Movie black technology

Chapter 142 Global Attention

Chen Shen returned to the dormitory, checked the training progress of artificial intelligence as usual, and took a look at the development progress of Moss in the system before going to bed.

For more than half a year, he has basically never been out in the limelight, nor has he left the base.

But even so, the research and development progress of the new project still reached 72%.

The system seems to be very good at this kind of non-physical, code-based project.

Open the system panel and take a look at the code inside, and now I don't know how many lines there are.

There are so many codes, let alone copying, if there is no system index directory, it is impossible for him to find a specific function module.

Chen Shen slept peacefully, but he had no idea how much shock the news of the completion of Crimson Storm's assembly had brought to the others.

When Li Yan reported the news, Dasheng and the people from the Ministry of Science and Technology no longer knew what to say.

It's okay to win a big victory, knowing that Chen Shen's habit is a success.

Yes, from their point of view, this is Chen Shen's habit.

But the Ministry of Science and Technology was really shocked.

This is the first time they have cooperated with Chen Shen. They never expected that such a large mecha, and a mecha using brand-new technology, could be completed so quickly.

They have to wait a year or two to order a 76-meter boat at the shipyard, right?

Can a mecha be completed so quickly?

If it weren't for the photos and videos of the scene in the report, they would have suspected it was fake.

As for what Chen Shen said about the test in a week, they have no objection. Of course, after the thing is built, it needs to be tested.

The next day, just as Chen Shen woke up, Wang Qian took the time to call.

"How much confidence do you have in the test a week later? There may be an official live broadcast at that time." She asked immediately.

As Chen Shen said before, mecha testing is like a rocket launch, and it cannot be hidden at all.

If Shenshen Chen has enough confidence, he might as well broadcast the test footage live to enhance the national self-confidence and pride. By the way, he can also counter the voices at home and abroad who are not optimistic about this project.

The degree of openness in China has been increasing recently, and more and more attention has been paid to publicity work. Many important projects and important units have their own online accounts, and even log express vehicles have their own accounts. In addition to the daily publicity of these accounts, Occasionally there will be live broadcasts.

"One hundred percent confidence, of course."

Chen Shen's answer did not exceed Wang Qian's expectations.

"That's good, I will arrange the publicity work."

Wang Qian hung up the phone after finishing speaking, while Chen Shen returned to the new base after washing up to prepare for the test.

Someone at the scene has started the self-inspection program of the mecha, and has arranged manpower to repair the detected problems.

He came here to arrange the inspection of the operation data of various systems of the mecha during the first test.

A large number of sensors are installed inside the mech. Every time it runs, the data generated by each system will be stored and recorded, and sent back to the main control room.

These data represent the running status of the mecha, and only by thoroughly exploring these data can it be possible to fully understand the corresponding technology.

Only in this way can it be possible to transcend the technology of the system and make major changes to the mecha.

There are nearly a thousand scientific research teams on site, and they will help Chen Shen analyze each part of the data and form a data report.

Just as Chen Shen arranged the task, the publicity work outside had already started.

The evening simulcast news spent five minutes reviewing the Crimson Storm project, announcing the initial success of the project, and highly praised the project's current technological breakthroughs and project personnel.

At the same time, in the news, many new information about the project were disclosed, such as the location of the base and the time of the first sea test, and this test will be tracked live.

Among them, although the satellites of various countries have already detected the location of the Mecha base, the public did not know the news, and there was an uproar for a while.

But what attracted more attention was the test time of the mecha, which was next week.

"Isn't this speed too fast?"

"Test next week? Is there any chance I'll make it?"

"The vicinity of the base is a control area, and you can't get in, but you can go to the Danshan Islands opposite it, where the mecha sea is already being organized..."

"What is Mecha Sea Tour?"

"I read the introduction, it is to use a boat to pull you to the sea, and then give you a pair of binoculars, and then you can see the mecha when it goes into the sea. There are many kinds of boats, including speedboats, yachts, and even cruise ships. !"

"Danshan people said that this service is not limited to this. If you are on a cruise ship, you can also rent an additional helicopter. The driver can take you to the airspace closest to the restricted area, and you can see it however you want. "

"I hurriedly opened my wallet..."

The report of the simulcast news not only caused a sensation at home, but also quickly caused a sensation abroad.

Before the Crimson Storm project, many foreign politicians and scientific researchers were not optimistic. Repeatedly until now, many people believe their words.

Who knew that the news of the test would suddenly pop up?

Some of them even took the Crimson Storm project as a negative example last week...

It's only been less than a year, how come it's so fast?

Some people even thought that they drank too much, and now they are still lying in bed and having big dreams!

Before these politicians figured out how to deal with the news, their citizens quickly responded.

Many people ordered air tickets to the Danshan Islands based on the travel guide that suddenly appeared on the Internet. In just one hour, all subsequent air tickets were fully booked.

Two hours later, even the air ticket routes that could transfer to the Danshan Islands were fully booked. Many people asked for a three-way transfer channel on the Internet, as long as they could reach the Danshan Islands.

If nothing else, many people will have a wonderful holiday there.

The Danshan Islands became an internationally renowned tourist attraction within a day.

This kind of effect made a small county that spent more than 40 billion yuan on tourism, but did not make any waves.

Do you want to build a mecha here?

This effect is much better than the unfinished project they built!

Not only these new tourists, but also some cruise companies at home and abroad have also adopted the idea of ​​mechs.

They decided to add a mecha route, and they drove through the sea outside the base, and then went all the way to the major coastal cities in the country.

Although this route can't keep up with the upcoming first test, the Mecha base can't run on the route!

This route is just a trial, if the effect of this route is good enough, they can turn it into a long-term route.

Even if the business is not good, they can take advantage of the test time of the mecha and launch this route temporarily, and the business will definitely be good.


With the passage of time, the test time of Crimson Storm is getting closer and closer, and on the Internet, after so many days of fermentation, Crimson Storm has become a representative of the industrial miracle of mankind.

And there are more and more tourists on the Danshan Islands, not only domestic faces, but also many foreign faces. Foreign reporters with microphones often appear on the streets, followed by a whole film crew filming. Except for these people, There are also many domestic and foreign celebrities, large and small, who have also come to the Danshan Islands.

Star directors in the film and television circles of all countries in the world are eager to bring them new inspiration from the upcoming test of Crimson Storm.

There are more ordinary people waiting on the island to witness this new miracle of human industry...

Finally, the time came to the day of the test.

Early in the morning, the cruise ships and speedboats on the archipelago dock left the shore one by one in order. On the sunny sea, there were all ships of all sizes, and there were helicopters flying by in the sky...

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