Master Tongtian

Chapter 578 Young people, be pragmatic (33)

The mysterious treasure trove of the cat god.

After the cat mage stepped aside, Rosen climbed up the steps and soon arrived at the real gate of the temple.

The temple has no roof, and the outline of the temple is simply made up of elongated cat-man pillars.

At first glance, the temple was empty, but after Rosen took three steps toward it, a strange female voice sounded in the air of the temple.

A vibrato with a hint of resonance, a bit like a cat snoring.

"Tell me, traveler from afar, what do you want to seek in my treasure house?"

“Seek knowledge, the knowledge of God, the more the better.”

"Knowledge? All mages like to say this, but most mages have not seen their own hearts clearly."

"In fact, what they like is not knowledge, but the power, status and glory that knowledge brings."

"So why not skip the tedious step of knowledge and tell me your ultimate goal?"

Rosen said: "Then I want to become the Supreme God."

There was silence in the temple for more than ten seconds, and then the snoring in the female voice disappeared and became very sharp.

"Young juniors, don't ask such unrealistic questions, be more pragmatic!"

Rosen spread his hands: "Then I want the most beautiful woman in the world to spend the night with me."

"I'm a bit more pragmatic this time, and I have indeed seen countless beauties. They may not be the most beautiful, but they can definitely dazzle you."

Following these words, the light and shadow in the temple flickered, and beautifully dressed women appeared one after another.

Rosen looked at them one by one and found that each one was extremely beautiful and had a unique charm.

There are thirty-six of them: cold as ice, passionate as fire, gentle and sensual, coquettish and charming, graceful and luxurious, each one is flawless, beautiful and fragrant.

It's like entering the Tianxian Garden, each one makes people wander back and forth.

Rosen was very satisfied. After thinking for a moment, he used magic to create a couch and sat down lazily on it.

"Let's dance together for me. It will definitely be very nice."

The beauties began to dance. The dance was graceful and elegant, just like the swaying of flower branches, making people's hearts sway along with it.

Rosen saw the concentration, and the more he looked at it, the more he liked it. Suddenly he pointed at one of the frost beauties.

"Come here and stay with me."

Frost Beauty came over and sat next to Rosen.

Of course, Rosen was not polite and started to enjoy it directly, and then continued to watch the dancing.

By repeating this cycle, he tasted all thirty-six beauties.

Then ask: "Is there more?"

More beauties began to appear in the temple.

Rosen glanced at the newly-appeared beauty and immediately shook his head.

"It's not pretty enough."

"This is repeated."

"How dare you take out such a defective product?"

"Change, change quickly."

After changing over and over again, there were hundreds of people, but no one appeared that made Rosen's eyes brighter. He felt that they were all vulgar and vulgar.

"That's it, why do you have the nerve to call it a treasure house?"

The cat god's voice sounded again: "Young man, are you kidding me?"

Rosen spread his hands: "You were the one who teased me first. I want the most beautiful woman in the world, but you gave me a bunch of exquisite dolls. Is that interesting?"

Beauty is in the skin, in the bones, and even more in the soul. These dolls are good for the first taste, but tasteless after the second taste.

The Cat God was silent for a while, then spoke again: "Do you really want to become the Supreme God?"

Rosen shook his head and smiled: "I'm kidding you, even if I really want to, you can't be satisfied."

As soon as he finished speaking, the cat god's voice sounded again: "My master told me that what you said is actually the truth."

"My master is very interested in you and wants to meet you."

While talking, the scenery inside the temple changed again. The back wall turned into steps, and there was a new hall above the steps.

Rosen immediately climbed up the stairs and saw a truly glorious temple.

The throne at the top of the temple is made of countless vivid black cats.

Sitting on the throne was a human woman in a black dress, black hair, snowy skin and bare feet. She couldn't tell how old she was, but she felt very, very beautiful, like a blooming black rose.

It makes people unable to take their eyes away after just one look.

Luo Sen saw countless women. He thought he could control it, but he didn't expect that he couldn't move his eyes away.

I stared at it for more than ten seconds before I came back to my senses, secretly surprised in my heart.

"The owner of this cat god probably has quite a lot of background."

He is probably a medium god, maybe even a powerful god.

He also saw a cat with golden eyes and black fur lying on the right armrest of the throne, lazily enjoying the caress of its owner.

The black cat felt Rosen's gaze and spoke humanly: "I am the cat god."

The woman in the black dress also spoke: "My name is Bestruna, a god who has been completely forgotten by time."

When she said this, there was a trace of loneliness condensed from countless time in her dark eyes.

Rosen stepped forward and bowed to the woman: "Great Bestruna, I come for knowledge."

The woman stared at Rosen. After staring for a long time, she said: "In less than 21 years, you have grown from a mortal to a weak god. You do have the talent to become the supreme god."

"But talent alone cannot make you a supreme god. Young man, I advise you to find a pragmatic goal."

Rosen was shocked in his heart. He could see his past just by looking at him with his eyes.

With this ability, he is most likely a powerful god!

Faced with a powerful god, Rosen didn't play any tricks and told the truth.

"There is always something to think about in life. Whether it can be realized is another matter first. Otherwise, there will be no difference between living and dead."

The woman smiled lightly: "That's true."

She returned to the topic: "Well, let me tell you something about the Supreme God."

"The most important point is that the supreme god's position is fixed, there are three. If one is promoted, one must fall."

Rosen was startled: "Why?"

The woman asked back: "Don't you know about atoms?"

"Yes, I know."

"Then this is similar to the electron energy level orbit. Each orbit can accommodate a limited number of electrons. When the number is full, one jumps up, and one has to be squeezed out."

Rosen heard this strangely: "According to you, the Supreme God is more like a position?"

"Yes, they are also called managers of all things, and the source of all things, the River Styx, has only three management positions. Non-managers will never be able to obtain level 9 divine power."


"Because all mana comes from the River Styx, if the spring water does not come out, the mage drinking water below will naturally be thirsty."

Rosen had long thought that Styx was a kind of artificial intelligence, or a machine, but now that this is said, it feels more like it.

I couldn't help but ask: "Did the River Styx exist forever?"

"No, the Styx can only be traced back to 810,000 years ago, and now the three supreme gods are the eighteenth managers."

"You must be wondering where the previous managers have gone. It's simple. They were pushed out."

"The only fate of a powerful god who has lost his supreme position is to perish. But after all, he was once a supreme god, and Styx will give him some preferential treatment. After his death, a Void God's Throne will automatically appear in the Styx, just like mine."

Rosen's heart was shaken violently.

"So, you are one of the previous supreme gods?!"

The woman smiled lightly: "Ah, the title of Supreme God has been away from me for nearly 30,000 years."

But he directly admitted Rosen's guess.

Rosen thought this was outrageous: "Then your servant god distributes key fragments in the continent of gods. Aren't you afraid of being discovered by the current supreme god?"

The woman smiled faintly: "Rand knows this, but my cat has not gone out of his way, so there is no need for him to trouble me, a fallen person."

"After all, I am still protected by the River Styx."

Speaking of this, she stared at Rosen: "You are too weak now, and you are not qualified to have hopes for the supreme god."

"Young man, be pragmatic."

"But if one day you really become a powerful god, then come to me again and I will show you the way to defeat the Supreme God."

Rosen's heart moved slightly: "Can't you leave here?"

"I can't leave because Styx doesn't allow it. My pointers are just some care for the younger generation."

"Of course, I can only point you to the correct path, but I can't give you any power, because doing so violates the Law of Styx."

"If I teach you strength, Rand will really get into trouble with me."

Rosen didn't dare to believe her words, but the other party was indeed powerful, and her words were indeed shocking.

And since I'm here, I might as well ask to the end.

"Was Styx created?"

The woman shook her head: "It has been too long, and countless information has been lost in the long river of time for various reasons. By my generation, we no longer know where the Styx comes from, let alone the purpose of its existence."

There was a hint of self-mockery on her face: "Even the authority of the manager is incomplete and has almost become a dispensable title."

“The only thing that is always certain is the number of managers.”

Rosen understands this very well, after all, he has traveled through 810,000 years of time.

Even though the true God has eternal life, it does not mean that he will not forget.

Even a mortal would find it difficult to remember most of the past thirty years ago, and it is natural for gods to forget events that occurred tens of thousands of years ago.

Not to mention that eighteen generations of supreme gods have been replaced.

Replacement once is a break in history. If it is broken more than ten times in a row, it would be crazy if it could still be intact.

In this case, Rosen asked: "Do you have any advice for me now?"

The woman stared at Rosen again and said word by word: "Let me give you a message. The River Styx is very, very powerful, but its laws are incomplete."

Rosen was shocked: "Are you saying that the River Styx is defective?"


There was no response, just a string of ethereal laughter.

As he laughed, Rosen felt that the surrounding environment quickly faded, until it faded to gray and then shattered like glass.

When he opened his eyes again, Rosen found that he was back in his physical body in the cave.

Othelia was beside him, with a mixture of joy and sorrow on her face.

Rosen immediately asked: "Succeeded?"

Othelia nodded: "I did find a heart of the Alchemy God. Here, this is it."

She took out a bead made of a miniature black cat curled up, about the size of a thumb, and made of pure divine power.

After careful observation, Rosen discovered that this was indeed a Level 1 God's Heart.

"Did you tell me how to use it?"

"Just eat it to your stomach."

"Then do you plan to become a true god now?"

"I'm not ready yet."

Rosen smiled: "I think you should swallow it quickly to avoid being remembered. And the first-level true gods can still stay in the continent of the gods. As long as they disguise themselves well, there won't be any trouble."

That's right.

"Then I split my body and swallowed it?"

Rosen used the replacement technique to replace the person.

Othelia took a deep breath and swallowed the Heart of God.

After swallowing it, she kept her eyes closed for a full ten minutes. After that, her skin gradually showed the metallic luster unique to the true god.

When he opened his eyes, it was not joy, but a bitter smile.

"There is a weird cover outside the extraordinary heart, and the conversion speed of divine power is really slow."

"According to you, I can only recover 0.4 Luo a day."

An expected answer.

Rosen comforted: "It's better than nothing, at least you no longer have to worry about the threat of demigods."

Othelia spread her hands: "Okay, it is indeed a little stronger than before, but it is far from what I imagined."

"I'll continue to pretend to be a mortal and continue to be a professor of magic history."

This power is too weak, and her disillusionment is much stronger than Rosen's.

Rosen needed a true god ally, so he said: "If I gain a foothold in the god world in the future, you can help me, okay?"

Othelia nodded: "If this is true, then I feel very honored."

Afterwards, Rosen sent her back to the academy and returned her replica body.

Then he returned to the cave without stopping and began to carve the arcane dwarf Adel.

I just wanted to see what fell into the sea.

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