Master Tongtian

Chapter 235: Could it be an evil dream? (4/4)

Chapter 235: Could it be an evil dream? (44)

On the first day of establishing the town, I spent most of the day drawing the town planning map, which consumed a lot of energy.

He didn't sleep much last night. Before 8 o'clock, Rosen felt a little tired, so he got into bed early and lay down.

Thrandis thought he was sick and asked with concern: "Did you catch a cold last night?"

After saying that, he complained again: "I asked you not to come but you came anyway. How uncomfortable it would be to be sick."

Gendeloni didn't understand: "What are you talking about?"

Rosen coughed lightly: "I'm fine, I'm just tired."

He yawned and closed his eyes to sleep.

But after lying there for a while, Harik's voice came from outside the tent: "Mayor, Chabolai asked me to ask you, will there be an attack tonight?"

Rosen thought for a moment and responded loudly.

"Luofanle and Diego have all escaped, and the rebellious mage has not shown up yet. There is still a possibility of a night attack. Tell him to pay attention, and then call the mages to reinforce the walls around the high ground."

"Okay, but the city wall has been greatly reinforced. It is currently 10 meters high and 10 meters thick. It should not be breached, right?"

Rosen was completely relieved when he heard this. He thought for a moment and then said: "If there is a night attack, the opponent will definitely change the attack method, such as asking Diego to throw boulders towards the high ground."

"You ask the people to get as close to the bottom of the city wall as possible and spread them out as much as possible to avoid being hit by boulders."


Harrick left.

Rosen yawned again: "Anna, Jenny, you can do whatever you want, I'll go to bed first."

Not long after the words fell, two warm and soft bodies climbed into the quilt.

Gendeloni said: "Going to bed early and getting up early is good for your health."

Thrandis also laughed: "It's not easy to study spells in the tent, so it's better to go to bed early."

Rosen had no objection and closed his eyes. After a while, he fell into sleep.

I thought I would sleep until dawn, but when I fell asleep, I was drowsily called out.

He was familiar with this feeling.

So I just 'get up' and follow the sound.

After passing through an extremely dark passage, my eyes lit up slightly and I found myself standing on a high mountain cliff, with a bright moon above my head and a white jade palace in front of me.

There were several magic lamps lit in the palace, neither bright nor dark, and Alfroya, who was only wearing a white dress, was concentrating on dancing a very elegant and fairy-like dance.

It is somewhat similar to the flying dance on Earth, but it also has the unique charm of another world. Coupled with the dancer's graceful figure and jade-like appearance, it is very pleasing to the eye.

Rosen knew immediately that his soul had been summoned.

Sure enough, Alfroya kept dancing as if no one else was watching. She only turned her eyes and glanced at Rosen, and then her voice sounded.

"I was bored when I suddenly felt you murmuring my name. I seemed to be begging for something in my heart, so I summoned you to ask."

Rosen was startled and thought to himself: 'Are you so sensitive? ’

Alfroya's voice immediately sounded.

"Smart mortals all have a common problem, that is, they don't mean what they say. Fortunately, I am already familiar with your character and can roughly guess what you really think."

"Actually, it's not that I'm sensitive, but that your magic is powerful enough and I pay enough attention to you."

"After all, I am your Holy Spirit. If your body is damaged, I must come to pick up your soul as soon as possible."

"If you were an ordinary mortal without power, even if you chanted about me a hundred times, I wouldn't feel it."

Rosen understood, so he seized this rare opportunity and expressed his needs directly.

"Saint, what should I do to gain more soul knowledge?"

After hearing this, Alfroya continued to dance, but her movements slowed down, as if she was thinking.

"I remember telling you that because you killed someone using the secret method of borrowing fire and violated the third golden rule, I can no longer teach you soul knowledge."

Of course Rosen remembered these words, and when he saw the other party's indifferent expression, he guessed that there was no chance this time, and he felt a little disappointed, so he shrugged.

"Okay, then pretend I didn't ask."

Of course, there is no chance this time. Just ask again next time when you have the opportunity.

As long as Alfroya didn't completely fall out, he would try his best to find out.

Unexpectedly, Alfreya's words changed again.

"It is my brother's request not to teach you soul knowledge. Although I agree, it is my past who agreed to this matter. It is also my past brother who made the request."

Rosen was stunned: "Saint, your brother may not agree with this statement."

Isn't this just playing rogue?

"Just don't let him know anyway. You won't let him know, right?"

Rosen nodded immediately: "Of course I will keep it secret."

"So, of course I can tell you more soul knowledge, but there is no reward without reason in the world."

While speaking, Alfroya lightly kicked the ground, and her body floated to Rosen as light as a flying girl.

Also because of the fluttering, the white skirt on her body was blown by the airflow and clung to her body, thus showing her graceful curves.

Rosen took a look, and a thought flashed through his mind: 'These clothes are so thin, they can't be pajamas, right? ’

Then he immediately flashed back to his previous encounter in the Arena of Gods, immediately calmed down and bowed his head in salute.

As a result, after the salute, a gust of mountain wind blew at the entrance of the hall, blowing the hem of Alfroya's skirt a little, revealing her bare feet as white as jade and the lower half of her calves.

Rosen subconsciously squinted again, and then simply closed his eyes, but the image was still in his mind, and an idea came to his mind again.

"The daughter of the Golden God is really good-looking~ If I put this in my material library, she will be on par with the stunning beauty of the entire country."

Fortunately, he is well-informed, compared to a local young man or a god-fearing uncle.

Seeing such a stunning beauty, you will definitely fall under her pomegranate skirt without hesitation and become a glorious licking dog of the gods.

Less than two seconds later, Alfroya's indifferent voice came from above her head.

“Can all integers greater than five really be written as the sum of three base numbers?”

Rosen was shocked: "Sage, are you still obsessed with this issue?"

Alfroya asked instead without answering: "I want to know the answer."

Rosen shook his head decisively.

"I've tried various methods, but I really can't figure it out."

"I can feel that what you said is true. This makes me very disappointed and feels very depressed. I can finally understand the retreat of Father God."

Alfroya's voice was no longer as indifferent as usual, but really showed deep disappointment, and it seemed that she was speaking the truth.

She sighed: "Father God has been pursuing the eternal realm for centuries, but he has never been able to succeed. His mood will only be darker than mine at the moment."

With that said, she walked down the white jade steps, came to Rosen, stretched out her hand to hold Rosen's chin, and gently raised his face.

Then, Rosen saw a pair of eyes full of loneliness.

"Young mortal mage, if you can't give me the answer, then find a way to help me get rid of this obsession."

"Otherwise, if I can't bear it any longer, I may recruit you into the Kingdom of God in advance and ask you to help me find answers every day."

The words were not a threat, just a calm statement.

Rosen said one thing in his mind: 'Come on, if you hurt others a thousand, you will hurt yourself a thousand and five. ’

How to solve it?

After thinking about it, it's nothing more than a great way to divert attention.

So Rosen said: "I accidentally thought of a new question that might help the saint regulate his depression."

"You'd better say something you know the answer to. It won't do you any good to drive me crazy."

Rosen laughed dryly: "This question came to me accidentally and I had a clear idea of ​​how to solve the problem. However, I didn't write it down because I didn't have enough paper on hand at the time."

"It shouldn't make any difference to you whether you write or not. Since you have ideas for solving the problem, you will definitely be able to give the answer in the end."

"So, just say it."

So Rosen came up with the Mersenne prime conjecture.

This conjecture is very simple, but it requires a huge amount of calculations and the algorithm is also very simple. In the end, it can be calculated to be wrong.

This should divert the other person's attention for quite some time.

Sure enough, after hearing this, Alfroya looked shocked: "Well, this has indeed greatly diverted my attention."

"And my reward?"

"There is no reward. Soul knowledge is very precious, and what you gave is too little. Of course, I will remember your contribution this time, and if you accumulate more, I will reward you."


What can Rosen say?

Something is in the hands of a 25-star extraordinary archmage, and he can't snatch it away. If the other party doesn't give it to him, he can't kneel down and beg for it, right?

"Sage, then I will take my leave."

Unexpectedly, Alfroya suddenly raised one leg and placed her snow-white foot twenty centimeters in front of Rosen's eyes.

"Don't you want to see it? I'll show you as much as you want. It will be part of the reward this time."

‘Tsk? ’

Rosen was a little unhappy. Although he was indeed very good-looking, he had no shortage of women, so he felt that the other party's slightly insignificant behavior was just to amuse him.

Of course, if the opponent is the Golden God himself and he does this, Rosen can only endure it, because the Golden God belongs to the absolute superior who he cannot resist.

But Alfroya is different.

Alfroya is the daughter of the Golden God, not particularly powerful among all her children, and Rosen is loyal to the Golden God, not her.

If Rosen is really pissed off, the worst he can do is seek refuge with other Holy Spirits.

Since there is room for choice, there is naturally room for bargaining.

Moreover, he must also protest to indirectly discipline the other party's attitude towards him and avoid being looked down upon by him.

So, with a serious look on his face, he pushed back without being soft or hard.

"Holy One, I respect God, and because you are the daughter of God, I also respect you, but you shouldn't humiliate me like this!"

Alfroya was stunned, with a hint of surprise on his face.

"Ah, do you think this is humiliating?"

She immediately retracted her feet and bowed slightly to Rosen.

"It seems that I guessed your feelings wrongly. I thought you would like it. I apologize to you."

Of course Rosen liked it. Seeing that the other party's apology was sincere, he explained it seriously.

"Saint, I naturally think you are beautiful, but this is human nature and a faithful reaction to the facts."

Alfroya asked: "Then why did you refuse?"

"Because I think that the external beauty of the body is not worth pursuing. It is lucky to have it, and it doesn't matter if you can't have it. Its value is far less than knowledge."

He raised his head and stared at Alfroya, his eyes clear and firm.

"Saint, you use your body as a reward, which not only lowers your own worth, but also greatly underestimates me, so I think this is a shame."

Alfroya understood and nodded in agreement.

"You are right. Compared with momentary physical pleasure, eternal knowledge is something truly worth pursuing."

After a pause, she said: "Stop standing at the door blowing the mountain breeze, go into the hall and talk."

She turned around and walked towards the palace, when another gust of mountain wind blew by, blowing her dress tightly against her body again.

Rosen glanced at it, then lowered his gaze again, feeling secretly in his heart.

"What happened this time? Why does this Holy Spirit keep challenging my bad habits?"

"Or, this is actually not the Holy Spirit, but a dream disguised by evil spirits."

But then I thought about it and felt it was wrong.

"If it wasn't the Holy Spirit, why did he know about the Goldbach's conjecture I proposed? And why could he see through my thoughts many times?"

Feeling a little wary in his heart, he stood on the steps of the main hall, wondering whether he should follow or not.

Alfroya stopped and turned to look at Rosen, with a confused look on her face.

"I feel the suspicion and vigilance in your heart. Why do you have such thoughts?"

Now that the words were spoken, Rosen said directly: "Because the saint tonight is different from before."

Alfreya smiled, not an indifferent smile, but a real smile.

"You've only seen me a few times, how can you compare it with before?"

"Of course, as a mage, it is also necessary to remain vigilant, but this time I used the wrong target."

Seeing that Rosen still didn't move, she stopped and turned around to look at him seriously.

"Master Rosen, this is not the divine world, but a corner of the mortal world. Your soul is tough and can withstand the harsh mountain wind for a short time, but it will be harmful in the end."

"It is a coincidence that I came to you this time, and I do have something important to discuss with you. It is about the ancient evil god Zainaro, and it is also related to your friend Vivian."

Rosen's heart was slightly shaken, and at the same time another gust of mountain wind blew, making his back feel chilly and his whole body getting colder.

It seems that what the other party said is right, the soul cannot be blown away too much.

So, he saluted again: "Thank you, Saint, for your concern."

Then he walked into the White Jade Hall.

Alfroya turned around again and walked towards the depths of the hall.

"The spirit-induced dream is different from the summoning of the temple. Without the protection of the Fa'ao priest, the dream will be a little unstable. Therefore, we have to discuss it in detail in the Requiem Warming Hall on the second floor."

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