Master Tongtian

Chapter 640 Devils, prepare to be judged! (12)

Time and space folded, and the earth shrank into inches.

One step leads to thousands of miles.

In the River Styx, it only took Rosen half an hour to cross the distance that would have taken at least two days in the past, and arrived outside the law barrier of the Sixth World.

Although it took about 200,000 crystals of level 7 divine power, the weapon was extremely fast.

At this time, just 6 hours had passed since the death of Tyrod, the Storm God!

In the River Styx, Rosen was suspended quietly in the River Styx, looking at the bright and huge world ahead.

After stopping for half a minute, the giant black rock island of Amitel, the fourth moving star, was located.

Sink in immediately.

The surrounding light and shadow changed, and a few seconds later, Rosen reached an altitude of about 10,000 meters above the Black Rock Island.

The Black Rock Island is his territory. Entering the Sixth World from here can be truly silent.

After entering, Rosen immediately used the magical space-time closed loop.

So, as soon as he appeared, which lasted less than half a second, he almost perfectly hid himself.

It does not fall, but rises quickly to the sky.

He rose all the way up, and in a short while, he reached an altitude of tens of thousands of kilometers and arrived in the outer space of the Amitel star.

This place is a complete vacuum, the field strength is very low, and mortals will be doomed as soon as they arrive here.

A powerful god can naturally bear it easily, and it will be no problem to stay here for a month or two.

But the universe is vast and the scale of time and space is extremely exaggerated.

For example, the shortest distance between the fourth moving star and the seventh moving star exceeds 200 million kilometers.

The distance of 200 million kilometers is a complete vacuum, low field strength, and the destination is always in motion.

Even for a powerful god, traveling through space from one moving star to another would be a daunting challenge.

It will not only consume a huge amount of divine power, but also consume a huge amount of time. It is also easy to get lost, leading to the embarrassing situation of running out of divine power halfway.

If you are not careful, you will fall halfway.

Therefore, gods generally do not travel from space, but take a detour through the Styx, which has a tighter space dimension.

But Rosen's trip was a beheading of a man riding alone, traveling hundreds of millions of miles.

Secrecy is the first priority.

So we have to take a detour from space.

After entering space, Rosen released an eye of insight and looked up to observe the starry sky.

After looking at it for a while, he found the fiery red moving star that he had an indissoluble bond with.

After looking at the location and calculating the route forward, Rosen started the space-time folding again.

The distance was too far, so in order to save time, Rosen activated a high degree of space-time folding.

A moment later, the divine power evaporated violently at a speed of about 200 crystals per second.

The surrounding starry sky suddenly became blurry, and the point-like stars were pulled into a linear meteor shower.

This abnormality lasted for less than an hour, and after spending a huge amount of 720,000 crystals of level 7 divine power, Rosen successfully arrived in the outer space of Thrandis.

At this time, he was directly above the equator of Thrandis, about 80,000 kilometers from the ground.

At this time, it was seven hours before the Storm God fell.

Rosen did not rush into the interior of the world, but floated in outer space and acted as a 'synchronous satellite' of Thrandis.

Certainly not for fun.

During the waiting time, a subtle change occurred in the bracelet worn on Rosen's left wrist.

The six lotus seed-sized gems inlaid on the bracelet were dim at the moment, but as time passed, they quickly brightened and gave off a faint starry sky glow.

This is a divine power bracelet, and each dim gemstone on it is a container of divine power, which Rosen calls a 'powerful crystal'.

Each one can store about 180,000 crystals of seventh-level divine power.

Six crystals are 1.08 million crystals.

Because of the extremely fast travel regardless of consumption, nearly 90% of the reserved divine power has been consumed, so it must be replenished.

A person is floating alone in outer space with no one to support him. How can he be supplemented?

Naturally, he used his identity as the administrator of the River Styx to transfer money to the Source of All Laws.

To put it simply, Rosen, who is located in the Kingdom of Time and Space at the back, hands over his divine power to the Source of All Laws.

The Source of All Laws re-condensed this divine power from the mana field in the space where Thrandis Star was located, and transferred it to Rosen for use.

In this way, the problem of transmitting huge power over large spatial distances is solved.

Of course, there is a 'handling fee' for transfers, and the handling fee for Source of All Laws is quite high, reaching 20%.

Therefore, it can only be used in emergency situations.

About five minutes later, the six powerful gems were refilled. Adding the divine power stored in Rosen's soul, the number reached 1.26 million crystals, accounting for one-ninth of the total divine power stored by Rosen.

This is a great power that even a medium god cannot even imagine, and a powerful god cannot ignore.

After replenishing his divine power, Rosen started the second step.

He took off the backpack he was carrying and took out ten square objects, each about the size of a brick.

This is an electromagnetic magic weapon, or in other words, an alien version of a satellite.

It is made of up to grade 7 materials and has a built-in high field strength generator, which can fully adapt to the low field strength communication environment in space.

It is also powered by extraordinary holy gold. After it is started, it can work continuously in the synchronous orbit of Thrandis star for one hundred years.

In the functional module, it is equipped with a super powerful control core and a super powerful wide electromagnetic band insight eye.

Being able to clearly see the faces of ordinary mortals on Fenghua Continent from a distance of 80,000 kilometers.

Ten of them are arranged at once to increase redundancy and ensure that this observation system will not fail easily.

Soon, ten observation satellites were deployed.

Its observation range covers 90% of the ground of Thrandis, and can switch observations through three viewing angles: infrared, visible light, and X-band.

The observation results are communicated with Rosen in real time through encrypted electromagnetic signals.

Rosen calls this system ‘God’s Eye’.

Not only was the decapitation useful this time, but it was also an indispensable way to obtain intelligence after he led the legion on an expedition.

After arranging the Eye of God and debugging it, Rosen began to search for Dadalit on the Wind Flower Continent.

The Wind Flower Continent is the largest continent on Thrandis. It is roughly in the shape of an acute triangle, with a radius of more than 14,000 kilometers. The total number of mortals of all races living on it exceeds 200 million.

This is still the situation after two years of war. At the beginning, it even reached 400 million.

If you just search randomly and blindly, even if you can find it, it will definitely take a long time.

Of course you can't do this.

Rosen first located the war of the gods seven and a half hours ago.

This is very easy to find.

Even at an altitude of 80,000 kilometers, Rosen could see with the naked eye that in the southwest area of ​​the brown-green Fenghua Continent, there was a black-gray area the size of a finger, like a scar on the skin caused by cigarette burns.

Looking closer, you can see that this is a battlefield with a radius of more than 500 kilometers.

In the battlefield, the earth was broken, rivers dried up, and forests were burned to a crisp.

Various ravines are scattered across the ground like scars, many of which are bottomless.

Some fissures are so deep that a large amount of hot lava erupts from the fissures, not only flowing all over the ground, but also throwing large amounts of volcanic ash and toxic gases into the sky.

Looking around, there is a scene of doomsday.

The battle of gods truly destroys the world!

Rosen looked around and saw that apart from the devastation on the ground, most of them were corpses.

There are piles here and there, some of them are mortals, some are true gods of order, some are demon gods, and all kinds of elemental spirits are too numerous to count.

As he looked, Rosen saw a huge lava lake.

The lake has a radius of more than 20 kilometers, and the lava in the lake is boiling. On the charred ground beside the lake, there is a broken head with a diameter of more than 70 meters.

The head was charred and broken, and its original appearance was completely unrecognizable. However, within five hundred meters around it, strong winds gathered and lightning was activated, and the intensity reached level seven, forming a terrifying extremity area.

Powerful gods can freely change the size of their bodies. Some like to be big, and some like to be small.

Tyrod, the Storm God, particularly likes to be big, so his divine body is over 600 meters tall.

Obviously, this head is his remains.

Although he has fallen, the strong wind and lightning still speak of the anger and unwillingness in his heart.

Rosen sighed.

"It's really hard to accept being stabbed in the back by a trusted comrade instead of dying in a dignified manner."

"Great Tyrod, warrior of the expeditionary force, I swear to you, I will definitely bring that shameful traitor back to the green wilderness, tie him to the God-killing Pillar, and accept the judgment of the gods!"

Looking away from Tyrod's body, he followed the traces of destruction on the battlefield and continued to look for traces of the enemy.

Soon, Rosen saw a huge military camp on the southeast side of the war ruins.

The military camp covers an area of ​​more than 80 miles, and a small half of the buildings have collapsed, while the other half is also damaged.

But there are traces of massive life activities visible in it.

Now take a closer look.

Rosen saw many warriors of various races who were contaminated by dark magic. There were ordinary races such as humans, as well as legendary races such as giants, giant dragons, and giant pythons.

In the sky, a large number of dark angels with pure black wings of light were also seen.

Combining the frontline battle reports, Rosen immediately knew that this was the largest fortress set up by the Demon God on the Fenghua Continent, called Savo Fortress, and its commander was the 7.7-level Great Demon God Savo Guntheris.

From the situation on the battlefield and the fortress, we can roughly deduce the situation of the original battle.

This battle started with the Storm God gathering his army to attack the Savoir Fortress.

On the frontal battlefield, the expeditionary force achieved great results and even destroyed some fortresses.

Seeing that the demon army was about to be defeated, Daldalit rebelled and stabbed the Storm God in the back.

As a result, the situation of the war was completely reversed, the God of Storms fell, and the expeditionary force of Fenghua Continent was almost completely wiped out.

At this moment, just seven hours and forty minutes had passed since the death of the Storm God.

The Saff military camp has not completely calmed down from the war and is still recovering after the war.

"Dadalit is most likely inside the Savo Fortress."

Rosen squinted and searched patiently.

I searched for ten minutes and couldn't find it.

Because Saver Fortress not only has a surface part, but also a large part underground.

The infrared observation results show that there are also a lot of signs of activity in the underground part, which is simply a three-dimensional super city.

Without entering it personally, you may not be able to find Dalit just by looking from the sky.

Then sneak into the fortress and find it.

Before diving in, there is one last step to take.

Rosen contacted his wife Thrandis who was far away in the Kingdom of Time and Space.

"Ana, I'm ready."

Thrandis responded immediately: "Wait a moment, I have sensed the star soul of Thrandis."

"I'm communicating with it. Okay, Thrandis will have a mana turmoil that affects the whole world and will last for about a week."

The so-called star soul is a kind of pan-consciousness produced by all the mana of a living planet organized together in a highly complex form.

And because of Rosen's accidental naming, the golden continent of the Blue Pearl of the Third Moving Star gave this star soul the real name of 'Thrandis'.

Of course, this real name is only a small part of the many real names on Thrandis.

Because of this real name, Anna had a strange resonance with Thrandis's star soul.

After Anna was promoted to True God, and after many experiments, she found some wonderful ways to communicate with the soul of Thrandis and affect the operation of Thrandis's mana.

The turbulent flow of mana from globalization is one of these changes.

Its effect is equivalent to creating an information 'black hole'. In this 'black hole', any means of communication and exploration using magic power will fail.

Just like electronic warfare on earth, as long as every channel is filled with a lot of meaningless noise, all kinds of advanced electronic equipment will become garbage.

The situation on Thrandis is equivalent to an electronic war.

Whether mortals or true gods, we have once again returned to the era when communication basically relied on roaring.

For such a huge fortress, communication failure is enough to reduce its response speed by ten times, turning it from a piece of iron plate into a ball of loose sand.

Thrandis's voice came again.

"My dear, special channels have also been reserved."

"Using this channel, the communication between the clone and the main body will not be affected in any way. Your detection magic will still be effective."

If this is done, it becomes a situation where the enemy is overt and we are covert.

Although Rosen is alone, he has both ears and eyes, while his opponent, although huge, is blind and deaf.

Looking down at the huge Demon God Fortress, Rosen grinned.

"Devils, prepare for judgment!"

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