Master Tongtian

Chapter 247 Vivian’s Miraculous Potion (3/4)

Chapter 247 Vivian’s Wonderful Potion (34)

Night, nine o'clock.

Whitestone Castle's three-story large guest room and living room.

Vivian carefully closed the door and made sure it was locked, then said to Rosen: "You can cast another home protection spell."

Rosen did as he was told, and after releasing it, he asked, "You seem to know a lot about spells."

"Of course I do. In fact, I studied a lot of areas."

"Spells, witchcraft, mythology, archeology, etc., as long as I think it is helpful to understand life, I will study it as deeply as possible."

As he spoke, he took off his navy blue vest jacket, hung it on the coat rack, and took care of it carefully to make sure there were no wrinkles left.

Rosen was not surprised by this. He knew that Vivian had an unusual pursuit of cleanliness and tidiness.

Later, Vivian took the suitcase to the middle of the living room, placed the suitcase on the carpet beside the table, and sat down on the thick leather chair, stretching hard.

"These days, I have been riding around on horseback for the medicine refining workshop. My waist is almost broken from fatigue and my thighs are all red."

After saying that, he winked at Rosen: "Rosen, I did all this for you, don't you thank me?"

Rosen was half-lying and half-leaning on the leather chair across from the table. Hearing this, he shrugged: "Okay, I'll reward you later, but for now, let's continue talking about business."

"All right."

Vivian continued the previous topic.

"Although I know a lot, and I consider myself very knowledgeable, I have to admit that except for alchemy, my knowledge in other fields is broad but not masterful."

"For example, with the hands of a mage, a formal mage like me in the realm of magic can use more than a dozen hands at the same time, but I can only use seven at the same time."

Seven, that is, seven-star spellcasting ability, is similar to that of an upper-middle-level mage, and is one star lower than the current Rosen.

"However, I also clearly feel that as long as I want to and practice hard for two or three years, I should be able to obtain more than ten mage hands."

Rosen nodded in agreement: "Indeed."

Spellcasting ability is difficult to practice, which means it is difficult to break through the limit. And if you don't pursue the limit, practicing as if lying flat is still very relaxed and enjoyable.

With Vivian's peak high-level magic power, the limit should be 16 stars. If she only pursues the ordinary power of 11 or 2 stars, there will be no pressure at all.

"Then why don't you start practicing? After all, mastering some spells is sometimes very convenient."

Vivian shook her head simply: "The seven mage hands can fully meet the needs of refining medicine."

“Any more practice is a waste of time, and a waste of time is a waste of life.”

While he was talking, the suitcase on the carpet opened, and many bottles and jars jumped out. Most of them contained liquids, a few were powders, and some were solid particles.

Vivian began to introduce it carefully.

"In the art of alchemy, whether the materials are uniform or not greatly affects the performance of the final product. In many cases, it even directly affects the type of product."

"And many materials are very delicate. Not to mention vigorous grinding, vibration and even light will change."

"Some materials are extremely strong and difficult to grind into powder. Others are as sticky as mud."

"The shortcomings of material performance have greatly restricted my experimental methods, making it difficult to put many of my inspirations into practice."

Rosen nodded in agreement: "So, you want me to use magic to help you prepare some uniform powder?"


Vivian pushed the two vials in front of Rosen.

“I just happened to get a really wonderful idea recently, and I’m already halfway through the process, but these two things are too solid and difficult to prepare into powder.”

Rosen took it and looked at it. The particles in the first bottle were crystal clear, about a dozen, very similar to diamonds on the earth. The particles in the second bottle were dark gold, and turned out to be immortal arcane.

Two things, one is extremely hard and the other is extremely tough and stable, it is indeed not easy to grind them into powder.

But what medicine requires these two things?

He asked, "Are you planning to make medicine that people can drink?"

Vivian nodded: "Of course it is for people to drink. Oh, don't ask me yet. Make it into powder for me first. It needs to be fine. The finer the better. I lack these two things."

"All or part of it?"


Rosen did as he was told and used the low-dexterity gravity disintegration technique to turn these two things into the finest powder.

After getting the powder, Vivian inspected it carefully and nodded with great satisfaction.

"Ah~ your spell is so useful, I can't help but want to learn it."

She asked: "Are you eager to learn?"

Rosen said: "15 stars."

Vivian immediately said: "You are lying, you are less than 9 stars, how can you use 15 star spells?"

"I designed an auxiliary magic weapon to reduce the difficulty of casting spells."

"Then can you lower the difficulty to 7 stars, or even 1 star?"

"I don't have the ability yet. It will be reduced to 8 stars at most."

If he could have done more, he would have done it already.

"Oh~ forget it."

Vivian shook her head with pity on her face: "If I need powder from now on, I can ask you directly for help, okay?"

"my pleasure."

Then, Vivian sat up straight and said attentively: "Don't disturb me next, I'm going to do a little experiment."

"Do you need me to stay away?"

"No, just wait."

Then, she concentrated on taking the things in the bottles and jars, and kept tossing them.

After mixing, stirring, filtering, extracting, etc., in a dazzling way, you got a small bottle of oily liquid with a dark pink shimmer.

The only thing Rosen was sure of was that both diamond and arcane were used as catalysts, and were eventually filtered and recovered.

Finally, she shook the medicine bottle in front of Rosen's eyes, with a proud smile on her face: "Guess what this is for?"

Rosen knew nothing about refining medicine, so he couldn't figure it out, so he shook his head.

"Just take a guess."

Since she insisted, Rosen asked: "Men and women are doing things for fun?"

Originally, he would not have given such a boring and vulgar answer, but the dark pink shimmer made him have some strange associations.

Vivian was stunned, her cheeks turned red, and she gave Rosen a charming look: "Tonight has just begun, what are you in a hurry for?"

Rosen spread his hands: "I really can't guess."

"Okay, okay, I won't embarrass you anymore."

Vivian introduced in a solemn voice: "I call it the connection auxiliary potion."

"Using a soul secret method that I found out from ancient books, and then drinking this potion, the magic powers of two people can be temporarily connected."

Rosen's heart moved and he became very interested: "What will happen after the mana is connected?"

"It's very simple, both parties share mana."

"Share mana? To what extent can we share it?"

"I don't know, gotta try."

After saying that, Vivian looked at Rosen, her intention was self-evident.

The effect sounds very strange. If it is stable, it can have great effects. But everything is just speculation. Who knows what will happen after drinking it?

Rosen shook his head without hesitation: "I won't do it!"

He's not a guinea pig.

Vivian persuaded her softly: "Try it, this thing is not poisonous. I have done many tests on small animals, and the side effects are within the acceptable range."

"Besides, this is an improved version. Faerun has already drank the first version of the bonding potion, and nothing serious happened."

Rosen didn't understand: "How could Feilun drink?"

Vivian giggled: "Isn't he feminized by my archmage potion? Naturally, he searched all over the world for the antidote."

"I set up a trap and used the connection potion as an antidote to briefly connect him with the soul of a ewe."

"Of course, in order to trick him into drinking it, the potion does contain ingredients to relieve feminization symptoms. After he drinks it, his physical abnormalities will be temporarily relieved."

Rosen was stunned when he heard this: "Aren't you afraid that he will find you out and kill you?"

"Don't worry, I never showed up from beginning to end, and the potion was hidden somewhere for him to get. Besides, he has a lot of troubles, so how can he find the time to come to me?"

But Rosen didn't think so: "Vivian, you are playing with fire!"

Vivian waved her hand nonchalantly.

"Refining medicine is just playing with fire. It doesn't matter if you play more or less."

"In short, the performance of my bottle of connection potion is very mature, and everything is under control."

As she said that, she poured out half the bottle, drank it all in one gulp, and then handed the remaining half bottle to Rosen, pleading softly.

"Hurry up and drink. It's fun after the mana is connected."

"After Faerun and the ewe are connected, the ewe's eyes will shine, just like the divine sheep!"

Now that Faerun has tasted it and is still alive and well, Vivian's alchemy skills are indeed very reliable, at least more reliable than most alchemists in the world.

One obvious difference between her and other alchemists is that while clarifying the main functions, she will also clarify the side effects.

But nowadays, most alchemists in the Golden Land pay little attention to side effects, and even conceal or even beautify the side effects.

That is truly unreliable.

Rosen was a little excited.

"What are the side effects?"

"I have done about 600 animal tests, and also paid for more than a dozen tests on humans. I found two side effects."

"First, within a month, you can vaguely detect the emotions of the connector. In other words, the mana connection effect will remain stable for about three days. After three days, there will still be a residual effect for a month."

"Second, there will be a brief loss of taste, which lasts about three days."

Rosen stared at the dark pink oil in his hand, then looked at Vivian suspiciously: "Didn't you say that the connection also requires the soul secret method? How are Faerun and the ewe connected?"

When asked this question, Vivian didn't say anything and just covered her mouth and laughed, which made Rosen confused.

After finally finishing laughing, she stood up and leaned into Rosen's ear, whispering a few words.

After hearing this, Rosen looked extremely weird: "Faerun even listens to you?"

If you put it this way, his initial guess was actually a little bit wrong.

"I didn't ask him to listen to me, I just gave him a choice. It was all his own choice."

After speaking, he urged Rosen: "Drink it quickly, otherwise the effect will not be good."

Rosen really wanted to try mana connection, so he gritted his teeth and drank the remaining half of the bottle of dark pink potion.

After drinking it, he clicked his tongue and said, "It tastes a bit like moonshine wine, but more mellow than moonshine wine."

On the other side, Vivian had already begun to take off her clothes: "Quickly, use the secret method while the medicine is still taking effect."

Rosen felt so fucked up: "Do we have to use this method? Can't we improve it?"

"Maybe it can be improved, but I don't understand the soul, so I can't change it."

"Anyway, this secret method is effective. Stop dawdling and just listen to me!"

"All right."

Rosen did as he was told.

Soon, Vivian's secret method was implemented. Halfway through the implementation, Rosen felt his mind shake.

He felt that the mana in his body suddenly doubled many times, and the intensity also increased sharply, as if there was suddenly a huge mana pool!

Apparently, Vivian felt it too and screamed in surprise.

"Ah~~ My magic power has improved a lot. This method is really powerful!"

Then he said: "Now that our magic power is successfully connected, as long as I am within a hundred meters of you, you can freely use my magic power."

"Of course, use it slowly, otherwise it will kill me!"

Rosen nodded: "I know."

He carefully experienced the changes in his soul and discovered that outside the 'transparent egg white' wrapped in the cosmic egg, there was a very thick layer of light that was half virtual and half solid.

And through this layer of light that alternates between virtual and real, one can vaguely feel that Vivian is in an extremely happy and excited emotional state.

"Vivian's magic power is at the peak of high-level, and I am at the upper-middle level. After the two parties share it, the total amount of magic power breaks through to the master level, and the intensity is probably at the extreme high-level level, where the master is not yet full."

What's even more strange is that his spellcasting ability has also been improved, from 8 and a half stars to nearly 9 stars, to 15 and a half stars.

Exactly the sum of his spellcasting ability and Vivian's spellcasting ability.

In other words, he suddenly reached the strange state of a half-step master level and became a high-level extremely powerful mage with 15 and a half stars.

Coupled with the newly developed high-level logic spells, he is confident that he can confront Faerun head-on!

He couldn't help but secretly sigh: "Vivian's potion is really wonderful!"

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