Master Tongtian

Chapter 246 The Second Apprentice: Van Damon (2/4)

Chapter 246 The Second Apprentice: Van Damon (24)

Dumont's white stone castle.

Now that he had made up his mind to rebel, Du Meng's attitude towards Rosen naturally took a 180-degree turn.

He urgently organized a sumptuous internal family dinner. The external name was to welcome his second daughter back to visit her old father, but the main purpose was naturally to welcome Rosen, a new ally.

The dinner was held in the castle hall. Du Meng was the host and sat at the head of the long table. Rosen, as a distinguished guest, naturally sat on the left hand side, and Vivian was on Rosen's left.

To Dumont's right is Lord Morrow and his wife.

Finally, there were six men and one woman sitting on both sides of the long table, all of whom were Du Meng's children.

As for Mrs. Dumont, she returned to the Kingdom of God three years ago and is currently hanging on the memorial wall of family figures beside the hall.

During the dinner, Rosen looked over one by one and found that the six men ranged from thirty-seven to fifteen or sixteen years old. Four of them were already married and took their wives with them to attend the family banquet.

As for that girl, she was seventeen or eighteen years old, with picturesque and delicate eyebrows. Her figure was slightly slimmer than that of her second sister, Lena Delin, but she was also plump and plump, making people yearn for it.

She was sitting on the left side of the eldest sister and had been enjoying her dinner quietly. A faint hint of sadness could occasionally be seen between her brows and eyes.

Occasionally, when I looked up at Du Meng or Rosen, I could vaguely see a hint of resentment in my eyes.

After being looked at for a few times, Rosen already understood that he was happy as a matchmaker, but the little girl was unwilling to marry Chapollet.

Although this was not a big deal, because these days aristocratic marriages never considered the personal feelings of their children, Rosen felt that he still had to find an opportunity to settle things to avoid unexpected changes.

It will not make Xia Bolay unhappy. After all, as long as he thinks broadly, nobles can easily find happiness, and the uncle has always been a very liberal person.

I'm afraid that the little girl won't be able to think clearly and cause some kind of Jurassic tragedy.

Of course, it is best to ask this kind of topic in private. If you ask it during the dinner, it will easily hurt the newly established friendship.

Du Meng was in high spirits. He raised his glass and toasted to Rosen: "Master Rosen, come and toast to the great friendship between us!"

The owner is enthusiastic, so naturally I want to accompany him.

Rosen then raised his glass and drank it all in one gulp.

Afterwards, Du Meng introduced his son and his family one by one, while Rosen nodded to the introduced people one by one.

When he introduced his youngest son, Du Meng's tone became more serious.

"This is my youngest son Vandamont, who was born when I was forty-five. It is the last gift left to me by my beloved wife."

"He has been meditating on the sun since he was five years old. I also spent a lot of money to hire a famous teacher to help him train his spell casting ability. Now at the age of fifteen, he has reached a low-level five-star ability."

He looked at Rosen: "Originally, I planned to wait until he grew older and ask Feren or Bilgu to teach him spells."

"But now it seems that there is definitely something wrong with the old guy Faerun's brain. Bielgu used to observe stars, and now he is measuring some constants, and he has no intention of teaching his disciples."

"Of course, I think these two old mages have bad personalities. One is selfish, and the other is too rigid and stubborn. If you follow them for a long time, they will definitely teach my son a bad lesson."

After hearing this, Rosen naturally understood what Du Meng meant, which was that he wanted to accept an apprentice.

He was planning to accept an apprentice, and when he looked at Van Damont carefully, he saw that he had a fair face, clear eyes, and a calm expression, so he felt that he was a good mage prospect.

He didn't wait for Du Meng to say anything, and said directly: "Old sir, I understand what you mean. If you are willing to let your little son have some training, I will take him back to Crescent Town this time and let him follow me. Learn spells.”

When Du Meng heard this, he laughed heartily: "Master Rosen, you are indeed a happy person!"

"You are happy, and so am I!"

"You should take him back this time. If a child is young, he should practice more, otherwise he will be useless when he grows up."

After saying that, he waved to his youngest son: "Damon, from now on, Master Rosen will be your magic instructor. Come here to meet your instructor."

Unexpectedly, the young man was reluctant and said it outright.

"Father, Master Rosen is only one year older than me and has not studied magic for as long as I have. How can he be my mentor?"

As soon as the words came out, Vivian couldn't help laughing.

"Hehe~ The little guy is so naive, he always thinks he knows how high the dragon can fly."

Du Meng's face also darkened: "Vandamont! What are you talking about? Apologize to Master Rosen quickly!"

Rosen waved his hand and said with a smile: "As a spell instructor, I am indeed a bit younger. It is normal for your son to have such doubts."

He turned to look at Vandamont: "So, I will use two spells to convince you."

"After using it, if you think I'm still not good, then forget about it. If you think there's something worth learning about me, how about learning from me for a few years first?"

Vandamont is the most pampered person at home, and he is still a child at heart. He nodded as soon as he heard it: "Okay."

Rosen looked at Du Meng: "Old sir, I'm asking you for a dagger made of fine steel to simulate an assassin's weapon."

Du Meng waved to the attendant, and after a while, the attendant brought a meat-cutting knife made of pure steel: "Is this okay?"

"no problem."

Rosen raised his hand, weighed the carving knife, and handed it to Vandamont with a mage's hand.

"This knife is very hard. Assassins can use it to pose a great threat to mages, but ordinary spells are difficult to destroy it, right?"

Vandamont touched the blade carefully and nodded to confirm: "Yes, I feel that it requires at least a medium-level powerful spell to break it."

Rosen smiled: "You don't feel wrong, but in fact, if you want to completely destroy its structure in an instant without breaking or twisting it, you need a high-level powerful spell."

As he spoke, he used his mage's hand to take back the carving knife.

"Next, I'll show you how to completely destroy this knife."

"Remember, I said thorough!"

When he said this, everyone else at the table looked at Rosen curiously, waiting for his performance.

Rosen was not in a hurry to cast the spell and asked Du Meng for advice first.

"Old sir, can I cast a powerful spell here? Of course, it will only destroy the meat cleaver, but no power will be leaked."


Rosen stood up and took a few steps back. After getting ready to cast the spell, he said, "Please look at the dagger."

Before he finished speaking, the spell suddenly broke out!

Flower staff, calm and calm, instantaneous power of impermanence. Gravity collapse.

Dexterity: 40%.

Spell Power: High-level ultimate.

When the intensity is reached, the scale of the spell is small, and the total power is naturally small, but the target of destruction is also small.

So for Xiao Dao, what he faced was a high-level ultimate spell power.

'Ding! Ding! ’

The two crisp sounds were almost connected together. The first sound was the sound of a calm explosion, and the latter sound was the sound of a pure steel carving knife being pressed together in an instant.

Due to the violent extrusion, the steel material heats up violently, and an almost incandescent, hot, pure round steel ball is obtained.


Everyone present subconsciously exclaimed, even Du Meng and Moreau, who were high-level warriors, were not spared.

As high-level warriors, they can easily break pure steel daggers with explosive combat skills. They can also squeeze the steel into a round ball with their hands, but this will take at least three or four seconds to knead.

But Rosen completed it in an instant, and the steel ball was almost a pure circle, showing an extremely terrifying magical explosive power.

If this kind of explosive power is used for spell confrontation, it will be a nightmare for the opponent.

But that's not all.

Before anyone could remember and recover from the shock, the next spell had already erupted.

Advanced gravity disintegration technique!

Dexterity 20%.

Spell Power: Master Level 2.


There was a sound that no one had ever heard before.

The red hot steel ball one moment disappeared directly into the air the next moment, and only a large mass of gray mist with a diameter of less than half a meter in diameter and a faint red light remained in the air.


There was a sound of air conditioning.

Du Meng was shocked and couldn't help but ask: "Where is the steel ball? Where did the steel ball go?"

Even if it can be crushed into a ball in an instant, it is still a power he can understand, but if it can be turned into red light and gray mist in an instant, what is the operation?

How can steel turn into fog?

The only person present who could understand clearly was probably Vivian.

She immediately said: "That red mist is a steel ball, no, it should be said to be steel gas."

Rosen smiled slightly: "Vivian is right, this is steel energy."

Of course, strictly speaking, it should be called mist mixed with iron and carbon, because the particles are far from fine to the level of individual iron atoms.

Another thought occurred, and he used a normal version of gravitational collapse to pinch the steel mist together again, but when it was pinched together again, it was no longer a steel ball, but a ball of dust-like iron powder.

Rosen held the ball of iron powder with his mage's hand and returned to his seat. He took a plate and gently poured the iron powder onto the plate.

Pass it to Baron Dumont first.

"Old sir, I'm so sorry for ruining your carving knife."

Du Meng naturally wouldn't mind a knife. He took the plate and looked at it carefully. He even smelled it with his nose and smelled a strong iron smell.

"I've only heard of flour and mud powder, but today is the first time I've seen steel powder. Master Rosen, your spells are really shocking."

He asked the attendant to pass the steel powder to everyone present to watch, and everyone looked surprised.

When it was Vivian's turn, she had a thoughtful expression on her face.

Finally, the steel powder was handed to Vandamonte.

Du Meng said: "Damon, the opportunity to learn powerful and advanced gravity spells is right in front of you. If you miss it, don't blame your father for not cultivating you properly."

Vandamont was already confused. He didn't look at the steel powder, but looked at Rosen.

"How can such a powerful spell be released instantly? This is different from what is said in the book."

Rosen smiled faintly: "Did the book also tell you that the stronger the magic power, the more mana is consumed and the slower the casting speed? Even for a real master's spell, it may take more than ten seconds to successfully cast it?"

Vandamont nodded repeatedly: "Yes, that's what the book says."

Rosen asked again: "Who wrote the book?"

"Uh~ The revised version of "General Theory of Magic" I read was written by Archmage Colon, La Farea's tenured professor 30 years ago, and the last revision was made by the Count."

Rosen smiled slightly: "This sentence should have been correct thirty years ago, but after the count invented the preparatory spell casting technique, it was already wrong."

"When it comes to me, it's even more wrong."

"There are many ways in this world to break through the limitations of the General Theory. If a mage sticks to the common sense of the General Theory, he will never have a great future."

Hearing this, Du Meng glared at his youngest son angrily: "Damon, how did I give birth to such a fool like you? You can still sit on the chair now?"

Vandamont was startled, but quickly came to his senses.

He stood up quickly, walked quickly to Rosen, knelt down on the carpet with a bang, and said: "Meet the mentor."

Rosen didn't hide, and received the full apprenticeship ceremony.

"Very good. Now, you are my second direct apprentice."

Du Meng was puzzled: "Why the second apprentice?"

"Because the chief apprentice is your second daughter's son, Bernard Shaw. Well, the seniority is a bit confusing."

Lena Delin immediately said: "Let my brother be the chief apprentice. I can't let my son be ranked in front of my uncle."

Vivian immediately started arguing: "No! First come, first served. My nephew obviously arrived first!"

Rosen coughed lightly and said, "There's no need to argue, because I will try my best to teach you. Just follow the order of accepting disciples."

In this case, this is the case.

Afterwards, dinner continued.

Occasionally, Rosen felt the look in Cassandlin's eyes on him again. The resentment was gone and turned into sadness.

Obviously, she showed great strength, and her brother also worshiped her as a magic tutor, which made her feel that she was unable to resist the arrangement of fate.

Rosen felt that this was not good and had to find an opportunity to persuade him.

After the banquet, there was a simple family dance, where the whole family arranged to dance and eat together.

Rosen danced with Vivian and then danced with Lenadelin, and then took the initiative to walk up to Cassandrin and extended her hand to invite her.

"Beautiful lady, can you please let us dance with you?"

Kassandrin was a little surprised, but finally agreed: "Okay."

Soothing music played and the two entered the dance floor.

After jumping for a while, Rosen went straight to the point: "Miss Cassandrine is unwilling to marry Chapollet?"

The girl sighed softly: "Who wants to marry a swinger?"

"Is there someone you like?"

Falling in love is the worst possible situation.

The girl shook her head: "Unexpectedly, I simply don't like that guy."

Rosen felt relieved and knew that the problem was not big.

Relationships can be cultivated as long as there are no competitors to interfere, and young women don't quite know what they really want.

At this time, if a person with high reputation and authority comes out and says a few good words, it can greatly affect the young woman's judgment.

As it happens, Rosen basically meets this requirement.

So he began to talk about Chapollet's few advantages.

"Even if he becomes an earl in the future? And you become a countess? Wouldn't you like that too?"

"Well~this is something to be gratified about."

What girl wouldn't want to be a countess? My eldest sister thought about it, and she thought it was good.

Rosen smiled softly, feeling the girl's vanity.

He knew that the matter was settled.

So, he smiled confidently and continued in an extremely confident tone.

"Of the six towns in Huangshui, four of them have clearly supported Xia Bolay, and Huihui Town has also clearly favored Xia Bolay. The possibility of you becoming a countess is much higher than that of your eldest sister."

Kassandrin's expression moved slightly.

Rosen smiled and said: "Chapollet is indeed a prodigal, but he never says a harsh word to a beautiful girl. He is a very gentle gentleman."

"Of course, I know he is not handsome, but he is definitely very healthy and strong. Believe me, this is the most important thing."

"Little girl, with your appearance, as long as you take a little initiative, I guarantee that Chabolai will be fascinated by you and pamper you like a queen, and your life will be very happy."

Cassandrine subconsciously retorted: "I'm not a little girl, I'm two years older than you."

Rosen smiled: "Beautiful lady, don't worry about insignificant details, focus on what is really important!"

Cassandrine pursed her lips in thought.

Rosen knew it was almost done, so he stopped talking and focused on dancing.

During the next dance, Vivian took the initiative and took his hand onto the dance floor.

While dancing, she whispered something.

"Rosen, the second spell you just used is very good. With the help of this spell, I can make a very powerful potion."

Rosen's brows moved and he became interested: "How about we find a quiet place to discuss in detail?"

The Gravity Disintegration Technique can create uniform dust, and this kind of dust is indeed very useful in the field of chemistry.

So when Vivian said this, he immediately believed it.

"Let's go to the bedroom to discuss it later. Du Meng and I have agreed that we will share a room tonight."

Rosen had no objection, but suddenly remembered Du Meng's weird behavior in the afternoon, and his heart moved, and he asked softly: "Has Du Meng been looking for you to buy aphrodisiacs?"

Vivian nodded lightly: "He is getting older, but he has not changed his style. Unfortunately, his body cannot keep up, so I helped him."

After a pause, she sighed: "Actually, doing this will shorten your lifespan. I also told Du Meng clearly about this side effect, but he said that if you don't have a romantic relationship, it's better to die directly, so..."

Rosen understood and sighed: "The old Baron really has never changed his original intention, and he is getting stronger with age!"

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