Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 313 Please teach me to become stronger!

For the arrival of the hunters, Bokai Village, from the elderly village head to the young children, showed great enthusiasm, and a large group of people surrounded them.

Gene thought at first that the enthusiasm was for Gordon and the others, or rather, for the big pile of meat.

It took him a while to realize that the enthusiasm was directed at himself.

After learning that a hunter was coming to the village, the village head led people to repair and clear out a big house with all the furniture and even a change of clothes.

Facing the overwhelmed Jean, the village chief's mother-in-law smiled and said: "I thought you would come back two days later, but you did.

There are still many things that are not ready, huh? ! You are hurt? Call the doctor over here!

The clothes are also torn, and they are no longer warm. Change them quickly. There are new clothes in the wardrobe for your accommodation. Try to see if they fit in a while. "

"I'm going to find Grandpa the doctor!" The child with the missing tooth ran away.

"Tell us if the clothes don't fit you well, and we'll help you change them, and it will be fine soon."

An aunt also said at the side: "You can wear our husband's clothes first, you are about the same height, why don't we go home and get a set first?"

"What kind of flavor does Master Hunter like? How many delicious meals will be prepared at night!" This is the cat chef of the village.

Always alone, Jean, who is used to loneliness and alienation, was a little nervous in the face of the enthusiasm of the village chief and others.

"No... no need, just mend the clothes casually, old... I've also taken the recovery medicine, it's fine, I can take anything, anything is fine." Gene stammered.

Even the usual self-proclaimed "Lao Tzu" suddenly felt a little unspeakable.

Hayata, who quietly left to the edge of the crowd, looked at this scene and said with a smile: "It seems that Jin will soon integrate into the village. I was worried that he would be that kind of awkward guy."

Gordon folded his arms and said with a smile: "He may not be awkward, but he lacks the experience and experience of interacting with people.

In the past, his heart was empty, no one cared about him, no one cared about him, no place to return to, no goal, just eat enough for one person, that's why he looked fearless.

Now, hey, he probably thinks of himself as a member of Pokai Village in his heart. "

"It's pretty good, isn't it?"

Hayata's expression was full of nostalgia, "When I was in a slump, many people came to care about me every day. If it weren't for them, maybe I wouldn't be able to make up my mind so quickly and get out of the shadows."

While the two were chatting, Gene suddenly squeezed out of the crowd, ran to stand in front of Gordon and the others, and then bowed deeply.

"Brother Gordon, please teach me martial arts!" Gene said loudly.

Gordon looked at Gene, who couldn't afford to bow, and was stunned for a moment, "Awakening came so quickly?"

Gene raised his body and scratched his head, "It's just that I feel that my current words can't meet everyone's expectations.

So please teach me to become stronger! "


The next morning, it was still dark.

Gordon then rushed into Jean's new home and brought out the snoring boy from the warm bedding.

If you want to become stronger, getting up early to polish your body is the basic.

Gene's physical fitness is considered quite good among his peers. Although he has never exercised properly and has all been shot in the hunting ground by himself, he is not considered neglected.

He has just turned seventeen, and he is still in the best training period. He works hard, and his physical fitness will usher in a wave of explosive enhancement.

This will also greatly increase his ceiling going forward.

Weight training, cardio endurance training, speed training...

After this whole set of training, two or three hours passed.

Gordon was surprised to find that this hadn't reached Gene's physical limit, so there was nothing to consider. He continued to practice for more than an hour before finally getting him down.

It seems that the training plan for this guy has to be greatly revised.

Eating a lot of meat, supplementing protein and resting, martial arts training is arranged in the afternoon.

After learning that Jean was going to ask Gordon and the others for martial arts skills, the village chief specially sent someone to clear an open space on the edge of the farm, and set up a few rough wooden stakes as targets.

Hayatta was also involved in teaching.

It's a pity that Mr. Amos left a few days ago, otherwise he would be the best martial arts teacher.

Considering that Jin has been using Taidao for a while, although his swordsmanship is random, he has already gotten used to the center of gravity and weight of Taidao.

If you can go back and lay a good foundation, it may be a good choice to continue on the road of Taidao.

At first, Jean was not convinced by Hayatta.

I think you are not a few years older than me, and you are still a "weak" girl, why teach me?

Then Hayatta put on a show.

Using the high-speed air blade to cut the thigh-thick solid wood target into pieces in an instant, the bone knife [Spike Fang] of Jean was used.

Tell Gene the truth, brother, you don't know how to use Taidao at all.

"What is that super-powerful red light?!" Gene was stunned.

Hayata was also very helpless, "I didn't learn Qi training or Qi blade, did you really use Taidao as a hatchet?"

Gene didn't feel embarrassed at all, and nodded happily: "Yes, I used to chop wild boars like this with a hatchet.

Changing to a Taidao feels like it’s still easy to handle, but it’s too long, and it’s not very convenient to swing it. It would be more convenient if you can cut off a section. "

The Taidao can be said to be the one that pays most attention to "inheritance" among all weapons.

Following Amos, he has experienced a full set of orthodox swordsmanship learning, not only swordsmanship, but also cultural inheritance, genre history, etiquette, these things that do not directly help hunting, all of which are all remembered by Hayata's eyes.

Cut off a section? ! !

If Master Amos was here with a serious and serious personality, or even somewhat traditional and rigid, he might have already started to preach harshly.

Seeing that the good-tempered Hayatta raised his eyebrows, Gordon hurriedly whispered a few words of comfort, "You just treat him as a fool and leave the foundation to him.

As for personal style, let him form it slowly in practice.

This guy can figure out a wild boar swordsmanship without knowing anything, give him a solid foundation, maybe he will grow into a master of swordsmanship? "

Hayatta: ".Okay."

It took a whole afternoon for Hayata to teach him all the basic sword moves of Taidao, including the technique of exerting force, the technique of switching various moves, etc.

It also preliminarily taught him how to accumulate "sword power", practice Qi and gather blades.

In the process, Jean showed a talent for swordsmanship that ordinary people could not understand.

Even if it's just the basics, is there really someone who can practice in half a day?

The Hayata people are dead.

She even began to suspect that the master and everyone who said that she was talented were just coaxing herself, and that she was actually a waste

In the evening, when the teaching was over, Hayata left, and his back under the setting sun even had a sense of bleakness.

Gene, who didn't realize anything, ran up to Gordon excitedly.

"Brother Gordon, Taidao is old. I have finished learning Taidao, can you teach me the big sword again?"

Gordon: "."


Why bother helping Gene? In fact, I am looking forward to that kind of picture (the following has nothing to do with the future plot, it is just a random imagination).

Gordon encountered some taboo monster that he couldn't solve alone, and wrote letters to shake people. Someone wearing a Tyrant Dragon suit and carrying a collapsed sword [Sky Wrath Glacier] came over.

"Brother, who do you want to kill?"

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