Master Tongtian

Chapter 639 I didn’t expect it, I really didn’t expect it (22)

Menairs, the goddess of the night, has a powerful divine power of level 8.7. She is the highest level among the ten eighth-level holy gods in the green wilderness. She is only half a step away from the level 9 supreme god.

It is reasonable for such a being to covet the supreme god.

The question is, why did she take the risk to say such unnatural things to herself in the ice mist set by the Queen of Earth?

Aren't you afraid of being discovered by the Queen and causing overturning?

"Could it be that the Queen used the goddess of the night to test me?"

This is very possible, after all, he once felt a strange similarity between the goddess of the night and the queen of earth.

There is probably a strange connection between the two parties that others don't know about.

However, just when Rosen had such an idea, the goddess of the night smiled softly as if she could see his thoughts.

"Master Rosen, I know you are doubting my true intention."

"You are worried that I am secretly allying with the Queen just like last time in the upper chamber."

"But I would say the most dangerous places are often the safest places."

"The Queen watches you very closely and does not allow any Holy God to get too close to you. Especially me, I am being watched closely."

"And only today, in the small shadow cast by the endless brilliance of the Emerald City, do I have a chance to talk to you alone."

Rosen listened silently, and when he heard this, he suddenly asked: "Can't it also be said in the mysterious whisper?"

"Of course you can say that, but the methods of the Supreme God are beyond your imagination."

"The Queen may not know the content of our secret communication, but she will know that we are communicating secretly."

"We don't interact with each other on weekdays. The sudden contact will definitely touch the Queen's sensitive nerves."

"When the time comes, if she asks me face to face about the conversation, how should I reply?"

That’s not a problem.

The goddess of the night seemed eager to get Rosen's support. Not only did she hold tightly to Rosen's hand, she also leaned tightly on Rosen's leg.

"For thirty thousand years, I have had no independent will of my own. I am essentially just the Queen's yes-man. No matter what she wants to do, I must support her openly or covertly."

"I've had enough of this, and my hatred for the Queen is growing day by day."

"I will take away her supreme position and turn her into mud!"

As she spoke, Menels looked at Rosen eagerly.

"She trusts you and relies on you. As long as you are willing to help me and stab her in the back at the right time, I can kill her and ascend to the supreme throne."

"At that time, if you want to enjoy her, just enjoy her. You no longer need to be as cautious and trembling as you are now."

These words are really deceptive, but Rosen is not someone who can be easily persuaded.

He squinted his eyes and looked at the goddess of the night, and said with a faint smile: "Madam, since I can betray your majesty, I will naturally betray you when the time is right in the future."

"And you will definitely prevent this from happening. If the Queen really falls, you will most likely kill me."

"In the name of the Queen's revenge, you will step on my corpse and rise to power with dignity."

"And even if you don't kill me, you will always be wary of me. You will never give me any more trust, and you will never entrust me with important tasks."

"But His Majesty has already given me all this, and I am very satisfied. Why should I be stupid enough to betray His Majesty now for a worse future?"

Menels nodded seriously: "You can see clearly, so I will be sincere enough."

While talking, she took Rosen's hand and made an action that surprised Rosen.

"Master Rosen, as long as you are willing to swear to Styx to help me ascend, not only can you get what you want now, but you can come to me anytime you want in the future."

"And this is just a small part of the reward I gave you. I promise you that as long as I become the supreme god, the goddess in my kingdom, you can spend the night with her whoever you like."

Rosen was shocked, and felt that the goddess of the night was a little crazy, and it was very unlikely that she was here to test her.

After all, she is a holy god, and there is no need to give up her dignity because of temptation.

Unless she really wants to use these things in exchange for the supreme godship.

So what should I do?

Rosen thought for a moment and weighed the pros and cons, then looked at the goddess of the night with a fiery gaze: "I can swear, but I must see your sincerity first."

The goddess of the night nodded in agreement very simply and took practical action.

"Master Rosen, come and get it."

At this point, Rosen has believed 90% of the truth. After all, the goddess of the night now has a weak rebel.

If the rebels want to succeed, they must not hesitate and spend everything they have to win over allies.

If she didn't want to become the Supreme God, why would she put down her dignity and put on this flattering appearance in front of a young god like herself?

Although I have already thought about the specific method in my mind, there is no reason not to pick the flowers first.

But before picking, you have to check carefully to avoid the flowers being poisonous.

After all, he had already experienced something similar once in the Continent of the Gods.

So I checked it carefully.

Menels became a little dissatisfied: "What are you doing?"

Rosen chuckled: "I'm afraid you're plotting against me. After all, I'm the real body, so I'm afraid something will happen."

Menairs was angry and funny: "What a coincidence, I am also my true body."

"No powerful god in this world would put a magic weapon or poison in his body that is enough to harm another powerful god, because this is likely to cause the two gods to fall together in a very dishonorable way."

Rosen shook his head: "I am a logic mage. I don't believe what you say. I only believe the facts I see with my eyes."

Menels sighed: "Okay, you can do whatever you want."

Then he asked: "If you were the queen, would you do the same thing?"

"Of course not, because there is no need for the Queen to harm me like this."

After careful inspection, Rosen confirmed that there was no problem, and also confirmed that Menairs was indeed the original body.

In this case, he completely let go.

But I also feel strange: "Madam, don't you think the risk of traveling on your own is too great?"

Meniles took a long breath, calmed her tone, and replied: "I don't dare to project such a big thing with my fake hand. Once it is leaked, it will be a big trouble."

That's right.

Rosen stopped asking questions and began to focus on receiving the award.

After some excitement, he began to adjust the folds of the skirt of the goddess of the night.

After thinking about it, he suddenly said: "I'm sorry, Menels, I thought about it carefully and feel that I still can't betray the Queen. Therefore, I can't agree to your matter."

Menels' movements froze and her brows furrowed for a moment: "How dare you lie to me!"

"I did lie to you, but I will not tell the third god what happened today."

"I would also like to advise you that the Kingdom of Earth God is very good now. You'd better not worry about it, otherwise I will definitely be rude to you."

Menels glared at Rosen: "You despicable liar!"

"I'm quite despicable, but you're not that noble, are you?"

Meniles seemed not to have listened at all and said angrily: "For a despicable and slutty guy like you, I really don't know what my daughter likes about you!"

These words were very strange, and Rosen couldn't understand them: "Madam, I don't understand them."

At this time, the door of the igloo opened again, and a woman wearing a bright yellow dress appeared at the door, it was Enya, the Queen of the Earth.

She looked at Rosen with a strange look and explained the cause and effect.

"The goddess of the night Menels, the previous supreme god of the green wilderness, is also my mother."


Rosen was really shocked now, dumbfounded and speechless.

Obviously, the Queen is testing herself, but this operation is too outrageous!

The queen looked at the goddess of the night with a complaining look: "Mother, I asked you to test it, but I didn't ask you to do it for real."

She was also dumbfounded by the current situation.

The goddess of the night sighed: "This guy is very shrewd. How can you see his sincerity without showing his true feelings?"

Rosen secretly sighed: "Greek mythology turns out to be realistic."

At this time, no matter what I say, I feel awkward.

So, the three of them looked at each other with six eyes, you looked at me and I looked at you, looking at each other in silence.

After a while, the awkward atmosphere eased slightly.

Rosen asked the question in his mind: "Why did Ms. Menairs take the initiative to give up her position as the supreme god?"

"It's not initiative, it's fate's choice."

The person who answered this question was Menairs.

Her face was still a little cold, but much softer than before, and there were still two blushes on her snow-white cheeks, just like petals falling into the snow, very delicate.

She was holding a delicate ice comb, combing her long and scattered hair, while explaining carefully.

"When the intensity of the battle between the Supreme Gods exceeds a certain limit, Styx will take the initiative to cancel the qualifications of the Styx administrator, and the Supreme God will be demoted to a powerful god of level 8.7."

"At that time, the situation was very dangerous. At the most intense moment of the battle, my divine power was almost exhausted. I was suddenly deprived of my supreme position, causing me to lose all opportunities to turn defeat into victory."

"But fortunately, at the last moment, when the Styx once again granted the supreme godship, it was not given to the enemies who were also seriously injured by me, but fell on my daughter."

"My daughter was immediately promoted from level 8.2 to level nine, becoming the new supreme god. But the divine power of those rebels was all reduced by one level by Styx."

"I was able to save my life because of my daughter's unexpected promotion, and it has continued to this day."

On the other side, the Queen let out a long sigh.

"Mother, if I have a choice, I really want to switch back with you. This supreme position is too tiring."

"Every step I took, I was trembling with fear for fear of making a mistake."

Menels looked helpless: "Daughter, this is indeed not a good position, but this is Styx's choice."

After saying that, he looked at Rosen: "This slut is quite loyal, but his methods are despicable!"

Rosen spread his hands again: "Your Majesty, your reward did not disappoint me, but it is a bit contrary to common sense."

Then he looked at Meniles: "Madam, although I lied to you, I must say that you are really a beautiful and passionate goddess."

After a while, he had already figured it out.

God's morals are completely different from those of mortals. People don't care about it, so there is no need for him to keep thinking about this relationship.

Menairs had almost regained her composure and said with a smile: "Master Rosen, you are not bad either, but the storm lasted too long and was very tiring."

Then he stretched and said, "Daughter, I have to go back and have a good rest."

"Go, mother."

Menairs soared into the sky and quickly disappeared into the sky.

Only Rosen and the Queen were left in the igloo.

The two looked at each other in silence for a long time, and Rosen spoke first: "Your Majesty, I thought this was true, so I just wanted to tease you."

The Queen raised her hand to interrupt him: "Stop talking and let this matter pass completely."

So embarrassed again.

After a long silence, the Queen spoke again: "Although the process was a bit absurd, you proved your sincerity with practical actions."

"I really don't like intrigues, nor do I like to test the ministers I rely on, so this test is the last one."

"After this time, I completely believe in you. I only hope that you can maintain your original intention today."

With that said, he took out another ball of divine power and handed it to Rosen.

"Your laws of time and space are very powerful. This time to eliminate the traitors, I have nothing to help you with magic. I will give you 30,000 crystals of ninth-level divine power."

Naturally, the more divine power, the better.

Rosen reached out and took it: "Thank you for your generous gift, Your Majesty."

When he received the divine power, he still held the queen's hand and refused to let go.

The Queen sighed: "Rosen, won't you be enough?"

Rosen's hand exerted a little force and without feeling any resistance, he pulled the Queen of Earth into his arms.

"Not enough, of course not. Your Majesty, you know what I really want."

The Queen thought for a moment and said, "You still haven't met my requirements."

"So, I can still only give you a kiss as encouragement."

Rosen immediately received the Queen's encouragement.

It took a full ten minutes before it ended, but the two gods still hugged each other, feeling each other's heartbeats.

Rosen begged softly: "Your Majesty, just be kind and let me realize my ideal in advance, even if it is just a little bit."

After the Queen was silent for three or four seconds, she replied softly: "It can only be achieved once."

Rosen was overjoyed and immediately realized his dream.

After a while, the Queen urged softly: "Okay, it's only once, don't go too far."

"Because it's just once, I want to experience it for a longer time."

I have to say that the feeling of realizing the highest ideal is really an indescribable pleasure.

In this case, the Queen did not speak any more.

A few seconds later, Rosen asked again, "Your Majesty, can I do some simple coordinate transformations in the range from 0.2 to 1?"


The Queen laughed out loud and sighed: "Hey, you are such a greedy bastard."

Then he said: "It can only be changed 100 times."

Rosen started with a simple coordinate transformation.

After changing it again and again, no one would count the specific times.

When the complete transformation was over, the Queen warned in a low voice: "Today's events cannot be known to the third god for the time being."

"Absolutely not."

"When you lead the army to completely retake Fenghua Continent and have unquestionable achievements, I will publicly declare that you are my husband."

"Your Majesty, I will definitely succeed."

"Which one do you prefer, me or my mother?"

"Of course Your Majesty!"

The Queen was satisfied and took the initiative to kiss Rosen: "Go, my warrior~" (End of Chapter)

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