belts for the next twenty years, and they will not be able to do anything big.

The short-term repayment pressure is indeed much smaller, but the total repayment will be far greater than 450,000.

Sofia had long since settled the matter and naturally knew that the compensation would put huge financial pressure on the Sano family, but this was the result she wanted.

She must let the major lords in the highlands know the huge price to pay for failing to challenge the major lords.

Therefore, she shook her head without any room for negotiation.

"Nothing less!"

Feilun almost knelt down and begged: "Madam, I was wrong~ I was really wrong~ Please be merciful~ If this continues, I won't be able to explain to my family when I go back!"

"You can sell your personal real estate in Silver Moon Castle, you can also sell the precious magic materials that you have saved over the years, and you can also sell various collections. As long as you are willing to sell, you can even pay it back in one go."

"Of course, I will save the last trace of my dignity for you and will not announce the compensation, but you must also cooperate and stop irritating me."


"If you keep talking nonsense, change it to compound interest!"

Fearon hesitated, clearly feeling Sofia's firm will, and knew that there was no room for bargaining.

He sighed dejectedly: "I understand, madam."

"Rosen will be the mayor of Crescent Town. I know you hate him, but I hope you just hate him and don't take action, otherwise"

Feilun had a wry smile on his face: "Madam, after paying such a large amount of compensation, how can I still have the energy to take revenge? It's good if I can live a good life."

Carrying such a large debt will be scolded by the clan members when he returns to the family. This position of lord is no longer an honor, but a yoke of the devil.

"Heh~~ Then let's do it."

Sophia removed the home protection spell and left the large conference hall, leaving Faerun sitting on the chair in despair.

The count's sword was so severe that it almost killed him.

After sitting for a while, Feilun regained the strength to stand up and left the Moon-Watching Garden with some staggering steps.

When he returned to his residence in Silver Moon Castle in the carriage, he slumped back on the carriage seat, feeling weak and cold all over, as if he was going to die in the next moment.

Confused and confused, he returned to his manor in Silver Moon Castle.

Looking at the grand and luxurious manor, I sighed again, knowing that this place would soon no longer belong to me.

The family's external dignity cannot be lost, so they can only sell his personal property and pay most of the compensation.

In short, all the assets he accumulated over the years as president will be paid back.

Get out of the car and walk towards the gate of the manor feebly.

The servants who always offered support were pushed away by him with a wave of his hand.

"Leave me alone."

He stumbled back to the bedroom on the second floor, opened the door and fell on the bed in the bedroom, wanting to sleep directly to death.

But he suddenly felt something was wrong.

There seemed to be something on the windowsill.

The mage moved his hand and took the thing in. It turned out to be an exquisite and expensive Serkin bottle with a narrow neck and wide belly, and a small scroll tied to the mouth of the bottle.

After opening the scroll, I saw a few words written on it.

‘Mr. Fearon, this is an experimental archmage potion. "

"After a high-level peak mage drinks it, he may break through the master barrier within five days, or he may be completely destroyed, or he may be in a wonderful intermediate state between success and failure."

‘But I especially hope you can drink it, because in this way I can obtain precious first-hand experimental information, and my alchemy skills can be further improved. ’

"Archmage potion? Never heard of it."

But breaking through the master barrier and becoming an archmage made him very excited.

"Looking at the content, it should be a crazy alchemist who wants to test new medicine on me."

If it were before, he would have found out the alchemist who used him as a test subject, and then poured this broken medicine into his own mouth, allowing him to experience the wonderful intermediate state between death and success.

But now, he suffered a huge psychological blow and was filled with depression. This was the time when his willpower was at its weakest.

So, he hesitated and did not throw the medicine away directly.

During the hesitation, for some reason, I smelled a faint aroma in my nose, and my head felt dizzy. I felt asleep and awake again.

I vaguely felt someone speaking in my ear.

"Why are you thinking so much? I've already drank a lot."

"Success is the Archmage."

"Failure is a relief."

Feilun's heart moved: "It seems to be the truth."

Inexplicably, he drank up the mysterious potion in the bottle in one gulp.

The best-selling selections in this book will be published on the 15th, and there will be an explosion of six updates. Thank you book friends for your support.

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