Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 314 Mastery of all weapons?

Gordon and Gene lay prone in the snow, motionless, like two stones, letting the falling snow cover them.

Gene tried to jump out of the snow nest several times, but Gordon pushed him down.

Five big and two small, a family of seven mammoths slowly walked over ten meters in front of them.

Gene wanted to rush out again.

This time the movement was louder, and the distance was actually a little closer. The mammoths who noticed the abnormality neighed, took heavy steps, and began to run.

Jean really wanted to chase after him, but at the slow running speed of the mammoth, he was able to catch up.

Yet again Gordon stopped him.

Gene said angrily: "What are you doing, Brother Gordon, a lot of meat just ran away like this!"

"No hurries."

Gordon looked calm, "We didn't come here to hunt raw meat."

"Isn't it?" Gene was confused.

He clearly remembered that the requirement on the mission receipt was to collect raw meat.

And Gordon said some weird things like "You're going to eat all the meat in the village", which made him feel embarrassed.

Gordon stood up and patted off the remaining snow on his body, "Collecting meat is only a superficial purpose, and we can find suitable prey before we go back.

I want you to see this vibrant nature. "

"Nature?" Gene looked around suspiciously, "Apart from mountains and snow, what's there to see?"

"What do you think is the relationship between humans and nature?"

"It doesn't matter." Gene replied casually without thinking.

"It's 'coexistence', you idiot!"

Gordon said unhappily: "The natural ecology is strong and fragile. The strength lies in, um, for example, you feel that if a fire burns up this mountain."

"Hahahaha! Brother Gordon, what are you talking about, how can the snow mountain be set on fire, haha!"

Gordon: "."

When he arrived in Minagarde at the beginning of the year, he was also a two-star, seventeen years old, the same age as Genn.

Gordon was deeply impressed by Amos's lesson on the balance of nature after the mission to defeat the odd-faced tribe. (Chapter 48)

The words "We are hunters, not butchers" have remained in his heart to this day, greatly affecting his attitude when facing monsters in the future.

He hoped to borrow Mr. Amos's words and examples back then, so that this boy, Jean, could understand the true responsibilities of hunters, as well as the importance of protecting nature and maintaining ecological balance.

It's a pity that my eloquence is not good, and Jean is also a stone-headed kid.

After walking around for a long time, the kid thought he was telling a joke to him.

Seeing that this guy was still laughing, Gordon punched him on the head in anger, and the laughter suddenly turned into screams.

Much more comfortable.

Gordon angrily pointed at the retreating backs of the group of mammoths, and asked, "How many males and females are there in the group of mammoths?"

How to quickly judge the male and female mammoths is a difficult problem for many hunters, but it is very simple for Jean who grew up in the wilderness.

"Uh, the big one has one male and four females, and the smaller one has one male and one female?"

Gordon twitched his lips.

To be honest, the adult mammoth was nothing more than that, and he didn't even recognize the gender of the two cubs.

"Are there any elderly individuals among them?"

"No, the one with the head mother should have just grown up, and two of them are still pregnant."

"How many babies can a young female mammoth give birth to before she grows old?"

"Uh, I don't know, ten or so?"

"Then if you hack it to death, is it equivalent to hacking to death a dozen or so little mammoths and their countless descendants in the future?"

"Yes, can this be calculated?"

"Of course! If you're hunting an old mammoth, you're only killing one. If you're hunting young females or even pregnant ones, you're killing a whole group of them!

The meat obtained at that time was the same, but ten or twenty years later, the result is completely different, understand! ' Gordon glared at Gene threateningly.

"Ming, I understand!" Gene finally figured it out.

Gordon nodded with satisfaction, "This is the lesson I'm going to teach you today. If you need to hunt meat, choose the old one if you have one, and choose the one if you have a male one!

Only in this way can we continue to obtain a steady stream of meat in the future, remember! "

"Remember!" Gene nodded vigorously, and simply agreed.

Gordon could see that he was really listening.

Sure enough, to reason with this kind of stone head, you have to be simple and straightforward!

"Brother Gordon, where are we going next, shall we continue to nest here?"

Gordon gathered his snow-soaked cloak, "No need, let's see your tracking skills. You should still be able to track after you have been rolling in the wilderness for all these years."

"Of course!" Gene slapped his palm, "What are you chasing, the snow lion king that escaped before?"

Gordon glared at him, "Why did you get into a fight with that snow lion king? Find me an old mammoth! Snow deer is also fine!"


During the following period, Gordon took Gene to the hunting ground almost every day.

Hayatta would follow from time to time, sometimes to teach something, sometimes to learn something.

In terms of trace tracking skills alone, this guy is a little better than Hayatta, and even Gordon will benefit from certain details.

The Frasia region looks desolate, but it is actually rich in resources, especially the main peak, the deep and profound area, where there is no shortage of mineral resources and biological resources.

Under Gordon's suggestion, Gene started a journey of collecting various basic materials.

Iron ore, larkite, ice crystals, earth crystals, sticky termites, etc., collect more if you have the opportunity, there will always be times when they will come in handy.

What Gordon didn't expect was that Gene actually used the iron ore he had collected for a while to go to the workshop and place an order for the "giant sword".

As the most basic of the Iron Greatsword derivatives, it can be easily enhanced into the Explosive Knife that Gordon once used.

"You want to switch to the big sword?" Gordon couldn't help asking him.

"No, I don't intend to give up the Taidao, I can use the Taidao and the Great Sword instead!" Gene's smiling attitude made Gordon angry.

But he was so impatient that he finally taught Gene the basic sword skills of the great sword. As a result, Gene only took a long time to learn it.

Although with his current physical fitness, he is still unable to control the various types of charged cuts of advanced sword moves, but the posture and force-exerting skills have been memorized in his mind.

Gordon suspiciously showed Gene the one or two double-knife moves he had learned from Julius as a joke.

As a result, Gene played more stylishly than him without even getting started twice.

Gordon began to realize that this guy, like his young master, was an "all-rounder" who could master all kinds of weapons.

People like them may not be able to surpass their own "professionals" who specialize in big swords in certain weapons, such as the use of big swords.

But they have more flexible tactical options.

When dealing with extremely fast monsters, use the dual sword tachi, and when hunting heavily armored targets, switch to the sledgehammer.

No one can predict where he will go in the future.

Maybe be rich but not good, and return to the ordinary.

Perhaps, become another legend.

(There is another chapter tonight


No one should be entangled in such things as "why Gene is more talented than Gordon". If anyone is entangled, it should be regarded as the difference between a generalist and a specialist.

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