Master Tongtian

Chapter 236 Rosen’s exclusive Holy Spirit (1/3)

Chapter 236 Rosen’s exclusive Holy Spirit (13)

The White Jade Hall is very empty, but apart from the strange material of the palace itself that resembles mutton-fat white jade, the interior decoration is very simple.

There is basically no furniture or any decorations. Not to mention the Earl's Moon-Watching Garden, even Bilugu's Golden Manor is far inferior.

So it seemed empty, and you could hear the echo of footsteps when you walked past.

To be precise, Rosen's footsteps were silent, but Alfroya was, which indirectly proved the correctness of what she said before.

This is a corner of the mortal world, and the other party also has a physical body.

Rosen's heart moved slightly, and he carefully recalled the previous two situations, and found that it was the same before. The other party's footsteps made sounds, but he was a light and airy soul body.

A question appeared in my mind: "Then which corner of the world is this?"

Judging from the situation outside, it seems to be deep in a certain mountain range, but it cannot be ruled out that it is a magical illusion deliberately created by the other party to confuse perception.

I couldn't figure it out for a moment, so I simply stopped thinking about it.

Soon, the two reached the depths of the hall and could see two passages.

One leads to the apse. The door of the apse is hung with a lavender gauze curtain, and some furniture can be vaguely seen, which seems to be a living space.

The other one is a staircase going up.

Alfroya walked up the stairs, and Rosen followed behind her.

After walking a few steps, Rosen finally couldn't suppress his curiosity: "Sage, are you the only one who lives in such a big palace?"


"Don't you feel lonely?"

"No, because I can always easily hear all kinds of prayers from believers, all the time. There are so many that I can't sleep."

Rosen suddenly felt very strange: "Saint, believers should be praying to your father God. As a daughter, you can also hear the prayers?"

After saying this, I immediately felt something was wrong: "Holy One, I have overstepped my bounds."

Alfroya didn't seem to shy away from these questions.

"It doesn't matter. Mage believers are different from ordinary believers. Ordinary believers are lost lambs, but mage believers are one of the shepherds who assist God the Father in managing the world."

"As a shepherd, you are qualified to know the general rules of the operation of the Kingdom of God. Naturally, I will not hide it from you."

She walked to the corner of the stairs, paused and looked back at Rosen.

“Father God’s retreat from the Tower of Truth is so complete that even we, our children, cannot sense His existence.”

"Similarly, in order to completely escape from the world, God the Father also handed over his authority to manage believers. Each brother and sister has a part of the authority. My authority is Huangshui Highland."

Rosen understood somewhat, but more doubts emerged.

"Since you also live in the mortal world, where is the Kingdom of God?"

It seems that in earth mythology, all gods live in the Kingdom of God.

Alfreya didn't answer.

She continued walking towards the second floor.

When she stepped forward, the corners of her skirt swayed, and because she was wearing a multi-piece skirt that was conducive to dancing, the side openings were quite high, so from Rosen's angle, she could see part of the outline of her thighs.

She has the same flawless, almost hazy and glowing snow-white skin like Olekeya, and she also has the same plump and round lines as her wife Thrandis, which is a combination of the two.

It only flashed for a moment and disappeared, but Rosen jumped uncontrollably.

With just one jump, Alfreya noticed it. She raised her hand to cover the hem of her skirt and looked down at Rosen, with a puzzled look on her face.

"Master Rosen, I don't understand you very much. Since you think that physical pleasure is far inferior to the pursuit of truth, why are you so obsessed with the former?"

Rosen coughed slightly and explained slightly awkwardly.

"Holy One, God says that all humans sin, and this is the sin that I can't shake off."

With that said, he quickly walked to the corner of the stairs and looked down at the ground.

Alfroya commented: "Then you are really guilty. When you have time, you should go to the temple to repent."

"I sincerely follow the teachings of the saint." Rosen replied respectfully.

Alfroya then let go of her hand holding the hem of her skirt and continued walking up to the second floor.

After reaching the second floor, there is a circular hall. There is a circle of obsidian doors around the hall with mysterious dark gold patterns on the surface.

Alfroya pushed open one of the doors and entered a spacious room that was slightly dimly lit.

There was no furniture in the room, and there was only a thick bearskin blanket on the ground. There was no airflow inside, and it was filled with a strange warm current.

After entering the room, Rosen felt warm all over, and the coldness left by the biting mountain wind was instantly swept away.


Alfroya raised her hands to cover the hem of her skirt, sat on the bearskin rug with her legs curled up, and pointed to the opposite side: "You can sit down too, Master Rosen."

Rosen nodded and knelt down opposite him, more than a meter apart.

Alfreya's face was slightly solemn.

"You asked just now where the Kingdom of God is. I can only tell you that the Kingdom of God is in the hearts of all believers in the Golden Land. But what it looks like specifically cannot be fully understood until you actually arrive."

After saying this, without waiting for Rosen to answer, she started talking about the business.

"The unexpected awakening of the evil god Zainaro caused huge losses to the Highlands. At least 600 souls were directly damaged by it, and at least 6,000 souls became the delicacies of the Frost Emperor."

"There are only 980,000 people in the entire highland. Such losses can be described as extremely tragic. It is the largest tragedy that has occurred in the entire Golden Land in the past century."

The more Rosen listened, the more serious the matter became. At the same time, he felt that Vivian's life might not be saved.

"So, after the evil god incident subsided, a thorough investigation of the origin of the evil god incident became the focus of my work. My brother Saint Gerdemann also urged me to find out the whole story many times."

"I personally went to the bottom of the mine to investigate and found some key clues. Together with multiple verifications, I finally confirmed the true identity of the person who awakened the evil god."

Speaking of this, she looked at Rosen: "That is Ms. Vivian Moreau, the twin sister of the current patriarch of the Moreau family."

What else could Rosen say? He spread his hands and expressed his regret.

"I know the close relationship between you and Vivian, and I also know the support of the Moreau family to Chabolai. I also know the fact that you clearly knew that Vivian was the real murderer, but did not report it to me."

By the time he said the last sentence, Alfroya's face had turned as cold as frost, and her dark golden eyes were like ancient eyes that traveled through time, revealing the ruthlessness of the vicissitudes of life.

It was scary, but Rosen didn't panic at all.

Because if the other party really wanted to mess with him, he would have done it directly, so there was no need to complain.

And the reason why she didn't take action was just to scare him by bringing this matter up, fearing that she would use it as a bargaining chip in some kind of transaction.

So, he sighed softly.

"Vivian may have my child in her belly, and she also made an unintentional mistake in the pursuit of true knowledge. At the same time, thousands of people in Moonlight Town are complete strangers to me."

"A variety of factors made it difficult for me to make a choice, and I finally chose to turn a blind eye."

Alfroya softened a little: "You can tell that this time you are telling the truth, so I don't plan to pursue your small fault."

"Thank you for your tolerance, saint."

Alfroya's tone turned cold again.

"But no matter what the reason, Vivian has committed a major crime. According to the third golden rule, she will be tied to the divine punishment rack and suffer the divine punishment of three platinum light thunders."

Rosen spread his hands and sighed: "I'm very sad, but people always have to take responsibility for their own mistakes."

Alfroya was secretly relieved when she saw that Rosen did not react as violently as an ordinary young man.

"Fortunately, she doesn't have children yet, so strictly speaking, you have nothing to do with her. You don't have to feel guilty about it."

But Rosen was still a little reluctant to give up after all.

Not because of personal feelings, but because I felt that it was a pity that a talented alchemist like Vivian was killed like this.

Just like the father of modern chemistry who had his head knocked off, it would be easy for a genius' head to fall off, but it might take hundreds of years to grow back.

Of course, another important reason is that among the people affected by the disaster in Yuehui Town, there are no relatives and friends of Rosen. If there were, then he would naturally support Vivian without hesitation.

So, he decided to try to plead for Vivian a few words, whether it was successful or not, he had to do his best and have a clear conscience in the future.

"Saint, what price do I have to pay so that Vivian can avoid this punishment?"

Alfroya's eyes flashed slightly: "Are you greedy for physical pleasure with her?"

Rosen shook his head: "You must also know that I don't lack the object of physical pleasure in this world. One more of her is not more, and one less of her doesn't matter."

"But there are probably not many alchemists like Vivian in the entire Golden Land."

"Perhaps, one of her future achievements can greatly advance the development of the world. No, right now, the clay potion she created is enough to significantly change the world."

"And few people currently know the complete truth about the evil god incident."

"You don't have to say anything, I understand what you mean."

Alfroya waved her hand to interrupt Rosen's words, and then fell into deep thought.

About a quarter of an hour later, she said: "I have summoned Vivian's soul and asked her to come here for questioning."

Not long after he finished speaking, there was a knock on the door, and Vivian's timid voice came in.

"Saint, I have arrived."

"Come in."

The door was pushed open, and Vivian walked in like a quail, and then she saw Rosen, with deep fear in her dark blue eyes.

She lost control and shouted uncontrollably: "Rosen, you betrayed me?!"

Rosen said nothing.

Alfroya smiled coldly: "Don't make random judgments, reckless alchemist, I have found out what happened to you a long time ago."

"If he hadn't interceded for you, you would have stayed on the God's Punishment Rack for three days at most."

Vivian's face was already pale, but after hearing this sentence, it became even more white and almost transparent. Her footsteps softened and she collapsed on the ground.

"Saint, I didn't do this on purpose. I used the Sejin knife and scratched the root of the tree hard, but it didn't move. I burned it with fire again, and the root of the tree came alive, and it almost killed me!

"No need to repeat the process that I know."

After Alfreya said this, Vivian was speechless. Even though she wanted to speak, it was as if her mouth was blocked by something.

This Holy Spirit then pronounces the final judgment.

"Vivian Moreau, because of your fault, Moonlight Town was destroyed. But because of your special talent, I decided to use immunity to exempt you from divine punishment."

As soon as Vivian heard that there was no need for divine punishment, she immediately regained her vitality, and her complexion improved at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"But a fault is a fault, and simply killing you will not make up for the losses of the past."

"So, for the rest of your life, you must fully support the reconstruction of Crescent Town. Before you die, you must increase the population of Crescent Town to more than 100,000."

Vivian nodded repeatedly: "I understand, I will fully support Crescent Town."

After a pause, he added: "Even if the saint doesn't say anything, I will still support him. After all, this is my man's town."

Rosen glanced at her: "Please note, I am not your man."

Vivian giggled: "It doesn't matter if you don't admit it, as long as I admit it."

After speaking, he also winked at Rosen.

Rosen was speechless, only feeling that extraordinary people indeed have extraordinary minds.

He was obviously scared to death one moment, but he was in the mood to flirt the next.

No wonder he could still sleep peacefully after taking advantage of the evil god.

Alfroya was also dissatisfied with Vivian's appearance. She reached out and patted the bearskin mat: "Ms. Vivian, please watch your words!"

"Now, get out!"

She waved her hand, and Vivian's soul gradually faded away. When it faded away, she still did not forget to give Rosen another wink.

Rosen felt a headache.

Alfroya glanced at him sideways and said with a half-smile, "It's still too late to regret it now."

Rosen sighed: "Saint, how can I regret it?"

Alfroya was slightly startled, and then asked: "Did you guess it?"

Rosen nodded: "Yes. The Saint has actually been planning to let Vivian go for a long time, and the cost of letting Vivian go is not small, and it may even lower your status."

"To be more precise, it frees you from many trivial matters in the world. So you dance happily and take off a lot of your guard."

"Your subsequent words and deeds tell me that you are most likely no longer the Guardian Holy Spirit of the Highlands. You should now be downgraded to the Guardian Holy Spirit of Crescent Town, right?"

Alfroya was stunned for a long time this time: "Did I show it so obviously?"

"It can only be said that you are not good at pretending."

Rosen added: "What I'm curious about is, why do you do this?"

Now that he has been guessed, Alfroya will no longer hide it.

"Because it is much more interesting to observe the growth stories of a few geniuses than to listen to a lot of mortals talking about the rat in the oil tank at home all day long."

Rosen understood immediately.

So he asked: "Can you give me the soul knowledge I want?"

"I really can't give this."

"Then you specially asked me to come here just to find me a good helper, and then told me that you have become my exclusive guardian Holy Spirit?"

Alfroya was startled and immediately corrected: "I am the guardian saint of Crescent Town, not yours."

Rosen spread his hands and said, "It makes no difference, because Crescent Town is mine."

"Not yet."

"It will be."

After finishing speaking, Rosen immediately got rid of the unnecessary dispute: "Then who is the new guardian saint of the highland?"

"My sister, the nine hundred and eighty-nine daughters of God the Father, the original patron saint of White Horse Town, Saint Glennana."

Rosen was very happy: "As soon as I heard the story, I knew that this sister has a very good relationship with you, and her relationship with me is definitely not too bad."

Without thinking, Alfroya waved her hand: "Okay, okay, you know everything you need to know, go back."

Rosen felt his eyes darken and he returned to his warm and comfortable body.

As soon as Rosen left, the door was pushed open.

A woman wearing a black gauze dress, with an almost identical face to Alfroya, but completely different temperaments, appeared behind the door.

She leaned against the door frame and said with a smile: "Sister~~ Let's make an agreement first. Because of his extra world force in Huangshui Highland, each of us will take half."

"No, I am seven and you are three."

"I won't do it if I don't get 40%. I'd rather go back to that shitty place in White Horse Town. At least there aren't so many trivial things there, and there are no believers who keep talking about the free gallery opening in my ears."

"Okay, I'll be six and you'll be four."

"Hehe~ Sister, I also like this little guy very much. How about you give him to me and let me manage Crescent Town?"

"go away!"

"How heartless, sister~"

Three updates today.

There are two reasons.

First, there are not enough manuscripts stored. To ensure quality, some manuscripts must be stored.

Secondly, the COVID-19 pandemic is rampant and my whole family has been infected. I am the only one who is still holding on, but I don’t know how long I will hold on. Unsurprisingly, Lao Mo also wanted to save more manuscripts.

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