Master Tongtian

Chapter 603 Never rely on others again (22)

Dragon Blood Continent.

The Redemption Legion of the God of Time and Space continues to recover lost ground, and Rosen naturally gathers more and more believers.

In just three days, it went from 400,000, to 800,000, and finally to 1.2 million.

Every time a land was recovered, it immediately received fanatical support from mortals.

There is no other reason. The scene of angels cleaning up the undead in the starry sky is so shocking. Every mortal who sees this scene completely bows to the power of the God of Time and Space.

The functions of the "Believer Management System" are also becoming increasingly perfect. With its help, Rosen has gained a large number of devout believers with extremely firm beliefs.

The believers followed the angels and called him 'Lord of War', 'Lord of Wisdom' and 'Lord of Mercy'.

Sometimes, he even calls him ‘Lord’ directly.

It doesn’t say what kind of Lord it is, but it has a vague meaning of being the Lord of all things.

Rosen is naturally going all out to expand the Redemption Army.

Although it can only be re-engraved once a day, re-engraving it once will give him more than 37 million crystals of level five divine power, which is enough for him to use.

In addition, the believers have accumulated to 1.2 million. With the help of the fifth-level management authority, or in other words, the fifth-level godhead, they can provide him with about ten thousand crystals of fifth-level divine power a day.

Of course it's not comparable to 37 million, but it's still a lot of money.

In addition, he has given up the competition for the logical throne. According to the rules of the Earth Divine Kingdom, he has also lost the management rights of the Triangle Valley.

So, the family took the Time Hunter to the Dragon Blood Continent.

This is the disadvantage of living under someone else's roof. Whether you can live a stable life depends on other people's thoughts.

Since I couldn't make my own decisions, I had to wander around.

But that's about to end for good.

When the Time Hunter arrived at the Dragon Blood Continent and the family reunited in the underground Angel Processing Factory, Rosen immediately announced a message.

"I'm going to build a world of our own."

The five women were all stunned, not quite understanding the meaning of these words.

Rosen added some more attributes.

"I plan to build an independent country in the River Styx that belongs to us alone, does not exist within the Eight Realms, and no one can control our destiny."

"And I already have the blueprint for this world. I only need to spend about 30 million level five divine power to summon a material world with complete rules in the River Styx."

"This world will also be completely hidden using a closed loop of time and space. Once completed, it will be our safest place to live."

"And as the number of believers increases, the world will become larger and larger, with more and more residents, and will become more and more lively."

Thrandis still didn't understand, and didn't know why Rosen had this strange idea.

Faced with the women with whom he shared the same destiny, Rosen did not hide anything and explained the unexpected discovery in detail.

After finishing speaking, he introduced his plan.

"The first step is to establish the Kingdom of God, and the second step is to obtain more believers and increase the level of divine power."

"According to my calculations, as long as the number of my followers reaches 300 million, I can become a powerful god with the help of the Source of All Laws."

"Or, if we don't need the help of the Source of All Laws and directly study this "Technical Instructions" thoroughly, we can also increase the level of divine power ourselves."

With this explanation, the girls completely understood it. Although they found it very unbelievable, they had to believe it because of the irrefutable evidence.

Thrandis crossed his chest with one hand and supported his chin with the other. After thinking for a moment, he said, "My dear, there are two problems in this."

"According to the manuscript, this Kingdom of God is a power-dissipating structure. To maintain the stability of the Kingdom of God, mortal believers need to continuously provide strength."

"Then, as long as our opponents deal with mortal believers, they can cut off our source of power, leading to the collapse of our Kingdom of God."

Rosen nodded: "This is indeed a hidden danger, but fortunately we have a technique that can replace the energy supply, so it is not a big problem."

Of course, believers must also obtain it in order to obtain the supreme authority of the source of all laws.

Why do you need permissions?

Because with supreme authority, it is equivalent to the world administrator.

Faced with those gods who use cheats, you can directly block their account without losing any blood!

There is no reason not to get such a powerful weapon.

Thrandis nodded in approval and added: "The second question is, if the believers of Dragon Blood Continent go to our Kingdom of God after death instead of going to the Kingdom of Earth, how can they explain this to the Queen of Earth?"

This problem is indeed a bit tricky.

If the Earth Goddess notices something is wrong, his plan will most likely fail midway.

Rosen also thought of a solution.

"My idea is that the souls of believers in the Dragon Blood Continent are still sent to the Earth God Kingdom, but we cannot stop at the Dragon Blood Continent, and we have to rob those ownerless worlds that were completely destroyed by the True God of Darkness."

"After occupying these worlds, immigrate there."

"Before taking action, we can first negotiate with the Queen of Earth on the conditions for sharing the divine power. For example, the world will be completely managed by us. Because believers believe in me, the destination of the believers' souls will also be arranged by me."

"But I will extract the soul and give it to the Queen of Earth in exchange for protection, and the remaining soul will live in the Kingdom of God that I promised."

According to common sense, the soul cannot exist stably without the soul's extreme, but in Rosen's Kingdom of God, Rosen's will is the law. He said that if it can exist, the soul can exist.

So this is how it works.

Thrandis nodded in agreement: "That's all we can do."

Gendeloni had some doubts: "But the True God of Darkness is a powerful God after all. Can we really seize the territory from him?"

Rosen smiled slightly: "Of course it can't be done normally, but we have this technical document on the source of all laws."

"As long as we study it carefully, we will be able to develop extremely powerful magical magic. We may even be able to seal the loopholes that the Dark God has always relied on to weaken its power. Therefore, we can definitely hold on to it."

These words made Gendeloni's eyes widen: "This is the real book of supreme truth, and it is worth spending all your energy studying."

Alfroya asked: "Rosen, are you sure that you are currently the only official manager of the Source of All Laws?"

If there are multiple formal managers, competition may arise.

Rosen nodded: "I'm sure. Because I asked, and the Source of All Laws gave me a definite reply."

This remark aroused Gendeloni's curiosity: "Dear, then why are you the only one who can become a manager?"

"According to logic, all of us have used replica bodies and returned them many times, and we have all vaguely sensed the message of the Source of All Laws."

Rosen also asked about this, and now he explained it in detail.

"Because I met the three major conditions."

"First, I have enough mortal believers with strong soul connections. In the definition of the source of all laws, I belong to the 'super soul node'."

"Note that a connection of general strength is far from enough. A twisted connection based on fear and oppression is also ineffective. It must be a soul connection that is truly recognized and followed to form."

"And there are already 1 million such connections."

1.2 million mortals, 1 million devout believers, this ratio is ridiculously high.

Because the Redemption Legion allowed the survivors of the Dragon Blood Continent to see Rosen's strength and kindness.

The meticulous and discerning care of the "Believers Management System" makes believers very clearly feel that God is with them at all times.

As a result, the connection was greatly strengthened, and a large number of connections reached the condition of 'super soul node'.

"The second thing is that I can respond to the information from the source of all laws."

Having said this, he looked at the girls: "You can all vaguely feel that there will be strange images in your mind when the replica is returned, but you can't tell what it is, right?"

The girls nodded.

Rosen smiled and said: "But I can tell that it is invisibly communicating with the source of all laws."

"Currently, the Source of All Laws has lost contact with the outside world. My appearance made the Source of All Laws judge that I am a candidate manager who strives to establish contact with it."

Well, only Rosen has this ability.

Rosen added: "As for the third condition, it is even more stringent. That is, I passed the ability test of the Source of All Laws."

"What kind of aptitude test?"

Rosen nodded: "A test using the divine power array."

"After the Source of All Laws sensed my presence, it took the initiative to send me a divine power formation that condenses level 1 divine power, but this formation is an incomplete version."

"To truly utilize this magic circle, you not only need powerful computing power, but also need to experiment again and again."

“I ended up succeeding, so I passed the aptitude test.”

This point is very, very harsh. In order to use this magical array, Rosen did countless experiments, wasted the lives of thousands of clones, and the desktop computing power was at full capacity all the time, so he barely succeeded. .

He believed that no one in the world could do the same thing.

"Finally, because the Source of All Laws currently has many faults, in order to avoid conflicts among multiple managers during repairs, I will only be accepted as the official manager for the time being."

"So, for now, I'm the only one."

After this explanation, all the girls felt relieved.

Patsy asked softly: "Master, I'm very curious, how did the source of all laws malfunction?"

Rosen sighed: "From the battle of the Supreme God."

He began to recount the news he had received from the Source of All Laws.

"The change of the Supreme God is the change of the supreme manager of the source of all laws. Every change is very chaotic."

"The reigning supreme god does everything possible to maintain power, but because he understands the rules of the operation of the River Styx, he tries to hold his hands back, but the challenger doesn't know that, so he has no taboos."

"Both sides became more and more desperate as the fight progressed, and they became desperate, even to the point of modifying the parameters of the mana field equation to attack their opponents."

"As each generation passes, many, many faults accumulate."

To be honest, the Source of All Laws has been able to survive until now. It can only be said that the first-generation design team is really awesome.

At this point, Thrandis clapped his hands gently: "Then take action immediately and start building our own Kingdom of God!"

So, everyone started to join forces.

Rosen took the lead, and the five women cooperated with each other. In the Styx, at the expense of massive divine power, and based on the blueprint provided by the Source of All Laws, they began to open up an independent divine kingdom.

In the River Styx, the divine power of the six people was seen constantly converging into one place, forming a bright point of light. The light point was surrounded by a large number of rotating talismans.

The more divine power is input, the brighter the light spot becomes, and the more and denser the light and shadow of the divine runes become.

After lasting for half an hour, the light spot suddenly brightened and expanded rapidly, forming a giant 'strange bubble'.

The scene inside this bubble is no longer the stars of the universe, but a hollow moving star with a diameter of about 2,000 kilometers but a thickness of only 100 kilometers, surrounded by a small luminous sun and reflective moon. The stars in the distance are all virtual images.

After the world is generated, it immediately starts hiding again.

Naturally, it is hidden using the space-time closed loop technique.

As a result, the huge world that had just appeared disappeared into the River Styx out of thin air, and no one could find it.

Immediately afterwards, the gods who created the world entered the world.

In the world at this moment, the earth is barren, there is no water in the sea, and there is no gas in the sky, let alone life.

It's just a desolate, dead planet.

Rosen smiled and said: "We have the main frame, but we still need to create various details. I have opened up the construction permission of the Kingdom of God for everyone. You can set it up on the surface and in the bottom layer more than 50 kilometers away according to your own preferences. Beautiful view.”

After thinking about it, he said: "How about we all divide the work and cooperate. I am responsible for modifying the surface and digging the holes."

Thrandis immediately said: "Then I am responsible for setting the special elements of this world. Well, I am the God of Elements."

Gendeloni said: "Then I am responsible for setting up the world's water cycle. So, I am the God of Pure Water~Hehe~"

Heyajiali thought for a moment: "Then I'll make it grand. I'll become the God of Storms."

Alfroya said: "I lay the vegetation on the earth, I should be called the God of Nature."

Patsy smiled and said: "Then I will create birds, animals, insects and fish to bring some vitality to the world. I am the mother of life."

Of course, these are all joking words, but facing the world of their own, everyone is very excited and shows great enthusiasm.

After it is completed, their bodies will live in this secret place, focusing on studying the technical documents of the Source of All Laws.

The replica goes out to fight, gathering believers and power to enhance the management authority of the world.

Because there is a super transmission channel with the power of faith, there is no need to worry about being exposed to the world when obtaining the power of believers.

Therefore, this Kingdom of God is their true home.

From now on, I will never depend on anyone else again!

Just as Rosen was setting up a winding coastline in the Kingdom of God, he suddenly received Desiya's words.

"Rosen, did His Majesty say you gave up competing for the throne of logic?"


"His Majesty said that you are here to save the mortals of the Dragon Blood Continent. But are the lives that are dying every day worth such a high price for you?"

Desiya didn't understand and was a little disappointed. She felt that the young man she had carefully cultivated was destroying his future.

Naturally, Rosen would not tell the truth, and only sighed softly: "Sister, I was once the life that you said lived and died."

Desiya was startled and quickly apologized: "No, I don't mean to look down on mortals. What I mean is that when you become the God of Logic, you can still come back to save the Dragon Blood Continent, and it will be easier."

"Sister, by then, this world will have been completely destroyed by the True God of Darkness~~Besides, I just gave up on becoming the God of Logic, but I did not give up on pursuing powerful divine power."

This statement made Desiya feel much better.

"But I still feel sorry for you. You should be sitting on the throne of logic."

"Don't be sorry, everyone has their own pursuits. By the way, sister, can you do me a favor?"

"you say."

"I not only want to save the mortals in the Dragon Blood Continent, but also want to save all the worlds destroyed by the True God of Darkness. But now I am only a mid-level god and my status is too low, so I want to ask the Queen for an identity, such as the True God of Demon Exorcism. title."

Desiya was startled: "Are you planning to fight the True God of Darkness to the end?"

"The True God of Darkness has declared war on us, do we have any other choice?"

Desiya was shocked again: "It seems not. No, it's gone long ago."

"I understand what you're thinking. Since you can't hide, take the initiative, just like you did before, right?"

"Yes, that's what I thought."

"Then leave this matter to me. You and I will discuss your thoughts carefully, and then I will find a way to tell His Majesty."

"Of course, I can't say it now, because His Majesty is very disappointed in you, even a little angry, and thinks you are too willful."

"Anyway, she is angry. We have to wait until she calms down."

In terms of understanding of the Queen's temper, Rosen could not match Desiya's ability to flatter her. Naturally, she would do whatever she said.

"Thank you very much sister for your support."

Desiya sighed softly: "Hey, you, you, I really don't know what to say about you."

"But now that you have made a decision, try your best to do it well. Of course, I believe you can do it well."

"When I get results, I will intercede with His Majesty. Even if I don't become a god, I can still become the general marshal of the Kingdom of God."

Rosen sighed secretly, feeling that Desiya was really nice to him.

But he still doesn't want to take the false name of Grand Marshal. He just wants to achieve great power now.

Just as Rosen was building his own kingdom of God in the River Styx, new changes occurred in the war situation in the Dragon Blood Continent.

Seraph Archangel Michael sent a report: "My lord, the undead army seems to have committed collective suicide."

"The undead committed suicide?"

Rosen's heart moved, and he vaguely guessed what Van Delon was thinking.

"It looks like the decisive battle is coming."

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