Master Tongtian

Chapter 602: Going to the top (12)

The strange information that suddenly came back from the replica shocked Rosen's heart.

This information is actually not very clear, but compared to other messy things that are vague, mysterious, and seem to have a pattern, but you can't find them if you look carefully, the clarity of this information is ridiculously high.

It's like the picture of an old black and white TV, with some snowflakes, but you can watch cartoons.

"All conditions met? Which conditions?"

"The fifth-level administrator authority has been activated?"

"Did you say it to me?"

"Or am I just lucky enough to receive a meaningful piece of information that was randomly combined?"

After all, given enough time, a monkey can type out Shakespeare's Hamlet, not to mention the quantum ocean filled with endless information combinations.

Rosen couldn't help but be confused, because it was just such a simple message, and there were no other changes at all.

Suddenly an idea flashed in my mind: "No, that's not right, there may be changes, but I can't accept it in my current state."

How to receive it?

Of course, the replicas are returned one by one to establish an information connection with a certain existence in the quantum ocean again.

There are still six replicas existing, and according to the agreement with the Queen of Earth, he can recreate ten more times today, so he can sink sixteen times in total.

So he immediately started to 'return' the carved body.

The second replica sank into the quantum ocean, and clear information appeared again.

"Connection established, authorization started. The reception time was too short and authorization failed."

Rosen was even more shocked: "It seems like you are really talking to me!"

The authority has been activated, but there is still a process of empowerment, and because of his absence, the empowerment has not been successful, so he cannot feel any changes.

"But the return process is very short. How can I extend the reception time?"

After thinking for a moment, Rosen's mind suddenly brightened, and he really had a solution.

"I don't know how to freeze time and space, so why don't I just use time and space freeze on the replica, and then 'slowly' sink into the space-time freezing field?"

If he is in an undefended state, the effect of time and space freezing can be increased to the maximum, and one second can be extended to one hundred thousand seconds.

Just do what comes to mind.

Two replicas stand together.

One of them used the space-time freezing technique on the other person, greatly slowing down time. Then, the other person slowly sank into the quantum ocean.

After time was greatly slowed down, Rosen clearly saw the process of the replica body being 'returned'.

A good person's structure collapses little by little, becomes transparent little by little, gradually changes from solid state to gaseous state, and then disappears completely.

It was as if the 'ice' had merged into the water, and as if the mana had disintegrated into a mana field again.

So, he received the message again.

"Start empowering. Empowerment failed. The soul pole has not been found. Start searching for the soul pole. The search is completed."

"Start empowering again. Empowerment is successful. The estimated time is ten minutes."

This message first entered the replica body whose time was slowed down to one hundred thousandth, and then used the replica body as a transfer station to be transferred to Rosen's body in a mysterious resonance way.

Then, Rosen's body truly felt the change.

Change occurs in the heart of God.

The Heart of God automatically began to change, condensing a very strange structure of divine power with an extremely cumbersome and extremely complex movement.

An information stream immediately came out from the desktop: "An abnormal change in the heart of God has been detected, and no damage has been found yet."

Since there was no damage, Rosen did not stop him and allowed a strange existence to add a strange structure to his God's heart using a strange and powerful method.

Ten minutes passed in the blink of an eye, and then Rosen received brand new information.

"The fifth-level authority certificate has been generated. With this certificate, the administrator will have the fifth-level management authority of the Source of All Laws."

"Please note! As the only officially empowered manager, please increase your power as soon as possible to obtain higher authority to repair the malfunction of the Source of All Laws."

"The specific content is as follows."

Immediately afterwards, Rosen received two pieces of information similar to documents.

He took a deep breath, suppressed the excitement in his heart, and read the titles of the two documents first.

The first one is called "The Source of All Laws—Five-Level Management Authority"

The second one is called "The Source of All Laws - Fault Report Document".

Looking at the title, Rosen let out a long sigh.

"My guess was indeed correct. The River Styx is indeed man-made, and its real name is not the River Styx, but the Source of All Laws."

There is indeed something wrong with this source of all laws.

But the designers must have kept a lot of redundancy in the design, so even if there are many failures, it still maintains relatively stable operation.

Rosen first looked at the management manual and read it quickly. There was not much content and he finished it in less than five minutes.

To sum up, there are four permissions.

The first one is to open the Kingdom of God.

This Kingdom of God is not a Kingdom of God based on the original planetary world like the Kingdom of Earth in the green wilderness.

This is a god who, after receiving the authorization from the Source of All Laws, used his divine power to condense in the River Styx a small world that belongs only to God!

In this world, God is the supreme ruler, God’s will is the law by which the world operates, and the entire world moves with God’s thoughts.

At the same time, this kingdom of God floating in the River Styx is also a super powerful soul melting pot, which can be used to accommodate the souls of dead believers in the mortal world and gradually assimilate the souls into the power of God.

Note that it is complete assimilation.

This is much better than the 'stupid method' currently used by the Supreme God to peel off the soul.

After seeing this, Rosen let out a long sigh.

"This is the power that a true god should have."

Article 2: Advanced transmission of the power of faith.

What does that mean?

Under normal circumstances, the power of faith belongs to the power of the soul. When believers transmit power to God because of their faith, their power will be lost due to distance, and they can also be easily blocked or even intercept the soul connection midway.

At the same time, because the believer's soul is far weaker than the god, the power it transmits is far lower in intensity than the divine power.

God is useless.

But with this advanced transmission, no matter where the believer is, his power of faith and prayers will be instantly received by the true God he believes in, and the intensity will remain the same as the intensity of the true God's power.

Unable to intercept, unblockable, no loss, and almost no delay.


It's very simple. It's not that he created some invincible spell, but that he borrowed two ready-made hardware after getting authorization from the Source of All Laws.

The first is the ubiquitous mana field.

The second is the level 10 soul pole that every life has.

The faith and belief of believers will cause secret fluctuations in the soul, and through the ubiquitous mana field, the source of all laws hidden in the depths of the quantum ocean can be instantly perceived.

And because the true God he believes in has the management authority over the Source of All Laws, the Source of All Laws will immediately 'transfer' power and information to the True God.

The source of all laws in the quantum ocean is in a strange dimension, in which information can be transmitted instantaneously.

So there is almost no information delay.

At the same time, when the power is transferred, what the Source of All Laws gives to the True God is essentially the long-existing fifth-level divine power, not the power of believers.

Therefore, in the whole process, the source of all laws is equivalent to a bank.

A believer is just a retail investor who remits money to God, and the money he remits is relatively fragmented.

Because of the existence of banks, believers do not need to deliver the change to God in person. They only need to call the bank and the bank will transfer it.

In turn, God can also use the same mechanism and use the source of all laws to bestow divine magic on believers without loss.

Naturally there are limits.

There are also two.

On average, each believer can only be given one divine spell a day, and the total strength must not exceed 10,000 crystals of level 10 divine power.

If the limit is exceeded, the Source of All Laws will stop rotating, and this is to control the load limit.

Second, belief restrictions.

At the fifth level of management authority, the power of faith provided by believers on that day can only be up to 50,000 crystals of level 10 divine power. Once it exceeds, the source of all laws will also stop.

The purpose is also to control the load limit.

If you want to go higher, you must obtain higher management authority. After reaching the highest level 9 management authority, this limit can be increased a thousand times, and 50 million crystals can be transferred to level 10 divine power in one day.

Let’s look at the third permission, which is growth.

If the power of faith provided by believers exceeds the current management authority, the god can apply to the Source of All Laws for increased authority, that is, to increase the level of divine power.

Because Rosen is currently the only true god who has obtained formal management authority, so as long as the conditions are met and the application is submitted, it will definitely be approved.

In other words, once the power of faith gained by Rosen exceeds the limit, he can quickly increase his level with the help of the Source of All Laws.

So why do you need enough faith?

Because the Source of All Laws needs enough divine power to help Rosen gather a stronger heart of God and stronger management credentials, which is the ‘divinehead’.

So why doesn't the Source of All Laws directly give Rosen power and give him supreme management rights to repair the fault as soon as possible?

This is also explained in the manuscript.

The reason is that the emergency immunity regulations module was completely damaged in the last Supreme God War, so immunity could not be issued and could only be improved step by step.

The last authority is for the source of all laws, called 'source of law maintenance'.

Because the exemption regulation module is broken, Rosen can currently only try to maintain faults with intensity levels of five and below. For higher-level faults, he can only watch.

However, Rosen still has no idea how to maintain it.

So, he opened the "Source of All Laws—Fault Report Document".

When I opened it, my eyes were dizzy: "Why are they all fault codes?"

There is only code but no corresponding fault content. Who can understand this?

Under normal circumstances, Rosen, as a manager, should have a fault code manual.

But this is an abnormal situation, and I don’t know where this manual has been lost.

what to do?

Rosen thought for a moment, and then used a special method to return the third replica.

He didn't know how to upload the information to the Source of All Laws, so he just tried to think of one sentence in his mind.

"Request to download the detailed technical documentation of the Source of All Laws!"

After thinking about it three times, I got the response from the source of all laws.

"Detailed technical documents are being transmitted, the content is huge, please be prepared to receive it."

Rosen had a desktop, so he was naturally not worried about not being able to remember it at this time, and immediately said: "I'm ready to accept it."

"Start transmission."

This transmission lasted for five minutes. After the transmission was completed, a flow of information flashed in Rosen's mind.

"The information "The Source of All Laws" has been obtained and is being analyzed. The analysis is expected to be completed in 925.32 years."

Looking at the desktop, there is a new program called "The Source of All Laws". When I open it, I see that it is indeed a technical document.

The content was vast, with more technical parameters than the stars in the sky, which made Rosen dizzy.

"Is this something that humans can create?"

But it’s normal to think about it. A super artifact that can provide mana for the entire planetary system, has basically complete rules, and has been operating stably for at least 800,000 years must be extremely complicated.

After reading the technical description for a while, Rosen felt that automatic desktop analysis would take more than nine hundred years. If he and his wives fully assisted in the analysis, it would probably take hundreds of years to fully digest it.

"I'm very busy now."

But this thing contains all the mysteries of this mage world. It is not an exaggeration to call it the "Book of Supreme Truth".

So, this can be considered a happy worry.

At this time, the three hours promised by the Earth Queen were almost up.

If Rosen was still worried before, at this moment, he was no longer confused.

He already has a safe and secret plan to increase his power, and he no longer cares about the logical throne provided by the Queen.

So, Rosen contacted the Queen: "Your Majesty, I have thought about it."

The reply came immediately, which showed that the Queen had been waiting and that she took this matter very seriously.

"So, which way do you choose to go?"

Rosen's voice was soft, but also very firm.

"Your Majesty, I have seen all over the past few days the tragic sufferings experienced by mortals on the Dragon Blood Continent. I cannot turn a blind eye to it because of my personal future."

"I must save the world, even if it means sacrificing my future."

These words are also sincere, but they only account for a small part of all sincerity.

The Queen was silent for several minutes before speaking.

"Rosen, you have great hope of becoming the seventh god-lord of the Kingdom of God, and your ability is fully sufficient to match this glorious position."

"If you ascend the Logic God's Throne, you may earn more divine power in one day than if you worked hard in the Dragon Blood Continent for a year."

"More importantly, if you stay in a small place like Dragon Blood Continent, you won't have any future. Maybe hundreds of thousands of years will pass and you will still be just a mid-level god."

She was actually trying to persuade Rosen to change his mind.

This shows how much she values ​​Rosen.

But Rosen was determined.

"Your Majesty, mortals are mortal, but so are gods."

"Acting according to one's heart, no matter how humble, is still more satisfying than being honored against one's heart!"

"Decided completely?"

"It's completely decided, Your Majesty."

"Rosen, you let me down!"

"Your Majesty, I am very sorry to have failed to live up to your high expectations."

"From now on, you can only use the technique once a day, and you are not allowed to borrow it from the future."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"Since you like the Dragon Blood Continent so much, don't stay in my Divine Kingdom of Earth. Your whole family should move there. I want to take back the Triangle Valley!"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"Don't you know how to beg me?"

"Your Majesty, I will not make things difficult for you. Even if I make this choice, I will still be your subject. If you need me to fight for you in the future, I will definitely respond to your call as soon as possible."

"Hey~~~then that's it."

The contact was cut off, and Rosen let out a long sigh.

The Queen indeed valued him, but he already had his own way to go.

He wants to reach the top! (End of chapter)

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