Master Tongtian

Chapter 577 Unexpected treasure house space (23)

Grant School of Advanced Arts.

Although Othelia has always said that this is a small college in a small city, the aesthetic preference of Giant Domain is to be big.

Extremely big!

Therefore, the number of students in this college is less than 5,000, but it occupies an area of ​​more than 3,000 acres.

It is built on the outskirts of Glenlaysen. After walking into it, it seems that you are walking into not a college, but an academic town.

What came this time was no longer a projection of divine power, but a replica whose effect lasted for a month.

It is said that Othelia's husband also teaches at this college. In order to avoid embarrassment, Rosen moved invisibly in the college.

Following the guidance of the Supreme Mana Bubble he left on Othelia, Rosen walked through the garden, crossed the small bridge, and entered the tall woods. Then, under the shade of the trees, he saw a simple and heavy teaching building.

It was two o'clock in the afternoon, which should be class time.

Rosen quietly entered the building and walked to the corner of the third floor before finding a relatively narrow classroom.

There are about forty students in the classroom, and Othelia is sitting on the lesson plan, teaching the history of the development of magic in the Middle Ages in a regular manner.

Since she was in class, Rosen stood at the door waiting.

Othelia naturally couldn't find Rosen and continued to attend class by herself.

After listening to it for a while, Rosen felt that in terms of teaching level, it was above average.

But history is a boring thing, so the students in the classroom were all drowsy, and only four or five students were listening carefully.

Rosen secretly sighed: "It's just like the university church in the previous life."

While waiting, suddenly a young man walked in the corridor, he looked slightly familiar.

Rosen took a closer look and saw that this good guy was Othelia's husband. His name seemed to be...what was his name?

He couldn't even call out his name.

No matter what, what I did was not very authentic, so I took a few steps back and walked to another corner to wait.

The young man walked to the classroom door and waved to Othelia.

Othelia paused the class and walked out: "Nader, what's the matter?"

Well, this man’s name turns out to be Nader.

Ryder ordered a manuscript and handed it to his wife: "Liya, please translate this ancient manuscript for me. I need it urgently."

Othelia was a little dissatisfied: "I'm in class, and you interrupt me just because of such a trivial matter?"

Ryder shrugged: "Okay, okay, I apologize to you and your students, and I will make it up to you when I get home."

"screw you."

The two touched their cheeks, and Nader hurried away.

After he left, Rosen touched his nose awkwardly and continued to wait.

About half an hour later, Othelia finished class.

Rosen immediately sent her a mysterious whisper: "Hey, Liya, I'm at the door of the classroom."

Othelia was startled: "Why are you here?"

Rosen smiled and said, "I brought the key fragments, both of them."

"Oh~~I'm very excited, but I really can't leave during this period. My husband and I are studying a new spell together."

Rosen naturally had an idea: "I know a spell that can temporarily divide your soul and body into two halves. Just wait for me."

While talking, Rosen first made a preliminary reenactment of Othelia, and then quickly climbed up to the rooftop of the teaching building.

Naturally, there is no one on the rooftop, and a stone guardrail about one and a half meters high is installed around it, making it a pretty good hiding place.

Rosen activated a spell and summoned Othelia's replica.

So, downstairs, the main body was sorting out lesson plans, and the replica on the rooftop stared at Rosen with a look of shock.

"What kind of spell is this?!"

She reached out to touch her body, and the more she touched, the more surprised she became. She couldn't help but twist her thigh hard, and she felt a sharp pain.

He lifted up his skirt and saw that he had a bruise on his leg.

Rosen said hurriedly: "Hey~ Why are you using so much force?"

He stretched out his hand and gently touched the bruise, and injected some vitality into it to heal the bruise.

Such intimate gestures were normal, and Othelia didn't think the other party's actions were inappropriate.

She felt that this spell was so bizarre, completely beyond her imagination.

"Is this my real body? Oh, Styx above, I found that I have become very powerful. My magic power is unprecedentedly huge, and so is my spell-casting ability."

Rosen was already used to this kind of reaction, because Anxiulanya was the same way at the beginning, and Karl Jerrod was even more exaggerated. He immediately suspected that Rosen was doing some kind of trick, and searched for a long time, trying to find a flaw.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, Othelia finally calmed down a little.

Rosen said: "You can use this split body to take risks with me. Your true body will stay in the academy and it will not affect your life at all."

Othelia thought for a moment and said, "I'll use my true body. If I really find the Heart of God, I can use it directly."

Rosen disagreed. He was about to object because he might be in danger, but then he nodded: "That's okay."

When he encounters danger, he will use the substitution spell to turn the opponent's body into a replica.

"Then you wait for me and I'll get ready."

As she said that, she trotted away with a kick and a stare.

At the same time, a mysterious whisper came: "Go to the school gate and wait for me. I will be there in half an hour."


After quickly leaving the college and arriving at the school gate, I found an inconspicuous big tree on the side of the road to lean against.

About ten minutes later, Othelia arrived, and the invisibility technique came quietly.

Seeing her looking around to find him, Rosen deliberately lowered his invisibility and waved to her.

"Hey, this way."

Othelia's eyes lit up and she trotted towards him quickly.

"I also brought the key fragments. Let's go to the deserted area to find an uninhabited cave."

Rosen nodded and looked at her at the same time. She was wearing a light and tight-fitting gray leather armor, which was very conducive to adventure and also showed off her good figure.

He sincerely praised: "So beautiful~~"

Othelia knew Rosen's temperament and saw that he liked looking at him, so she walked around in front of him a few times and asked: "Where is the most beautiful place?"

Rosen raised his hand and put it on her waist: "The arc transition here is the most beautiful. It is steep and smooth, round and delicate. I feel angry when I look at it."

Othelia smiled: "Don't get angry now, otherwise I won't be able to bear it."

This was a bit strange. Rosen thought for a moment and guessed it: "Oh~ you are not doing something with your husband, are you?"

As soon as the words came out, the reserved female professor's face turned red: "If you guessed it, do you have to say it?"

The charming look made Rosen's heart immediately sparkle.

"No, I want it too, otherwise it won't be fair."

"Fuck that's unfair, that's my husband!"

Although he said this, he did not refuse Rosen's hug: "There are too many people here, let's move to another place."

"Just walk further into the woods. Mortals can't see through my invisibility."

Othelia believed this, so she walked a little further into the forest for about twenty meters.

About an hour later, the two came out again, with Othelia complaining.

"It was the first time in my life that I did such a ridiculous thing. It made me feel like I was a very slutty, very depraved woman."

"It's all your fault!"

"Yes, yes, blame me, blame me. Come on, put on this cloak, it will protect you."

But it is a replica of the cloak of protection.

Othelia knew at a glance that the cloak was not a mortal thing, and then looked at Rosen: "Why do you have one? Oh, you also used the wonderful splitting spell on the cloak?"

"That's right!"

"This spell is really wonderful, it directly breaks my common sense. Isn't it very expensive to cast?"

"Look at the split items. The stronger they are, the higher the price. For example, this cloak is a supreme level 6 artifact. It can be used for half a month, but it consumes a lot of my strength."

Oselia half-understood what she said, and sighed sincerely: "Tsk, tsk, tsk~ Rosen, in front of you, I feel like I am just an ordinary person, and you are the mage."

Rosen didn't want to talk about this topic anymore, but he remembered the Red Eagle Club, so he asked directly.

Othelia spread her hands: "The Red Eagle Society is still there, but the taste has changed, and it has become a humanism."

"I felt that it had deviated from the original goal and would lead to destruction sooner or later if this continued, so I simply quit."

All races have equal rights, and the original goal of the Red Eagle Society is gone. However, the previous leader was not willing to disband the organization that he had spent so much effort to build, so he slapped his forehead and set a supreme goal, and it quickly became an extreme one. evil organization.

Rosen also sighed: "In that case, I will start to attack the Red Eagle Society."

If such evil organizations are not eradicated, if they develop and grow, they will endanger the stability of the Giant Realm and reduce the reputation of the human race.

There are many harms.

Othelia looked indifferent: "If you strike at will, it has nothing to do with me."

The two walked while talking, and soon entered a wilderness.

Using magic to create an underground cave and setting some hidden runes on the petrified walls, the two took out their respective key fragments.

When the three pieces collided together, they began to emit a faint green light and make a crisp buzzing sound, which sounded like the sound of a sword.

After more than ten seconds, the three key fragments suddenly merged into one, turning into a spiral, similar to the shape of mosquito coils loosened after getting wet.

After a moment, the diameter of the 'mosquito incense' quickly expanded to three meters, and a dark blue spiral aperture appeared inside it, just like a vortex.

Othelia understood immediately.

"It's the legendary soul passage~ After entering, our souls will be guided to a strange place, and this place should be the legendary Cat God's treasure house!"

With that said, she was about to walk towards the blue vortex.

Rosen grabbed her and said, "With the soul gone, the body will collapse soon. You are the real body, and you will probably die!"

"What should we do?"

Rosen thought for a moment: "I'll send your body back and replace it with a split body to do this. Don't worry about not getting the Heart of God. If there is such a thing, I will send it to your body. "


Rosen used the displacement reaction to send Othelia's soul back.

Then he said: "I'll go in first."

Before going in, Rosen left about 10 divine powers in his body to keep his body from collapsing. At the same time, he reminded Othelia to make the same preparations.

Then, he stepped into the cyan 'whirlpool'.

As soon as he entered, he felt a huge suction pulling on his soul, trying to pull it away from his body.

The pulling force is quite strong, but Rosen can resist it.

But there is no need to fight at this time, so let the soul leave the body.

As soon as his soul left the body, he felt a strong attraction, leading his soul through a strange, super kaleidoscope-like passage.

After lasting for more than a minute, the strange passage disappeared, and a magnificent and glorious temple appeared in front of him.

There are high steps at the entrance of the temple, and there is a huge circular platform under the steps. Two more steps extend to the left and right of the platform. The two steps turn around and meet on the next circular platform.

Rosen was standing on the next platform, but in the middle of the previous platform stood a strange man with a cat head, dark skin, and a height of five meters.

The strange man was holding a powerful obsidian staff in both hands. His body was motionless. If it weren't for a pair of bright yellow cat eyes that were always staring at Rosen, he would be almost like an inanimate sculpture.

Rosen turned around and looked around again, and found that the temple, steps, and round platform were all suspended in a strange space out of thin air. The background of the space was the strange kaleidoscope pattern from before, and countless twisted and colorful lines were spinning around in the surrounding space.

At the same time, Rosen discovered that the mysterious resonance between himself and his body was completely blocked.

‘A very strange place, it should be a soul space. But I don’t know where exactly. ’

After waiting for a while, Rosen didn't see Othelia, and he was startled again.

"What's going on? Where are the people?"

He originally wanted to rely on the other party's rich historical knowledge to guide him.

As soon as doubts arose, the cat man spoke.

"Travelers from afar, don't have any doubts. Every traveler who enters the Cat God's treasure house will face the test alone."

"You have your test, she has her test, and only those who pass the test are qualified to receive rewards from the Cat God!"

This is where things get interesting.

Rosen asked: "How to test it?"

"There are two tests. The first is to collect key fragments, which you have already completed. The second is to defeat me."

Rosen understood.

Observe the opponent first, the ultimate immortality, 199-star spellcasting ability, very strong.

I felt my body again and found that 1,100 Luo of mana was stored in it.

After thinking for a moment, Rosen decided not to waste time and spent 200 Luo to release a highly dexterous star collapse.

The casting time is 0.02 seconds, far exceeding the casting speed limit of mortal spells.

'Snapped! ’ In an instant, the cat-man mage was squeezed into a meat ball as big as a fist.

After five seconds, the catman re-expanded from the flesh ball state into an adult, he looked confused.

"Your spell is too fast. I'm not ready yet. Try it again."

He is not dead, which is normal, because this is the soul space, and all offense and defense are soul simulations.

In fact, Rosen did not consume 200 mana.

"So are you ready?"


As soon as the catman finished speaking, Rosen's spell exploded.

'Snapped! ’

The cat mage has become a meatball again.

After switching from ball to human again, the cat-man mage looked at Rosen with a puzzled expression.

"Since you are a great person, there is no need to come here."


"Because my master is just a weak god, and the highest reward she gives is meaningless to you."

Rosen had known this information for a long time, but he still felt a little disappointed.

With the thought that he has come, he said: "I am already here, just let me meet your master, even if you want to chat for a few words."

The cat mage nodded, stepped aside, and made way for the steps leading to the temple.

"Please, Great One." (End of Chapter)

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